Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 452: Dad is back


When Chang Emir, who was wrapped in scarabs, was hit, Carter Shire staggered in his footsteps, and the fire of **** burning on his body also flickered a little.

Different from the newly born Ghost Rider like Johnny Blazer, Carter Slay is the Ghost Rider of the previous generation.

His own power had already entered into a weakening state along with a long period of silence. During this period, in order to resist and avoid Mephisto's search and the endless bewitchment of the devil, he even consumed his little remaining power to the bottom. .

It can be said that the ghost knight transformation he used to fight against Chang Amir is the last bit of power that Carter Srey has in his body.

"You're much weaker than I thought."

Waving the pitch-black arm wrapped in scarabs, Chang Emir blasted the opposing Ghost Rider out.

Looking at the skeleton that smashed the tree and fell to the ground, Chang Emil's dark face flashed an unexpected expression.

Originally, he thought that Carter Slay, as the Ghost Rider of the previous generation, should be an extremely powerful existence. After all, Johnny's [Eye of Judgment] almost took his soul. However, in the battle in front of him, the fighting power shown by Carter Srey was far beyond Chang Emir's expectations.

The opponent's strength is much weaker than he expected.

There is simply no impression of the mighty power of Ghost Rider.

"If this is the strongest power you have displayed, then you should obediently become a real skeleton under the power of my great scarab!"

"Damn, don't you know that you should respect the elderly?"

Climbing up from the broken tree, Carter Shire flashed his empty eye sockets to look at Chang Amir opposite. The rib that was broken due to the impact recovered instantly under the fire of hell, and lifted up. He put his skeleton finger on his mouth and blew lightly.


I don't know how Carter Sley, who had only skeletons all over his body, blew, but it was accompanied by a sharp whistle.


From the depths of the cemetery, a dark horse rushed out of the white fog with crisp footsteps.

"Looks like, old man, it's time for us to fight together again."

Seeing the dark horse rushing out, a look of nostalgia flashed in the flames in Carter Sley's eyes. He stretched out the palm of his skull burned by the flames and stroked the horse's head.


In the next instant, with a rapid screeching sound, the dark horse in front of him also turned into a **** warhorse with only a skeleton skeleton under the power of hellfire.

Turning over and climbing on the war horse, the evil spirit knight looked at Chang Amir in front of him, and the flames of war were burning in his eyes.

"You should regret it, provoking the wrath of a Ghost Rider."

"An outdated old guy with an outdated old horse, do you think these things can scare me?"

The [Scarab Seal] on the back of his hand flashed a faint red light, and more and more scarabs flocked to Chang Amir's body to wrap it up. The ghost knight on the battle cavalry uttered disdainful taunts.

"old man?!"

He picked up the cowboy hat from the saddle of the **** war horse and put it on his head. When Carter Srey heard Chang Amir's description, the flames on his body stirred up.

Reaching out his hand and pressing down the cowboy hat on his head, Ghost Rider replied in his hoarse and old voice.

"Then I'll let you see the old guy's anger, it's not so pleasant!"

Two hot flames spewed from the nostrils of the **** warhorse, and as Carter Shire's voice fell, the warhorse under him instantly accelerated and rushed towards Chang Amir in front of him.




As a famous demon in hell, Blackheart's prestige doesn't just come from his father, Mephistopheles.

He waved his sharp claws to form black shock waves around him.

Black Heart controlled these shock waves to continuously flock to the location of the Ghost Rider. A large number of explosions not only blew the ground of the entire road into potholes, but also forced Johnny Blazer to have to use his hands. The chain made a resistance action.

"who do you think You Are?"

He waved his claws again to form a shock and landed on the Ghost Rider. Black Heart looked at Johnny Blazer, who was tired of parrying. His blood-red eyes flashed with a look of obvious disdain.

"The power in you comes from Mephisto. You really thought that as a demon monarch, it would be so kind to give you the power of the Ghost Rider."

"In Mephisto's view, you are the tool it uses to collect sinful souls in the world, and one day when it loses interest in you, you will be like the ghost knights before, with power and soul It was taken away by it.”

Although Johnny Blazer's own emotions were burned and suppressed to the lowest level after he incarnated as a Ghost Rider.

However, Black Heart's remarks still made the flames in the Evil Knight's hollow eyes throb.

However, although the cold heart has changed a little because of the information revealed by the black heart, these changes still cannot have much impact on the movements of the Ghost Rider's hands.

He waved the chain in his hand and set off a hot flame to resist the black shock wave launched by the black heart. The hellfire on the Ghost Rider suddenly erupted, and instantly turned into a huge pillar of fire and rushed to the location of the black heart.


The mighty power of the fire of hell, even the black heart of a demon would not dare to confront it head-on.

After all, as the son of Mephistopheles, it is very clear that the power of hellfire is not only from hell, but also inextricably linked with the spirit of vengeance in heaven.

Controlling his body to float in mid-air to avoid the impact of the fire of hell, Hei Xin looked down at the pitch-black mark on the ground that was burned by the fire of hell, the look in the blood-red eyes had not yet had time to feel relieved appearance.


In the next instant, along with the sound of the iron chain dragging, the chain from the evil spirit knight's hand shot out suddenly, wrapped around the body of Black Heart in mid-air, followed by a pull.

The black heart in mid-air was dragged directly in front of the Ghost Rider.

Tightening the chain in his hand, the Evil Knight turned his head to aim at the blood-red eyes of Black Heart in front of him, and in the next instant, two intense flames erupted from the position of his eyes.

"look into my eyes!"

With the hoarse voice of the Ghost Rider, the power of [Eye of Judgment] instantly acted on Hei Xin.

[Eye of Judgment] has the ability to judge sins. In theory, the more sinful a person is, the more suffering they will suffer under the power of [Eye of Judgment].

Their souls will recall all the crimes they have committed before under the burning fire of hell, make their souls feel all the pain they have done to innocent people, and finally die because of their sins, and their souls enter in hell.

However, the power of such a powerful [Eye of Judgment] seems to have no effect on the black heart in front of him.

Looking directly into the eyes of the Ghost Rider, the dark and blood-red eyes reflected the burning hellfire in the eyes of the Ghost Rider.

There was no sign of pain on its face.

"Do you think that as a demon, I will feel pain for everything I do?"

A black shock wave emerged from the body, causing the chain wrapped around the body to tremble, Black Heart stared at the Ghost Rider in front of him, and a sharp taunt came out of his mouth: "Your [Eye of Judgment] has nothing to do with me at all. The effect, because for demons, doing evil is instinct, and there will be no repentance in my heart!"

The power of the [Eye of Judgment] is the sin that seduces the judge's heart, because as long as the evildoer behaves fiercely, in fact, he knows that everything he does is not a good deed.

However, this point seems a little powerless when it falls on a demon like Black Heart.

As the black heart said, as a demon, for it, doing evil is the right thing, so since it is the right thing, how can there be a feeling of repentance under the power of the [Eye of Judgment].

"Your power has no effect on me at all!"

A low roar came out of his mouth, and a powerful shock burst out of Heixin's body instantly.

A large number of black shock waves emerged from its body and landed on the Ghost Rider in front of him.

The terrifying power of shock not only suppressed the power of the Hellfire on the Ghost Rider, but also directly dismantled his body into scattered white skeletons.

"Tell Mephisto, the power of the 'Contract of St. Van Gonzalo' is imperative, and it will stay in **** and continue to be its lord of hell."

Looking at the scattered skeletons on the ground, Hei Xin left such a sentence in his sharp voice, and in the next instant it controlled its body to float into the air, and flew towards a certain direction at the end of the road.


As Hei Xin left, a few minutes later, on the pitted ground, the skeletons scattered around began to shake slightly.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the extinguished fire of **** flashing again in the empty eye sockets of the Ghost Rider who fell on the ground.

"Dad, are you sure you're in this place?"

However, just as the ghost knights who were scattered into skeletons woke up, a slightly noisy conversation gradually came from the other end of the road.

"Aaron, never question Dad's words."

Accompanied by a crisp percussion, a hoarse voice sounded.

"If it wasn't for you not letting Dad use the power of the containment to find people from the Foundation, Dad would have already found everything that the prophecy in the dream reminded."

"Dad, you know, the power of the containment is not so practical. Even the containment staff of my foundation must apply for the right permission to use the power of the containment, not to mention, Dad, you The containment to be used is not at all within the reach of my level. When I reported directly to the Foundation, I already mentioned what you predicted in your dream, Dad, but the Foundation ignored it at all. "

"According to the response of the action team, they still have more important things to solve. The prophecy in your dream, Dad, is not enough for them to take action."

"They will regret it."

Faced with this answer, the hoarse voice immediately reacted angrily.

"Dad has already deciphered part of the prophecy. The prophecy reminds that an evil existence is about to wake up. According to the guidance of ancient magic, the apostle of this evil existence is wielding its evil power in the world."

In the dialogue between the two voices, they soon came to the place where the Ghost Rider was.

They looked at the pitted road in front of them, and the skeletons of the Ghost Rider scattered around, and then reacted in surprise.

"Dad, there seems to be a fierce battle here?"

"There are even skeletons left here."

Riding a bridge motorcycle, the Foundation 'containment expert' [Uncle Long] who was sitting in front looked at what was happening in front of him, and put on a surprised expression.

"Let Daddy see it."

From behind [Uncle Long], Dad's familiar voice came.

Sticking his head out, Dad helped the pink safety helmet on his head, his eyes fell on the skeleton of the Ghost Rider, and then he reminded: "Be careful, Aaron, Dad feels from the skeleton. Here comes a force of great and this force involves hell."

"Dad, are you exaggerating too much?"

Hearing what Dad did to stop, [Uncle Long] immediately made an expression of disbelief.

"Just a skeleton and..."

Boom, boom—

However, before [Uncle Long] finished speaking, he suddenly heard a low roar from the Harley motorcycle beside the skeleton.

"This motorcycle?!"

Looking at the motorcycle that made its own voice under the control of no one, [Uncle Long] immediately showed a surprised expression on his face. At the same time, his eyes swept over the motorcycle, and immediately turned into doubts.

"Dad, do you think this motorcycle is a little familiar, as if we've seen it somewhere before."

"Do you think Daddy is too old to be demented?"

Reaching out and knocking on the helmet on [Uncle Long]'s head, the old man turned his head to look at the ghost-faced Harley in front of him, and then said, "Father remembers this motorcycle, the burning skeleton that I saw in the museum before. the motorcycle he was driving."

"Burning skeleton? Daddy, do you mean Ghost Rider?"

"Dad, how can I remember the guy's name? In short, that guy's power is very strange, and it seems to have an intangible relationship with hell."

"Ghost Rider, burning skeleton, skeleton..."

Following Dad's description, the avatar [Uncle Long] made a murmuring expression on his face, and while talking, he glanced at the scattered skeleton in front of him, and his eyes suddenly flashed and shouted.

"No way, these!"


Before the voice of [Uncle Long] could fall, the skeletons scattered on the ground immediately burst into hot flames, and under the power of these flames, they instantly combined into a flaming skeleton figure.

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