Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 408: Ultron startup


Feeling that the fiery flames emanating from Johnny's body were extinguished, Steve in the Avengers Building couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The Human Torch's unruly character, especially when his sister Susan's life and death is currently unknown, makes his originally uncontrollable character even more impulsive. With Dalxi's unintentional agitation, he recklessly increased the strength in his body, intending to increase the flame on his body to the maximum level, and destroy the flame wrapped around his body and the Dalxi in front of him.

However, Johnny obviously ignored that if he really waited for him to raise the temperature of the flame to the highest level, it would not be the only person in front of him who would be wiped out by then.

The entire Avengers Mansion could be reduced to ashes with the power he unleashed.

"Why be so impatient, everyone will eventually get out of the boundless sea of ​​misery, whether it's you or them."

He let go of his palm and let Johnny in front of him slide to the ground. Darcy swept over the avengers in front of him, closed his palm, and controlled the flames on his body to start entwining and spreading.

Contrasted with Johnny's rough use of flames, Darcy is undoubtedly a master-level existence. Under his control, the flames twisted and spread like long snakes, and at the same time, a high temperature that was not inferior to the previous Johnny flames began to approach the Avengers.

"It seems that the situation in front of me has come to the time when I have to make a move."

Facing the flaming flames in front of him, Banner raised his hand to wipe the sweat on his face, and a green blood vessel appeared on his neck.

Feeling the threat in front of him, the Hulk in his body instinctively began to react, wanting to rush out of Banner's body.

"I'm sorry, everyone, I can't hold on anymore!"

Gritting his teeth, the expression on Banner's face became more and more painful.


Kneeling to the ground, Banner's heavy hammers left two deep fist marks on the ground. The next second, his thin body began to swell, and countless green muscles emerged from his body.


A few seconds later, Hulk let out a deafening roar and appeared in front of the Avengers.

Reaching out his thick fingers to pull off the broken clothes, Hulk turned his dark green eyes and swept the Avengers behind him. Immediately afterwards, he placed it on the opposite Dalxi, looking at this thin body shrouded in raging flames, the anger on his face became stronger and stronger.

"Fortunately, this time the big guy didn't get our enemy there wrong."

Watching Hulk focus on the opposite side, Tony relaxed the smile that was pulling at the corner of his mouth and said with a sigh of relief.


Bang! !

Bang! ! !

The Hulk that came out did not carry out an indiscriminate attack, which is undoubtedly not bad news for the Avengers. With an angry roar from his mouth, Hulk moved his huge body and jumped in front of Darcy in a few steps at an unimaginable speed.

He waved his sturdy arm and made a violent breaking sound, which directly pierced through the layers of flames wrapped around Dalxi's body and smashed it towards the skinny Indian ascetic monk.


In the face of Hulk's menacing and swift attack, Dalxi's expression remained unchanged, only to see that his palms did not know how to twist his body. The Hulk's powerful attack.

Immediately afterwards, Darcy's compassionate face flickered slightly, deflected his body, and controlled his left leg to extend while the upper body was still, and slashed heavily towards Hulk's head. Dalxi's heavy slash caused Hulk's huge body to bend into one, shaking his head. Although this attack could not cause serious damage to the Hulk, it still made it feel a little dizzy.

Seizing the moment Hulk was absent, Dalxi immediately controlled the flames around him and rushed towards Hulk.

"Dr. Banner!"

Looking at the Hulk whose entire figure was instantly wrapped in flames, the Avengers couldn't help but let out a burst of exclamation.

Steve grabbed the shield in his hand and was about to rush up. From above his head, Dio's figure jumped down and grabbed it in his direction.

He raised his shield to block the attack from Dior, and held Steve's way forward. Dio didn't have the slightest nostalgia, and he turned over and went to the other direction of the floor. With the powerful activity of vampires, the Avengers' rush to Hulk was stopped abruptly.

"This is a battle that belongs to Mr. Darcy. You can't let you guys who don't matter who you want to intervene at will. You should just stand there obediently and wait for the result of the battle."

Dodging again, waving his sharp fingertips across Sol's neck, Dio blinked his scarlet eyes, licked the sharp teeth in his mouth, and said with a bad expression at the corner of his mouth.

"If I don't listen to the advice and move forward, I can't guarantee that the next attack will fall on which of you."

In the face of Dior's threat, the Avengers' face was solemn, but the movement that was about to move forward couldn't help but stop.

The Avengers have different abilities from each other, and not all members have the indestructible shield of Captain America or the body of Thor that is strong enough to ignore Dior's attacks.

"Speaking of which, Tony, where's your steel suit?"

In the Iron Patriot, which was completely black and transformed by Tony's steel suit, Colonel James looked at Tony who was still bare-handed and had no plans to summon the suit to protect him. Under the steel mask, his face showed obvious doubts.

"Don't tell me, you are confident enough to block the attacks of these dangerous guys with your own body."

At that moment, if it wasn't for the steel Patriots on his body to resist, James might have fallen under Dior's attack. But with the steel battle suit on his body as protection, Dior still easily left a deep paw print on the battle suit.

"Actually, something went wrong and I couldn't get in touch with Jarvis in the first place."

Facing his friend's concerns, Tony twitched the corners of his mouth, staring at Dio who was not far away, and replied with a wry smile.

Jarvis' situation gave Tony a warning that he should probably set up a backup system in advance, or further develop a suit that can carry equipment with him, in response to what he encountered, Jarvis In the case of sudden inability to respond, it is possible to ensure that one's own safety is not as passive as before, and there is no ability to fight back in the face of a crisis.

Of course, this also has something to do with Tony's negligence because he attended the party.

In fact, not only Tony, but even Natasha, who should have been vigilant, only prepared a few emergency firearms, and Hawkeye didn't even bring his own bow and arrow.

[] After all, no one thought that Jiuyouhui would choose this time to attack the Avengers head on.

"... 呲 zi... sorry, sir... I was attacked and couldn't get in touch with you right away..."

However, just as Tony was thinking about how to get through this crisis, Jarvis' voice finally connected again from the tiny device in his ear.


The moment he heard this familiar voice sounded, Tony was not as excited as he is now.

"Prepare a steel suit for me immediately."

"Okay, sir, in fact, I need to tell you about the previous experiment on the 'peace plan'..."

Following Tony's order, on the other floor of the Avengers Building, a steel battle suit flew out quickly. At the same time, Jarvis also spoke, and began to report to him about everything that happened in the laboratory.


In the raging flames, Hulk let out a roar.

The flames from the fire **** Agni spewed out of Dalxi's mouth were more dangerous and hot than ordinary flames. Attacked by these flames, even the mighty Hulk could not resist the heat of the flames in the first place. , a large amount of flames burned Hulk's body, forming patches of scorched black burns on the green skin on his body.

However, the powerful self-healing ability made Hulk's burns heal quickly.

The repeated burning and healing, although it could not really cause fatal damage to Hulk, but the pain caused by the burning of flames made Hulk more and more angered by the flames, and the original huge body was even more because of this. It swelled up a bit again.

He raised his head and let out a deafening roar of anger. With the continuous expansion of his body, the flames originally wrapped around Hulk seemed to be scattered a bit, and a huge gasping sound came out of his mouth. Ke began to ignore the flames on his body, waving his arms that were thicker than before, and his palms combined to form a violent gust of wind, which turned towards Dalxi in front of him.



Under the huge palm wind, the flame on Dalxi's body was also blown a bit. With the huge oppressive force formed by his palms, Dalxi, who was standing in front of Hulk, seemed to be unable to dodge and was directly caught by Hulk. in hand.

Looking at the figure in Hulk's palms, Natasha's face showed a strange look, but she quickly reacted. She glanced at Mr. Fantastic Reed beside her, and her frowning brows did not relax at all. With the amazing flexibility and strength similar to Mr. Fantastic that Dalcey had shown before, Hulk's look did not seem to be as good as he imagined. The opponent caused too much damage.

Sure enough, just as Natasha had guessed.

Although the body was caught by Hulk, there was no panic on Dalxi's face.

Controlling his body, he floated out from the gap between Hulk's palms like a piece of paper. Dalxi released his palms that he had been clasping together, and began to lengthen when he aimed at Hulk. In the blink of an eye, his arms were wrapped around Hulk's huge body several times, and he firmly grasped the other party in his hands.

Feeling the arms wrapped around his body, Hulk's face made an obvious angry expression. It twisted its body and stepped on the floor to make a struggle, but Dalxi's flexible arm was like a long elastic band. Generally, it is entangled there, and no matter how hard it struggles, it cannot easily break free.

Of course, with Hulk's current situation, it won't take long for the soaring power driven by the anger in his body to break free from the entanglement of Darcy.

However, as far as the actual situation is concerned, it does not take too long.

Reaching out and grabbing the last flying part of the steel suit helmet, Tony put the mask on his face and scanned the situation in front of him through the system inside the steel suit.

"Although the previous situation, the Avengers looked a bit passive and embarrassed, but it will be different now."

Turning his steel suit to lock Dio's position, from the helmet of the steel suit, Tony's tone changed obviously: "Feel the anger from the Avengers, Jarvis..."

"I am here, sir."

"Start Ultron."

"Okay, sir."

As Tony's voice fell, the data representing Ultron flashed in the laboratory of the Avengers Then, in a burst of cracking sounds, a large number of steel armor rushed in. in the floor.

Among the many steel armors, a silver-white robot armor that was slightly taller than other steel armors stopped its steps, and the blue mechanical eyes in the helmet swept through everything on the floor and quickly locked it. The figures of Dior and Dalxi, and then, a warm electronic voice came from the robot's mouth: "The target has been locked, and Jiuyou has activated the annihilation mode."

Under the order of Ultron, the many steel armors behind it attacked the locked gaze without any hesitation.

"what is this?"

Steve and others are no strangers to Tony's Iron Legion.

However, it was the first time they saw the silver-white robot leading the Iron Legion.

Looking at the tall robot standing there, Steve frowned, clearly feeling that the steel suit in front of him was very different from what he had seen before.

"Ultron, greet everyone first."

In the face of Steve's question and the doubts on the faces of the Avengers members, Tony snapped his fingers, then waved his hands and said.

Hearing Tony's order, Ultron nodded humanely. It turned to look at the Avengers and the Fantastic Four and others in front of him. His eyes quickly matched everyone's identities and data, and at the same time used a kind of gentle but The electronic voice with obvious human characteristics said: "Hello, Avengers, Fantastic Four and Penglai practitioners, I am Ultron, from Mr. Stark's 'peace plan', the purpose is to protect the earth from Crisis and injury, keep humanity safe."

"I'm very happy to be able to meet everyone. Although the timing of our meeting is a bit awkward, I can clearly see your doubts about me in your hearts..."

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