Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 461: yellow ape behind


Accompanied by a slightly lazy voice, a dazzling golden light from mid-air instantly enveloped St. Van Gonzalo and illuminated the entire ruined town as bright as day.

Of course, the beam brings not only light but also unparalleled horrific destruction.

Through the constant refraction of the dilapidated ruins in St. Van Gonzalez, the golden light beam fell on the side of Mephistopheles in front of Bugarati at an accurate angle.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a tall and thin figure with black curly hair, wearing a yellow and white striped suit, a beard on his face, wearing a pair of sunglasses, and wearing a white cape printed with SCP behind him. Twinkle appeared beside the demon, raised his long legs that shimmered with golden light, and kicked Mephistopheles in front of him with lightning speed.

"Al, have you escaped?"

However, the signature [Light Speed ​​Kick] did not hit the target as expected.

[Light Speed ​​Kick] Falling on the demon was like kicking a phantom in the air. I saw Mephistopheles standing in front of Bugarati distorted and disappeared. A new demon lord resurfaced in the shadows.

"Another guy and ability I've never seen before."

Stepping out of the shadows, Mephistopheles looked at the figure of Polsalino falling from the sky, and his eyes changed in the dark pupils.

"Also, from the beam just now, I felt an aura that disgusted me."

"Looks like you've met a rather difficult guy?"

Looking at Mephistopheles who was constantly emitting a dangerous aura in front of him, Polsalino's tone became a little more solemn, but the tone in his mouth still contained a bit of incapable laziness.

"Mr Polsalino."

Because of Kizaru's timely arrival, Bugarati broke free from Mephisto's power, fell to the ground and took a few breaths. Bugarati raised his head and looked at Polu who was standing in front of him. Salino, reminded in a serious tone: "You came too late, and at your speed, you could have arrived here in an instant."

"I'm sorry, little brother Bugatti."

Facing Bugarati's questioning, Kizaru stretched out his fingers and scratched his face, and replied with embarrassment: "I received a notice from the committee on the way here, so I stopped by to deal with another containment. The incident caused it to come a little late, you know, since that incident, the Foundation has been understaffed, and the Third Mobile Squad went on vacation again, so I had to go everywhere. Running around, I am the one in the entire Foundation who needs vacation the most, really, it seems that it is necessary to give advice to the president next, and it is time to recruit and form a new mobile team."

"You should be very clear, Mr. Polusalino, forming a new squad is not something that can be done overnight, what's more, for the Foundation, the existence of each mobile squad represents an important combat power, but also represents a huge Dangerous, the Mobile Squad has always been the organization with the highest mortality rate in the entire Foundation. Every time it dies, it takes a long time to replenish the lost members."


Bugarati's words silenced Kizaru's casual expression.

"Looks like you haven't let go of what happened before, little brother Bugatti."

"Perhaps for you, Mr. Polsalino, the loss of team members is a common thing, but for me, they are all battles that I can trust."

"Brother Bucciarati, I am not used to it, but I know that death is a fate for the Foundation, and the role of the Foundation is to maintain normalcy so that civilians around the world can survive and avoid fear, suspicion or In the situation of losing faith, and maintaining the independence of mankind from the threats of extraterrestrial, extradimensional and outer space. For the sake of human life and death, sacrifice is the fate of the Foundation. In fact, it is not only a member of the team, I am the captain He is also ready to sacrifice.”

"Also, I'm also gratified by the team's death success, because all the sacrifices they made didn't go in vain."

"Mr. Polsalino..."

The words in Kizaru's mouth seemed to hit a certain point in Bucciarati's heart, causing a noticeable change in his originally expressionless face.

However, Bugarati quickly restrained the expression on his face, looked at the **** lord in front of him, and introduced to Kizaru in a serious manner: "Mr. Polsalino, you have to be careful, this is not the case. The object is not simple, according to the information, the true identity of the other party is Mephistopheles, the lord from hell."

"Lord of hell, it sounds like a simple guy, it's really scary~"

Hearing the information given by Bugarati, Kizaru made a fearful tone in his mouth.

"Is it scary?"

In the face of Kizaru's performance, Mephistopheles looked up at the expression on his face again, and couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth: "But I don't think you seem to be too scared?"

"Ala, you saw it."

Facing Mephisto's merciless dismantling, Kizaru didn't have the slightest embarrassed expression on his face. With his hands in his pockets, he turned into a golden light and came to Mephistopheles. Inquiring in an always lazy tone: "Speed ​​is weight, so, Demon Lord, have you ever been kicked by the speed of light?"


The speed that Polsalino showed at this moment, even Mephistopheles, who was the demon lord, couldn't react in time.

Looking at the yellow monkey in front of him, the demon lord only had time to turn his head.


In the next instant, accompanied by a series of huge roars, the demon's body turned into a bright light under the [Light Speed ​​Kick] and smashed through the ruins of St. Van Gonzal, setting off a lot of smoke and gravel.


Saint Van Gonzane looked at Mephistopheles who was kicked out by Kizaru.

Whether it was Chang Amir who was lost because of the loss of power, Carter Srey who was trapped by Bugarati, or Blackheart who was split into several pieces by the double ability, all showed expressions of surprise.

It was precisely because they were familiar with the power of Mephisto, the demon lord, that they were even more astonished and shocked by the scene where he was kicked away by Kizaru.

"Sure enough, is it not so easy to solve all this with [Light Speed ​​Kick] alone?"

However, in contrast to the shocked crowd, the expression on Kizaru's face did not show any slack, but instead the lazy expression on his face turned into a serious look.

"As expected of a demon lord."

The moment [Light Speed ​​Kick] hit Mephistopheles, Kizaru had already noticed it.

Although the damage caused by [Light Speed ​​Kick] seems to be severe, the damage to Mephistopheles itself is not as powerful as imagined.

And, taking a step back, even if [Light Speed ​​Kick] really hurt Mephistopheles, it would just destroy the opponent's projection in the world. As a powerful lord demon in hell, Mephisto's power is a proper A-rank existence.

"It really surprises me."

As Kizaru's voice fell, I heard Mephisto's unchanging voice from the collapsed ruins of St. Van Gonzalo. At the same time, a large number of shadows in St. Van Gonzalo were visible to the naked eye. The speed condensed away in the direction from which the sound came.


The next moment, I saw a demon composed entirely of shadows walking in front of Kizaru with heavy footsteps.

"The speed and power you generated in that moment just now, even as a demon, I can't react."

"Is this what the **** lord really looks like? It's really scary."

Looking up at Mephisto's huge body completely shrouded in shadows, Kizaru pouted his mouth and said subconsciously.

"It's scary, and what's next is the real scary place."

Hearing the words in Kizaru's mouth, Mephistopheles raised his claws made of shadows, set off a violent gust of wind in the air, and fell to Kizaru in front of him at a terrifying speed that was completely different from the huge body.


The demon's claws landed on the ground to form a huge claw print, and the figure of Kizaru appeared on the back of the claws in an instant flash.

Reaching out his hand and patted his heart, Kizaru said with a lingering fear.

"Just now, it's really scary. If I get hit, it will directly smash me out of the patty. Unfortunately, I was a little bit faster in the end."


Hearing the words of Kizaru, Mephisto's pitch-black face composed of a large number of shadows could not help twitching the corners of his mouth, and the next moment he saw the back of the hand standing at the feet of the yellow monkey, a large number of shadows turned into one after another. The pitch-black thorns directly penetrated Kizaru's defenseless body like a thousand arrows piercing the heart without it reacting at all.

"do you died?!"

Looking at Kiwi who was pierced by the shadow controlled by Mephistopheles, the glint in Carter Srey's eyes went out again.

Sure enough, in the face of the powerful **** lord, even the so-called Foundation's tactical squad leader Polsalino has no chance of winning.

"how is this possible."

Hearing Carter Shrey's judgment, [Uncle Long] immediately stood up and refuted: "Mr. Polusalino, as the captain of the Foundation's second tactical unit and one of the top combat powers in the Foundation, how come Could be defeated so easily."

"You're not dead?"

Sure enough, just like what [Uncle Long] said.

Mephistopheles looked at the back of his hand, which was penetrated by a large number of shadow spikes, but there was still no blood flowing out. Instead, the whole person flashed a little yellow light, and the dark pupils couldn't help but flash.

"Is it something unexpected, Demon Lord."

The figure turned into a little yellow light and reconvened on the other side of the back of Mephisto's huge hand. When Kizaru heard the somewhat unexpected voice of the demon, he couldn't help but raised his eyebrows and said, "In the Foundation's storage [Shining] Under the influence of the fruit] ability, my whole body has completely turned into a shining person composed of light, which means that no matter how terrifying your attack is, it cannot hurt the light, and at the same time it cannot hurt me. ."

"Incarnate into light?"

As a demon lord, Mephistopheles had seen countless strange powers. However, the so-called ability to transform into light in Kizaru's mouth still made this demon feel a little surprised.

Of course, there is also a stronger desire for greed and possessiveness with the unexpected.

Just as he once had for the Spirit of Vengeance and the power of the 'Contract of St. Van Gonzalo'.

"I want to see if you are really immune to damage as you say!"

Along with Mephisto's words, a large number of evil and terrifying forces emerged from the demon's body. Under the influence of these forces, more and more shadows of Saint Van Gonzane began to flow towards its body as if they had life. Moving, under the convergence of these shadows, Mephisto's body became more and more ferocious and terrifying.

A few seconds later, a huge demon made of shadows appeared in front of Kizaru.

"Whether you turn into light or something else, as long as I eat you, I want to see how you turn into light."

"It seems that what I said before is not wrong. As a demon lord, Mephistopheles, you are indeed quite a terrifying existence. I shivered a little."

While he was talking cowardly, the movements of Kizaru's hands showed no sign of fear at all.

I saw his hands clasped together and shouted softly, "[Tiancong Yunjian]."

The next moment, a lightsaber made entirely of photons condensed out of Polsalino's hands.

Waving the lightsaber in his hand, Kizaru's figure instantly came to Mephisto's arm, raised the [Amaterasu Cloud Sword] and chopped it down without hesitation.

The [Amaterasu Cloud Sword], which is completely composed of light, can be said to be the sharpest weapon in the world. It fell on Mephisto's arm and cut off the huge arm composed of shadows without any hindrance. down.

The dark arm fell on the ground and immediately turned into a large number of shadows.

At the same time, at the severed arm of Mephistopheles, a new claw was formed by the squirming of a large number of shadows, and the demon lord controlled this new claw without hesitation. The yellow ape in front of him grabbed it. Because of the ability characteristics of the yellow monkey before, the demon lord's colleagues in Huidao's claws also produced a large number of dark shadows in an attempt to prevent the yellow monkey from turning into light.

However, it is clear that Mephisto's blocking did not have the slightest effect.

Facing Mephisto's grabbed claws, Kizaru immediately controlled his body and turned into a little yellow light to avoid the demon's attack.

"You careless, Demon Lord."

In the blink of an eye, these light spots came to Mephisto's head composed of shadows, first forming a palm with a raised index finger, accompanied by Kiabei's unique lazy tone.

A lot of golden light began to condense from the fingertips.


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