Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 455: infighting

"You don't really have to do that."

Feeling the power emerging from the hands of Johnny Blazer, the originally dying hellfire in Carter Slay gradually showed signs of recovery.

Clenching his fist tightly, the burning hellfire spread from Carter Slay's arm to his entire body in an instant.

Under the power of Hellfire, Carter Slay reincarnated as Ghost Rider.

He turned his empty eye sockets to look at Johnny Blazer in front of him, and said in his hoarse and old voice.

"It takes your power to stop the demon from releasing the seal of the 'Contract of St. Van Gonzalo'."

To successfully rescue the previous generation of Ghost Rider, it obviously caused a lot of consumption to Johnny Blazer, and even the hellfire on him has obviously declined a bit. But soon, with Johnny Blazer's consciousness flashing, the originally weakened flames immediately began to soar again.

After all, he wasn't a previous generation Ghost Rider like Carter Slay, who had a serious power loss.

As the current Ghost Rider, the hellfire on Johnny Blazer is not exhausted.

"Also, I don't think you just fell into the cemetery willingly."


Johnny Blazer's words silenced the expression of the previous Ghost Rider Carter Slay.

He stretched out his hand and picked up the cowboy hat he had dropped on the yellow ground and put it back on his head, two flames began to flicker violently in his empty eye sockets.

"You are right. Sleeping in the cemetery may be my final ending, but I don't want to lie down right now."

Looking at the previous generation of Ghost Rider whose fighting spirit was aroused by him, the flames on Johnny Blazer's face jumped.

"Now, the only thing to consider is whether you can keep up? After all, the next pursuit requires a lot of speed."

"You don't need to worry about that."

Facing Johnny Blazer's concern, Carter Slay's skeleton face in the flames moved, as if making a chuckle.

"Old man, it looks like you need another trip."

Turning his head to look at the skeleton lying on the side, along with Carter Slay's words, a fiery flame instantly erupted from the huge horse skeleton.


Under the envelope of flames, the **** warhorse that had died was resurrected again.

"Okay, let's hit the road!"

Looking at the flaming **** warhorse and Carter Slay in front of him, Johnny Blazer stepped on his ghost-faced Harley, stepped on the accelerator, and the flames on the skull's head seemed to also feel the change in his emotions.

Boom, boom—

Tap, tap, tap—

The two Ghost Riders, whether it's Johnny Blazer's Ghostface Harley or Carter Slay's Hell Horse, are not creatures that exist in the world.

Under the erosion of hellfire, they all have extraordinary strength and speed.

While driving at a high speed, they left clearly visible flame marks and burning horseshoe prints on the ground, rushing towards the location of St. Van Gonza at a speed beyond common sense.

"If it wasn't for the role..."

In the antique store, Li Ran watched the back of the clone driving a motorcycle trying to chase the two evil spirit riders, but getting further and further away, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Because of the relationship between the role of the clone, whether it is [Uncle Long] or Dad, they can't be too powerful.

Therefore, he could only watch the ghost knights get farther and farther away, chasing the flame marks left on the ground.

Of course, Li Ran did not appear too anxious about this.

Because, under his intentional arrangement, the development of St. Van Gonza on the other side is not simple.


"It's here, it should be St. Van Gonzalo."

Controlling his body to fall from the air, Heixin turned his blood-red eyes to look at the city full of ruins in front of him, and said hoarsely.

"It looks like no one has been here for a long time?"

Under the wrapping of the scarab, Chang Emir's thin body also slowly fell in front of St. Van Gonzalo, looking at the ruins in front of him with his turbid eyes, and said in a low voice.

"The souls of the entire town were bewitched by Mephistopheles, there are three thousand fallen saint souls, such a terrifying death event, even if these souls are sealed, but the power revealed is enough to make Ordinary people feel terrified, although mortals cannot know what is happening in the town, but they will instinctively avoid danger."

With a hoarse voice, he explained to Chang Emir who was beside him.

Hei Xin looked at the ruins of St. Van Gonzalo in front of him, and a bit of greed flashed in his blood-red eyes.

"Okay, now you can give me the 'Contract of St. Van Gonzalo'."

He stretched out his claws and aimed at Chang Amir, and then showed a look of impatience.

Reaching out from his pocket, he took out the "Saint Van Gonzalo Contract" that he had obtained from the shovel. Emil Chang watched the excited expression of the black heart in front of him, and handed out the contract in his hand.

However, just one second before the 'Contract of Saint Van Gonzalo' in his hand was about to be sent to Blackheart's claw, Chang Amir's finger movement paused slightly, and then under the stunned gaze of the devil, he moved it again. The contract was withdrawn.


Facing this move made by Chang Emir, the expression on Heixin's face was stunned at first, and then he quickly reacted.

The demon opened his blood-red eyes and looked at the skinny black old man in front of him, and roared angrily: "You broke our agreement and wanted to betray me."

"I only promised to find the 'Saint Van Gonzal Contract' for you, but I didn't say that the contract would be delivered to you."

Facing the angry demon in front of him, Chang Amir showed a sly smile on his face.

"Damn, do you know what it would be like to betray a demon?!"

This sophistry of Chang Emir obviously angered the black heart in anger even more.

On the body, a large number of black shock waves appeared on it, and the black-hearted blood-colored eyes became as bright red and dangerous as blood because of anger.

"I will tear your soul to shreds and let you feel the price of deceiving the devil."

"Sorry, my soul no longer belongs to me."

Facing the black heart's threat to his soul, Chang Amir twisted his face indifferently.

The [Scarab Seal] on the back of the hand flashed a faint red light, and a large number of scarabs began to emerge in St. Van Gonzal under the power of the [Black Book of the Dead].

"No one except the great High Priest can take my soul, not even your father Mephistopheles."


Under the power of hellfire, Johnny Blazer and Carter Slay, two generations of Ghost Riders, left two conspicuous flame marks on the barren ground, and then came to the liberation of the 'Saint Van Gonzal Contract' destination.

"It seems that the demon has not yet liberated the soul in the 'Contract of St. Van Gonzalo'."

Looking at Saint Van Gonzal, who was still in ruins in front of him, the flames in Carter Sley's eyes flickered.

Since the souls of the three thousand fallen saints sealed in St. Van Gonzalo have not been released, the current situation has not reached the worst.

"but why?"

Although the situation in front of him reassured Carter Srey, more doubts began to surface in the heart of the former Ghost Rider.

Although the speed of the ghost knights is fast, after all, it has been a while since the demons found the 'Saint Van Gonzal contract' hidden in their shovels and left.

Theoretically, during this period of time, the demon could have released the soul that was sealed in St. Van Gonzal in the contract, and gained powerful power within it.


However, he had not waited for Carter Shire to fully express the doubts in his heart.

From not far away, the huge rumbling sound from St. Van Gonzane attracted the gazes of the two Ghost Riders at the same time.

The flames flickered in the empty eye sockets, and Johnny Blazer looked at the collapsed building in St. Van Gonzane, the familiar scarab swarm and the flickering black shock wave that appeared in mid-air, and then said silently: "Look at it. Get up, it's the infighting of the two who took away the 'Contract of St. Van Gonzalo'."

For some reason, Johnny Blazer wasn't surprised by the infighting that took place in front of him.

From the previous fight between him and Chang Emir, it can be seen that the other party is not under the existence of the devil.

Behind it, there is also a terrifying existence that is not weaker than a demon with powerful power like Mephistopheles.

"You'll never know how stupid it is to betray a pact with a demon!"

The black shock wave on the control body was constantly oscillating around like a ripple. Hei Xin looked at Chang Emir floating in the air against the background of the scarab, and the roar in his mouth became more and more harsh.

"Actually, I was about to try it out."

Looking down at the [Scarab Seal] flashing red on the back of his hand, Chang Amir was not afraid of the threat of the black heart: "What is the result?"

As Chang Emir's voice fell, a large number of lurking scarabs emerged from the ground under Heixin's feet, forming a huge black claw in an instant and grabbed in the direction of Heixin.


Although the huge claws formed by the scarabs are dangerous, they are obviously not enough to cause too much damage to demons like Black Heart.

The black shock wave that emerged from the body slammed and destroyed the claw that was grabbing towards him in an instant, and the black-hearted red eyes swept across the scarab beetles that turned into black mist around him, roaring: "Don't worry, I will let you In regret, experience pain."

After saying this, Hei Xin immediately controlled his body to float and rushed to the location where Chang Amir was.


"Okay, it's our turn to act."

The infighting between Chang Amir and Blackheart, although it brought a buffer time for the Ghost Riders.

However, Carter Srey is very clear that no matter which side wins the outcome, the soul in the "Contract of St. Van Gonzalo" will be released.

Therefore, in order to prevent this from happening, Ghost Rider must be involved in this battle.

He stretched out his whip and slapped it in the void to form a conspicuous flame. Carter Slay looked at Johnny Blazer on the ghost-faced Harley, and said in his hoarse and old voice: "This is the last time I will change. I am dead, the fire of **** in my body has been exhausted in the previous cemetery, the flame you gave me has given me a last chance to fight, I have always wanted to correct the mistakes I made , and God has gratefully given me a second chance, so thank you, child..."

As he spoke, Carter Shire reached out and gently pressed down the cowboy hat on his head.

"Also, see my battle clearly, the power of hellfire is not as simple as you think!"

As Carter Shire's voice fell, the **** warhorse beneath him immediately let out a long cry.

The limbs are wrapped in hellfire to produce terrifying flames, and at the same time, under the impetus of these forces, the already terrifying speed has been strengthened.

Stepping on the ground left scorched horseshoe marks one by one, Carter Shire rode a **** warhorse, and his entire body, man and horse, seemed to be completely wrapped by the fire of formed a huge flame and rushed towards Among the ruins of Santa Van Gonzalo.

Boom, boom—

Seeing Carter Slay rushing ahead, the ghost-faced Harley driven by Johnny Blazer also let out a low cry.

Feeling Harley's emotions, the flames on Johnny Blazer's face flickered.

He lowered his body and increased Harley's accelerator, and the skull head wrapped in flames sprayed a lot of flames.

"Then let's do it too, man!"

As Johnny Blazer's voice fell, the ghost-faced Harley under him responded to the Ghost Rider as if he had life.

The hellfire that controls his body is like the previous generation of Ghost Rider Carter Slay, wrapping himself and Harley underneath at the same time.


beep beep-

"Dad, here we are!"

Driving on the motorcycle, he hurriedly followed the mark left by the Ghost Rider and finally caught up with them.

[Uncle Long] looked up at the backs of the two ghost knights and Saint Van Gonzal not far away, turned his head and reminded the old man behind him.

"You don't need to remind me, Aaron, Dad can see it himself!"

Although there was no audience around, Dad still responded faithfully to the character.

He stretched out his hand to support the glasses on his face, and then squinted at the ruins of St. Van Gonzal not far away, walked towards the direction of the Ghost Knights, and was about to open his mouth to make an analysis.

However, in the next second, I saw the Ghost Rider on a horse, who had been staying in place, rushed towards St. Van Gonzal without hesitation.

Immediately afterwards, another Ghost Rider, Johnny Blazer, followed closely.

Dad: "..."

Antique store, main body Li Ran: "..."

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