Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 434: Dior of Evil


In the Jinbing Building, Dior's bewitching face showed obvious disdain.

"It's really something that you Avengers will come up with self-righteous superheroes. For me, this kind of idea is as boring as mouse **** in the toilet, and only a stupid superhero will believe it! I don't have Dior. There is only one simple belief in my head for these boring thoughts, only one, and that is: win and rule everything!"


He stretched out his fingers and pointed at Agent Carter behind him. Under Dio's control, the dagger in Carter's hand mercilessly plunged into his neck.

The sharp dagger pierced Carter's neck, and a large amount of blood spurted out of his slender neck in an instant.


Seeing the self-mutilation that Agent Carter had done, blood shone into his eyes, Captain America couldn't keep his calm any longer, he held up his shield and rushed forward.


However, looking at Steve who rushed forward.

A gleam of light flashed in Dalxi's eyes, who was standing beside Dior, and the next moment the ability of [Yoga Teleportation] was activated, and the entire figure was instantly twisted and blocked in front of Captain America.

"Haha, Steve, it's exactly what I expected!"

Seeing Captain America rushing forward, Dior's face showed an expectant expression: "It's too easy to deal with you, Steve, your so-called kindness has not grown at all no matter how long it has passed. ." With his fingers, Agent Carter behind him pulled out the dagger on his neck, and then the powerful self-healing ability of the vampire healed the wound in an instant.

"This time it's just a warning, next time it won't be so simple. Although the vampire's powerful self-healing ability can ensure that Carter will not die, it does not mean that there is no pain, and the granulation I implanted on her forehead can Increase the degree of this pain to more than a hundred times, so if you don’t want to watch Carter go completely mad in this severe pain, Steve, you must do as I said and bring the reincarnation of Immortal Penglai here.”

[Granulation implantation] To increase pain or something is purely Dio's ability to talk nonsense.

The spidery granulation on Agent Carter's forehead may be able to control Carter's body, but it's just control.

However, although what he said is not the truth, it is impossible for the Avengers and others in front of him to know this.

Therefore, hearing Dio's description, the expression on Steve's face became more and more anxious. He waved the shield in his hand and tried to rush forward, but was easily blocked by Darcy in front of him.

"Greed, hatred, ignorance, resentment, separation from love, lack of desire, loss of happiness, all kinds of sufferings in the world, why don't the benefactor let go of all these and get rid of these troubles as soon as possible..."

While talking about Zen philosophy, Dalxi's attack did not stop at all.

It perfectly shows what is called physical transcendence.

Controlling the continuous extension of his arms, Darcy's arms are like twisting ropes, constantly attacking the opposite Captain America from various unimaginable angles. In the face of these swift and violent offensives, even the battle-hardened Stie Husband couldn't help but get tired of running.

"I'm going to help!"

Seeing that Steve's situation was in decline, Falcon immediately drew out his weapon, controlled the metal wings behind him to lift off into the air, and rushed in the direction of Darcy.


On the other side, Thor waved the Thor's Hammer in his hand to generate violent lightning, and was about to step forward.

An equally dazzling electric current came from the man in the cloak who had been standing still beside Dio, and slashed in front of Suo Ran, blocking his footsteps.

"Sir, it's Doctor Doom."

Inside the steel suit, Jarvis scanned the figure of the man in the cape and quickly analyzed it.

"It seems that Doctor Doom is the helper that Dio found."

Tony frowned under the metal mask, swept over the steel mask exposed from the cloak, and muttered this.

As for Doctor Doom who escaped from custody, the Avengers never gave up their search, but they didn't want the other party to unite with Jiuyou in a situation they didn't expect at all.

"Are you tickling me?"

Looking down at the electric current in front of him, Sol raised the Thor's Hammer in his hand and looked at Doctor Doom's figure wrapped in a cloak, and a large amount of lightning gathered on him to form a violent dance of electric snakes: "I am Thor, all Lightning is under my control."

With the electric light dancing around Thor's body, Doctor Doom clearly felt that the originally stable current in his body began to appear uncontrollable, and he could vaguely feel a huge attraction from Thor's hammer in Thor's hand. Come.

"Is this the power of Thor?"

The rampant power in the body is obviously not a very comfortable thing. Under the steel mask, Dr. Doom's eyes flickered, feeling the increasingly uncontrollable violent current, and had to give up the use of current as a means of attack. As the current flickering on his body gradually dissipated, the strong gravitational force from Thor's Hammer also decreased.

"Feel the wrath of Thor!"

Looking at Doctor Doom who gave up making electricity, Sol let out a roar from the lightning-wrapped face, and the next moment he swiped the Thor's Hammer in his hand to produce a terrifying sound of breaking through the air, carrying violent lightning to the location of Doctor Doom.


The flying Thor's Hammer has an amazing impact force, especially under the impetus of lightning, this force is even more amazing.

However, in the face of this terrifying flying hammer.

Doctor Doom didn't dodge at all. He stretched out his arm and grabbed the hammer head directly under Thor's shocked gaze.


Seeing the Thor's Hammer tightly grasped by Doctor Doom, Thor's heart tightened, and without hesitation, he put away his palm and summoned the Thor's Hammer held by Doctor Doom to return to his hand.

"Did you do that?"

Saul has no doubts about the power of his Thor's Hammer.

But that's why it's especially shocking to see Doctor Doom withstood the impact so easily, grabbing the hammer.

"Do you think I'll tell you?"

In the face of Thor's questioning, Doctor Doom looked indifferent on the surface, and at the same time lowered his arms and used a wide cloak to cover the cracks and wounds on his arms.

Doctor Doom resisted the blow of Thor's Hammer, naturally it couldn't be as easy as it seemed on the surface.

Although, because of its own relationship with current manipulation, Doctor Doom has extremely high resistance to the lightning on Thor's Hammer. However, with the hammer coming from Sol, the danger was not the violent lightning carried on it, but the almost unstoppable powerful impact generated during the flight.

In fact, as early as the moment Thor made his roar, Doctor Doom felt the crisis and planned to dodge.

However, just a second before he wanted to dodge, the [Ultimate Creature] parasitic on his arm suddenly opened his mouth, preventing Doctor Doom's next move.

[Kaz] The sudden order put Doctor Doom in a dilemma. On the one hand, he could clearly feel the terrifying power that devastated the world from Thor's Hammer, and on the other hand, it came from the [Ultimate Creature]. , but forced Doctor Doom to execute it. His previous experience made him clear that the [Kaz] parasitic on his body was not a kind character, especially when the other party controlled one of his arms.

Therefore, after a brief hesitation, Doctor Doom had to follow the order of [Ultimate Creature] and stand still.

As a result of this, it created the astonishing picture that Sol saw in front of him.

At the moment when Thor's Hammer flew, [Kaz] controlled Doctor Doom's arm to reorganize the cell level. Although the re-deformed arm did not change in appearance, it was still completely inside. Change, every inch of muscle in Doctor Doom's metallized DNA arm forms a spring-like tissue. These muscle tissues form a powerful buffer force at the moment of the impact of Thor's Hammer, which is invisible to Thor. The angle was compressed by a distance of five or six centimeters to resist the impact of Thor's Hammer, creating the effect of easily grasping Thor's Hammer in Thor's eyes.

Rao is so, that momentary impact also caused a lot of cracks on the arm controlled by [Kaz]. If it wasn't for the powerful self-healing ability of [Ultimate Creature], it might have been fragmented long ago.

It can be said that in order to complete the scene in front of him, Li Ran took great pains.

Although, the real purpose of doing this is to gain fame, but on the surface he gave a high-sounding reason through the [Ultimate Creature] parasitic on Doctor Doom.

"After absorbing the violent lightning on the hammer, I must have enough strength to attack the next hunt, pay attention to the situation of the Indian monk, and approach the past once he has any problems."

"Yes, Lord [Kaz]."

Successfully deceived by the reason given by [Ultimate Creature], a clear look flashed in the eyes of Doctor Doom's steel mask, and then he whispered in his heart.

Holding the hammer of Thor that flew back in his hand, the expression on Sol's face was not as relaxed at all, and his eyes were fixed on Doctor Doom in front of him.

Obviously, the previous scene where the opponent resisted Thor's Hammer with one hand had a great impact on Sol.

At the same time, it also made the Thor not dare to wave the hammer again to launch an offensive.

Here, with the help of [Ultimate Creatures], Doctor Doom was used to successfully contain Thor's combat power.

On the other hand, with the cooperation of [Yoga Teleportation] and the yoga body, Darcy completely suppressed Captain America without any resistance.

Even with the addition of the Falcon, to be honest, apart from the flying ability brought by the steel wings, the Falcon's combat ability is only slightly higher than that of ordinary people, and it cannot pose too much threat to Dalxi.

Doctor Doom blocks Thor, and Dal'sey suppresses Steve and Falcon.

There seemed to be only Tony, who was wearing a steel suit, in the entire Jinnian Building.

Glancing across the chaotic battle in front of him, Dior's bewitching face was neither sad nor happy.

"Honestly, Steve, I've thought about it, if there's a **** in the world and manipulating fate, there's nothing more calculated than our relationship. We all had a chance to be each other, but in the end Under the choice of fate, you became Captain America, and I became a more powerful king of vampires. When I heard the news of your death, I thought that I would never be able to take revenge on you, but after the fiddling of fate I went down, but gave me this opportunity again, and now I am ready to completely obliterate our fate with each other."

As Dio's voice fell, the face of Agent Carter behind him showed a painful look, and under the control of the spider-like granulation on his forehead, he rushed into the battle between Darcy and Steve and others with a dagger at an alarming speed. .


Facing the sudden attack of Agent Carter, the shield waving in Steve's hand was a little hesitant, but Carter immediately seized the opportunity to swing the dagger and leave a deep mark on Captain America's ~Captain! "

Seeing the injured captain, Tony subconsciously raised his palm to aim at Carter to launch a pulse wave.

"Wait a minute, Tony!"

However, seeing Tony's move, Steve gritted his teeth and turned around to block Tony's pulse with his shield.


At the same time, Carter shot again and stabbed the dagger into Steve's back.

"Sorry Steve, I can't control my body."

While holding a dagger in one hand to attack, on the other side, Carter's eyes kept flowing with tears, and he kept making apologies in his mouth.

"It's alright, Peggy, I know it's not your will..."

Gritting his teeth to bear the backstab from Carter, Steve turned his body, glanced at Agent Carter's face gently, and said with a smile, "I will definitely defeat Dio and rescue you from his control. "

"Beat me, haha, Steve, you really can tell a joke, how can you beat me under the current situation!"

Hearing Steve's comfort to Carter, Dio couldn't help but let out a mocking laugh: "Carter's life is completely in the palm of my hand, I can let her do this." Dio raised his palm, Agent Carter, who was in front of Steve, did not hesitate to pull out the dagger stuck on Steve and stab himself in the body.

"You can let her do that too."

Immediately afterwards, Dior changed the conversation again, and Carter, who was still hurting himself a moment ago, immediately attacked Steve in front of him.

"I have mastered the biggest weakness in your life, Steve, in such a situation, what do you use to fight me, you are destined to be placed in the hands of my Dio, and become the cornerstone of my standing at the apex of the world. A win is ultimately mine, Dior, Steve!"

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