Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 487: countdown

"...We have configured the most complete security system for Pym Technology Company, even the famous phantom thief Kidd, it is absolutely impossible to steal our latest research results under such strict protection, and after today After that, the whole world will see the latest technology from Pym Technologies.”

"Sorry, Darren Krause, I heard you compared the research achievements of Pym Technologies this time to technology comparable to Tony Stark's steel suit?"

Among the reporters, someone raised his hand and offered his interview to Darren Krause, who was talking eloquently.

Facing the reporter's provocative question, the smile on Darren Krause's face did not change in the slightest, he showed a polite smile, but there was no polite meaning in his tone: "In fact, I admire Tony very much. ·Mr. Stark's steel suit, but I assure all of you that what you will see next will be a super technology that is no less than Iron Man's suit. This technology is enough to change the current description A new era of war will come."

Making a grand declaration to the reporters, Darren Krause ended his interview with reporters and came to Dr. Hank Pym who was invited to the company with a smile of a winner.

"You seem very confident in your research?"

Hearing Darren Krause's speech, Dr. Hank Pym said with a complicated expression.

"Although the process is a bit bumpy, if you can join, maybe I can get this result earlier, but in the end I have mastered this technology, Hank, times have changed, superheroes are flying all over the sky, but you are still the same. Still holding on to my stubborn views.”

In the face of Dr. Hank Pym's questioning, Darren Krause answered with his expression unchanged.

The previous conversation between the two of Dr. Hank Pym has basically confirmed that the relationship between the two has officially broken.

Therefore, in the face of Dr. Hank Pym, Darren Krauss has long since put aside his admiration for him, especially after he has obtained the technology of the 'Pym particle'.

Dr. Hank Pym has lost all value to Darren Krause.

"It's a special kind of technology, and you never know the level of threat lurking in it."

Because of his own experience, Dr. Hank Pym is very aware of the power that the technology "Pym Particle" can bring, and of course the dangers involved.

Moreover, he developed this technology, not for the use of war as Darren Krauss.

"Actually, I know that very well."

As an aspiring being, Darren Krause will not give up his plans because of Dr. Hank Pym.

With a hypocritical smile on his face, he patted Dr. Hank Pym on the shoulder in front of him, and Darren Krause said in a half-threatening, half-warning tone: "Anyway, as the founder of Pym Technology, I am still I respect you very much, Hank, as long as you can support my plan, I believe we will still get along well, and I believe Hope hopes that we can get along in such a friendly way."

Darren Krause's deliberate reference to the Doctor's daughter Hope, in which the threat of regret is self-evident.

"In fact, I just came to see your research success. After all, I'm just a person and I can't do anything."

Hearing Darren Krause mentioning his daughter, Dr. Hank Pym's expression changed slightly, but he recovered quickly and said.

"It's almost time."

It was at this time that Hope, who had arrived at Pym Technology, made a timely appearance and reminded the two of them.

"Well, it's going to be exciting times."

Seeing Hope appear, Darren Krause immediately put on his hypocritical smile, and said to the father and daughter with a kind smile.

"Everything is going well, Scott Lang has successfully entered the laboratory."

Walking shoulder to shoulder with Dr. Hank Pym behind Darren Krause, Hope revealed Scott Lang's condition in a voice only the two of them could hear.


bang, bang-

New York, Police Department.

Because of the relationship between Christmas Eve today, there are not too many people left in the entire police station.

After all, even the police have the right to enjoy reunion. Especially Christmas, the most important holiday in the United States, even the hooligans on the street were somewhat inspired by the holiday, and chose to go home to experience the festive atmosphere instead of continuing to uphold their careers.

"Why, it's just me."

Of course, not all police officers are able to enjoy the leisure time of the holidays.

Of course, New York is a big city after all, and there are all kinds of crimes happening even during festivals, especially on such an important day, except for some police officers who enjoy holidays, most of the staff in the police station are dispatched Maintaining order and making trouble after drinking have always been the most common crimes during the holidays.

Bowing his head and cursing, he sorted out the files. The performance of the black police officers who stayed in the police station was obviously not very good.

"You can be content. At least you can stay in the office. It's better than Sidis and the others who have to go to work at night. You didn't see the boss's face when he set off."

Facing the complaints of colleagues, the white police officer who also stayed behind said something.

"Damn the thief Kidd, wouldn't he choose a better day to send the notice, why did he choose Christmas Eve, because of his relationship, the vacation I finally prepared wasted."

"You expect to reason with criminals?"

"Don't forget, the relationship between the phantom thief and us has always been bad. The boss has stated more than once in an interview with the news media that he will definitely bring the phantom thief Kidd to justice. If Sidis and the others catch the phantom thief this time, I will Guarantee, the boss will definitely put him in jail and let the phantom thief never think about it for the rest of his life."

"The premise is that they can catch the phantom thief."

The contact between the NYPD and the strange thief is not once or twice, and each time it ended in failure.

After going back and forth, even the police like them have become accustomed to the existence of phantom thieves.

In their opinion, criminals like Kaitou Kidd should be handed over to superheroes like the Avengers and the others, and the police just need to deal with ordinary people.

"Stop talking about it, I'll go to the bathroom first."

Staying at the police station is not an easy task, especially in preparation for staying up late, every policeman drinks a lot of coffee to refresh himself. The side effect of doing this is naturally frequent running to the bathroom.

"Be careful, don't fall into the bathroom and can't get out."


Facing the "friendly" wishes of colleagues, the black police responded with their middle fingers.

As a decades-old building, the NYPD's equipment is somewhat old.

Especially as a violent institution, it is inevitable that there will be some guys who are confused by all kinds of messy things. Although these guys paid a heavy price after the incident, but after going back and forth, the police station was not in a good condition. Naturally it was even worse.

When they came to the obviously old bathroom, the black policeman ignored the mirror, which was obviously broken in one corner, and went straight to the urinal to release the water.


After a while of relaxation, he shook his strengths, turned around and was about to leave.

Bang, bang!

At this moment, there was a sudden violent crash from the toilet compartment behind him.

"Who is there?!"

Hearing this sound, the black policeman instinctively touched his pistol, and looked at the compartment where the sound came from with a wary expression.


"It's almost time."

In Pym Technology Company, Darren Krause looked down at the time in his hand, glanced at the somewhat restless guests in front of him, and then turned his head to gesture to Hope behind him.

"However, the time announced by Kaitou Kid is about to arrive, so I'm worried."

Heeding Darren Krause's reminder, Hope showed a hesitant look on his face.

Of course, the reason why she did this was not because of the phantom thief. Scott Lang had already sneaked into the laboratory before, and now it will take time to really crack the security device in the laboratory.

"I don't think that under such strict protection, there is still any possibility for the thief to take action."

Darren Krause has been eager to try out the results to be announced for a long time. In his opinion, as long as the scientific and technological achievements of the Wasp Warriors can be announced, they will welcome a new future. Pym Technology will also be in the In his hands became a great group no less than Stark Industries.

As for Kaitou Kidd, he's just a jumping clown.

Although, the clown helped him a lot.

Facing Darren Krause's persistent attitude, Hope felt helpless for a while.

She turned her eyes for help to Dr. Hank Pym behind her, who gave her a slight nod.

Right now, if there is any further delay, it will undoubtedly attract the suspicion of Darren Krause, so we can only take one step at a time, and I hope Scott Lang can get there as soon as possible.

After receiving Dr. Hank Pym's reply, Hope no longer hesitated, then turned around and activated the door of the laboratory behind him, and Darren Krause also walked to the door of the laboratory to conduct a pupil iris verification.

At the same time Darren Krause stepped forward, Hope quietly reached out and pressed a button in the pocket of his shirt.

"The situation has changed, Scott Lang, you need to act quickly."

Outside Pym Technology, in a camouflaged van, a friend who was in charge of back-up care noticed the emergency lights in the car, and immediately alerted Scott Lang, who had sneaked into the laboratory.

"I'm working on it, it will take a little time."

Shrinking and sneaking into the security device of the laboratory, Scott Lang controlled the ants to crack the security system, and immediately responded to the reminders from the friends.

His infiltration operation this time is a heavy task, not only to destroy all the experimental data of Darren Krause on the 'Pym particle', but also to take out the wasp warriors from Pym Technology Company, so as to avoid the final It was also the most critical experimental result that fell into the hands of Darren Krauss.


"Okay, ladies and gentlemen, next, I'll show you one of the greatest technological achievements of the twenty-first century."

After verifying and opening the door of the laboratory, Darren Krause looked at the Wasp fighters who were still lying quietly inside the tight security device.

There was a reassuring smile on his face. Although he had a firm attitude when facing Hope before, he was somewhat worried about whether the phantom thief had sneaked into his wasp warrior without knowing it. Stealing, however, it seems obvious that the phantom thief did not succeed, or shot.

Breathing a sigh of relief, the expression on Darren Krause's face immediately returned to that of calmness.

He stepped into the laboratory, and at the same time opened his arms to introduce everyone behind him.

"Let's go in too."

Hearing Darren Krause's somewhat excited voice, Mr. Fantastic Reed, his girlfriend Susan and his friend Stone Man Ben looked at each other silently, and then walked in.

At the same time, Chief George Stacy in the hall exchanged glances, and immediately a few policemen disguised as employees also followed the flow of people into the laboratory.

"Looks like Scott Lang hasn't made it."

Walking into the laboratory, the first thing that caught everyone's attention was the exquisite battle suit magnified under the special microscope device in the center.

Looking at the Wasp suit still in the lab, Dr. Hank Pym knew that Scott Lang had not completed his mission.

"This is the research we're looking at?"

The Stone Man looked at the solitary battle suit in the empty laboratory, and looked at it through the magnification of the microscope, and a surprised expression suddenly appeared on his In fact, not only the Stone Man , many of the guests who entered with him showed astonished expressions at the tiny wasp suit.

Before, Darren Krause said in front of the media how great his research results were, even comparable to Tony Stark's steel battle suit, but now they only saw a thing that was not as big as a little finger.

"This is not just as simple as it looks. The level of technology contained in this battle suit is very high. Some of the technology is successful, even I can't fully understand it. Originally, I thought such technology was still in the In theory, it will take longer to realize it.”

Of course, this is not the case for everyone, such as Dr. Hank Pym, who has long known, and Mr. Fantastic Reed, who has always been concerned about the research direction of Pym Technology, because he saw the tiny The expression on his face suddenly showed obvious changes.

"I didn't expect that Pym Technology actually succeeded in perfecting this technology."


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