Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 474: weird 2 people

Facing these eerily falling leaves.

The superheroes showed their magical powers one after another. Captain America Steve stood at the front, resisting the attack of the falling leaves with the indestructible vibranium shield in his hand.

The falcon flapped the wings on its back and changed the direction of the leaves.

The Stone Man and the injured Luke Cage stepped forward, using their invulnerable defense capabilities to block the massive attack of the fallen leaves.

The sharp fallen leaves cut through the clothes of the two, but they could not leave any scars on their bodies.

A red light flashed in her eyes, and Wanda waved her hands to form a faint red mist to block the damage of the fallen leaves to Kuaiyin and [Guo Haihuang]. Her eyes swept over the superheroes behind her, and there was a hint of hesitation on her face. Immediately afterwards, the red mist spread and shrouded Natasha and the others behind her.


With the decisive action of Steve and others, the invisible female Susan, who was obviously shocked by the appearance of the [Wuxiang King], also reacted. Under the reminder of Mr. Fantastic Reed, she raised her palms and instantly slammed a half. A transparent energy shield emerged from her palm, and in the blink of an eye, it blocked the surrounding fallen leaves from everyone.


Looking at these weird fallen leaves that were blocked by the energy shield, Steve couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He looked down at his arm, although the vibrating gold shield in his hand did not show the slightest under the attack of the leaves. Injury, but in these dense leaf attacks, the limited defensive range of the shield obviously cannot be perfectly resisted, so injury is inevitable.

In the underground base, the strange fallen leaves were blocked by the invisible female Susan using the energy shield.

However, the two sharp and wild laughter that kept ringing did not stop because of this.


Accompanied by a deafening blasting sound, a huge hole in the laboratory where Vision was located in the violent vibration suddenly appeared, and then two tall and one thin figures immediately landed on the 【No. Xiang Wang] beside him.

"Ahahahaha, ahhahaha!"

Appearing beside [Wuxiang Wang], the ugly man wearing a black high hat kept laughing wildly, and the expression on his face was distorted and hideous.

Hearing the man's laughter, Tony in the steel battle suit couldn't help frowning. Whether it was the [Wuxiang King] or the two people who appeared after him, it gave him a strange and dangerous feeling. .


However, before Tony and the others could react to the man who was laughing wildly, they saw the skinny old woman standing beside him raise her palm and slap him on the head mercilessly.

"Don't laugh, stinky boy, it was ugly enough when you didn't laugh, and now it's even more ugly when you smile. I don't know why you look so ugly."

After being slapped on the head by the old woman, the man put away his smile, but the expression on his face became a little more distorted, he looked at the old woman beside him angrily: "You dare to say me, I see yours From the looks, you know why you are so ugly, and when you see your father's appearance, you know the reason even more!"

"Why, don't you like seeing your father like this?"

Hearing the man's roar, [Wuxiang Wang] turned his face without facial features, and said in a low voice.

"Your father became the unrecognizable appearance because of forcibly cultivating the immortal method "Wuxiang Divine Art". As long as the plan of Jiuyou can be completed, the [Outer Territory Demon] sealed in Penglai will be released. Extraterritorial Demons] That powerful power can cure the problem of going crazy, and even make the power of "No Phase Magic" even further."


Hearing the old woman's description, the expression on the man's face was not relieved, but even more distorted.

He opened his mouth and let out a roar, and the next moment, his entire body instantly turned into two terrifying figures in black and white holding hands in a strange tear.

The original rude laughter also turned into two weird laughter that were completely unused with the appearance of the two figures. The white figure laughed sharply, while the black figure had a low and weird laughter.

"Black and white impermanence?!"

Inside the energy shield, looking at the man's changed appearance, [Guo Haihuang] immediately raised his sparse eyebrows, and murmured the identity of the other party in a figure that everyone could hear.

Under the changes of the two figures, the man twisted his body and appeared in front of the energy shield made by Susan, holding a mourning stick and turning into a stick shadow that fell on the shield, forming a ripple vibration visible to the naked eye.

Feeling the vibration above the energy shield, Susan gritted her teeth subconsciously, and the energy stance that formed the shield in her palm surged. The originally vibrating energy shield suddenly became a little stronger.

"Can you do it, if not, I'm going to take action?"

Standing beside [Wuxiang Wang], the old woman looked at the black and white impermanence of the attacking energy shield, twisted her neck and revealed a casual inquiry.

"Why not, I just didn't do my best."

Hearing the question from the old woman, the two figures represented Hei Wuchang with a low voice, and the next moment, accompanied by a strange tearing sound, the two black and white figures standing in front of the energy shield increased again, It turned into a strange and ferocious black and white impermanence that directly surrounded the energy shield made by Susan.

"Don't you think this guy looks scary?"

Inside the energy shield, Falcon looked at these strange and twisted figures surrounded by him, and couldn't help but think.

"Especially this weird black-and-white look."

"It's black and white."

Following Falcon's words, [Guo Haihuang] swept across the surrounding figures who were constantly laughing sharply, and said, "In the history of China, black and white impermanence are the gods and ghosts of the underworld, and their responsibilities are somewhat similar to what you said. grim Reaper."

"Huaxia's death god?"

Hearing the description of [Guo Haihuang], Steve tightened the shield in his hand, and frowned and swept over the strange and eerie figures around the energy shield.

Although he knew very well that the black and white impermanence that attacked them was definitely not what [Guo Haihuang] said, but the other party's outfit and the mythology behind his appearance still brought a lot of pressure to everyone's heart. .

In the face of these black and white impermanence that constantly surrounded the energy shield and waved the mourning stick, Banner frequently touched his glasses, and his breathing became a little faster.

"Take a deep breath, Doctor."

Noticing Banner's unusual appearance, Natasha's eyes changed slightly, and she immediately spoke to comfort.

In the current situation, the appearance of Hulk will only make the situation more complicated.

"I know, I'm working on it."

Hearing Natasha's voice, Banner clenched his fists and replied with a difficult expression.

"Reed, I'm almost out of it."

On this side, in the energy shield, the problem began to become complicated because of Banner's situation. On the other side, Susan felt the more and more violent vibration from the energy shield, and the expression on her face began to change. Tired up.

Every body separated by black and white impermanence seems to be an entity, and the huge power from the mourning stick is constantly impacting the defense of the energy shield.

"You are too slow, let me help you!"

Shaking her head, the old woman beside [Wuxiang King] looked at the black and white impermanence that was constantly attacking around the energy shield, twisted her fingers, and said impatiently.

"Don't get in your way, old lady, I can do it, I feel like I'll be successful soon."

This time, a sharp voice came out of Bai Wuchang's mouth and violently blocked the old woman's shot. One of them, Bai Wuchang, turned his head 360 degrees to look at the [Wuxiang King] and the old woman behind him, and said. .

As the words of black and white impermanence fell, a large number of mourning sticks fell on the energy shield. The attack generated at this moment obviously exceeded the limit that Susan had already reached, and the entire energy shield burst like a bubble. , and Susan, who was supporting the shield, also froze instantly as if she had suffered a huge impact.


Looking at the fallen Susan, Mr. Fantastic Reed immediately controlled his arm to catch it safely, and the other side of the Vision's figure flashed to the side of the Invisible Woman and fell.

"Sorry, Reed."

Falling into Mr. Fantastic's arms, Susan said weakly.

"No you've done well enough, Susan."

Shaking his head, Reed comforted.

On this side, Susan and Reed staged a rare warm drama, on the other side, the situation of the superheroes was not so optimistic.

As the energy position created by the Invisible Woman was broken, everyone was naturally exposed to the [Wuxiang King] and others again.

"Well done, it seems, you still have a little use."


Looking at these reappearing figures, the old woman beside [Wuxiang Wang] showed an excited smile on her face, and said to the black and white impermanence surrounded by superheroes.

An erratic voice came from the black and white impermanence. The next moment, the black and white impermanence twisted with the figure and began to hold hands again under the gaze of the superheroes. The man wearing a black high hat with an ugly and twisted expression.

He was holding a black and white mourning stick in both hands, gasping for breath, as if the previous series of attacks had also made him a little bit tired.

The performance of black and white impermanence looks strange, but in fact, it is only the use of clone and transformation. This effect is only the most basic for Li Ran who holds the [Gaara] character card. That's all for the operation. Anyway, Ye Wen, who used the power of [Shou Crane], temporarily retired, and he used the power of [Gaara] to put on the identity of black and white impermanence again, and appeared again.

"Then, it's my turn to take action."

Twisting her body, the old woman looked at the impermanence of black and white, her mouth let out a piercing smile and turned her body at the same time, and instantly a large number of leaves drifted out from her body, filling the whole ground like raindrops in an instant. within the base.

The previous experience made everyone aware of the danger of these seemingly weak fallen leaves. Facing these densely scattered leaves, red light flashed in Wanda's eyes, and a large amount of red mist instantly emerged from the body to wrap the leaves.

"It's useless, do you think I'm that idiot? My fallen leaves can't be stopped so easily."

However, compared with Susan, Wanda's ability does not exist as a defense after all.

In the face of so many fallen leaves around, the red fog she was able to generate was obviously not enough to wrap it all up.

Accompanied by the shrill voice of the old woman, the body wrapped in a large number of fallen leaves kept flashing around the superhero, and at the same time issued annoying mockery.

Hearing the old woman's mockery of Wanda, Kuaiyin frowned slightly, and in the next instant, his figure appeared in front of the body wrapped in the fallen leaves in the silver-white light, and he waved his fist and smashed it towards the leaves. .


However, Quicksilver's swift blow did not hit the old woman's body as expected.

The fist fell into the fallen leaves, as if it hit the air, and the drop created in an instant made Kuaiyin's fast-moving body swaying uncontrollably.

What's worse is not only that, as his blow failed, the flying leaves immediately began to spin and wrap around Kuaiyin's arm, and a large number of leaves were like sharp reamers, cutting the silver on Kuaiyin's body. White ability, scratched the sleeve on his hand, leaving a clearly visible scratch on his arm.

"Be careful, young man."

Seeing, these fallen leaves are about to devour Kuaiyin's entire body.

With an old voice, [Guo Haihuang]'s scrawny figure appeared beside Kuaiyin at some point. He raised his scrawny fist and pointed it in the direction of the leaves. With a loud sonic boom, the fallen leaves were instantly blasted out of Kuaiyin's body.

At the same time, [Guo Haihuang]'s other arm gently touched Kuaiyin's pulled back with a huge force, and Kuaiyin's figure fell back involuntarily. Go, and finally stopped his retreat in the exact position beside Wanda.

This attack and pull is enough to see [Guo Haihuang]'s control of power.

"These guys in front of me are not so easy to deal with. If you are not careful, let alone you, even the old man may die here."

Slowly retracting his arms, [Guo Haihuang] looked at the position where the fallen leaves were scattered in front of him, and said slowly.

Under the gazes of [Guo Haihuang], Kuaiyin and others, these fallen leaves gathered together and changed back to the old woman's appearance.

However, compared to the beginning, the expression of the old woman has obviously changed. She stretched out her hand to cover her body. Obviously, the previous punch of [Guo Haihuang] had already hurt him.

"It seems that I underestimated you, old man."

"To each other, old woman."

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