Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 440: only 1 audience

Ultimate creature] has a powerful cell control ability, and can know all the memories of the other party through the brain of the invading creature.

Therefore, it is obvious that in the process of [Kaz]'s fingers integrating into Sol's brain, [Ultimate Creature] also learned the memory in this Thor's mind.

Of course, all of these are the reasons given by [Ultimate Creature].

In fact, because of Asgard Warrior's powerful body, which is very different from human beings, it is not as easy for [Ultimate Creatures] to integrate into humans. After all, even if they look similar, Thor and the living creatures on earth are actually Two completely different species.

After all, normal human beings, even [Ultimate Creatures], cannot be like Thor, who can still be immortal after being exposed and drifting in the cosmic vacuum environment for so long.

[Ultimate creature] In order to survive in the universe, it had to transform itself into a life form with a mineral structure, and eventually lost the ability to think. And Thor, without any protection, was still alive and well until he met the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Therefore, the brief integration process before [Ultimate Creature] didn't really get anything from Sol's brain.

However, it doesn't matter, although the fact is that there is no gain, but this does not prevent [Ultimate Creature] from continuing to perform.

The so-called intelligence, he is completely self-sufficient.

Therefore, after leaving such an obviously deceptive remark in the Jinnian Building, the [Ultimate Creature] grabbed the figures of Doctor Doom and Dior in their hands and distorted them instantly, and disappeared in front of the Avengers.

"The kid is in danger!"

Watching the trail of [Ultimate Creature] and others disappearing in front of him, Tony's expression suddenly changed under the steel helmet.

"Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to Bao."

Surrounded by dancing electric snakes, Thor's eyes were shrouded in dazzling white light. Feeling the powerful power that filled his body, Thor's confidence also soared. He raised his palm without even having to activate it deliberately. The power of Thor's Hammer turned into a thunderbolt and thundered out.


Looking up at the direction where Sol disappeared, Steve turned to look at Carter beside him, his face full of apologetics.

"Do what you have to do, Steve."

To the gaze cast by Captain America, Carter gave the answer without hesitation.


With the support of Agent Carter, Steve's expression changed under the mask. He took a deep breath and lifted the shield in his hand, and then said in a deep voice, "Wait for me, Peggy, I won't break my promise this time. already."

Peggy: "I'll keep waiting. After all, you owe me a dance for not dancing."

"I've learned a lot of new dance moves."

Facing Peggy's reply, Steve's mouth under the mask slightly raised: "At least it won't look too outdated."

"Sorry for disturbing the two of you, but the current situation, the crisis has not been resolved, so..."

Looking at the two people looking at each other affectionately in Jinping Building, Tony raised his eyebrows, and then opened his mouth to remind.

"Help me take care of Peggy, Tom."

Stepping to grab the shoulders of the steel suit, Steve still turned his head to the Falcon and asked.

Losing the flying ability of steel wings, Falcon is obviously no longer suitable for participating in the next battle.

"As far as the current situation is concerned, it is uncertain who will take care of whom."

Facing Captain America's request, Tom Falcon turned his head and glanced at Agent Carter who was easily sweeping a heavy gravel aside, and couldn't help but muttered to himself with a twitching mouth.

Agent Carter, who turned into a vampire under the power of the stone face, is far superior to Falcon himself, who relies on equipment in terms of physical fitness.


"Natasha, how's the situation in Chinatown?"

In mid-air, Tony grabbed Captain America and rushed to Po's location, while contacting Natasha through Jarvis.

"I have informed Axing of the situation."

Inside the Avengers Building, Natasha replied while observing the situation through satellite.

"He will take Po out of the martial arts gym in Chinatown."

"It's too late now."

Hearing Natasha's answer, Tony's expression in the steel suit was solemn.

"[Ultimate Creature] has already known the location of the kid and is now rushing towards the location of Chinatown. If the [Ultimate Creature] cannot be stopped, the reincarnation of the immortal Penglai will obviously become very dangerous. It seems that, This time, Master Ye needs to take action again."

"However, you should know, Tony, the previous 'Magic Sealing Wave' has made Master Ye's situation very dangerous, and even the seal left by [Turtle Immortal] on him has loosened. If I use this sealing power again, I'm worried about the extraterrestrial demons in Master Ye's body?"

Facing Tony's words, Natasha in the Avengers Building couldn't help frowning and said with a worried expression.

"If the [Ultimate Creature] can't be sealed, the situation will be even worse when he eats the kid."

The concerns raised by Natasha are naturally very obvious to Tony.

However, the current situation did not give Tony much time to think and hesitate.

[Ultimate creature] has already swallowed the power of Jiuyou, if he is swallowing A Bao, who was reincarnated as a Penglai immortal.

Tony couldn't imagine any power that could prevent the [Ultimate Creature] from becoming the **** in his mouth.

So, in order to prevent this worst-case scenario, Tony had to make a choice.


"alright, I got it."

In the Avengers Building, facing Tony's reply, Natasha was silent for a few seconds before she answered with difficulty.

"I will tell Master Ye the situation, but the final result is still up to Master Ye to make a decision."

Natasha and Ye Wen have been together for the longest time. Although most of the reasons are to perform S.H.I.E.L.D. missions, this does not hinder the relationship between Natasha and Ye Wen. In a sense, Ye Wen is also a member of the Avengers.


"It should be here."

Chinatown, Wing Chun Martial Arts Museum.

With the distortion of the space in front of the martial arts hall, the silhouettes of [Ultimate Creatures] and Doctor Doom appeared there immediately.

Looking up at the unremarkable martial arts hall in front of him, [Caz] raised his eyebrows and made a memory expression: "According to Sol's memory, the reincarnation of Penglai's immortals is hidden here."

"Chinatown, immortals reincarnated?"

His eyes flickered under the steel mask, and Doctor Doom twisted his body to suppress his trembling body due to frequent teleportation.

Everything that happened in Jinbian Building was faster than he imagined, especially the [Ultimate Creature] was integrated into Jiuyou's body and the battle of the avengers. It's not worth mentioning in front of it.

The eyes under the mask changed, and Doctor Doom looked up at the sign in front of the martial arts hall, and a dazzling electric current began to wrap around him.

"As long as he gains the power of immortal reincarnation, Lord [Kaz] will become a true **** on earth."

Controlling the dense lightning on his body wrapped around his silver-white arm, Doctor Doom looked at the gate of the martial arts hall, and then controlled the lightning to form a dazzling electric current to the martial arts hall.

"The first form of the Tathagata's palm - the first appearance of Buddha's light!"

Seeing that, the lightning will destroy the gate of the martial arts hall.

Accompanied by a soft sound, surrounded by faint Buddha light, a golden palm appeared in front of the martial arts hall, blocking the lightning created by Doctor Doom.

"Looks like you should be the people Ms. Natasha said."

Appearing in front of the martial arts hall, Ah Xing swept across the [Ultimate Creature] in front of him and stopped on Dio's body for a while, then slowly said with a solemn expression.

"He is from Penglai. It seems that the child reincarnated by the immortal is here."

Looking at Ah Xing in front of him, Dior immediately reminded the [Ultimate Creature] beside him with a pretense.


Inside the antique shop, Li Ran couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth as he looked at the situation in front of the martial arts hall.

The situation in Chinatown is a bit funny. Although it looks dangerous, in fact, only Doctor Doom is really involved. The rest, whether it is the [Ultimate Creature] or Dior, who are the villains, stand up and resist. A Xing and even the target A Bao or Ye Wen are actually only played by Li Ran's avatar.

"In such a big show, there is only one audience in the end, isn't it a bit inappropriate."

Looking at the situation in front of the martial arts hall, Li Ran couldn't help muttering to himself.

"If I had known it earlier, I should have controlled the teleportation distance a little bit, and left some time to wait for the Avengers to arrive."

Although Li Ran, the main body in the antique shop, regretted that the audience for the front and back fights he planned was rare, but in order to make everything go smoothly, he had to reluctantly continue to let the avatar play in front of Doctor Doom.

"At least, Doctor Doom alone can provide fame, and the neighbors near Chinatown can also..."

Judging from the calculation of the popularity of the system, the popularity that ordinary people can provide is far less than that of superheroes or villains in the Meiman world. However, in the current situation, Li Ran has nothing to dislike. After all, mosquitoes No matter how small it is, it is better than nothing.

From the standpoint of Penglai, the residents of Chinatown were notified to evacuate as early as the moment they knew that Chinatown was in danger.

Although, such an approach is not the best approach for Li Ran's reputation collection.

However, he was not so mad that he would wantonly hurt ordinary people for the sake of fame.

"Is this the power of Immortal Penglai?"

Twisting his head, looking at the golden Buddha palm formed by Ah Xing's "Tathagata's Palm", a look of interest flashed in the eyes of [Ultimate Creature].

"Sure enough, it's a rather interesting force."

"I'm far from being a fairy."

Hearing the question of [Ultimate Creature], Ah Xing cooperated and gave a modest answer.

"The Tathagata's Palm is an immortal method, but I only got a glimpse of the fur, which is far from the power of the Penglai immortals."

As he spoke, Ah Xing slowly raised his palm and aimed at the [Ultimate Creature] and others in front of him: "Although I am not proficient in the "Tathagata's Palm", I also have the heart of eliminating demons and defending the way, and I won't let it go. You have caused the slightest harm to the reincarnation of the immortals in Penglai."

Saying that, A Xing waved his hand, and a large amount of Buddha light accompanied the Sanskrit sound from behind him, forming a faint golden Buddha statue to wrap it up.

"If you want the immortal to be reincarnated, pass me first."

""Buddha's Palm"?"

Curving the corners of his mouth, looking at Ah Xing, who was wrapped in a Buddha statue in front of him, [Ultimate Creature] twisted his body and was about to step forward. The expression on his face changed slightly in the next moment, but he immediately stopped his footsteps and turned his head. Look towards the other end of Chinatown.

"Looks like someone is here again."

"finally come."

Inside the antique shop, Li Ran felt the message from his clone [Kaz] and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there will not be only a lonely audience like Doctor Doom watching the clone's——

As the voice of [Ultimate Creature] fell, Doctor Doom's eyes flickered under the steel mask.

Immediately afterwards, at the end of Chinatown, a huge green body made a deafening roar amid a lot of rumbling, and the buildings that crossed Chinatown landed heavily on the street where [Ultimate Creatures] were.


Because of the jump, the Hulk's landing was not as secure as he imagined.

The huge body directly smashed a long gully on the ground under the huge inertia. However, this situation did not have any effect on the Hulk. The Hulk let out a roar and smashed his calf. Lifting out of the ravine, he turned his head and turned his dark green eyes to swipe at Ah Xing in front of the martial arts hall, and then he stopped on the body of [Ultimate Creature].

"[Ultimate Creature], Hulk!"

[Ultimate Creature] That tall body is already quite huge for humans, but in front of the Hulk, it somehow shows a sense of slenderness.

Looking at the [Ultimate Creature] in front of him, Hulk opened his mouth and shouted immediately.

For the Hulk, whose brain has always been occupied by anger, it is a fortunate thing to be able to lock the target.

"Your body is special."

Looking at the angry Hulk gasping in front of him, [Ultimate Creature] blinked his eyes, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes: "I can feel the powerful power of the cells in your body that erupts all the time. , it is hard to imagine what kind of creature can have such a powerful and seemingly endless power. Under this power, even the cells in my body began to react involuntarily, constantly letting me put you into my body..."

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