Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 413: near death

The tentacle-like tissue comes from an ancient desert plant.

The cheeks that spew a large amount of water are the ability of [Kaz] evolved through a water creature.

This kind of perfect combination of plant characteristics and animal characteristics can only be done so easily by [Kaz], who is [Ultimate Creature].

A large amount of water from his mouth sprayed like an endless stream on Johnny on the opposite side.

Of course, the moisture absorbed by [Kaz] is naturally impossible to be truly endless. Although the tentacles have a very strong ability to absorb moisture in the air, there is still a lot of loss in the coming and going. Fortunately, although the water column [Kaz] spit out has wear and tear, so does the flame on Johnny's body.

With a large amount of water column falling, the flame on Johnny's body became difficult to maintain, and even had a faint sense of extinction.

The flame on the Human Torch is strong, but the weakness is also very obvious.

As an ability similar to natural fire, Johnny's process of generating flames requires a lot of oxygen, which is why when he was in the Hydra base before, Tony used the fire extinguishing device prepared in advance to be able to put the flames on him. put out.

And now, [Kaz] has achieved the same fire-extinguishing effect as Tony did through the large amount of water column generated by his mouth.


Feeling that the last spray of water from Kaz's mouth extinguished the last bit of flame on his body, Johnny's face, which was all wet in mid-air, suddenly changed.

Without the support of the flame, his original flying ability was naturally unsustainable.

After all, in the final analysis, the reason why Johnny can fly so fast is the fierce flames generated by his body.

Therefore, without the impetus of the flame, Johnny's entire body began to rapidly fall to the ground like a bird without wings.


Inside the off-road vehicle, Susan looked at Johnny who was fighting with [Caz] in mid-air, who was falling straight down. The expression in his eyes became a little excited. With the violent fluctuation of emotions, the [Parasitic Octopus] behind his neck Suddenly, an unprecedented powerful force began to emerge from Susan's body, shrinking his head, [Parasitic Octopus] controlled the tentacles pierced into Susan's body to produce a huge control force, and then suppressed this force again. go back.

"Light it up, light it up, light it up for me!"

In mid-air, feeling the whistling wind passing through him, Johnny's eyes flashed a clear look of horror, and in the eyes that were blown by the wind, the hard road on the ground was getting closer and closer.

After a few seconds, Johnny could even imagine what would happen if his body came into contact with the hard concrete floor.

Muddy blood is the lightest end.

Although the radiation of the cosmic storm in space has caused his body to mutate, he has the ability to withstand high temperatures far beyond the physical quality of ordinary people. However, there is a limit to this mutation after all, so Johnny doesn't feel that if he embraces the ground so head-to-head, there will be any possibility of survival for those who are waiting for him.

Therefore, looking at the road and ground getting closer and closer, he began to make a frantic cry, urging the power in his body to ignite his body.

However, I don't know if it was because the surface of the body was wet with a lot of water, Johnny's process of creating flames has not been very smooth.


Seeing that, Johnny, who fell from the air, was about to hit the ground so straight.

Inside the off-road vehicle, [Parasitic Octopus] felt that the power in the figure he controlled was getting stronger and stronger.

Fluttering his wings, [Kaz] leaned over and was about to save Johnny.

After all, if this Human Torch really died in the fall, it would be a little too funny. At the same time, it is not in line with the requirements of the body to earn fame.

However, before [Kaz] rushed over and grabbed Johnny who kept falling down.

With the constant shouting and urging of the Human Torch, a cluster of tiny flames finally emerged from his fingertips.

Looking at the flames ignited from his fingertips, Johnny's face showed a hint of excitement, and the next moment he controlled the cluster of flames on his fingertips to form a violent flame wrapped around his body, controlling the flames. A powerful driving force, at the critical moment, got rid of the bad ending of intimate contact with the hard concrete floor.

"Phew, I'm saved!"

Using the flames on his body to control his body and slowly fall to the ground, Johnny looked at the height that was less than 11 or 2 meters away from his direct hit to the ground, and there was a hint of happiness in his eyes.

On the other side, on the off-road vehicle, Susan looked at Johnny who had successfully rescued himself at the last minute, and his heart was slightly relieved.

"This is?"

The place where Johnny finally landed was not far from where Susan and Doctor Doom parked their off-road vehicles.

Therefore, the Human Torch soon found the off-road vehicle and the two people in the car in the distance.


In theory, the face covered by the steel mask of Doctor Doom in the driver's seat should be the most eye-catching existence. However, Johnny's eyes noticed the moment when he saw the off-road vehicle. The familiar face that he had been searching for.

Looking at Susan who appeared in front of him, a look of excitement flashed in Johnny's eyes. He didn't have time to think about why [Ultimate Creature] wanted to lie to himself, and he didn't notice the reminder in Susan's eyes. The footsteps rushed in the direction of the off-road vehicle.

chop! chop! chop!

However, before Johnny could get close, there were several piercing sounds.

Before Johnny's footsteps, a series of hard feathers were inserted into the ground.

"Have I allowed you to leave?"

The wings formed by waving his arms slowly fell, [Caz] looked at the emotional Johnny in front of him, and said indifferently.

Looking at the [Ultimate Creature] appearing in front of him, Johnny's eyes flashed with deep vigilance.

After all, in the previous situation, if he hadn't rekindled the flames on his body at the last moment, maybe he would have turned into a **** figure at this moment.

Forcing his eyes to withdraw from Susan on the off-road vehicle, Johnny looked at [Caz] in front of him and asked, "Why are you lying to me, Susan is still alive."

"Is there a difference?"

Twisting his arms instantly changed from his wings to a human shape. Facing Johnny's questioning, the expression on [Kaz]'s face did not fluctuate in the slightest: "Anyway, your final outcome is the same, and you become part of my body. ."

As the voice of [Kaz] fell, the feathers that were inserted into the ground instantly grew and combined into a huge insect creature with a heavy carapace, and turned his dark eyes to focus on Johnny in front of him.

Being stared at by a bug the size of a hound, even the rebellious Johnny couldn't help feeling a little creepy.

He turned his head towards Susan in the SUV and left a message to wait for me.

Immediately afterwards, he controlled the flames on his body to burst into a terrifying high temperature, and at the same time opened a safe distance from the [Ultimate Creature] on the opposite side.

The previous encounter in mid-air left Johnny with lingering fears, and he was deeply afraid that the [Kaz] in front of him suddenly opened his mouth again and spewed a lot of water to extinguish the flames on his body.

"Do you really think avoiding is enough?"

Seeing Johnny's actions in his eyes, [Kaz]'s eyes flashed with an expression of obvious disdain.

Immediately after, as [Kaz]'s thoughts turned, the strange insect on the ground immediately made a harsh chirping sound, and moved its dense tentacles and rushed towards the opposite Johnny at an extremely fast speed.

In the face of the rapidly approaching huge trap, Johnny's eyes flashed a clear disgust, and he raised his palm to generate hot flames that fell on the insect's carapace. In an instant, the dark carapace on the insect turned red under the high temperature burning, but soon the shell was removed by the insect, and a new and thicker carapace grew again.

"Sure enough, is this the power of the [Ultimate Creature], like the previous mid-air, it instantly evolved the power to resist high temperature."

Seeing the insects that have evolved to adapt to their own attacks in the blink of an eye, Johnny's eyes flashed a clear expression.

He controlled the flames on his body to produce a huge boost and lifted off again, but because of the near-death experience before, this time he did not rise too high, but at a safe distance He kept his distance from the huge insects on the ground and 【Kaz】.

"It's useless, everything you have is meaningless."

Looking up at Johnny who rose to mid-air, [Caz] twisted his neck, and then he saw the trapped crawling on the ground and quickly deformed a pair of wings as thin as cicada wings from its carapace. Flying in the direction of Johnny.

"It's you who's waiting!"

In the face of the huge insects flying towards, Johnny's face did not show any panic. Instead, he controlled the flames on his body, rising to thousands of high temperatures in an instant, and then aimed at the insects in front of him.


With a dull crashing sound, Johnny's body was hit hard by the huge body of the insect, and he himself gritted his teeth and stretched out his arms wrapped in flames and grabbed the insect in his arms. .

There was a sharp chirping sound in his mouth, and the high temperature rising from Johnny's body made the insect [Kaz] transformed into a violent struggle. Under the threat of death, it kept changing its body. The densely packed feet turned into sharp blades, slashing at Johnny in front of him.

A large number of blades cut through the flames, leaving deep and shallow scars on Johnny's body, but Johnny seemed to have made up his mind and died without letting go of his hands. Therefore, soon, under the scorching heat, the movements of the insect that was struggling violently became slower and slower, and a few seconds later, a scorched smell emerged from the insect in Johnny's hand.

Looking at the charred insect corpse in his hand, Johnny did not relax in the slightest, but once again controlled the flame on his body to aim at the insect and burned it for a few seconds, until it was completely charred into a piece of charcoal that could not see its original appearance. Only slightly relieved.

"Do you think I created this bug just for you to kill it?"

However, before Johnny was completely relieved, a magnetic, but creepy voice sounded from behind him.

Hearing the voice from the [Ultimate Creature], Johnny only had time to turn his head back a little, and he felt an arm stretched out from behind him through the flaming flames on his body, and instantly entered. into his body.

An arm was integrated into his body. The pain caused by the power at the cellular level was obviously beyond Johnny's imagination. Therefore, the moment the arm entered, a shrill scream came from Johnny's mouth. .

Under the painful stimulation, the flames on Johnny's body immediately skyrocketed a bit, trying to destroy the arm in his body through this! "

Not far away, the battle between Johnny and [Ultimate Creature] was changing rapidly. The moment before, Susan was still glad that Johnny survived, so she tried to remind the other party to leave quickly. An appalling eating process begins with Johnny.

Looking at the scene in midair, [Kaz]'s arms stretched out through Johnny's body and merged.

The suppressing power in Susan's body erupted again, and the power that exploded this time, even the [Parasitic Octopus] behind its neck could not be controlled.

Therefore, in an instant, a thin layer of energy stance emerged from [Kaz]'s body, and directly forcibly cut open the fusion part of [Kaz] and Human Torch.

"Johnny, run, you are not [Kaz]'s opponent. Staying here will only give you your life in vain."

Struggling to support her explosive strength, Susan shouted to Johnny in midair while resisting the strength of the [Parasitic Octopus] on the back of her neck.

"But...ah...Susan...sister...I won't leave you..."

Facing Susan's shout, Johnny looked down at his broken body, his expression twisted in pain.

In just a few seconds, [Kaz] integrated a part of Human Torch into his body.

Therefore, in order to prevent [Kaz] from eating Johnny, Susan had to use this rude method to separate them.

"Listen to me, Johnny, get out of here."

Gritting her teeth, she controlled the last strength in her body to trap [Kaz]. Facing Johnny's painful and hoarse answer, Susan's face flashed a hint of pain, but she soon firmed up her expression: "Also, tell Reed, let them be careful, [Kaz]'s target is all beings with extraordinary powers, whether it's the Fantastic Four or the Avengers, all within his target..."

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