Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 477: Exit in turn

"No, son!"

A shrill scream came from her mouth, and the old woman in front of [Guo Haihuang] looked at the black and white impermanence that was smashed into the ground by Hulk's fist. Holding his hands, he was about to rush to Hulk's location regardless.

"Old woman, life and death have fate. Since you are ready to kill people, you must also have the determination to die with your fists."

Changing footsteps, blocking the old woman's way, [Guo Haihuang] swept across the pothole where black and white impermanence is located with a calm expression.

"If you are so open-minded as you say, why did you go to New York to avenge the Fire Cloud Evil God!"

Facing [Guo Haihuang]'s words, the old woman twisted her face and questioned in a shrill voice.


The old woman's question obviously hit a certain point in [Guo Haihuang]'s heart. He looked up at the old woman in front of him, suddenly sighed, and put away his fist aimed at her.

"Yeah, what qualifications do I have to stop you."

As [Guo Haihuang] stopped, the old woman gave him a deep look, and then her figure flashed and appeared in front of Hulk.

Looking up at the Hulk's huge body, the old woman stretched out her hands, and then a large number of leaves rushed out from her cuffs and turned into sharp knives towards Hulk's body.

Like the ability of [Wangless King], the fallen leaves that changed on the old woman also came from the ability of [Ultimate Creature]. For the [Ultimate Creature] with control at the cellular level, it is almost an easy task to conjure leaves with such a sharp attack effect in front of them.

These scattered fallen leaves, although the sharpness of these leaves could not penetrate Hulk's defense, but they blocked Hulk's vision very well, forcing the Hulk to stop the fist he had been waving. He reached out and roared at the annoying fallen leaves in front of his eyes.

As the Hulk's attack stopped, Black and White Impermanence, whose entire body had been smashed into the ground by the Hulk's attack, finally found an opportunity to fight back.


In the pothole, he stretched out his blood-stained arm and grabbed the broken mourning stick beside him, and smashed it tremblingly on Hulk's sturdy thigh, making a slight knocking sound.

And this attack seems to have exhausted all the strength of Black and White Impermanence.

After completing the attack, his arm fell heavily into the pothole as soon as he loosened his arm.

At the moment when Black and White Impermanence's arm fell, the few remaining black and white impermanence around him also turned into smoke and dissipated in the trail.

Black and white impermanent exit.

On the hospital bed, after successfully completing the black and white impermanence exit scene, the corner of Li Ran's mouth twitched upwards slightly.

On the other side, inside the underground base.

The old woman looked at the black and white impermanence that had completely lost her 'sound', and also let out a grief-stricken scream.

"No, **** it, you guys, I want you all to be buried with my son!"

After the shrill cry, the old woman swept over the superheroes in the base with red eyes, especially after staying on the Hulk for a long time, she grinned and let out a penetrating laugh, turning her body instantly a lot of fallen leaves Emerging from her body, it instantly filled the entire underground base.

Among the fallen leaves, the old woman's voice was erratic, sad and shrill.

"I'm going to stab you all with a thousand swords to vent my revenge for losing my son."

Compared with the fallen leaves that the old woman changed before, the fallen leaves that flooded the base this time were obviously more dangerous and sharp.

Controlling the metal wings behind him and organizing the shield to resist in front of him, Falcon can clearly feel the huge force from the wings and the harsh cutting sound.

"Damn, I just finished maintaining my wings not long ago."

Falcon estimated that such an attack would not take long, and in about half a minute, his wings would be directly scrapped under such an attack.

"Jarvis, activate fort mode."

Under the attack of such frequent and dangerous fallen leaves, Tony couldn't find a good solution for a while. He frowned in the steel battle suit and changed the shape of the battle suit from the previous lightness to the heavy one. defensive mode.

"I need your help!"

Under the siege of the troublesome leaves, the situation of Mr. Fantastic Reed is also not optimistic.

As a mutant under the radiation of cosmic storms in space, his rubberized body makes him immune to most physical damage, but a sharp attack like fallen leaves happens to be what his rubber body is most afraid of, just like The inflated balloon can withstand the impact of the fist, but it can't do anything about the small iron needle.

Reed Rubber's body was also unable to withstand the attack of the fallen leaves.

Beside the frail Susan, he was covered in scratches after only a few seconds.

"Only at times like this do I feel that my abilities are not bad."

Hearing the call of his friend, the Stone Man stepped in front of Reed without hesitation.

The sharp fallen leaves flooding the base may be a deadly threat to Mister Fantastic, but for Ben, who is covered in stones, it can't bring any apparent damage.

These fallen leaves scratched through this hard body, only making a slight scratching sound, and they could not even leave too clear scratches on the sound of stones.

Although superheroes with strong defenses or invulnerability like Ben or Luke Cage can resist the attack of the old woman, superheroes with such abilities are rare after all. Under the protection of the stone man, Mr. Fantastic Reed took a breath and carefully protected the somewhat weak Susan on his body, while stretching his neck to sweep through the denser and denser leaves around him and resist the difficult super heroes.

"These fallen leaves must be stopped from continuing to increase, otherwise it is very likely that some people will not be able to persist."

Their location is the underground base of the Avengers Building. The limited space has instead become a deadly environment. Under this environment, the danger of the old woman's fallen leaves has been increased to several times. Superheroes don't have much space to avoid at all, and even Tony and others who have the ability to fly can't make much avoidance in such a situation.

"Ultron, find that weird old woman!"

The huge force gathered by a large number of fallen leaves, even Tony wearing a steel battle suit was pushed several steps.

Under the interference of a lot of harsh cutting sounds, Tony had to raise his voice and give instructions to the artificial intelligence.

"Mr. Stark, these fallen leaves..."

With a faint blue light in his eyes, Ultron turned his head before he could react, and a large number of fallen leaves covered the body of the artificial intelligence.

These tiny fallen leaves burrowed into the robot's body and began to wreak havoc on its internal structure.

Soon, the artificial intelligence felt that its body that was running smoothly began to become sluggish, and even the stable reception signal was intermittent for a few minutes.

" affecting my operation."

"Reed, maybe I can try again."

Beside Mr. Fantastic, Susan turned her pale face to look at the increasingly dangerous situation around her. She gritted her teeth to support her weak body and wanted to create a layer of energy shield to protect everyone.

"No, Susan, your body is not strong enough to support another position, especially since the damage of these fallen leaves has far exceeded the defense that you can generate an energy shield."

Faced with the reaction of the invisible female Susan, Reed refused without hesitation.

As a member of the Fantastic Four, he knew exactly where Susan's abilities were limited.

"I know, but in the current situation, if we can't resist these fallen leaves, we will all be in danger."

Susan knew exactly what Reed was thinking.

But she also knew that the current situation was not the time for hesitation or hesitation.

Therefore, without heeding Reed's persuasion, Susan raised her hands and an invisible energy spread from her palms in an instant. The superheroes surrounding the underground base isolated the fallen leaves from the translucent energy shield. .


And at the moment when the energy shield was propped up, bright red blood flowed down Susan's nose.

Reaching out and touching the energy shield in front of him, Wanda turned his head and glanced at Susan, who was struggling, with a complicated look in his eyes, and then raised his hands to generate a large amount of red mist, forming the first after the energy shield. Secondary defense.

"It's such a turtle shell again!"

Looking at the energy shield reappearing on the superhero, the fallen leaves that were flying all over the sky gathered somewhere to reveal the twisted face of the old woman.

She looked at the people protected by the energy shield, and the expression on her face became more and more distorted: "Do you think that with this layer of tortoise shell, I can't do anything about you, then I will tear this layer of tortoise shell apart? , cut you all into puree to pay homage to my dead son."

The voice fell, and the old woman stepped on the ground with her legs, and then her skinny body jumped into the air. She spread her arms like a roc spreading her wings, and was about to generate more leaves to attack the energy shield in front of her.


However, at this moment, the crisp sound of bullets firing in the underground base sounded again.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a bullet hit the energy shield at an incredible angle, bounced out of the shield and flew towards the old woman in mid-air.

"Do you think a small bullet can hurt me?"

Looking at the bullet flying towards her, the old woman's twisted face showed a disdainful expression. She waved a sharp leaf on her sleeve and instantly flew out of the flying bullet in a rapid rotation, and directly shot the bullet. Divided into two, wiped his body and flew in the direction behind him.

Looking at the flying bullet, the old woman raised her slender brows before the expression on her face could be made.

Unexpectedly, at an angle she hadn't seen, the cut half bullet landed on the wall of the underground base and splashed a large amount of gravel, and a certain piece of gravel was coincidentally in the process of splashing. It landed on the trajectory of the other half of the bullet, changed the flight direction of the bullet, and bounced back on the broken mechanical body left by Ultron on the ground, slanting towards the old woman's eyebrows shoot away.

"What, how can this be..."

The old woman in midair never expected that the bullet that she had cut in half would fly back in such a complicated way.

Looking at the half bullet flying towards her, she only had time to show a surprised expression on her face, and then the bullet pierced through her brain and her body twitched and fell heavily on the ground, losing all movement.

The old lady is out!

"This kind of attack!"

Under Susan's energy shield, Tony looked at the old woman killed by the bullet, but the look in his eyes began to flicker.

Such a miraculous shooting method, in Tony's memory, only one person has ever used it.

However, according to the news from the defenders, he should have been.

Under the energy shield, Tony was not the only one who recognized this attack method. Jessica looked at the old woman who was killed by the ricochet with a shocked expression.

"Why, I don't feel too obvious sadness from you?"

On the hospital bed, Li Ran knew the emotional ups and downs of everyone in the base through the legend of the data panel.

On the other side, [Guo Haihuang] looked at the [Wuxiang Wang] in front of him, but made a puzzled expression at the right time.

"It was your wife and son who died in front of your eyes?"

"How sad do you think I should be?"

In the face of [Guo Haihuang]'s doubts, [Wuxiang Wang] turned his face without any facial features, and made a rhetorical question in his own tone of voice, and then turned to look at a certain place in the base. The eye-catching corner said to himself: "I didn't expect that the previous attack on the Assassin Brotherhood would still slip through the net and have not been resolved."

"Maybe it's because I've always been lucky."

As the voice of [Wuxiang King] fell, the figure of [Lucky Luke] in the corner with a branch in his mouth immediately appeared under the eyes of everyone at the He stretched out his hand and pressed it. He pressed the white cowboy hat on his head, and at the same time, the revolver in his hand always turned in the direction of the [Wuxiang King] in front of him, and said in his usual leisurely tone.

"When you attacked the Assassin Brotherhood, I happened to go to the bathroom with a stomach ache, and I got away with it."

"Since you finally survived, why did you send it to your door to find death?"

Hearing [Lucky Luke]'s answer, [Wuxiang King]'s face without facial features did not change, and his tone was still faint.

"Maybe it's because I prefer to be lively and don't like to live alone."

Faced with the question of [Wangless King], [Lucky Luke] squeezed his cowboy hat, covered his face in the shadows, and read the creed of the Assassin Brotherhood.

"Everything is false, everything is permitted."


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