Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 425: stopped thinking

"how is the situation?"

Avengers Building, Steve looked at Mr. Fantastic Reed who came out of the ward, and cared.

"According to Ultron's scan analysis, there is nothing wrong with Susan's physical condition. It's just that her body is extremely weak due to a long-term lack of nutrition, and she needs to rest for the first time."

Facing Captain America's question, the always worried expression on Reed's face finally changed a little bit, he let out a long sigh of relief and slowly replied.

The outcome of the battle is ultimately the victory of the Avengers.

Through the power of the magic seal wave, Ye Wen successfully sealed the [Ultimate Creature] into the microwave oven.

The members of the Avengers Rescue Foundation also found the invisible female Susan who was in a coma not far from the battlefield.

Although he successfully found the missing Susan, Reed did not appear too excited. He was thinking about how to tell Johnny's problem to the other party. Moreover, Reed recalled the previous conversation with Ultron in the ward, and the artificial intelligence clearly pointed out that there was a wound on the back of Susan's neck, and there were obvious unnatural movements in her body.

"Everything will be fine, Doctor."

Noticing the expression on Reed's face, Steve reached out and patted his shoulder, comforting: "Even the [Ultimate Creature] has been sealed by us, we will definitely find a solution to Johnny's problem. The way, in fact, Tony has contacted the top surgeons in the world to treat Johnny's injury, so don't put too much pressure on yourself."

"I know, Captain, just the thought that if Susan knew about Johnny, I just…"

For the Fantastic Four, the encounters during this period have been troublesome, and even caused Reed to have regrets that if he hadn't studied space cosmic storms at the beginning, perhaps nothing would have happened.

"Have you found that guy?"

Avengers Tower, another level.

Tony looked away from the reinforced microwave in front of him, turned his head and asked Natasha beside him.


Facing Tony's question, Natasha shook her head.

"According to the reports of the rescue members of the Complex Transportation Foundation, it seems that Doctor Doom disappeared during the transportation. Although Master Ye's sand firmly imprisoned the other party, it did not hinder the use of his ability. In the process, Doctor Doom suddenly burst out of power to break free from the confinement and escape..."

The Raft is a water prison and a prison for supervillains in partnership with the Avengers and the federal government.

Many criminals defeated by the Avengers were imprisoned in it, and the captured Doctor Doom would have been sent to the raft for detention.

"Look, Doctor Doom seems to have a hand."

Hearing Natasha's answer, Tony raised his eyebrows and judged.

"So, this is the microwave oven that sealed the [Ultimate Creature]?"

On this side, Tony and Natasha were having a conversation about Doctor Doom. On the other side, Banner pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and looked up and down the laboratory that was blocked and reinforced by Tony with special protective equipment. Microwave oven, a curious look flashed in his eyes.

"How on earth did you manage to compress such a huge existence of [Ultimate Creature] into such a small microwave oven."

Because of his unstable relationship, Banner did not participate in the battle of the Avengers this time.

However, according to the information and information passed by Ultron later, Banner is no stranger to the entire battle process, which is why he is very curious about the microwave oven brought back by the Avengers.

"You should ask Master Ye about this."

After finishing the conversation with Natasha, Tony looked at Banner, who was faintly curious by the microwave, and immediately answered.

"After all, it was Master Ye who sealed the [Ultimate Creature] into the microwave oven, not us."

When it comes to the entire sealing process, Tony's expression has obviously undergone a complex change. This is not the first time he has seen the display of the magic seal wave. The difference between the two magic seal waves is that the original [Turtle Immortal] finally ended. It ended in failure, but this time, the [Ultimate Creature] was successfully sealed in.

"I suggest not to disturb Master Ye for the time being."

Hearing Tony's words, Agent Hill, who was dealing with the follow-up of the entire battle, couldn't help but say: "From what Ah Xing has disclosed, the display of the magic seal wave seems to have consumed a lot of energy in Master Ye's body, even the original [ Turtle Immortal]'s power to seal the extraterritorial demon [Shouhe] in his body has also become weaker, so Master Ye needs to rest for a while, waiting for the seal to stabilize again. After all, if there is a problem with the seal in Master Ye's body, The damage caused is no less than that of [Ultimate Creatures]."

"Well, it looks like it will take a while to get an answer to this question."

Hill's reminder made Banner immediately put out his curiosity. He shrugged and turned to glance at the inconspicuous microwave oven full of scratches in front of him. To analyze the principle of the seal, what are your plans and thoughts about the [Ultimate Creature] in the microwave oven, Tony?"

"You should know that this is a dangerous presence that does far more harm than my situation."

When referring to the second half of the speech, Banner said something in an obvious self-deprecating tone.

"Of course I know about that."

Following Banner's inquiry, Tony also set his sights on the microwave oven in front of him.

Although, the microwave oven in front of me is ordinary, and it is impossible for people to associate it with the terrifying [Ultimate Creature]. However, as an actual experiencer of the previous battle, Tony's attitude towards this microwave oven is not as calm as it seems. This point, since he brought the microwave oven back to the Avengers Building, he immediately made reinforcement and blocking devices can be seen.

"On this point, the federal government has made a request that we hand over the microwave to them."

Hearing this, Agent Hill immediately spoke and relayed the attitude of the federal government of the United States.

"The government and even the military are very interested in the existence of [Ultimate Creatures], and even Nick Fury has received contact in this regard, and they have expressed vaguely that if the [Ultimate Creatures] can be Handing it over to a government agency will put down all the problems that S.H.I.E.L.D. has caused before, and help Nick Fury rebuild a new S.H.I.E.L.D. agency."

"Tell the federal government that the microwave oven belongs to the Avengers, not Nick Fury alone."

After finishing the conversation with Mr. Fantastic Reed, Steve came to the floor where Tony and others were, and answered without hesitation after hearing Agent Hill's recitation.

As for the danger of [Ultimate Creatures], Steve, who has fought with him, and even the entire Avengers are very clear, so they will definitely not rashly give such dangerous creatures to the federal government for disposal.

"In fact, Nick Fury has also rejected the federal government's proposal, and he also believes that it is not safe to put such a dangerous thing in the hands of the government or even the military."

Following Steve's answer, Hill also elaborated on Nick Fury's response to the government.

"Maybe you can consider giving this thing to me."

The Asgardian warrior's strong physical quality and Ultron's treatment, Sol's injuries from the battle with the [Ultimate Creature] quickly recovered most of the wounds, he touched the bandage wrapped around his shoulder, while Some people are not used to moving their arms.

"Father Odin has a treasure trove specially for loot, which contains all the treasures that Asgard has obtained since the battle, I can put this microwave oven sealed with [Ultimate Creature] into the treasure trove, as long as Asgard If Gard doesn't fall down for a day, the [Ultimate Creature] in the microwave will never come out."


Sol's suggestion made the eyes of everyone in the Avengers Building flicker a few times.


However, after thinking for a while, Tony decisively refused.


Facing Tony's refusal, Sol was obviously a little surprised. He looked at Tony in front of him and said: "There is a powerful magic outside the treasure house as protection, without Odin's permission, no one will enter the treasure house, and Father God Ao Ding is the most powerful king in Asgard, even if the [Ultimate Creature] comes out of something called a microwave oven, he will not be Odin's opponent."

"We cannot guarantee that the seal on the microwave will not be affected during the journey to Asgard."

Facing Solna's slightly excited reaction, Tony's reaction was obviously more calm.

"After all, judging from your previous travels between Asgard and the Earth, this method of passage obviously requires a strong body as support. The microwave oven that seals the [Ultimate Creature] is just an ordinary earth product, so..."

Tony made a seemingly reasonable analysis in front of Thor, but in fact the main reason for his refusal was that he did not fully trust the so-called treasure house or Odin.

Thor may be one of the Avengers, a trusted comrade in arms, but not Odin.

Not to mention, Loki, who caused the biggest invasion crisis in New York before.

According to the relationship, Loki is also Thor's brother.

"If you think the Rainbow Bridge is not safe, then what method do you have to solve the problem of the placement of [Ultimate Creatures]."

Although Tony's reasons were good, they obviously didn't fully convince Sol.

In particular, in Thor's intuition, it is obvious that the Rainbow Bridge is not the main reason for Tony to reject his proposal.

"Actually, I already have some thoughts on this."

Hearing Sol's rhetorical question, Tony raised his eyebrows and snapped his fingers.

"Jarvis, prepare the model."

"Okay, sir."

Following Tony's instructions, Jarvis immediately projected a large virtual screen in the room where everyone was, and on the screen, a machine similar to a rocket launcher appeared in it.

"According to the information that the original [Ultimate Creature] appeared, the other party was brought back to earth by Mr. Fantastic Reed and others from a meteorite, and from the interrogation of Strucker and the [Ultimate Creature] himself From the various information disclosed, it can be concluded that at a certain point in the past unknown to us, the [Ultimate Creature] was once in someone's battle and was exiled to the outside of the universe and has never returned since then. That is to say, if it weren't for the accident encountered by the Fantastic Four when they went to space to study the cosmic storm, [Ultimate Creature] would never have returned to Earth, so my plan is very simple. Since the other party came back from space by accident, then We just put it back out of space."

While explaining his plan, Tony stretched out his hand to control the virtual screen that Jarvis cast to combine the designed blueprints: "I have arranged for Ultron to design a device for returning [Ultimate Creature] to the universe. , this is not just a simple rocket, it will also transform into a solid cage device after flying into the universe. Through this cage, we can always grasp the situation of the microwave oven that seals the [Ultimate Creature] in the universe and ensure that it is always It's all in the hands of the Avengers."

Using the virtual image to describe his plan to the Avengers in front of him, Tony took a deep breath, raised his hand to end the image projected by Jarvis, and looked at the people in front of him.

"My plan has been finished. Next, it's up to you, captain, to decide."

Inside the Avengers Building, Steve and the others looked at each other silently after listening to Tony's description.

In the end, Captain America made the decision, looked at Tony in front of him and said, "Then, according to the plan you said, Tony, we will send the [Ultimate Creature] back to where it should go."

"No problem, Captain."

Hearing Steve's words, Tony twitched the corners of his mouth, showing a faint smile and making a confident promise.

Three days later, inside Stark Industries' dedicated rocket launch base.

With the powerful computing power of Ultron and the cooperative control of the Iron Legion, the Avengers completed the manufacture of the rocket device in only three days. UU Reading

Of course, this also has a lot to do with the fact that Stark Industries does not lack money and materials, and has a lot of resources.

"Countdown to launch, ten, nine, eight, seven..."

Standing in the launch control room, Tony looked at the screen broadcast from the launch base and gave instructions with a calm expression. Standing behind him were a group of nervous Avengers, and even the invisible woman Susan came to the launch site.


As Tony's final countdown came to an end, the rocket's huge vent fired violent flames, forming a massive white fog that blocked the camera's view.

However, from other perspectives in the base, the Avengers could clearly see the rocket slowly lift off.

"The 'Dome' was launched successfully and has entered... the first stage of the propulsion device..."

According to the information transmitted by the positioning system installed on the rocket, Ultron made a report calmly.

The dome is the name given by the Avengers for the [Ultimate Creature] prison.

The launch of the rocket into orbit did not happen overnight. After waiting silently in the console for more than ten minutes, Ultron delivered the final message.

"'Dome' entered the intended orbit, and the entire launch was a perfect success."


After hearing the report given by Ultron at the end, the hearts that the Avengers and even Tony had been holding were finally put down.

At the same time, Ultron also projected the image of the microwave oven that sealed the [Ultimate Creature] in the 'dome' onto the screen of the console.

Looking at the silently placed microwave oven in the picture, the Avengers put down their last worries.

The universe, in the 'dome', the [Caz] who was sealed in the microwave oven seemed to really have no way to do anything. He was motionless in the microwave oven, unable to survive or die, and finally, gave up thinking.

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