Avengers Building, inside a special laboratory.

Susan looked at the scene in the laboratory with a deep worry on her face.

"Don't worry Susan, Reed they will succeed."

On the side, Stone Man Ben lightly patted Susan on the shoulder and comforted softly.

"I know Ben, I just..."

Facing Ben's consolation, Susan looked away from the laboratory, but the worry on her face did not diminish much.

"Are you ready?"

In the laboratory, Tony looked at Johnny's comatose body in the special experimental cabin in front of him, turned his head and asked Ultron aside.

"Everything is ready, Mr. Stark."

The blue light in his eyes flickered, Ultron scanned the situation of Johnny in the experimental cabin, and at the same time answered with his usual gentle and rational voice.

"Then let's begin."

Getting an accurate reply from Ultron's mouth, Tony nodded, and then shouted to Banner and Reed on the side: "Start, Banner, Dr. Reed."

Hearing Tony's reminder, Banner and Reed in the laboratory nodded involuntarily.

Banner pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, reached out and typed a series of codes on the keyboard in front of him, and finally pressed the Enter key.

"I've activated the device."

After doing everything in his hands, Banner subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, put on the glasses on his face and looked at the location of the experimental cabin where Johnny was.

"Next, if the calculated data is correct, the experiment should work."

"Calculations can't go wrong."

Hearing Banner's words, Reed made a firm promise.

"This is the experimental data that I have obtained through countless computational analyses, and there is no possibility of any error."

"Well, you know, Dr. Reed, I'm just used to asking questions."

In the face of Reed's somewhat excited reaction, Banner understandably relented.

Although, in Banner's mind, there is never a perfect experiment.

Just like at the beginning, he also thought that his experiment was foolproof, until he encountered an accident in the military experiment, and his entire body was swept by gamma rays and turned into what it is today.

"Sorry, I'm a little too excited."

After shouting to Banner, Reed also realized that his reaction was a little too extreme. He restrained the expression on his face that turned red because of impulsiveness, and made a sincere apology.

For this therapeutic experiment, not only Reed himself, but the Avengers also made a lot of efforts and help.

"I can understand, Dr. Reed, the most important thing now is that Johnny's treatment experiment can be successfully completed."

Banner without transforming into Hulk has a good temper, so he expressed full understanding in the face of Reed's situation. He reached out and patted the other's shoulder, then comforted him.

"Okay everyone, if you have anything to say or quarrel or even fight, you can wait until the end of the experiment to do it. We need to put all our attention on Johnny in front of us."

Interrupting the conversation between Banner and Reed, Tony opened his mouth and glanced at the real genetic data on the virtual screen in the laboratory: "Ultron, do the final adjustment work."

"Understood, Mr. Stark."

Following Tony's order, the blue light in Ultron's eyes began to flicker, and the data from the laboratory was transmitted into his brain, and he calculated quietly for a few seconds.

"The final adjustment work has been completed."

"Then, start now."

After completing the final procedure, Tony took a deep breath with a solemn expression, looked at Johnny Human Torch who had been in a coma for a long time in the experimental cabin, and issued the final order.

"Activate the 'peace factor' and activate the regeneration and repair function."

The "peace factor" is actually the technology that Tony obtained from the 'pacifist' before. He found Jin Bing's remnant in the ruins of the 'pacifist' robot, and found the doctor's laboratory in Jin Bing's mouth. Leaving behind a biochemical technology with powerful repair and regeneration capabilities.

This biochemical technology combines the regeneration ability of vampires with the mechanical kinetic energy of pacifist robots, and is a technological direction completely different from Tony's steel suit.

Out of curiosity about this technology, Tony once tried to experiment with this biochemical technology.

However, in the process of this experiment, Tony clearly felt the terrifying results of the results. If this biochemical technology continues to be extended, it has obviously touched the very dangerous field of creation.

Although Tony often considers himself a genius who is not afraid of the sky and the earth, he still has to stop his desire to find out in front of the creator's realm.

Biochemical technology is different from artificial intelligence, which is a more naked and intuitive science and technology.

He may be able to pursue the existence of artificial intelligence, but creating a living species of life is obviously not acceptable to the current Tony. At the moment, Tony is not suffering from the out-of-control of artificial intelligence, so the whole person is not yet desperate.

Out of vigilance and fear of this biochemical technology, Tony blocked it at the first time.

But he didn't want to, but was discovered by Ultron and proposed to use it on Johnny.

In the trust of artificial intelligence, after hesitation, Tony finally agreed to the plan proposed by Ultron.

With the cooperation of the Avengers and Reed, they managed to complete all the preparations before Johnny's situation worsened.

With Tony's orders.

In the experimental cabin where Johnny was lying, several mechanical arms began to move.

Ao Chuang's eyes flickered with blue light, and these tiny mechanical arms were instantly connected.

The arms swayed in various postures, and cut various wounds on Johnny's body with dexterous movements far beyond human beings. Then, several devices connected to the blood-colored liquid were extended from the airtight experimental cabin. Ultron controlled the mechanical arm. The devices were inserted into Johnny's wound site.

Soon, under the gaze of Tony and others.

The blood-colored liquid that entered Johnny's body began to combine with the Human Torch's cells, forming new limbs and flesh-and-blood tissue at a speed visible to the naked eye. This tissue is similar to a human structure but obviously has a red metal glow.


In the laboratory, looking at the devices working in the experimental cabin, the dignified expressions on Tony and the others' faces were finally relieved.

On the other side, outside the laboratory, Susan noticed the expressions on their faces, and the worry in her heart could not help but let go.

"No, no, why didn't these regenerated flesh stop as calculated."

The constantly regenerated flesh and blood tissue quickly replaced the original missing parts of Johnny's body. However, after these limbs were completed, the regenerated tissue did not stop as originally planned by Tony and others, but continued to follow. Those previously intact body parts began to spread.


What happened to Johnny made the expressions of Panasonic on the faces of Tony and the others in the laboratory tense again.

Tony looked at the changes in Johnny's body, and immediately turned his head to ask Ultron aside.

"I am not aware of this change, it was not predicted in my calculations, Mr. Stark."

In the face of Tony's questioning, Ultron's tone was obviously suspicious.

A light flickered in You Lan's eyes. Ultron scanned the Torch in the experimental cabin, and the artificial intelligence quickly made an analysis.

"It seems that the cells in Johnny's body combine with these 'peace factors' to produce changes. This mutated cell changes the genes in Johnny's body that are already unstable, and the changes in front of him appear."

"Johnny's body, like mine, has been exposed to the radiation of the cosmic storm in space, which has mutated into unstable genes, which I should have thought of long ago."

Hearing Ultron's analysis, Reed's face immediately showed an expression of remorse.

He did a lot of calculations and analysis for this experiment, but only missed this point.

"It's not your fault, Dr. Reed."

Looking at Reed, whose expression was full of self-blame, although Tony had the same worried look on his face, Dan still spoke to comfort him: "Actually, I didn't think of that either."

"Report the current situation, Ultron."

"Okay, Mr. Stark."

Nodding lightly, Ultron's eyes constantly scanned Johnny's body in the experimental cabin, and at the same time made a report of the scanned situation to Tony and others in the laboratory.

"At present, this mutation has not been found to have an adverse effect on Johnny. Although under the impression of this cell mutation, Johnny's body has changed, but, based on the current detection data, this change has an impact on The impact of Johnny's life was not that big, in fact, I can see from my scans that Johnny's body after the mutation seems to have surpassed the original situation."

"It's just that the color is a little off."

On the other side, upon hearing Ultron's analysis, Banner looked at Johnny's body in the experimental cabin and couldn't help but muttered to himself.

Under the scanning of Ultron and the gazes of Tony and others, the last trace of changes in Johnny in the experimental cabin also stopped.

"Johnny's physical signs are normal based on the scans."

At the same time, Ultron also retracted his scan of the Human Torch and made a report.

"Then let's go to the last step."

Although there were some surprises that Tony and the others did not expect during the experiment, the expressions on everyone's faces couldn't help but relax a bit when they saw Johnny, who was already in good health in the experimental cabin.

Tony's eyes swept over Johnny, who was still closing his eyes, and immediately gave the next command to Ultron.

"No problem, Mr. Stark."

In line with Tony's order, Ultron stretched out his silver-white mechanical arm and picked up the scepter that had been on the side of the laboratory.

Turning his head, aiming at the direction of the experimental cabin, with the blue light flashing in his eyes, the closed experimental cabin cover immediately opened, and Ultron held the scepter and aimed at Johnny who was lying unconscious in it, and the next moment A dim yellow energy was launched from the top of the scepter, and it continued to emerge towards the location of Johnny's brain.

The Scepter has powerful psychic energy, which is what the Avengers concluded after fighting through the power within.

Through the power of the scepter, Tony and Banner successfully created the artificial intelligence Ultron.

And now, it is through Ultron's analysis that he came up with a plan to use the power of the scepter to awaken Johnny.

Although the 'Peace Factor' biotechnology can repair Johnny's damaged body, it cannot repair his already weakened consciousness. Therefore, if you want to reawaken Johnny's sleeping consciousness, the power of the scepter is indispensable.

At the same time, after confirming Tony and their planned time, Sol determined the location of his girlfriend Jane from Natasha's mouth and left the Avengers Building directly.

In the laboratory, the dim-yellow energy emerging from the top of the scepter illuminated the entire space of the laboratory with yellow and orange slices.

However, under such a steady stream of energy, Johnny in the experimental cabin still closed his eyes tightly, lying motionless there with no sign of waking up.

"Why is this?"

Looking at Johnny who was still unconscious ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Banner couldn't help frowning his eyebrows.

"Perhaps it was because Johnny had been in a coma for so long that his brain was aware of the weakest level."

Staring at the dark energy surging on the scepter in Ultron's hand, Reed said with 200% expectation in his heart.


The power of the scepter is extremely powerful, and even Ultron who uses its power cannot withstand the generation of such power. Soon, a large number of electro-optical floats appeared on Ultron's mechanical body in the laboratory.

"Ultron, stop for now."

"No, Mr. Stark, I can hold on, I can already feel it, and under the power of the scepter, Johnny's consciousness has responded to me."

Ignoring Tony's order, the blue light in Ultron's eyes flashed dazzlingly.

The next moment, I saw a gem with a dim light flying out from the top of the scepter that Ultron grabbed, and slowly sank into the head of Johnny in the experimental cabin.

"Be careful, sir!"

With the appearance of the gem, Jarvis' voice in the laboratory suddenly sounded.

In Jarvis' reminder, the experimental cabin that had been safely placed there suddenly exploded inside, and a large number of metal fragments shot out with the explosion.

In the face of such a dangerous situation, Reed inflated his body without hesitation, and in an instant he turned into a balloon-like shape, protecting Tony and Banner behind him at the same time.


The explosion in the laboratory was obviously beyond the expectations of Tony and others.

However, in contrast to the damage caused by the explosion, everyone's eyes were subconsciously in the direction of the blasted experimental cabin, where a figure with red skin stood in it, and at the same time, countless white mists dispersed from his body to the surroundings. .

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