Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 398: immortal

Take a deep breath and look away.

Wanda's shot may be for Hydra, or simply for himself.

But no matter what, her action undoubtedly relieved part of the pressure for Susan.

With the red mist-like energy shrouded in the flesh and blood limbs of [Kaz] scattered, the flesh and blood that had been squirming and gathered quickly was trapped in place again.

"As I've already said, this unquestionable struggle has no meaning other than to extend your pathetic lives for a few more minutes."

His head was shrouded in the position Susan had created. [Caz] faced the scene in front of him, but there was no panic on his face. The tone of voice said: "It seems that whether it has been tens of thousands of years or thousands of years, human beings are still not much different, even if they have evolved special abilities, they will never learn a lesson, as always stupid and self-righteous. ."

As the voice of [Kaz] fell, the shapes of those trapped flesh and blood began to twist and struggle more and more violently.


Susan bit her lower lip subconsciously, and under the struggle of [Kaz], the superhero's face became paler and paler.

The previous attack that detonated her stance had consumed the remaining power in her body, and now trapping [Kaz] was the limit of what she could do.


"I don't agree with your statement."

Seeing that, it won't be long before [Kaz] breaks free from the control of Susan and Wanda.

Inside the Hydra base, an icy voice suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, Dr. Doom appeared in the laboratory with a scepter.


The scepter that appeared in Doctor Doom's hand made Strucker forget the strangeness of his brain. Looking at the figure holding the scepter in front of him, Strucker couldn't help muttering.

"Not long ago, the power of the so-called [Ultimate Creature] that you showed really made me feel fear and despair, and I didn't even have the courage to fight you." Holding the scepter, I felt the steady stream of power emerging from the top gemstone. , Dr. Doom's eyes flickered under the steel mask: "However, all of this will become a thing of the past. Now, I, who have mastered the power of the scepter, have gained unparalleled power, even as a [Ultimate Creature] You [Kaz] can't pose any threat to me anymore..."

Feeling the unparalleled power in his body, Doctor Doom looked at the scattered limbs of [Kaz] on the ground, and his expression under the steel mask was cold: "Then, as a thank you for giving me this power [Kaz], I will I will give you a grand death ceremony to witness my strength."

Holding the scepter high in his hand, under the stimulation of the gemstone, the power of electric current in Doctor Doom's body rapidly soared, and a large amount of pale yellow light appeared on his face under the steel mask.

"Go back to the history of the annihilation of the male race of the pillars, [Kaz]!"


Under Doctor Doom's icy tone, a bolt of lightning stronger than any previous attack appeared in Hydra's base.

With a deafening rumbling sound, the lightning fell on [Kaz]'s head. The position Susan created did not cause any hindrance at all under the huge power of this lightning, and was almost destroyed. It penetrated the stand and smashed [Kaz] in the head.


The violent lightning created a brief blank in the laboratory, and after a few seconds, the lightning dissipated.

Strucker shook his ears, which were constantly ringing because of the deafening thunder, and slowly got up and looked in the direction where Doctor Doom's lightning struck. The lightning of Doctor Doom is not divided into enemy and foe. Although most of the attacks are going in the direction of [Kaz], the aftermath of the lightning still makes Strucker and others feel the impact.

The power that Doctor Doom showed after he got the scepter certainly made Strucker feel palpitations, but now Strucker is more concerned about the situation of [Kaz], whether it was really destroyed as the other party said.

"Sure enough, even the so-called [Ultimate Creature] is powerless to resist under the powerful force."

The power consumed by the lightning in the body was replenished in an instant by the scepter in his hand. Doctor Doom looked down at the broken ground full of gravel and the position where there was no trace of [Kaz], the face under the steel mask. A cold smile appeared on it.

"Then you'll say: It looks like the final victory is mine, [Caz]."

"Looks like the final victory is... what?!"

However, before the smile under Doctor Doom's steel mask fully emerged, the magnetic voice of [Kaz] in the laboratory sounded again.

Immediately afterwards, under the sound of breaking the air, Doctor Doom's arm holding the scepter was cut off in an instant.


Feeling the rapidly dissipating power in his body and the silver-white arm falling to the ground, Doctor Doom couldn't help but let out a painful sound.

In the screams of Doctor Doom, [Kaz] kept the flesh on the ground and began to condense and squirm. Even the scattered blood gathered together like a living body. After just a few seconds, a brand new The smaller [Kaz] reappeared in front of everyone.


Twisting his neck, he stretched out his hand to recover the flesh and blood that cut off Doctor Doom's arm back into his body, [Kaz] admired his painful scream: "It's very beautiful, your scream is quite pleasant. , especially with the self-righteous appearance in the previous scene, it is really the most wonderful performance."

"How is it possible, why are you able to survive even when your head is destroyed..."

The pain in the arm distance made it difficult to maintain Doctor Doom's expression under the steel mask, but what he cared about more was that [Kaz]'s head had been destroyed by himself, but he could still be resurrected.

"In this world, there are too many creatures with strong vitality, earthworms can survive even if they are cut in two, cockroaches can survive for several days even if their heads are cut off, under the power of [Ultimate Creature] , I can fully grasp the power of these creatures and override them, becoming a completely immortal existence, so even if you destroy my head, I can grow again, I [Kaz] is in the universe. Being able to be immortal, your lightning can't kill me at all."

Looking at Doctor Doom in front of him, [Kaz] once again recounted his power as a [Ultimate Creature].

Immediately afterwards, he turned his eyes and placed it on the broken arm and the scepter.

"So, is it the power of this scepter that gives you the illusion that you can kill me?"

Raising his eyebrows, [Caz] looked at the scepter held on the broken arm, and was about to pick it up.


At this moment, [Kaz] suddenly noticed that a rapid figure also rushed towards the position of Doctor Doom's broken arm.

Turning his eyes, under the ability of [Ultimate Creature], [Kaz]'s eyes evolved amazing dynamic vision in an instant.

Under the influence of this vision, he clearly saw that Quicksilver Pietro was quickly approaching the broken arm on the ground under the envelope of silver energy.

"Do you think I'll let you get it?"

Looking at the fast-moving figure of Kuaiyin, [Kaz] twitched the corner of his mouth to reveal a mocking smile, and in the next instant, his movements also accelerated, stepping forward at a speed that did not lose to Kuaiyin to block the destruction. In front of the doctor, he twisted his body under the terrified gaze of Kuaiyin, and suddenly applied force and landed on Kuaiyin's fast-moving thigh.


Under the huge power of [Kaz], the fragile Quicksilver had no resistance at all. In an instant, the thigh was hit hard, and it broke into a 90-degree anti-reflection with the crisp fracture sound. to the pattern.


This momentary impact directly caused Kuaiyin, who was running at high speed, to lose his direction, and the shrill screams from his mouth instantly fell before Doctor Doom's broken arm.


From the time Kuaiyin was hit by [Kaz] to the broken leg, the seemingly long process actually happened within a few seconds.

When Wanda and the others reacted, all they saw was the figure of Kuaiyin clutching his broken leg and mourning in pain.

Seeing with his own eyes his brother fell to the ground with a broken leg, the impact on Wanda was definitely far greater than that of Doctor Doom's amputated arm.

In an instant, the red energy of Wanda's expression surged again, and the faint red light in his eyes also appeared.

"Do you think that after a fight with me, I will be unprepared for your speed?" Looking down at Kuaiyin, who was crying while covering his legs, [Kaz]'s face was smug: "In fact, in these Among the human beings who have mastered special abilities, your ability is the least threatening one to me, because your so-called speed can't cause damage to me at all, and even your weakness is equally obvious. Can't run anymore."

Raising his leg and kicking Kuaiyin aside, [Kaz] continued: "So, you humans are still too fragile, even if you have evolved special abilities, but in my [Kaz]'s strength, It’s still just as vulnerable as it used to be.”

"That's not necessarily true, [Caz]..."

Covering his wound and making a hoarse voice, Doctor Doom looked down at his broken arm, the eyes under the steel mask flickered, and finally turned into a firm look, he raised his head and looked in front of him as if invincible [Caz] turned his head and glanced in Wanda's direction again.

"Even if my strength can't defeat you, someone will."

As Dr. Doom's voice fell, the blue electric current appeared on his body again. Although the current that Dr. Doom could control has been greatly weakened after losing the blessing of the power of the scepter, he still bites Fang used the current to land on his broken arm, and controlled to throw the broken arm and the scepter towards Wanda's location.


Watching Doctor Doom's move, [Kaz] had a surprised expression on his face.

He looked at the broken arm and scepter flying towards Wanda, and subconsciously rushed over.

However, Kuaiyin on the ground stretched out his hands without hesitation, gritted his teeth and grabbed the body of [Kaz].


He bent his calf and kicked Kuaiyin on Kuaiyin's body fiercely. After suffering the fierce blow from [Kaz], Kuaiyin couldn't help but let out a scream and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Although he successfully used the attack to get rid of the Quicksilver that caught him, but with his delay, Wanda who was not far away also successfully caught the scepter thrown by Doctor Doom.

Holding the scepter held by the broken arm, in an instant, the red energy on Wanda's body skyrocketed, transforming from the faint red mist into crimson energy. At the same time, under the action of this powerful force, Wanda's eyes were also covered with blood-like bright red.


Holding the scepter in one hand, Wanda began to levitate under the steady stream of power.

Under the surging energy in the body, the leather coat and hair on Wanda's body were still floating upward involuntarily, turning his head, Wanda looked at [Kaz] on the ground and the Quicksilver, red beside him. The energy surged through the body like boiling water.

"I am the [Ultimate Creature]."

Standing on the ground, [Kaz] could feel it. At this moment, Wanda said that the power displayed by him, under the increase of the scepter, has exceeded the limit of the B-rank card character, and may even have To the power of A-level cards. In the face of this powerful force, even [Kaz] can't guarantee whether he can resist it.

After all, although the power of [Ultimate Creature] is powerful, the scepter in Wanda's hand carries the power of the Mind Gem, one of the six most powerful gems in the Meiman universe. In particular, the power awakened by Wanda came from the Hydra's scepter experiment, so theoretically, it should be more powerful than the power of the gems in the scepter that she could inspire by Doctor Doom.

And according to Li Ran's judgment, the power of each Infinity Stone is comparable to that of an A-level character card.

And the combination of the six gems has even reached an S-rank card role, that is, the system cannot be opened in the treasure chest, and it is a powerful force synthesized through fragments.

In fact, this is also the reason why Li Ran has been working hard to earn fame.

Thanos alone, as the most dangerous villain among the many races in the entire universe, may have reached the level of B-level cards or even A-level cards based on his own strength, not to mention his creation of infinite gloves and success. Level after collecting gems.

Now, according to the sequence of time, maybe Thanos has already built the Infinity and started searching for the first gem.

Although, in his heart, he doubted whether [Kaz] could catch Wanda's attack with a scepter, but Li Ran himself was not too worried.

After all, even if he can't catch it, he will only lose one clone at most. After this clone is destroyed, Li Ran can use [Kaz]'s card to create a new clone to show the powerful [Ultimate Creature]. vitality.

What's more, with the powerful power shown by [Kaz] as [Ultimate Creature], it is not impossible to survive Wanda's attack.

With the red light in his eyes flashing, Doctor Doom and Quicksilver who were beside [Kaz] were immediately moved to a safe place by Wanda. Immediately afterwards, Wanda looked down at [Kaz] who was standing on the spot without any hesitation, and then clenched the scepter in his hand, creating a lot of red energy and emitting a dazzling light that fell towards [Kaz]. past.

"Bastard... asshole..."

Under the shroud of energy, [Kaz]'s body instantly merged, and he let out a violent scream, and immediately used the ability of [Ultimate Creature] to begin to evolve, and in an instant a large number of biological shells Produced from outside his body surface, and wrapped his body in an instant.

"Guard... armor, shellfish, crabs, insects, protect me!"

Under the power of [Ultimate Creature], [Kaz]'s entire body was surrounded by a large amount of armor.

Noticing this scene, the red light in Wanda's eyes in mid-air became a bit more radiant, and without the slightest hesitation, he concentrated all the power in his body and rushed towards [Kaz] without leaving a trace.


Under the gathering of huge forces, the huge explosion even caused huge vibrations in the entire Hydra base.

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