The history revealed from the mouth of the mysterious creature made Straker and others look complicated.

They never thought that such an unknown secret was hidden behind the ancient history they did not know.

The fact that humans are a part of the food chain is not the key to Strucker's astonishment. After all, it is clearly recorded from the history excavated by anthropologists that their ancestors did not stand at the beginning. At the top of all living beings, it develops a splendid civilization belonging to its own race through evolution little by little, and eventually dominates all things.

The long historical development and war, as well as the fact that Strucker likes to stand at the top of the food chain, look down on these creatures who once lived under the same sky as himself.

The appearance of mysterious creatures broke the arrogance that Strucker and others had inscribed in the depths of their cells, telling them that humans, like these animals, were once the food in each other's mouths.

The mysterious creature in front of him, who called himself the man of the pillar, was awakened from the ancient years and belonged to the natural enemy of mankind.


In the Hydra base, the atmosphere fell into a brief silence because of the story in the mouth of the pillar man.

On the other hand, although Doctor Doom was also surprised by the history of the mysterious creature, the Man of Pillar, he was also keenly aware of the weaknesses revealed by him inadvertently.

If what Zhu Zhinan said is true, then they are not completely invincible, as long as...

"Perhaps you think that you have discovered the weakness of the pillar man from my words, so you try to use the power of the sun to destroy me."

On this side, the thoughts in Doctor Doom's heart have just emerged, but the man of the pillar on the other side turns his handsome and unhuman face like a prophet, and looks at this silver-white metal figure, with a clear expression of ridicule on his face. : "Unfortunately, your ridiculous thoughts like ants are meaningless, as I said, fear of the sun was once a weakness inscribed in the cells of our pillar male family, and was even considered by most pillar males as their destiny, However, all this has become history, in order to be able to overcome this weakness, after a long period of research, I finally have a mask that can activate the potential of the brain..."

"Although the mask originally created is not enough to stimulate the potential of the male family of pillars, it can only be used as a tool to transform human beings into food, but under the long sleep and search, I found a way to completely strengthen the mask and stimulate the male pillar of the pillar. A potential super gem called [Aizhe Redstone], and finally stimulated the potential through this gem, and transformed it into the [Ultimate Creature] that I have dreamed of for hundreds of thousands of years, and now I have There is no weakness, the sun is no longer an obstacle to me, even if it wasn't for the group of self-righteous guys who blocked my footsteps and finally found out that they couldn't defeat me, they tried their best to exile me into the universe. Maybe I've already accomplished what the Pillar's Male Clan has never accomplished for thousands of years."

"Of course, it's not too late to start again. Although the time has been delayed a lot, during my absence, you humans seem to have developed a lot of abilities beyond my expectations."

Throwing out a lot of settings to calm Strucker and others in front of him, the mysterious creature calling himself the Man of the Pillar turned his head and swept over Doctor Doom, who looked very different, and Wanda, who had a red light in his hand.

"Is this ability a general ability of human beings in this era, or is it just that you humans are more special..."

With a thoughtful look on his face, the pillar man stepped forward, and a tall and unusual body appeared in front of Strucker.

"Quick, stop him!"

Looking at the man of the pillar who appeared in front of him in an instant, the expression on Strucker's face suddenly panicked. The silver-haired man of Silver Pietro shouted.

Looking at the figure appearing in front of Strucker, Wanda's expression changed, and he quickly gritted his teeth and controlled the energy in his hands to form a faint red light energy body that blocked in front of Strucker.

Immediately afterwards, the figure of the silver-haired man, Kuaiyin, flickered and appeared beside the man of the pillar.

Reaching out and grabbing Strucker in front of him, he was blocked by the red energy controlled by Wanda. The man of the pillar paused for a while, and then he saw a silver-haired figure appear beside him, grabbing Strucker in front of him. A flicker and the trail disappeared.

"You guys are more special than I thought, and it looks like I've come to a rather interesting time."

Looking at the empty place in front of him, the expression on the face of the mysterious creature pillar man was not angry because of the disappearance of the target. On the contrary, he still showed a consistent calm appearance, and even a slight smile appeared on his face.


Using his own speed, he rescued Strucker who was in crisis and placed him in a safe place. Kuaiyin then turned his head and looked at the man of the mysterious creature pillar not far away with a solemn expression, and shouted to his sister Wanda: " Control that guy."

Hearing his brother Pietro's voice, Wanda's eyes flashed red without hesitation, and in the next instant, a large amount of red energy condensed from his palm fell on the man of the pillar.

The moment Wanda activated his ability, Zhu Zhinan felt that his body could not move, and his head immediately saw that his body was wrapped in a large number of red-light energy bodies.

Immediately afterwards, before he could react to these forces controlling him, the next second, Kuaiyin's body, who was still standing in the distance, flashed in front of Zhu Zhinan without hesitation. Just launched his own attack.

Like Wanda, Pietro also awakened extraordinary abilities in Strucker's previous experiments. Through the silver energy in his body, he was able to increase his speed to the limit that ordinary people can't react to, and under the envelope of this energy. Generates decent attack power.

His body was controlled, and he was facing a rapid attack from Kuaiyin.

It seemed inevitable.

However, even under such circumstances, the expression on Zhu Zhinan's face still did not change in the slightest.

He looked at Kuaiyin who appeared menacingly in front of him, twitched the corners of his mouth, and then a faint smile appeared on his face, but it was like a mocking ant's self-control.

Noticing the strange smile on the man's face, Wanda, who raised his arms, immediately felt a sense of unease in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, I felt that the power that controlled the man's huge body suddenly loosened, and he quickly opened his mouth and shouted in the direction of his brother Kuaiyin: "Pietro, be careful..."

Although Wanda has made a reminder as soon as possible, it is obviously a little late.

I saw that in front of Kuaiyin, the body of the pillar man, who was originally trapped by the red energy, twisted suddenly, and then suddenly shrank into a slender snake-like creature from Wanda as if he had no bones. He got out of his strength, and when he landed next to Kuaiyin, he instantly changed back to his original tall appearance, stretched out his palm and grabbed it towards him.


Looking at the man of the pillar who was easily freed from Wanda's control, Kuaiyin's face suddenly changed, but the movements on his body did not stop at all. With the flash of silver light, the whole figure instantly flashed to the other side. , trying to use his superhuman speed to avoid the man of the pillar grabbing his palm.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed it in front of him. The expression on Zhu Zhinan's face was not the slightest disappointment. His body didn't even change direction. The posture of the human skeleton turned his head and turned to Kuaiyin who was running aside.

Although Kuaiyin and the others were shocked by the various powers displayed by Zhu Zhinan from the beginning, the expression on Kuaiyin's face was still the same when looking at this arm that was completely twisted and twisted at will. It was difficult to calm down, and at the same time, he also accelerated his speed again and kept disappearing and disappearing beside the opponent.

Out of confidence in his own speed, Kuaiyin did not leave as soon as Zhu Zhinan broke free from Wanda's control, but surrounded the other side to find his own opportunities.

Kuaiyin's idea is good, but he obviously underestimated Zhu Zhinan's ability.

Facing the figures that kept appearing around him, the expression on Zhu Zhinan's face remained the same, but his attacking movements became faster and faster. At first, his arms could not catch up with the figures that kept appearing from Kuaiyin, but gradually he could. Grab the direction of the opponent's disappearance.

"You don't seem to understand what kind of existence I am when I wear a mask to fully activate my potential and incarnate as an [Ultimate Creature]."

As Zhu Zhinan grabbed his arm faster and faster, a sense of crisis began to emerge from Kuaiyin's heart.

However, before he could react, the man of the pillar who had been chasing him suddenly twisted his body and made an exaggerated face-to-face look with him who was moving at a high speed. At the corner of his mouth, his arms instantly burst out faster than he could react, directly grabbing the moving Kuaiyin in his hands.

"I became the [Ultimate Creature], immortal and immortal, possessing the abilities of all living things and surpassing them, that is, no matter how fast you are, I can also change the genetic information left by biological evolution in cells, Find creatures that can catch up to your speed and defeat you."


With the indifferent explanation of Zhu Zhinan, the strength in his hand also increased, and at the same time, he merged into Quicksilver's body, feeling the palm of Zhu Zhinan intruding into his body. Under this severe and painful stimulation, Quicksilver. The expression on his face could no longer be calm, and he couldn't help but let out a painful wailing sound.


Looking at the wailing brother in the hands of the man of the pillar, the expression on Wanda's face suddenly changed, and the originally stable power in the body suddenly burst out like a boiling, wrapping around her body, under the action of this powerful force , Wanda's body involuntarily floated into the air, and the red light in his eyes flickered.

"Let him go!"

During the violent drinking, Wanda raised his arms, the surging power on his body seemed to have found a vent, and suddenly blasted in the direction of the pillar man.

This power is almost comparable to the ability of a B-rank card character with an all-out blow.

Inside the antique shop, Li Ran felt the power of Wanda from [Kaz], and the look in his eyes flashed.

The body far away in New York was surprised by the power shown by Wanda, but in the Hydra base, the expression on the man's face under Wanda's attack did not show the slightest panic.

Release the pale Kuaiyin in his hand, Zhu Zhinan's body surged, and the muscles on his body instantly changed from the original blood color to a hard color that was as black as obsidian but with lustre.


Along with the bombardment of the powerful force that erupted from his body, Wanda, who was originally floating in mid-air, also fell directly as if his whole body's strength had been extracted. She swayed her body and was about to fall to the ground. On the other side, Kuaiyin was pale and gritted her teeth and appeared behind reached out and supported her swaying body. .

"Did you make it?"

At the same time, both of them unanimously cast their eyes on the direction of the mysterious creature pillar man in front of them.

After a few seconds, the dust formed by Wanda's attack dissipated, revealing a black stone statue standing in the center of the attack.

The whole body of this stone statue exudes a pitch-black luster like obsidian, but a large number of dense cracks spread all over the whole body of the stone statue. The whole situation looks like if a little strength is added, the entire stone statue will shatter.

"do you died?"

Looking at the figure covered with shatters all over his body, Doctor Doom's eyes flickered under the steel mask.

The power that Wanda burst out at that moment is undoubtedly very powerful, even if Doctor Doom himself is standing in the position of the man of the pillar, he has no confidence to resist it.

However, after thinking of the word [Ultimate Creature] that had appeared in the mouth of Pillar's Man before, Doctor Doom felt that things were not as simple as he thought.

Maybe I should...

Turning his head to look at the cracked stone statue, Dr. Doom's body was surrounded by electricity again, and he cautiously wanted to make up for the knife.

Click, click!

However, at this moment, a dense fragmentation came from the body of the stone statue.

Along with the large pieces of obsidian shell on his body cracked, what was revealed was the man of the pillar who was immediately intact.

"Great offensive power..."

Twisted his body to peel off all the outer shells on his body, and when these outer shells fell on the ground, they instantly turned into water-like cell residues.

And Zhu Zhinan turned his head, turned to the weak Wanda and Kuaiyin in front of him, and made a heartfelt compliment: "Being able to cause such damage to me, you are enough for Kaz to take it seriously."

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