Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 421: never back down


"Mr. Stark, if my analysis data is correct, the reason for the sturdiness of the outer shell of [Ultimate Creature] should be the ability that the other party acquired from the first target attacked in New York."

Inside the steel suit, Ultron's voice came in and informed Tony of the analysis results in his warm voice.

"In other words, the [Ultimate Creature] in my eyes is not only similar in appearance to the [Peace Annihilator] on me, but also in terms of defensive capabilities."

Frowning tightly, Tony looked at [Kaz] in front of him with a hint of impatience.

No matter who it is, when encountering such a deranged imitator, the expression will not be very good.

Especially for Tony, his new battle armor [Peace Annihilator] has just debuted, but he didn't expect the opposite [Ultimate Creature] to give himself a bio-mimicking version.

"Even if you imitate it, the [Ultimate Creature] is only similar in appearance. The real power of [Peace Annihilator] is not only its appearance."

Taking a deep breath and repressing the turbulent emotions in his heart, Tony looked at [Kaz] who was almost in a mirror in front of him, and then said.

Although the deformation ability of [Ultimate Creature] is amazing, and he can change the appearance of his [Peace Annihilator] through creatures, but Tony does not think that his biological ability can achieve the destructive ability of [Peace Annihilator], [ During the development process of "Peace Annihilator", he did his best to integrate a large number of dangerous and deadly weapon systems. It can be said that "Peace Annihilator" is the only armor that is still under development to deal with the threat of "Holy Lord". In addition, the most powerful set of steel battle suits in combat effectiveness.

Because of his trust in [Peace Annihilator], Tony did not think that [Ultimate Creature] could simulate the destructive power of this armor as thoroughly as its appearance.

Thinking of this, Tony's original expression changed due to the deformation of [Kaz] was calmed down, and he controlled the [Peace Annihilator] on his body to align with the direction of the [Ultimate Creature], and the arc device on the shoulder of the armor contained golden laser rays. Then it landed on [Kaz].

"I have to admit, Iron Man, your weapon did cause me some damage."

As Tony expected, in the face of the powerful laser rays of [Peace Annihilator], even the carapace that has been strengthened by the ability of the tombstone could not stop it, and the terrifying power instantly penetrated the hard carapace wrapped around [Kaz]. There were black marks on him.

Pulling the corner of his mouth, he controlled the broken carapace on his body to heal again. Although the powerful firepower of [Peace Annihilator] shattered [Kaz]'s defense, under the influence of its amazing healing ability, these damages were only In less than a few seconds, the trace disappeared instantly.

"As a human without extraordinary power, you can cause harm to me with these weapons alone. Even as a human, you are quite a special existence, Iron Man."

Looking down at the healed wound on his body, [Kaz] couldn't see his expression clearly under the shield of the biological helmet, but his tone seemed to carry a hint of admiration.

"But, that's all, Iron Man."

Under the gaze of [Peace Annihilator] Nettoni, [Kaz] controlled his shoulders to deform arc vents similar to the shoulders of his armor, and then hot energy emerged at the ends of these vents.

"Sir, high temperature energy was detected on the opponent's shoulder."

Indeed, as a living being, even if [Kaz] has the ability of [Ultimate Creature] that can transform the genetic abilities of all living creatures on earth, the ability to transform into [Peace Annihilator] is somewhat unrealistic. However, although there is no way to fire lasers, after combining the abilities of those superhumans, the analog version transformed by [Kaz] is actually not too destructive in terms of destructive power. Tony's [Peace Annihilator] How many.

"Okay, I take back what I said earlier."

Looking at the structure on the shoulders of the [Ultimate Creature] that was very similar to his [Peace Annihilator], Tony felt a little slapped in the face of the steel suit.

Pure biological mimicry is naturally unable to achieve such a scene, but don't forget, [Ultimate Creature] is not just a creature. Before the Avengers found the trace of each other, he had already attacked a large number of extraordinary abilities in New York.

Even if most of the superhuman abilities are not special one by one, they are still very difficult problems once they are combined.

Not to mention, the ability of [Ultimate Creature] itself.

In the [Peace Annihilator], Tony looked at the red flame on the shoulder of the opposite [Kaz] with a solemn expression.

On the other side, Thor held Thor's hammer, looking for an opportunity to join.


"You can call me Ultron, this is my name."

With a faint blue light flashing in his eyes, Ultron noticed that the little spider in his hand was hesitant to speak, and then took the initiative to answer.

"Mr. Ultron, you can put me down."

Hearing Ultron's answer, Peter the spider said somewhat embarrassedly.

He has been in the hands of Ultron for a long time, and it is time to go down. After all, he is a superhero, not a New York citizen who has no ability to fight back.

"Okay, but, Mr. Spider-Man, you still have to be careful."

Compared with Jarvis, Ultron is undoubtedly more intelligent, so after hearing Little Spider's request, it made a quick decision after simply thinking.


His feet landed on the ruins of the high-rise roof again. Peter under the mask could not help but let out a sigh of relief. He raised his wrist and adjusted the spider silk launcher in his hand to sticky bomb mode, aiming at the [Ultimate Creature] in front of him.

Although with his power, he can't cause damage like Mr. Stark or Thor, but the little spider also wants to fight in his own way.

After all, as said before, he's a superhero protecting New York.



Seeing that, the battle situation is about to break out.

At the critical moment, there was a rapid air breaking sound from one end of the tall building.

Falcon rushed to the scene with Captain America.

"Captain, get ready."

Grabbing Steve's shoulders with both hands, the falcon circled around the top floor of the high-rise building a few times. He raised his head and carefully glanced at the dark clouds that seemed to be close at hand, and immediately reminded Captain America in his hands.

"no problem!"

Staring closely at the ruins on the roof, Steve patted Falcon's palm on his shoulder and replied calmly.

"Okay, ready to land, three, two, one..."


With the shield in hand, land safely.

Steve stood up, and his eyes were immediately drawn to the two similar steel battle suits on the tall building.

"what's the situation?"

The metal wings behind the control slowly fell beside Steve, Falcon put away the wings in the backpack, turned his head to look at the two very similar figures in front of him, his dark face immediately showed a puzzled expression.

"How come there are two identical steel suits?"

"Actually, as you can see, Captain."

In [Peace Annihilator], Tony heard Falcon's surprised tone, and couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, and replied: "[Ultimate Creature] has simulated a similar steel battle suit through his powerful deformation ability. combat power."

"Are you sure, this can be deformed through ability?"

Hearing the sound from [Peace Annihilator], Steve and Falcon subconsciously moved their footsteps a few steps closer to where Tony was. They turned their heads to look at the figure that looked almost identical to the [Peace Annihilator], and the expressions on their faces were somewhat strange.

After Tony's reminder, when they looked at the armor on [Kaz], they could clearly see the difference between it and the steel battle suit. Although, it is also similar in shape, but the deformed appearance of [Kaz] obviously still has some biological characteristics, which is far less full of the sense of technological future than the [Peace Annihilator] on Tony.

Of course, although they noticed a little difference in each other, the pressure brought by the [Ultimate Creature] to the Avengers did not decrease because of this.

Steve's eyes swept across the broken gravel ruins on the building. Under such a powerful lightning damage from Sol, it still did not cause too much damage to the [Ultimate Creature]. It can be seen that the other party is dangerous. far beyond people's imagination.

"It looks like it's almost here."

The spout that controlled the shoulder kept increasing the temperature, [Kaz] looked at the Avengers gathered around, and said with a hint of regret in his tone: "Although, there is still less Hulk, but if you can all be integrated into In my body, the abilities of my [Ultimate Creature] will definitely be greatly evolved.”

"Then, be a part of my body, Avenger!"

As the sound in the helmet became high, the flames on [Kaz]'s shoulders also reached the limit that could be raised. Although it was integrated into part of Johnny's body of the Torch, it was precisely because it was only a part that he was able to control it. The flame is far less powerful than Johnny's, and the high temperature above a thousand degrees is already the limit he can control.

The scorching heat shrouded [Kaz]'s body, creating a distorted scene on the surrounding air, and a little red light emerged from the vent on the shoulder.

These flames seem to be small, but Tony in [Peace Annihilator], through Jarvis' analysis, knows that the power contained in their combination is almost no less than the explosion of a small nuclear bomb.

"Jarvis, activate defensive mode."

Faced with such a situation, Tony didn't have time to think, and the [Peace Annihilator] who was controlling his body stood in the forefront. With his order, a huge energy shield was formed from the [Peace Annihilator] to firmly block it. before. However, behind the shield, Tony's expression in the steel suit did not relax in the slightest.

Because, under the current circumstances, even he is not sure that he can completely resist the attack of the [Ultimate Creature] in front of him.

If you can't resist it.

Holding the shield in his hand tightly, watching Tony come forward, Steve also stepped forward to play the role of the second layer of defense.

"Tom, get out of here with Spider-Man!"

"Captain, don't forget, I'm also an Avenger."

Facing Captain America's order, Falcon's expression was silent for a while. He controlled the metal wings on his back to form and put them back, and came to Steve's side to stand and said.

"I'm a superhero too."

Looking at the Avengers in front of him, the expression under the little spider's mask hesitated for a while, and finally turned to a firm look and also came to stand beside Captain America.

"Sorry, Aunt May, forgive me for being self-willed."

He apologized to Aunt May in his heart, but the expression on Peter's face was firmer than ever before.

Although still only a high school student, Peter's career as a superhero has brought tremendous growth.

"Asgard never backs down!"

With a silent answer in his mouth, Sol waved the Thor's Hammer in his hand and said with a resolute expression.


The blue light in his eyes floated, and Ultron stood there to witness the appearance of the Avengers. According to his calculations, under the power of the [Ultimate Creature] in front of Tony and others alone would not be able to block. However, it was obviously doomed to fail, so why did they continue to do it.

The artificial intelligence's thinking is filled with a lot of questions, but the body also unconsciously walks to Captain America's side.

"Looks like I still have a lot to learn."

"Stupid approach." Inside the armor, [Kaz] twisted his body to look at the Avengers in front of him, and made a disdainful voice: "It seems that no matter how long it takes, humans still can't change their stupidity. Nature, but this is also just right, since you are willing to resist so stubbornly, then I will fulfill your wish and send you to become part of my body."

"Accept death and fall into the abyss, Avenger!"

In the voice of [Kaz], a dazzling light like the sun erupted from the body, and then a large number of fiery flames emerged in front of Tony and the others.

"Sand Shield!"

Seeing that, the raging flames are about to wrap the figures of Tony and others. The huge power brought by the flames is only close, and it produces a terrifying high temperature.

An elegant voice suddenly sounded on the high-rise building, and then as the sound fell, a large amount of yellow sand poured into the high-rise building like a tidal waterfall. The sand and gravel came to the Avengers, as if they had a moment of life. It turned into a protection completely formed by sand, and firmly protected Tony and the others behind him.


The fiery flames erupted from [Kaz] melted pieces of crystals on the sand that were as transparent as glass. However, in the face of the raging flames, the yellow sand seemed to be endlessly emerging. It was melted and broken, and the next moment it formed a thick protection, which always protected the avengers behind.

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