"Sir, we're getting close to our goal."

The Canadian battleship Toronto was instructed to approach the site of the accident, where the giant monster shown in the satellite imagery appeared.

As the warship approached, the Canadian Navy on the USS Toronto also saw the appearance of the monster in a more intuitive way.

The huge, indescribable body formed dense bright spots on the display image of the battleship radar. Looking at the data measured on the display screen, the navy soldier in charge of recording couldn't help squirming and snorted with a trembling tone behind him. The commander said: "Colonel, based on the image data displayed by the radar, it is estimated that the size of this huge monster is at least more than 80 meters..."

"How many?!"

Hearing the soldier's report, Colonel Roy on the Toronto battleship couldn't help taking a deep breath.

More than 80 meters, this is a kind of concept.

At present, the largest creature known to human beings in the world, that is, the blue whale at the bottom of the sea, has an average size of only 20 to 30 meters, and the size of this huge creature is many times larger than that of the blue whale.

Under the reflection of such a huge monster, the originally mighty Toronto battleship suddenly looked extremely small and shivered.

Glancing at the image on the radar, Colonel Roy swallowed unconsciously. As a soldier, he may not be afraid of sacrifice, but this premise is based on the premise that the opponent is a human being, and the people they face in front of him are not afraid of sacrifice. The huge monster, looking at the thick armor like a city wall, Colonel Roy even suspected that the torpedo artillery on the battleship could break through this thick armor.

"Sir, radio communication from the Quebec Ocean!"

And just when Colonel Roy hesitated, as the source of the whole incident, he discovered that this huge monster, the Quebec Ocean, suddenly sent a contact.

From the moment it was confirmed that the warship was dispatched, Toronto took over everything of the Canadian Coast Guard, which naturally included the connection with the Quebec Ocean.

"Hello, sir, I'm Colonel Roy, commander-in-chief of the battleship USS Toronto, Maritime Command. Please let us know about your situation there."

When the radio was switched on, Colonel Roy did not hesitate, and gave instructions to the captain of the Quebec Ocean.

"Everything is normal on the Quebec Ocean."

On the Quebec Ocean, the captain heard the dispatch of the Canadian Navy, and finally let go of the tension in his heart. Standing in the captain's room, he looked in awe at the huge shadow of the monster outside the ocean-going ship, and made a sound with his trembling voice. "Actually, apart from an accident that initially caused the appearance of the monster that injured a few of my sailors, we didn't have any attacks and didn't even seem to have moved since the monster surfaced," said the report. signs."

It has been a long time since the battleship Toronto was dispatched from Canada to the incident site. During this time, the chaos in the Quebec Ocean was eased, especially after learning that the government would arrange personnel to rescue them. , Although the people on the Quebec Ocean ship are usually dissatisfied with the government's actions, they have no good words for some sissy and weak prime ministers.

But at this moment, under the threat of life, they are naturally grateful.

However, if the victims of the Quebec Ocean were told that the purpose of Prime Minister Justin launching the warship was not for them, but for the huge monster under the Quebec Ocean, it might be another result.

Of course, but what is the purpose? After learning about the rescue, the fear of the Quebec Ocean was a little relieved. Gradually, some sailors noticed that the huge monster under the Quebec Ocean seemed to have disappeared from the sea after it surfaced. Moved again.

"Are you sure this information is accurate, sir?"

Hearing the information from the captain of the Quebec Ocean, Colonel Roy's eyes flickered on the battleship Toronto, and then he opened his mouth to confirm.

"At least during the time we found the monster, it didn't show any signs of moving."

Regarding the question from the Captain of the Navy, the Quebec Ocean was obviously lacking in confidence, so he revised his answer again.

"Thank you for the information you gave, sir, and now please stay in place with your crew and wait for our rescue."

Even if we wanted to go, we couldn't.

Hearing Colonel Roy's order, the captain of the Quebec Ocean was a little speechless. The ocean-going ship under them was stuck on the body of a huge monster. If they could leave, they would have already left, and they still have to wait for the Canadian Navy to rescue.

Although there was quite a bit of inner debate, he knew that the lives of the crew of the Quebec Ocean were in the hands of the colonel, so the captain didn't dare to say anything more and just answered obediently.

"Contact the general."

After hanging up the call with the captain of the Quebec Ocean, Colonel Roy on the Toronto battleship immediately ordered the liaison soldiers under him to connect with the commander of the Maritime Command of the Canadian Armed Forces.

"Report your case, Colonel."

After three seconds, the call was quickly connected.

Immediately afterwards, the general's unsmiling voice sounded in Colonel Roy's ear.

"Yes, sir..."

Hearing the order, Colonel Roy in the battleship had a solemn expression, and immediately reported the content of the call between himself and the captain of the Quebec Ocean.

After listening to the report from the battleship, the general in the Maritime Command and Prime Minister Justin looked at each other silently, and then immediately issued an order under Justin's gaze.

"Colonel, arrange for the Toronto to approach the monster and allow you to use firepower if necessary."

General, I don't think the power of a warship can do any damage to this behemoth.

In the battleship, in the face of the command from the commander, Colonel Roy had such thoughts in his heart, but as a soldier, he still expressed his obedience to the command.

Take a deep breath and suppress the unease in your heart.

Colonel Roy looked up and scanned the picture on the radar display, and then issued an order to the soldiers of the USS Toronto with a calm face.

"Soldiers, stay close to the target and be ready for battle at any time."

Under the order of Colonel Roy, Toronto quickly made adjustments, aiming the muzzle at the behemoth in front of him, and at the same time cautiously approaching the direction of the monster.

"How can there be such a huge..."

The closer to the location of the monster, the more shocked Colonel Roy was at its huge size. The spikes like a small mountain, and the pitch-black scales looked ferocious and shocking, even from the radar data displayed in front of him. It's not the whole picture of the other party, and most of the monster's body is still submerged under the sea.

"Long...sir...the current distance is already the limit that the Toronto can approach the target. If it gets closer, it will not be able to launch an effective fire strike against it."

Such a huge monster, even if there is no movement, the shock and impact caused by the size alone also made the Canadian navy on the Toronto terrified.

They knew very well that if the monster in front of them moved, the Toronto would not be able to resist an attack from the opponent at all, and the layers upon layers showed the monster's terrifying defensive capabilities.

"Wait a moment!"

Hearing the soldier's reminder, Colonel Roy frowned. Although his heart was also turbulent because of the size of the monster, as a professional soldier and the commander of the USS Toronto, Roy also has a keen sense of observation ability.

Glancing at the huge monster that was only tens of meters away from the battleship Toronto where they were located, Colonel Roy quickly noticed the abnormality of this monster.

"That's the rock?!"

As far as Colonel Roy's eyes can see, the body of the monster floating on the surface of the sea is not the imaginary flesh and blood body, on the contrary, there are large rocks covered with coral on the seabed. These coral rocks are all over the body of the monster, making it look like It's like being wrapped in rocks.


"It's irresponsible for you to do this, it's too dangerous!"

At home, Dr. Hank Pym looked at Scott Lang in front of him and made an angry accusation.

"The scene just now, if you are not careful, you will not only lose your life, but also let the battle suit fall into the hands of the Avengers."

Just a few hours ago, Scott Lang infiltrated some S.H.I.E.L.D. warehouse taken over by the Avengers at the behest of Dr. Hank Pym, in order to get the signal that Dr. Hank Pym left there. A prototype camouflage device used to deceive Darren Krause's signal-blocking device installed in the security vault of Pym Technologies' labs.

However, the course of the entire mission left Dr. Hank Pym quite dissatisfied.

Scott Lang did not secretly perform the infiltration mission as he planned. He appeared in front of the Falcon in a careless way, exposing his target and almost putting himself in danger.

Scott Lang: "I'm just doing what you say."

Dr. Hank Pym: "My mission is not to deal with the Avengers face to face."

Scott Lang: "However, as you have said before, this time the mission is not only about Darren Krause, but even the thief Kidd, I need a more flexible way to deal with it. Your serious plan."

Dr. Hank Pym: "Then tell me now, Scott, what your dexterity has brought you, except that it nearly landed you in the hands of the Falcon."

"and this."

Faced with the questioning of Dr. Hank Pym, Scott Lang took out the prototype of the signal disguiser he obtained from the Avengers base from his pocket and handed it to him.


Looking at the machine that Scott Lang took out, Dr. Hank Pym's expression couldn't help but go silent.

On the other side, Hope, who had been quiet, couldn't help showing a surprised expression: "You got it."

However, before the three of the team were happy with the news that Scott Lang got the prototype of the Signal Disguiser at the Avengers Base, Dr. Hank Pym was caught in the middle of an uninvited Darren Krause. Crisis, though finally freed from this danger, is also due to the unhappy conversation between Dr. Hank Pym and Darren Krause. Multiple times the difficulty of getting Scott Lang to infiltrate Pym Tech Labs.

"Now, Darren Krause not only has the powerful police force of the New York Police, but also has more than tripled the security of the entire company, and has also blocked the external vents, arming the entire security force of Pym Technologies to the Above the teeth, we have no chance."

Although the battle suit can reduce Scott Lang's body size to the level of an ant, it cannot allow him to penetrate the wall. Facing the impregnable security system of the laboratory, Hope can't think of any other way for them to sneak in.

"Originally, because of the relationship between the thief Kidd, Darren Krause has already attached great importance to the protection of everyone in the laboratory, and now because of your relationship, the entire security has been raised to the highest level."

"Wait a minute, if Darren Krause does this, what method will Kaito Kid use to infiltrate the company?"

At this critical moment, Scott Lang's attention apparently went elsewhere.

He was thinking about what method the phantom thief should use to infiltrate and carry out his actions under such a tight security situation.

As a former thief, it would be a lie to say that Scott Lang didn't envy the thief's unrestrained theft that day. Although now he has also obtained the power of the battle suit, but this does not hinder his longing for the phantom thief.

"Who cares about that strange thief now, maybe he just gave up his actions after seeing what Darren Krause did."

Scott Lang's indifferent expression made Hope finally gain confidence in the actions he had completed in the Avengers Base and then extinguished it.

"Impossible, as long as the notice is issued, the phantom thief will not break his promise, he will definitely act."

Perhaps because of his relationship as a thief, Scott Lang obviously has great trust in the strange thief.

"So, in order to prevent the wasp suit from falling into the hands of the thief Kidd, we must also take action."

"Scott Lang is right~www.wuxiamtl.com~We have to go on."

Although he does not agree with Scott Lang's views on the phantom thief, Dr. Hank Pym also has no plans to back down on the plan.

He couldn't just watch Darren Krause use his experiments successfully in the wrong places.

"Do it, Scott Lang, you don't blame Kidd the thief."

The attitude of Scott Long and Dr. Hank Pym made Hope helpless.

"Maybe you're right, Hope, I'm not Kaito Kidd, so maybe we should expand the team."

Faced with Hope's questioning, Scott Lang suddenly said with a flash of inspiration.

"No, no, absolutely not!"

Scott Lang's reaction reminded Dr. Hank Pym of something, and he immediately objected.

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