Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 418: Rampage Lightning



With the sound of thunder and lightning, Thor wielded Thor's hammer and fell from the sky.

Looking at the [Ultimate Creature] in front of him, there was a strong doubt in his tone: "As the son of the great Odin, the real Protoss, I don't think you have anything similar to me."


Facing the figure falling from the sky in front of him, the indifferent expression on [Kaz]'s face began to change, he twitched the corners of his mouth and looked at the sturdy figure in armor, and said, "You finally appeared, to be honest. , Among all the Avengers, the target I am most interested in is you, as a non-Earth creature, how different are the cells in your body and humans?"

"I'm also interested in you as a [Ultimate Creature]."

Turning the Thor's Hammer in his hand generated dense and dangerous lightning, Sol raised his eyebrows and looked at [Kaz] in front of him, and the eager expression on his face became more and more obvious.

As a warrior of Asgard, the militant factor is almost inscribed in Thor's body.

His arrogance and arrogance once made him conservative. Although he has changed his arrogance, his belligerent nature has not changed too much, especially during the previous battle with Darcy in the Avengers Building. For the guy whose body was twisting and twisting, Sol's entire combat experience was extremely poor. Now, facing the existence of [Ultimate Creature], Sol's long-suppressed belligerence broke out naturally.

"I want to see how powerful the so-called God's power is in your mouth."

Raising the hammer in his hand, a large amount of dense lightning immediately slashed towards the opposite [Ultimate Creature] under Sol's control.


The violent lightning struck the tall body of the [Ultimate Creature] accurately with Thor's swing.

However, after a few seconds, what was revealed was [Kaz]'s still intact body.

"It seems that your lightning has no effect on me."

Turning his body, [Caz] looked up at Sol, who was facing him, and said lightly.

"Insulation ability, which is also one of the abilities of the headstone that was originally attacked and killed."

Scanning the situation on the opposite side of [Kaz], Ao Chuangma introduced the abilities of [Ultimate Creature] at the moment.

"What is insulation capacity?"

Although he has been on Earth for a period of time, Sol's knowledge of some human beings is still only half-understood.

"It's a physical term. You can understand that after using this ability, the opponent's body can isolate the damage of electricity." Looking at the pale [Ultimate Creature], Tony frowned and explained to Sol in front of him. One sentence, followed by some muttering: "However, there should be a limit to this insulating ability, or this ability will be lost under higher intensity lightning."

"That is to say, as long as a stronger lightning is urged."

Tony explained a lot, but for Sol the most important one was the last sentence.

Raising the Thor's Hammer in his hand to connect to the sky, under the urging of Thor's power, a large number of dark clouds began to gather on the high-rise buildings, and a path of lightning visible to the naked eye swam in the clouds.

"Mr. Stark, I think you should stop Mr. Thor from gathering the power of lightning again."

The lightning in the dark cloud brought a huge sense of oppression.

Ultron looked up at the power condensed at the top of the tall building, the blue light in his eyes flickered a few times, and then turned his head to remind Tony who was turning to the side.

"Inferring from the intensity of the lightning in the clouds, if all of them hit the roof of the building we're standing on, the destructive force would be enough to wreak havoc on the entire building."

Hearing the reminder from Ultron, the expression on Tony's face in the steel suit became subconsciously solemn.

He raised his head and glanced at the [Ultimate Creature] in front of him, and then turned to look at Thor, who controlled the lightning, hesitant for a few seconds, and immediately asked Jarvis: "Jarvis, simplify everything, immediately use Buy this building as fast as you can."

"Okay, sir."

Ultron: "..."


"According to the information given by Ultron, the location of the [Ultimate Creature] should be here."

Looking down at the device on her wrist, Natasha said to a tall building.

"Maybe you can find your destination without the help of the information given by Ultron."

Looking up at the large number of dark clouds gathered on the high-rise building, Steve said in a deep voice.

"Sol has left us with a clear mark."

"Is this a mark?"

Looking up at the violent lightning swimming in the clouds, Falcon couldn't help twitching the corner of his mouth.

"Hill, immediately arrange for the staff of the Stark Rescue Foundation to evacuate the nearby crowd." Holding the shield in his hand, Steve swept the situation around the building, and immediately contacted Agent Hill in the Avengers Building to issue an order. Order: "Experience take them far away to avoid the aftermath of the battle."

"They've already arrived at the scene."

Inside the Avengers Building, Agent Hill responded calmly by typing on the keyboard.

"And, I also contacted the official at the first time. According to the previous agreement between the Avengers and the New York City government, they have also arranged for the police to arrive at the scene to maintain order. However, the city government's will is to hope that the Avengers can do as much as possible. To minimize the impact of the battle, after all, the previous issue with the Statue of Liberty has put enormous pressure on the government, and the public's dissatisfaction with the Avengers has also increased a lot because of the incident with the Statue of Liberty."

The Avengers, as the most powerful superhero organization in New York and even the entire United States today, enjoys great prestige and support on the one hand, but also bears considerable pressure.

Not everyone is looking forward to the emergence of superheroes. Just as the Daily Bugle did not like Peter, there are some people in New York City and even the entire United States who are not interested in the existence of the Avengers. In the consciousness of these people, it is precisely because of the emergence of superheroes that various crises in the past have been brought about.

Especially the self-destruction of S.H.I.E.L.D. exposed a lot of secrets.

The end result was the successful destruction of Hydra in New York City, but it also damaged the reputation of the Avengers.

Although, from Steve's point of view, the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. are not the same.

However, for the vast majority of the American people, they simply cannot tell the difference between the two.

Fortunately, although the attitude of the people towards the Avengers shows a trend of polarization, the official is still very clear that the world, especially the United States, needs the power of the Avengers to rely on, at least until they find the power that can replace these superheroes, so even if the people There are already figures who are not friendly to the Avengers, and the official attitude is still to remain silent.

"I'll try my best..."

Steve also knows a thing or two about the current situation of the Avengers in the United States, but the current crisis does not give them much time.

Shen Sheng replied to Agent Hill in the Avengers Building. Steve ended the call and turned his head to meet Falcon's suspicious gaze.

"Are you sure you can get Thor to reduce the aftermath of the fight, Captain?"

"So, I just promised to try it out."

Lifting the shield in his hand, Steve glanced at the members of the Avengers who came with him.

Because it was impossible to determine which target [Ultimate Creatures] would attack, Steve divided the Avengers and the Fantastic Four into several groups for action.

Now, the three of them are the first to rush over, except Tony and Sol.

"Tom, lend me your wings."

Looking up, looking at the denser and denser dark clouds and lightning in the sky, Steve did not hesitate any more, turned his head to look at the falcon beside him, and said.

"no problem."

The time was urgent, and Falcon did not hesitate. He controlled the steel wings behind him to spread out, and he was about to take Captain America up in front of him.


However, at this moment, a bolt of lightning suddenly slashed towards the surrounding where Falcon was.

"Be careful!"

Seeing this swift and violent lightning, Steve's expression changed, and his body suddenly jumped forward and blocked it with a shield.

At the same time, Natasha on the other side quickly picked up the pistol pinned to her waist and pointed it in the direction of the lightning.

"Sorry, I don't allow you to disturb the battle of Lord [Kaz]."

Under Natasha's gaze, Doctor Doom in a gray cloak walked out slowly, turned his eyes under the steel mask to look at Captain America and the others in front of him, and said in a hoarse voice.




On the top floor of the building, Thor held Thor's hammer aloft and controlled the violent lightning in the clouds to turn into violent electric snakes.

Under the control of Thor's Hammer, the power of Lightning Fury turned into a dangerous and dense electrical grid surrounding Thor, revealing the most powerful form of Thor.

It is also the control of lightning. Although Doctor Doom can also control the lightning to form a similar electric current around himself, but the momentum caused by it is obviously not comparable to Thor, who is called Thor. As Asgard's most powerful warrior, Thor annihilated one opponent after another with the power of violent lightning.

Whether it is a terrifying frost giant, a dangerous dark elves, or another strange and dangerous opponent, they will eventually be turned to ashes under the mighty power of Thor's Hammer.

"So, are you ready? [Ultimate Creature]!"

Slowly moving the Thor's Hammer in his hand to aim at [Kaz] in front of him, and along with the movement of Thor's Hammer, the violent lightning on Sol's body also converged on the hammer and aimed at the opponent.

Sol gritted his teeth and controlled the powerful power on his body, while looking at the [Ultimate Creature] who still had no fear in front of him, he said, "Let's take this powerful attack from the real Thor!"

With Thor's huge roar, the violent lightning condensed on Thor's Hammer quickly turned into a thick electric snake, and flew towards the opposite [Ultimate Creature] with lightning speed.


The power carried by this lightning is far more than several times that of the previous lightning, and the damage brought about in an instant directly makes the top floor of the high-rise building disappear.


Controlling the steel battle suit and swaying to maintain the posture, Tony turned his head and glanced at the little spider held by Ultron, and immediately gave Jarvis an order: "Scan the situation on the scene."

"Ok sir."

Following Tony's order, the infrared system immediately scanned the ruins on the roof from the position of the steel suit helmet.

"Sir, apart from Mr. Saul, I have found no other signs of life."

"Did [Ultimate Creature] really be wiped out by Thor?"

Inside the steel suit, Tony frowned subconsciously when he heard the report from Jarvis.

The [Ultimate Creature] that the Avengers had always been wary of was really destroyed by Thor's lightning so easily.

Tony has such doubts. It's not that he has doubts about the power of Thor It's just that the hallucinations he saw in the Hydra base left a [Ultimate Creature] in his mind. Powerful and dangerous impression.

"No, Mr. Stark..."

On this side, Jarvis gave an answer through infrared scanning. On the other side, Ultron also scanned the ruins on the top floor of the building. The blue light in his eyes flickered, but he quickly gave a different answer: " I don't think the [Ultimate Creature] was wiped out by Thor's lightning."

A large amount of data emerged in his mind, and Ultron compared the information of those with extraordinary abilities who had been attacked by [Ultimate Creatures] before, and soon had his own answer.

"Wall Penetrator, among the beings attacked by the [Ultimate Creature], there is an extraordinary person who has the ability to molecularize his body cells to penetrate the wall. The [Ultimate Creature] is very likely to be attacked by lightning. In an instant, this ability was used to avoid all damage, and because of the integration of the body into the building, all the scans of Jarvis couldn't find him for a while..."

"Wack Through Walls?"

The analysis given by Ultron made Tony's already skeptical idea a little heavier.

The eyes in the steel suit flickered, Tony looked at Sol who was standing above the ruins of the building, hesitated for a while, but decided to remind him.

"Sol, be careful, maybe the [Ultimate Creature] has not been destroyed by you, it may still be hidden in..."

However, before Tony's reminder was finished, beside Sol, in a huge roof rubble, [Kaz]'s body was drilled out of the stone in an instant, and his body was like a liquid in the stone. It quickly solidified and turned into a human shape again, and when Sol was caught off guard, he reached out and plunged into his body.

"What? This is!"

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