Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 415: hunt begins

As the essence of the six singularities before the big bang, it was refined into a mysterious gem, and the power of the mind gem is undoubtedly powerful.

Even if Tony only stimulated a negligible trace of energy in the gem, he successfully awakened Johnny's will in a coma.


Opening his eyes from the hospital bed, Johnny subconsciously called out Susan's name.

"I am..."

However, he soon discovered that the scene in front of him was significantly different from what he saw in the last scene in his memory.

"Mr. Stark, although the power of the scepter successfully awakened Johnny's unconscious will, but from the perspective of the dissipated energy, it can only last for about five minutes. After all, Johnny himself suffered The injury is too serious, and the prolonged sobriety is undoubtedly a huge burden on his already overwhelmed body."

With a blue light flashing in his eyes, Ultron scanned Johnny's body in front of him, and the Avengers beside the captain quickly reminded him.

"Looks like we're running out of time."

Facing the information given by Ultron, the expressions on the faces of the Avengers froze.

Tony lowered his head and glanced at the scepter in his hand, took a deep breath, and used his strong willpower to suppress the eager thoughts in his heart and hand it back to Thor who was behind him. , before he had time to hesitate, he immediately opened his mouth and asked.

"Sorry, Johnny, although we have a lot of questions to ask you, the situation at hand is a bit complicated, so I hope you can give us a complete and complete information about what you have encountered before."

Because of the power of the mind gem in the scepter, Johnny's consciousness was temporarily separated from his body, and he was not affected by the damage on his body. At the same time, the gem also made him quickly understand his current situation.

He lowered his head and swept his scarred and mutilated body. The expression on Johnny's face was as if he was looking at a stranger's body. Hearing Tony's question, all the images he had encountered before quickly flashed through his mind. Stopped at what Susan said to herself.

"Be careful of [Ultimate Creature], his target is not just Susan, in fact the avenger is his real hunting target, [Ultimate Creature]'s goal is to devour the power of all extraordinary people, so all the extraordinary creatures on earth have extraordinary powers. Humans with power, whether they are superheroes or super criminals, are one of the hunting targets of [Ultimate Creatures]..."

"Hunting the extraordinary?"

The information given by Johnny is undoubtedly the last thing the Avengers want to see.

Hearing these words, Steve's expression became a little dignified, and he immediately asked Johnny who had woken up in a deep voice: "What about the fighting method of [Ultimate Creature], how did the opponent break through the flames on your body? Are you hurt like this?"

"Very odd."

Recalling the process of fighting with [Ultimate Creatures] before, Johnny can only describe it as weird.

"The other party seems to be able to control his body to change at will. During the battle, he transformed his body into a bird creature, and then transformed into various strange tentacles while spraying water jets to extinguish the flames on my body. Controlling some feathers, deforming a dangerous insect... In short, I can't describe the other's ability in short words..."

"Powerful cellular control."

According to the answer given by Johnny, Ultron quickly contacted the information obtained from the Hydra base and made an analysis.

"The ability of [Ultimate Creature] may be related to deformation."

Telling all the information he knew to the Avengers in front of him, on the hospital bed, Johnny's originally clear thinking became blurred again. He shook his head to suppress the gradually drowsy brain, and turned to look at the other Mr. Fantastic Reed and the Stone Man Ben on the side had a trace of apology on their reckless faces: "I'm sorry, Reed, my rash actions have caused you a lot of trouble, and it's obvious that I've become like this now. There are some self-inflicted meanings in it, but I hope that no matter how much you hate me in your heart, don't give up on saving Susan from the [Ultimate Creature], and the next situation will be left to you, sorry... I just can't take it anymore...sorry Reed, sorry, Ben..."

After saying the last sentence in his mouth, Johnny on the hospital bed returned to a coma again.


Outside the hospital bed, Mr. Fantastic Reed looked at Johnny who had re-entered a coma, his face was silent for a long time, and then slowly said: "Don't worry Johnny, I will definitely rescue Susan, not only For you, for myself, for the Fantastic Four!"


"[Kaz] Lord, we're here."

Driving a new car into the bustling metropolis in front of him, Doctor Doom looked at the familiar tall buildings in front of him, then turned his head to report to [Kaz] behind him.

"Is this what humans have developed over hundreds of years?"

Looking sideways at the bustling scene outside the car, the road full of traffic, the expression on [Caz]'s face changed slightly: "It seems that during the time I was away, you humans have completely adapted to it. the identity of the master of the earth."

"So, I'm looking forward to..."

As he spoke, [Kaz] turned his head to look at Doctor Doom in the driver's seat, and said with a smile on his face: "When you humans find that their original status at the top of the food chain has been reversed again, they will make What kind of expression, the expression should be quite wonderful."


Noticing the gaze projected by [Caz] from the rearview mirror of the car, Doctor Doom's expression changed under the steel mask.

Obviously, his previous temptation for Susan seemed to be caught by [Kaz].

Glancing at the Doctor Doom in front of him, [Caz] retracted his gaze again, stuck his head out of the off-road vehicle, swept through a large amount of traffic around, and frowned: "I'm starting to hate this era, not only There is a pungent smell in the air, and even the sound is extraordinarily loud, maybe after everything is done, I need to change the world again and make it a little quieter."


"Ultron, can you lock the position of [Ultimate Creature]?"

The information given by Johnny made the hearts of the Avengers even more anxious.

"Sorry, Captain, the other party seems to have found a way to avoid satellite positioning. Although I have found some clues about its movement trajectory, from the final scan results, most of them can be thrown by the other party. The bait that came out, the trick."

"Looks like [Ultimate Creature] already knows we're looking for him."

"Don't underestimate the other party. According to the intelligence analysis given by Strucker, the IQ of [Ultimate Creatures] may far exceed that of us humans."

"However, [Ultimate Creatures] won't hide forever."

Raising his eyebrows, he looked at the information about the [Ultimate Creature] left in the Hydra base, and upon hearing the exchange of Ultron and Steve, Tony immediately said, "We already know his goal. , is hunting the extraordinary, so as long as the information of the extraordinary is determined, we can know the movement trajectory of the other party."

"However, there are many extraordinary people in New York."

Hearing Tony's analysis, Natasha frowned slightly and said: "If you count the super villains, there are obviously more, especially those super villains, if you want to determine their information, it is better than finding [Ultimate Villains]. Biology] How simple."

"Maybe we should choose to be proactive."

Pushing his glasses, Banner glanced at Natasha on the side: "Don't forget, the Avengers are also the target of [Ultimate Creatures], and they are very important targets. If we appear outside, the other party may There will also be attacks.”

"No, it's too dangerous."

Banner's proposal was tempting, but Steve was the first to express his objection.

"We already know the horror of the [Ultimate Creature], a monster that can devour humans."

"I don't even know, am I still human now?"

In response to Captain America's reaction, Banner couldn't help but glance down at his hands and murmured.

"If none of you can, then let me do it."

Silently listening to the conversation of Banner and others, Sol couldn't help but say, "I'm not a human in your atrium anyway, and I'm also very interested in that so-called [Ultimate Creature]."

"How do you know that the ability of [Ultimate Creature] will not affect you?"

"Because I am God."

"Okay, everyone, it seems that there is no need to argue any more..."

In the fierce quarrel of the Avengers, Tony raised his eyebrows, glanced at the information that popped up on the virtual screen of the laboratory, and immediately interrupted: "Just now, our goal has completed our first game. hunting."

He raised his hand and clicked on the screen in front of him, and then a white-faced man with obvious black features appeared in the Avengers' laboratory.

"Judging from the latest intelligence consultation, the [Ultimate Creature] directly broke into the opponent's lair, and many of them directly swallowed the guy in front of them into their bodies."

"Can the identity of the attacker be determined?"


"Lonnie Thompson Lincoln, nicknamed Tombstone, is one of the biggest gang leaders in New York. Ever since Kim Bun disappeared, he has vaguely become a New York underworld leader."

In the face of Steve's inquiry, Jarvis immediately gave the message of the man in the photo.

"Looks like his leadership dream is shattered."


"do you know?"

In a gorgeous room in New York, the headstone stretched out his white glove-wrapped palm and grabbed the man in front of him, with a ferocious smile on his white face: "The era of Jin Bing has long since ended, and now I have mastered it. With more than 60% of the business in New York, I am the real ruler of the New York gang..."

"...You know an opportunistic guy. If it wasn't for Jin Bing's disappearance, it would never have been your turn to be in the position."

"Maybe you're right."

Raising his eyebrows, facing the words of the man in his hand, Tombstone Lonnie replied with an indifferent expression.

In the next instant, he raised his arm like a hard stone and directly shattered the opponent's head.

He threw the corpse in his hand to the ground, and the tombstone took off the blood-stained white gloves in his hands, revealing his black and white palms.

Tombstone was born in the black district of New York, USA. Although he was born in a black family, he suffered from albinism since he was a child, and his appearance has always been different from other black people. Therefore, he had to grow up with the ridicule of the people around him. It is precisely because of this. This kind of encounter made his character become ruthless. When he grew up, he gained the ability to invulnerability, body insulation and high temperature because of this unexpected encounter.

It is precisely with these abilities that Tombstone has become one of the leaders of the largest gangs in New York, and with Jin Bing's constant rise, he has quickly become the largest gang leader in the whole of New York If all goes well, he is likely to replace Jin Bing and become the new king of New York City.

It's just that compared to Jin Bing, there is still a bit of a gap in the tombstone, and his growth since childhood has made his character particularly irritable. At the same time, because of his appearance that is completely different from ordinary people, it is difficult for the tombstone to develop outside the gang. Therefore, even if he controls most of the gangs in New York, he will never be able to achieve the level of black and white like Jin Bing. .

Of course, Tombstone did not feel any dissatisfaction with this.

In his opinion, Jin Bing's set has long been outdated, and the gangs who want to rule New York only need to rely on strong strength.

He took out a pair of new gloves from the huge desk drawer in the room and put them on. The tombstone swept across his blood-soaked floor and held the tie around his neck indifferently.

Immediately afterwards, he stepped open the door of the room, and behind the door was a place where a large number of subordinates gathered.


Unlike Jin, Tombstone enjoys his status as the leader of the gang, and he has no bottom line in business, as long as he can earn business. To this end, the gang fought with other gangs around, but in the end, they were all defeated by the powerful ability of Tombstone.

"Clean up the **** in the room."

Turning his head and instructing the tall black people standing on both sides of the door of the room, the tombstone turned to look at the noisy place in front of him and the densely packed subordinates, a smile on his pale face due to albinism.


However, before the smile on his face fully bloomed, with a loud rumbling sound, the wall of the base was knocked open, and a tall figure slowly walked out from the hole.

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