Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 483: shadows under the sea

"How could there be such a big reef, not to mention this is not the first time for us to salvage this area. If there is such a dangerous obstacle as a reef, the radar on the nautical chart should have already made a display to change the channel. !"

Hearing the old sailor's guess, other sailors first expressed different opinions.

In modern society, although reefs still pose a certain degree of threat to ship navigation, they are far less deadly than in the Middle Ages.

Especially the waters of the North Atlantic Ocean, as one of the most important fishing grounds in the world, the waters have long been explored by major fishing boats. Even if there are dangers such as reefs, they have already been clearly marked. It will automatically avoid this danger zone.

Therefore, the old sailor's guess was clearly inaccurate.

"If it wasn't for the reef, what was the reason for the fishing boats to stop sailing."

Facing the rebuttal, the old sailor immediately asked back.

Although he is an old man of the Quebec Ocean, his knowledge is still too little compared to the vast sea.

"OMG, guys, come and see, the bottom of the sea, there seems to be something on the bottom of the sea!"

At this moment, a daring sailor approached the ship's side and exclaimed when he saw the scene under the fishing boat.

Hearing the voice of the sailor, for some reason the old sailor's heart tightened unconsciously, and a sense of unease suddenly emerged in his heart.

On the deck, the old sailor hurried to the side of the ship in three steps and two steps, and looked down in the direction pointed by the sailor.

I saw the location where the Quebec Ocean was staying. Under the blue sea, a huge and dark shadow was reflected in the turbid and dark blue pupils of the old sailor. The shadow on the bottom of the sea is so huge, even the Quebec Ocean ship only occupies an extremely small part of this shadow, and more shadows are still hidden under the sea.

"This, what is this?!"

Not only the old sailors, but other sailors of the Quebec Ocean also saw the huge shadows that appeared under the sea.

They looked at this bottomless shadow and the rock-like existence that appeared one after another through the azure waters, and they exclaimed in surprise.

"What the **** is this!"

"Could it be an underwater volcano!"

"Impossible, how can there be underwater volcanoes in this place."

"It's not a volcano, what exactly is this shadow!"

Just as the sailors of the Quebec Ocean were all quarreling to relieve the unease that had arisen in their hearts, the pupils of the old sailor staring at the huge shadow suddenly shrank.

"Have you noticed that the shadows seem to be moving."

At this moment, a keen-eyed sailor noticed that the huge shadow under the Quebec Ocean was not staying there motionless, on the contrary, it was slowly moving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Damn, it's true, I saw it too."

As someone reminded, more sailors took notice.

Amid the exclamations of the crowd on the side of the ship, the old sailor unconsciously took a few steps back, concealing his inner unease.

"Be careful, this shadow may..."

On the deck, the old sailor's footsteps kept retreating to the side of the cabin, and when his footsteps touched the deck, he shouted to the sailors who were still standing on the side of the ship arguing.



However, it was obvious that the old sailor's reminder was a little late. Before he could finish his words, the originally calm sea beneath the Quebec Ocean immediately made waves, and the Quebec Ocean was like a leaf under the huge turbulent waves. Flat boats are generally defenseless.

On the surface of the ship, the sailors swayed and fell on the hard deck due to the huge waves.

Many sailors kowtowed their heads and bloodshed because of this, but under the urging of survival instinct, many sailors got up and climbed towards the cabin with their hands and feet.

As sailors who seek life at sea, they are well aware of how dangerous the violent sea is, although it is not clear why the sea that was calm before it was so peaceful suddenly became so violent. However, the situation in front of them is no longer what they can think about. At this moment, all the sailors of the Quebec Ocean are thinking about is how to survive in the rough sea in front of them.

"Damn, this is my position!"

"Get out of the way, let me in..."

"Bastard, you ungrateful guys, you actually left me alone."

"You son of a bitch, what kind of evil did I encounter when I went out to sea this time, and I encountered everything."

"Perhaps, I should listen to my wife and find a job on land."

The scrambling to squeeze into the crowded cabin, the terrified noise of the sailors mixed with the strong fishy smell makes the whole scene like an alternative hell.


However, a few minutes later, the expected big waves did not hit, and the Quebec Ocean fell into an eerie calm.

"Do you find it strange?"

Like a can of sardines, squeezed in the innermost part of the cabin, the old sailor endured the thick fishy smell mixed with the sailor's body odor around him, but his face was not at all relaxed.

The old sailor's voice was not clear in the noisy cabin, but several sailors who were closer to him heard his voice, including the sailor who had boldly approached the ship's side before.

"What's weird?"

"The Quebec Ocean didn't shake at all."

In the cabin, the old sailor felt the situation of the Quebec Ocean under his body, and his inner sense of unease continued to emerge.

Fishing boats are moving on the sea, and even the calmest waters will sway. However, at this moment, the old sailors did not feel any shaking from the Quebec Ocean, as if the Quebec Ocean did not float in the sea but landed on the ground. on hard ground.

Hearing the old sailor's reminder, the expressions of several sailors around him also changed.

They turned their heads and tried to look around, but the crowded environment in the cabin made their actions a little difficult and even attracted curses from the people around them.

"Maybe it was just a change in the walrus just now."

After hiding in the crowded cabin for more than ten minutes, noticing that the Quebec Ocean was still calm, the minds of some sailors crowded in the cabin began to change.

After all, it is not a lot of enjoyment for so many people to squeeze in a narrow cabin, especially the habit of sailors, so many people do not have the habit of bathing at all, and many foul smells are mixed together, and soon there are people I can't take it anymore. Among them, there are many sailors who were injured by shaking on the deck before. They didn't care about their injuries because of the crisis. Now they find that the situation is different from what they thought before. Suddenly it started to hurt.

"I'm bleeding and I need a bandage."

"My legs, my legs."

Clutching their animals, some sailors crowded near the entrance to the cabin were the first to get out of the crowded environment, and they came to the deck to take a deep breath of fresh air.


However, soon, they saw a scene that they will never forget.

As the old sailor guessed, the Quebec Ocean did not stay on the sea, and at the same time it did not stay on land.

Previously, on the vast and boundless sea, a huge head that looked like a tortoise was appearing dozens of meters away from the Quebec Ocean, and the Quebec Ocean was where this turtle was covered. Above the spiky carapace.

Previously, what the sailors saw above the water surface, the suspected mountain-like objects were just spikes on the tortoise shell.

And the Quebec Ocean, an ocean-going fishing boat with dozens of tons, is caught in the thorns of the turtle shell like a mountain, giving people a feeling of being extremely small.


"Hey Tony, did you hear that?"

Inside the Avengers Tower, Banner scanned the latest reports scrolling on the virtual screen in front of him.

Turning his head to look at Tony, his eyes stopped for a moment on the stack of coffee around him, and then he said, "Kid the thief has appeared again."


On the opposite side, when he heard Banner's voice, Tony was silent for a few seconds before he regained his senses as if he had just woken up from a dream, and then replied: "What, what are you talking about, Banner?"


Looking at Tony's bad situation in front of him, Banner immediately took back the topic of the phantom thief Kidd. He frowned and looked at the other party's tired appearance, and couldn't help but say, "How long have you been resting, Tony."

"Five days or a week, I can't remember."

Hearing Banner's question, Tony showed a thoughtful expression on his face, but soon returned to his previous appearance and asked Banner back: "Compared to this, what did you want to say to me just now, Doctor?"

"You should rest, Tony."

Without answering Tony's question, Banner looked at Tony who was in a very bad situation, and the worried expression on his face became a little more obvious.

Because of the Hulk, Banner's physical strength is far superior to ordinary people. It is for this reason that he ignores that Tony, who has removed the steel suit, is just an ordinary person. Such high-intensity research is obviously It's draining Tony's energy.

"I'm in good shape."

In the face of Banner's persuasion, Tony showed his stubborn side.

"In fact, I have perfected the plan. As long as I arrange the Ultron test again, I will be able to get accurate data results."

"Perhaps Dr. Banner is right, Mr. Stark."

The blue light in his eyes flashed, and Ultron scanned Tony's body, and at the same time spoke with his warm and rational voice to persuade.

"Your body is on the verge of a critical point, and the most important thing you need to do at this time is to get a good night's sleep."

"We're running out of time."

The persuasion of Banner and Ultron made Tony's irritability that he had accumulated from working for a long time burst out, and he replied with a grumpy face: "If you can't prepare everything before the [Holy Lord] , maybe we don't even have a chance to resist, we don't know anything about the power of the [Holy Lord], but I believe it will definitely be more terrifying than imagined."

"Even if [Holy Lord] attacks New York tomorrow, you need to rest immediately, Tony."

Banner is naturally aware of Tony's inner worries, but he knows better that if Tony doesn't take a good rest right now, he may fall first before the [Holy Lord] strikes.

"I know my situation so I can hold on for a while longer."

Without thinking about it, he rejected Banner's proposal, and Tony turned his tired body back into his own research experiment.

"I didn't want to do this, Tony, you forced me."

Looking at Tony's stubborn appearance, Banner sighed helplessly, then raised his head and shouted to Jarvis in the laboratory.

"Jarvis, connect me to Pepper."

"Okay, Dr. Banner."

"Jarvis, stop..."

Hearing Banner's words, the expression on Tony's face suddenly changed, he turned to look at Banner behind him and opened his mouth to stop Jarvis.

However, Jarvis's excellent handling system allows it to respond as soon as it receives an order.


"Hi, Pepper..."

For the first time ever, Tony regretted raising Jarvis' running ability so high.


"This is the Canadian Coast Guard, please report where you are and what you are experiencing?"

Canada, Canadian Coast Guard Headquarters.

The telephone operator picked up the phone and made inquiries in a professional manner.

"Turtle, no, monster, we have encountered a huge sea monster, come and rescue us!"

When the phone was connected, a panicked and frightened voice came from the other side, making an incoherent call for help.

"Kraken, sorry sir, please don't make such a joke to the coast guard, if you are doing this, we may hold you legally responsible for disturbing the public order."

The operator of the Canadian Coast Guard headquarters is not an easy job, especially when there are various people at sea, and there are often mischievous sailors who have been drifting at sea for too long.

"I'm not Damn, we really encountered a huge sea monster, and now our ocean-going fishing boat Quebec Ocean is on the back of this sea monster!"

The operator's response obviously made the captain of the Quebec Ocean's call for help a little flustered again. He gritted his teeth and looked at the ocean-going fishing boat with the monsters in fear, and at the same time, he kept calling for help with a trembling voice.

"Come and save us, we need help, please."

"Sir, please stop talking, everything you said has been recorded, and the Canadian Coast Guard will reserve legal action against you."

"Damn, you son of a bitch, everything I said is true!"

"Monster, it's really a huge turtle, we need to recover..."

Seeing that his call for help was treated as a prank by the operator at the Canadian Coast Guard headquarters, the captain's original pleading tone suddenly became a bit furious.


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