Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 471: 3 days to

Abandoned warehouse on the farm.

Wanda looked at the palm that stretched into the flames, and the expression on his face changed.

[Guo Haihuang]'s remarks, although it was impossible for Wanda to give up her hatred for Tony directly, it obviously also caused a slight fluctuation in her heart, which had been shrouded in resentment.

However, he has not waited for Wanda to examine the changes in his heart.

Before the bonfire, [Guo Haihuang] turned his face, looked in a certain direction outside the warehouse, and said with a smile, "It looks like my message has been delivered."

Noticing the change in the expression on [Guo Haihuang]'s face, Wanda turned his head subconsciously.


I saw a flash of silver light, and the next moment accompanied by the flames of the bonfire in front of [Guo Haihuang], Kuaiyin's figure appeared in the warehouse.

"Sorry, I just took a while to get rid of a little trouble."

Back in the hidden warehouse, Kuaiyin made a reassuring expression to Wanda, and immediately spoke to [Guo Haihuang] in the wheelchair.

Although the tracking robot arranged by Ultron was secretive, it still did not escape the eyes of Kuaiyin. After a series of movements, he was sure to get rid of the eyes of the Avengers before he dared to rush back to the hidden place.

"And, Wanda, I met Tony Stark, apparently the Avengers already know who we are."

"Tony Stark!"

In the face of the name that appeared in Kuaiyin's mouth, the red light in Wanda's eyes flashed unconsciously, and said in a cold tone: "That's fine, let Tony Stark and the Avengers know what they are for. dead."

Obviously, under the hatred for Tony Stark, what [Guo Haihuang] said before did not play any role.

"Speaking of which, when passing the message, I also heard from Tony Stark of an organization called the Assassin Brotherhood. The Avengers seem to think that we have done to the Assassin Brotherhood?"

"Assassin Brotherhood?"

Before the bonfire, [Guo Haihuang] heard everything Kuaiyin said, a strange light flashed in his turbid eyes, he opened his mouth without half a tooth in the wheelchair, and said slowly.

"Young man, I hope you can help me..."


"Are you sure those guys will come?"

Three days later, the Avengers Building.

Jessica glanced at everything in front of her with vigilant eyes, and couldn't help but ask Natasha beside her.

"I'm not kidding you, are you?"

"I don't think Pietro will go to the Avengers Building for a fake message."

Facing Jessica's question, Natasha shook her head, reached out and touched the special pistol on her body and said firmly.

"I hope so."

Seeing Natasha's affirmative expression, Jessica shrugged and glanced at everything around her. She was quickly attracted by the red wine Tony put on the wine rack.

Speaking of which, as a down-and-out private detective, she has never tasted too high-end red wine.

I don't know the difference between the high-end wine that the billionaire collects and the wine that he tastes.

"Jessica, now is not the time to drink."

Just as Jessica's wine bug was tempted by the red wine in Tony's collection, Matt on the side gave a warning like a prophet.

"I know, I'm just looking at it casually."

Hearing Matt's reminder, Jessica curled the corners of her mouth, but she also consciously pulled back her gaze attracted by the fine wine.

"Sorry, I don't mean anything, but are you sure you really can't see?"

Aside, looking at Matt's series of performances, Mr. Fantastic Reed suddenly couldn't help but ask.

Everything Matt showed just now is more normal than ordinary people.

If it weren't for the guide stick he was holding at the moment and the blind gesture he showed from time to time in his movements, Reed would even think that the other party was an ordinary person.

"If it's a fake replacement."

Facing Mister Fantastic's question, Matt twisted his neck to align him in the exact direction, and at the same time nodded slightly to answer in the affirmative.

"Then how do you act like a normal person, no, I mean like now..."

Reed weighed his question, trying to make it less offensive.


However, apparently no matter how much Mister Fantastic was groomed, it couldn't change the rudeness of his question, Susan reached out and patted him on the shoulder, while making a slightly apologetic expression to Matt in front of him: "Sorry, but Reed doesn't He didn't do it on purpose, he was just a little bit more sophisticated about people."

In terms of research, Reed is a well-deserved genius, especially after he was mutated by the radiation of the cosmic storm in space. The rubberized brain allows him to process more quickly, but when it comes to dealing with people, his so-called ingenuity Apparently it didn't get any improvement.

"It's ok."

Fortunately, Matt was not angry with Mr. Fantastic's rude question. He raised his head slightly and replied, "Maybe it's because after losing my eyes, my other senses have been enhanced, and at the same time. I also learned a magical power called Ripple Qigong from a vampire hunter."

"Sensory Compensation."

The next second Matt opened his mouth, Reed already knew the reason for his ability, but what he said next made the inquiring color in Mr. Fantastic's eyes even more obvious: "Ripple Qigong?"

"Okay, I admit defeat."

The muscles in his arms were bulging, and Luke Cage looked at the rock arm that he had tried so hard but still couldn't move. He couldn't help but said more and more helplessly.

This was the first time he felt a deep sense of frustration with his powers since gaining super powers.

The Stone Man gave him the feeling that he was not facing an arm, but a whole rock.

Although, there is nothing wrong with this description.

"Looks like you need to work out more to develop your strength."

Having successfully won the victory on the wrench, the Stone Man looked at Luke Cage in front of him, shrugged his shoulders and offered consolation from the perspective of a winner.

"Exercise, forget it."

Although Luke Cage's ability also comes from mutation, but unlike the Stone Man, there are certain limitations and cannot be improved through constant exercise like the Stone Man.

"Captain, don't you try it?"

Looking back at the two wrenching wrists, Banner couldn't help but instigated Steve next to him.

"just forget it."

Shaking his head gently, although his own strength has reached the top human existence under the promotion of super serum, Steve does not think that his strength can be compared with that of the Stone Man.

"Then, I can try it, if it's Hulk."

In the face of Captain America's refusal, Banner immediately said with an eager expression.

"Dr. Banner."

Hearing Banner's words, Steve didn't express himself too much, but the Falcon beside him was a little frightened.

In the current situation, if the Hulk is released, the Avengers and others will consume it before the target arrives.

"Don't worry, I'm just joking."

Seeing the nervous expression on Falcon's face, Banner immediately smiled at him.

"If I didn't even have that little bit of self-control, I wouldn't be in Avengers Tower."

Banner considers himself a kind expression, but obviously in Falcon's eyes, his smile always reveals a little dangerous message.

Especially since he had seen the Hulk out of control before.

"Don't worry, Tom, in most cases, Dr. Banner can be trusted."

Seeing that Falcon's mood was a little nervous, Steve also opened his mouth to comfort him.

"And what about a small number of cases?"

I muttered silently in my heart, but since the captain spoke up, Falcon couldn't say anything else, so he could only nod his head to keep his emotions down.

The whole body was wrapped in the steel battle suit, and Tony looked at the surrounding situation, but the expression under the steel helmet did not show much relief.

In the building, although everyone's expressions were relaxed.

But he knew very well that all of this was just the tranquility before the storm, and although everyone covered it up well, he could still vaguely see his alert look from his actions.


"Mr. Stark!"

At this time, the voices of Jarvis and Ultron sounded at the same time.

Hearing the voices of Jarvis and the artificial intelligence, the slightly noisy voice in the Avengers Building immediately followed.

"Everyone be careful, the other party has come..."

At the same time, Matt in front of Mr. Fantastic turned his head sideways, and his super senses under the blessing of the ripples had obviously noticed the abnormality in the building.


However, before Matt could finish speaking, there was a familiar sound of the elevator opening.

The door of the floor where the Avengers were located was suddenly slammed open under the energy of a red mist, and then they saw Kuaiyin pushing the wheelchair made by [Guo Haihuang] to appear in front of everyone.

"Haha, I didn't expect so many people to be waiting for the old man, I'm really flattered."

[Guo Haihuang] in the wheelchair looked at the superheroes with different expressions in front of him, and there was a slight smile on the skinny faces around him.

"It's really you!"

Looking at [Guo Haihuang] who appeared in the Avengers Building and the Quick Silver behind him, Jessica couldn't help standing up: "It's you who destroyed the antique store and hurt James."

Thinking of Li Ran lying in the emergency room, Jessica couldn't hold back her emotions any longer. She controlled her body to fly without hesitation and rushed towards [Guo Haihuang] where they were.


Looking at Jessica who was rushing forward involuntarily, Matt opened his mouth to stop it, but it was obviously a little too late.

Looking at Jessica rushing in front of her, a red light flashed in Wanda's eyes, she raised her hands and shook it gently, and then she saw a large amount of red mist emerging from her hands, under Wanda's command. Down to the flying Jessica.

"Be careful!"

Although it is impossible to determine the danger of the red fog generated by Wanda's hands, but looking at the red fog coming in, Mr. Fantastic Reed stretched out his arms without hesitation, and Jessica was about to rush into the red fog. A quarter of an hour ago, he grabbed her calf, and with a sudden bounce, Jessica, who had almost thrown herself into the net, was pulled back.


Losing the target, the red mist fell on the ground in front of Wanda's eyes, and a violent explosion occurred instantly.

"Huh, thanks."

After being rescued by Reed, Jessica looked at the huge damage caused by the red mist, and thanked Mr. Fantastic behind her with some lingering fears.

"You're welcome."

Putting away his outstretched arm, Reed looked at the twins in front of him and [Guo Haihuang] in a wheelchair with a slightly dignified expression.

"Looks like this is the guy we need to deal with this time around."

"Interesting body."

[Guo Haihuang] in the wheelchair glanced at Mr. Fantastic Reed's retractable rubber arms, raised his sparse eyebrows, then turned to look at Jessica, who almost succeeded in giving it away, and slowly shook his head. : "I'm really impatient, young man, old man, I haven't even said a word yet, so I hurried up to die, if it wasn't for the special guy behind you, he might have died directly in front of the old man. "

Shaking his head and putting away his evaluation of Jessica, [Guo Haihuang] swept his gaze over the Avengers in front of him, and finally stopped at Captain America Steve: "Okay, since the old man I've already come, so what about the people from Penglai, where is the guy who killed my scoundrel."

"keep the change."

His eyes stopped for a while on the bony body of [Guo Haihuang] in the wheelchair. Although he already knew the appearance of the opponent from the defender's mouth, Steve still couldn't make this thin and seemingly powerless man. Body and strength are linked.

Having said that, Steve still answered with a serious expression: "Penglai's people are not here."

Because of the previous [Ultimate Creature] battle, Ah Xing had to return to Penglai with the sleeping Ah Bao and the injured Master Ye.

And just like Thor in the they don't have a way to contact Penglai.

"It seems that you don't take the old man's words to heart."

Knowing that Penglai was not in the building, the expression on [Guo Haihuang]'s face in the wheelchair suddenly changed.

"Or do you think that as long as you don't notify Penglai, the old man will not attack you?"

"Although Master Ye is not here, if you came because of the Evil God of Fire Cloud, then our defenders also participated in the battle with Evil God of Fire Cloud."

Facing [Guo Haihuang]'s gradually cold tone, Matt said silently: "So, if you want to seek revenge against Master Ye, you must first step over our defenders."

While talking, Matt crossed Reed, and Luke Cage stepped forward without hesitation. The defenders stood together and looked directly at [Guo Haihuang] in front of him and said firmly.


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