Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 465: object of revenge

"Fire Cloud Evil God?!"

Although it is impossible to fully understand the meaning of the title translated through the translation, Kuaiyin still has a bit of evil meaning from it.

After all, being contaminated with a description like the Heretic God doesn't seem like a title that a good person would get.

"He's too arrogant."

Following the previous description, the old man slowly shook his head and sighed with a trembling look: "Speaking of which, this is also my fault. I could see the arrogance in his eyes, but at that time, I thought that such a rebellious appearance could better pursue strong power and practice martial arts hard, but I didn’t want to eventually lead him to betray the school because of arrogance, the evil **** of fire cloud, Hehe, evil god, how powerful the power of immortal gods is, even I who have practiced martial arts all my life dare not accept such a title easily."

Listening to the old man's babbling words, Kuaiyin couldn't help frowning.

Because of his accent, he couldn't fully understand what the other party was saying, and half guessed he only knew that the other party was constantly narrating the thing called the Evil God of Fire Cloud.

To be honest, after the surprise of the old man's sudden appearance, Kuaiyin's heart gradually began to feel a little impatient.

Hydra's cruel experiments have long since formed its ruthless character. At this time, Kuaiyin couldn't tolerate anything other than revenge in his heart.

"Sorry, I've heard enough."

The rude opening interrupted the old man's ramble, Kuaiyin looked at the thin figure sitting in the wheelchair, and said coldly: "I don't have time to listen to you complain about these things, what's more, you look like this, even eating It's difficult to talk about such an impossible thing as revenge."

The old man is like this, so why are they brothers and sisters.

Although for the skinny old man in the wheelchair, their human experimenters in Hydra gained extraordinary strength, but they were still unable to take revenge on the avengers who caused their family tragedy and hurt their family.


Interrupted by Kuaiyin's cold tone, the old man turned his cloudy eyes, raised his head tremblingly to look at the silver-haired man opposite, and said in his usual slow tone, "It's really impolite, young man, don't you think? No one has taught you that you should be more patient when the elders speak?"

"I don't have much patience. What's more, we have nothing to do with us, and your so-called revenge has little to do with us."


Hearing his brother's cold reaction, Wanda couldn't help shouting.

But obviously, Wanda's reminder did not change the decision made in QuickBank's heart.

"So, while I'm still talking, I'll let you leave here, or let me help you leave."

"You're so angry, young man, don't you want to hear my old man finish his sentence?"

Kuaiyin's rude answer did not change the expression on the old man's face too much. He lowered his head and looked at his skinny body, then raised his head and swept over the two Kuaiyin and Wanda in front of him. , opened his half-toothless mouth, and a meaningful smile appeared on his thin and shriveled face: "It's not without reason why I found you, in fact, it's not what the old man could meet before. The feeling of lying to a child was told to me by the guy who claimed to be Jiuyoulai. Although I could clearly feel that guy's malicious intentions, I had to jump in... After all, The dead scoundrel is also my only apprentice in this world."

"Among the people who killed my apprentice, there was a guy from Penglai, and the people from Penglai seemed to have a deep relationship with a so-called Avengers organization."

"Penglai, Wine Sword Immortal!"

Hearing the name of the Avengers appearing in the old man's mouth, the expressions on Kuaiyin and Wanda's faces suddenly changed.

A red light flashed in Wanda's eyes, and he couldn't help muttering.

The brothers and sisters are eager to know everything about the Avengers. Although the existence of Penglai is mysterious, it has gradually been revealed in the shooting pictures and messages revealed in the previous New York battle and after that.

"Avenger, the object of your revenge is actually an avenger!"

Hearing that the old man's goal of revenge was the same as his own, the expression on Kuaiyin's face suddenly changed.


Noticing the description in Kuaiyin's mouth, the old man put on a sure-footed expression: "I see, I know why the guy from Jiuyou told me your information."

"It seems that you also have quite a strong hatred for this so-called avenger?"

Because the goal of hating each other was the same, the grim expression on Kuaiyin's face that was originally refusing people thousands of miles away was reduced a bit. He turned his head and looked at Wanda silently at the side, and Kuaiyin couldn't help but reply in a deep voice: "Our Our parents died under the weapons made by Iron Man. In order to be able to take revenge on the Avengers, we joined the Hydra after a tragic experiment, gained strength and guided a powerful existence to fight the Avengers, but failed. Now, we are clearly not the Avengers' opponents."


Hearing Kuaiyin's low tone, the old man twitched the corners of his wrinkled mouth and said with a penetrating smile: "Perhaps, old man, I can help you, let's take revenge against the Avengers together, and for my scoundrel. And your parents and family."


Although the old man's words made Kuaiyin a little moved, but when he looked up at the slender figure sitting in a wheelchair trembling, the little movement in his heart suddenly cooled down.

As far as the old man's current situation is, let alone revenge, Kuaiyin feels that if he touches the other party lightly, he will fall directly to the ground and can't afford it.

"Forget it. Although we want revenge, we have no bottom line to use the power of an old man."

"Hey, it seems, old man, I seem to be underestimated?"

In the wheelchair, the old man noticed the change in the eyes on Kuaiyin's face, and could not help but let out a low laugh.

"However, this is normal. After all, I feel extremely sad even when I see it in the mirror. However, I have no regrets about this. In the long history of China for thousands of years, , there should be no one who admires martial arts more than me, in order to gain strength, whether it is a woman, a friend, a status, a reputation or even a brother, I can give up, and I am ecstatic and indulge in the accumulation of strength in my body day after day. And all of this, the power I have gained from all the sacrifices I have given, still leaves my body mercilessly in the end."

"One hundred years ago, I used to have unparalleled power in this world. I used these powers to fight recklessly, fighting with beasts with my bare hands, and crushing hard meteorites with my bare hands. At that time, I felt incomparable about my power. Self-confidence, even more arrogant and inferior than the villain, I was lost in the powerful power in my body, and I began to laugh at the so-called martial arts. It's all just lies."

"Until one day, I met a real master..."

"This is a skinny old man with a white beard. With his thin body, he easily knocked the powerful me to the ground. I didn't even hurt him in the slightest. The insignificant and weak wrist strength, punched me and kicked me, knocked me down to the ground, until then I realized that I was defeated, defeated by the martial arts that I have always looked down on, but also in At that time, I knew the real identity of the old man who defeated me, the legendary **** of martial arts, Wu Tian."

"Since that day, I was heartbroken, gave up all the training tools, and gave up my proud strength and powerful muscles. I went into the deep mountains and cultivated my heart from scratch. In the painful process, in order to practice martial arts to the level of the **** of martial arts, I abandoned everything, and finally began to gradually understand the profound meaning of martial arts. The realm reached by the **** of martial arts, when I was 90 years old, the muscles on my body were still completely atrophied, and even the skin was hanging on the bones. When I was eating, I could feel the heavy weight of the tableware and chopsticks. At that time, I finally, finally completely mastered all the skills of martial arts, and became the new **** of martial arts."

Following the old man's remarks, he slowly stood up while supporting his thin body in the wheelchair.

The moment he stood up, the red light in Wanda's eyes flickered, but he still didn't feel the slightest threat from the old man's body, as if the other party was really as seen on the surface, an ordinary person. elder.

Turning his head, he looked at Wanda beside him, and noticed the expression of his shaking his head, the look in Kuaiyin's eyes flickered.

Compared with the description of the old man, he is more willing to believe his sister's induction.

"Sorry, it looks like we have no chance of cooperating."

A decision flashed in his heart, Kuaiyin looked at the thin figure of the old man in front of him, and immediately made a decision.

Immediately afterwards, the figure flashed in the silver light package and appeared in front of the old man in an instant, reaching out to grab the other's bony shoulders, trying to put him back on the wheelchair.

However, the next second Kuaiyin reached out and pressed the old man's shoulder, a powerful force suddenly came from the shoulder that was not covered by any muscles.


Aware of the strange feeling coming from the palm of his hand, Kuaiyin's complexion suddenly changed a little.

However, the whole process was so fast that even Kuaiyin, who had super speed, couldn't react. By the time he came back to his senses, his entire body had already slammed out in an incomprehensible way.


With the heavy crashing sound, Quicksilver slammed into the hard and rough ground of the Hydra base with a face-down posture.

However, in contrast to the feeling of severe pain from his body, Kuaiyin is more concerned about how he was thrown out by the old man. At this moment, even he couldn't respond to the development of the electric light and flint. Endure it.

The silver light flickered, and Kuaiyin's body, which had fallen to the ground, stood up instantly and returned to his original position. .

The previous experience has made Kuaiyin completely understand that what the other party said may be true.

"Sorry, Pietro, I didn't..."

Standing aside, watching the whole process of the old man falling Kuaiyin, Wanda said apologetically.

She did not expect that the old man actually deceived the detection of her own body strength and caused her brother Kuaiyin to be injured.

"It's not your fault, Wanda."

After comforting his sister, Kuaiyin looked at the old man and said in a solemn tone, "It's not just you, I also didn't expect the other party to have such a terrifying power."

Recalling the powerful power that came from the moment he touched the opponent's body, the expression on Kuaiyin's face at this moment was extremely serious. Silver no longer judged the opponent's threat by his skinny and old appearance.

"Haha, what's the matter, young man, where did your confidence go?"

Looking at Kuaiyin and Wanda who were on guard in front of him, the old man couldn't help but grinned happily.

"Doesn't you feel bad after just being subjected to me?"

"The moment just now was just my Facing the old man's ridicule, Kuaiyin restrained the expression on his face.

In fact, just as Kuaiyin said, he didn't mean to hurt the old man in the previous one, and even because he was worried that his high-speed movement would injure the other party, he even touched the old man's shoulder a second before touching the old man's shoulder. Deliberately slowing down his speed, he just didn't expect his move to usher in such an unexpected development.


In the face of Kuaiyin's answer, the expression on the old man's face did not change in the slightest, but instead said in an expectant tone: "Since this is the case, then use all your strength, let me see the old man, what you call Can the extraordinary power surprise me? Here, old guy, I have to remind you, young man, don't stop when you go, otherwise, you will die next~"

With the instant the old man's voice fell, Wanda finally sensed a terrifying and terrifying powerful aura from the skinny figure of the other party. This aura was different from the "Ultimate Creature" that came from the food chain genes. Repression is more like a purely psychological pressure.

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