Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 389: Doctor Doom's ambition


"No, no, it's invisible!"

Seeing Reed's disappearance, Doctor Doom was stunned.

But he quickly reacted, even though Susan kept creating energy shields to protect her, as if this was the expression of her ability.

However, Doctor Doom did not forget that the first ability Susan showed after mutating was actually invisibility.

However, at the beginning, Susan's ability was only able to make her own body invisible, unable to act on her clothes, she could only wear the special battle suit of the Fantastic Four, but now she can hide it from others. degree of. It can be seen from this that not only the power of Doctor Doom has been significantly improved, but also the Fantastic Four.

"Reed is nearby!"

Thinking of this, the eyes of Doctor Doom under the steel mask suddenly changed, and without any hesitation, he moved his body to make evasive actions, and controlled the current on his body to form a dense grid wrapped around his body.


Although Doctor Doom has responded quickly, it is still a little too late in time.

Before he could retreat to a safe position, on the roof of the top room of the Bartlett Building, Mr. Fantastic Reed's figure appeared under a twist of the line, grabbing the beam of the roof with both hands, relying on the rubberized rubber. The ability to extend his body to an exaggerated extent, aiming at the position of Doctor Doom and loosening his hands.

The next second, Reed's whole body flew over like a stretched rubber band.


Penetrating through the power grid on Doctor Doom, it landed on Reed's body and made a piercing screeching sound. Although the rubberized body isolated most of the damage of the current, the tingling feeling from it still made him feel uncomfortable. De was in endless pain, gritted his teeth to withstand the power of the current, Reed waved his arms to grab Doctor Doom's shoulders, then twisted his waist and legs, and instantly wrapped around Doctor Doom's body, trapping him firmly. in place.

"Tell your people to stop, Doctor Doom!"

Controlling Doctor Doom's movements, Reed immediately shouted at him.

"Do you think I'll listen to you, Reed."

Feeling Mister Fantastic's entangled body, Doctor Doom immediately struggled, and a large amount of current erupted from his body in an attempt to electrocute Reed on his body.

However, under the characteristics of the elastic body, Reed can almost be said to be the biggest opponent of Doctor Doom. Surrounded by electric current, the expression on his face was painful, but his body did not loosen in the slightest, and he was still tightly wrapped around Doctor Doom. body, and the entanglement became tighter and tighter with the impact of the current.


Mr. Fantastic Reed, compared to the other members of the Fantastic Four, may not have the ability to fight head-on. However, once the opponent is entangled by it, under normal circumstances, don't try to break free easily. Through the strong elasticity and elasticity of the body, Reed will start to exert force when he wraps the opponent, and through the control of his own elasticity, if the python generally traps the target tightly.

Through experimental training, even the Stone Man was entangled in Reed's body, and it was difficult to break free from it without expending some effort.

Being wrapped around Reed, at first, Doctor Doom tried to get rid of the other party through his own power, but after a few minutes, he felt his own growing strength, and the slight cracking sound from his body, the steel mask. Dr. Doom's face suddenly changed drastically, and at the same time he stopped his apparently useless struggle.

Under the mutation of space cosmic storm radiation, Doctor Doom's body and obviously have some metal characteristics, which is why he was fused into a statue by Johnny when he fought with the Fantastic Four.

However, even with such a solid body, under the entanglement of Reed, there was actually a situation of twisting and breaking.

Thinking of this, Doctor Doom no longer hesitated, and immediately ordered to the silver-haired man not far behind.

"I need you to take action and control the woman opposite."

Hearing Doctor Doom's order, the silver-haired man turned his head and glanced at Susan's location and nodded.

"Susan, be careful!"

Doctor Doom's order did not avoid that he was Reed, or should be said, he could not avoid it, after all, Mr. Fantastic was wrapped around him at the moment.

Therefore, the moment he heard Doctor Doom's order, Reed immediately reminded Susan not far away.

Reed's reminder was quite quick, and it was called out almost as soon as Doctor Doom ordered.

Therefore, the moment his voice fell, Susan controlled the position in her body and created a transparent energy shield to block it in front of her.

The whole process from Reed's reminder to Susan's response was without any problems, and it could even be called a quick response. However, unfortunately, although Susan has actively made defensive moves, it is still not as fast as the silver-haired man behind Doctor Doom.

Before the energy shield in Susan's hand took shape, the silver-haired man appeared behind her, knocking him unconscious with a palm.


Looking at Susan who fainted in front of the silver-haired man, whether it was Johnny who was fighting against the spider organization or Reed who was on Doctor Doom, he couldn't help but let out a cry of exclamation.


Opposite Johnny, the spider organization seized the moment he was distracted, and controlled the spider claws behind him to fall on Human Torch like a sharp spear.

At the critical moment, although the flame wrapped around Johnny's body resisted the attack of the sharp claws, the violent force from the claws still made him unable to stop his body and fly backwards several meters.

After struggling for a while, he stood up clutching the wound on his body, but Johnny didn't have time to take care of his counterattack against the man, and put all his attention on his sister's situation.

"Now, the initiative seems to be back in my hands, Reed."

Feeling the stagnant power of Reed on his body, a cold smile appeared on Dr. Doom's face under the steel mask, and he did not hesitate to threaten: "If you want Susan to survive, just follow me obediently. Otherwise, what kind of thing that guy will do, I can't guarantee it."

Grabbing Susan in a coma with one hand, the silver-haired man couldn't help frowning when he heard Doctor Doom's words, but he still controlled Susan according to the other party's request.

Turning his head to look at Susan in the hands of the silver-haired man, Reed's face showed obvious hesitation. He hesitated for a while and finally let go of his control over him as requested by Doctor Doom, and would wrap around the opponent's body. The body shrank back and landed next to the stone man.

He is not a ruthless existence like Doctor Doom after all, especially Susan is not only his teammate but also his lover.

"You're still as stupid as ever, Reed."

Freed from Reed's entanglement, Doctor Doom stretched out his hand to straighten his wrinkled clothes, looked up at Mr. Fantastic in front of him, and his face under the steel mask showed obvious mockery. Turning his head and making a wink, the silver-haired man standing not far away immediately took Susan behind him.

"At least, I can't be crazy like you, Doctor Doom, not Victor."

Facing Doctor Doom's ridicule, Reed looked at Susan behind him and said through gritted teeth.


Hearing Reed's description, Doctor Doom picked the metal face under the mask, walked to Reed and said in his always cold voice: "I don't think I have any crazy actions, since I have mastered it. In order to surpass the power of ordinary people, you should naturally get the status that matches it. On the contrary, you guys, who obviously have superhuman power, are still willing to be ordinary, accept the identity of the so-called superheroes, and protect those stupid and ungrateful people. The one who is weaker than himself has taken on the stupid title of the Fantastic Four."

He raised his palm and condensed the current on his body into dangerous lightning under Reed's gaze. Dr. Doom waved his palm and used the lightning to smash the lightning out of Reed in front of him, while continuing to sarcastically: "In my It seems that this choice of yours is crazy and stupid."


Although he was struck by Dr. Doom's lightning, Reed did not suffer much damage. He gritted his teeth while enduring the sting of the electric current: "So, you choose to become Dr. Doom and destroy the world. ?"

"Destroying the world has never been my ultimate goal."

In the face of Reed's questioning, Doctor Doom stopped his steps and turned his head to scan the scene in the Bartlett Building.

"Destruction is only a means to accomplish a goal, control is. Although I had superhuman power in the past, I was still limited to my narrow perspective and could not see the wider world. Until the previous failure, I understood that this world It's wider than I thought, and I'm going to conquer the world in the end, putting everything under my feet. As for you, the Fantastic Four, it's just a trivial stumbling block on my way to conquering the world."

"stumbling block?"

In the face of Doctor Doom's description with a strong disdain tone, Johnny stood firm and endured the pain in his chest to ignite the flames on his body again: "Don't forget, you were once melted by us stumbling blocks. It became a statue and was almost placed in the park as an exhibition of pigeons sleeping."

"Nice reminder."

Facing Johnny's provocative words, Doctor Doom's tone did not change in the slightest.

"However, you seem to have forgotten the situation, Johnny."


Dr. Doom's reminder changed the expression on Johnny's face. He looked at Susan, who was being controlled by the silver-haired man behind him, and squeezed his fist, but had to suppress his anger and rush.

The safety of my sister is at stake, even Johnny, who is rebellious, has no choice but to swallow his voice.

Seeing Johnny who was silent under his own threat, Doctor Doom let out a sneer of disdain under the mask of Doctor Doom. Among all the members of the Fantastic Four, the one he despised the most was Johnny. In the eyes of Doctor Doom, Johnny is just an idiot who has lost his shit. If it wasn't for his relationship with Susan, Johnny would never have had a chance to board his space station, and naturally he would not have been awakened by the radiation of space cosmic storms in the future. ability opportunity.

Putting away his inner disdain, Doctor Doom took a look at the situation in the Bartlett Building.

Deep down in his heart, what Doctor Doom wants to do most is to clear all the Fantastic Four in front of him, in order to avenge his previous failures.

However, thinking of his cooperation plan with Hydra, he still had to suppress his inner desire for revenge.

He has been in New York for a long time, and if he continues to stay, it is likely to cause other troubles, such as the appearance of the Avengers.

Such a result will undoubtedly hinder Doctor Doom's next plan.

So, after hesitating for a while, he still restrained his inner emotions, turned his head to look at the leather-clad woman beside him, and said, "Retreat with the meteorite."

Hearing Doctor Doom's instructions, the woman did not hesitate, and the power exerted on the stone man with both hands and one hand disappeared. Then she turned her fingers, and the heavy meteorite that had fallen on the ground was suspended again under her control. up.

"Ben, are you alright?"


Freed from the woman's control, the Stone Man turned his arms and looked at Doctor Doom in front of him with a struggling expression.

In the current situation, he certainly wanted to punch the opposing Doctor Doom to take a good breath, but Susan behind the opponent made him, like Johnny, not dare to act rashly.

In this way, in the Ba Shi Building, under the eye of the remaining Fantastic Four, the woman controlled the meteorite in front of her and landed on the fighter jets parked on the edge of the building. He breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately turned his head to remind Doctor Doom on the side.

Seeing that the meteorite was successfully obtained, Doctor Doom nodded, glanced at Susan who was controlled by the silver-haired man, and immediately ordered: "Take this woman away too."

Hearing Doctor Doom's order, the silver-haired man's expression changed obviously.

"The next Hydra experiment needs to have a target as research."

However, after Doctor Doom's words, the silver-haired man fell silent again.

"Let go of Susan!"

Seeing that Dr. Doom and the others were about to bring Susan with him, Johnny, who was still silent in the Barclays Building, couldn't bear it any longer. He controlled the flames on his body and planned to pounce in the direction of the fighter plane.


However, before he could rush to the front, the leather-clad woman standing beside Doctor Doom fired red energy that landed on Johnny's body and blasted him out.

Through the woman's block, the Fantastic Four in the Bartlett Building could not rush over.

"You stay."

Doctor Doom ordered the remaining spider organization before finally boarding the fighter plane.

"Stop the Fantastic Four and destroy the machines that generate cosmic storms in space."

Hearing Doctor Doom's order, the members of the spider organization who had planned to retreat with them immediately stopped their steps.

Turning his forehead's dense compound eyes to look at Doctor Doom in front of him, the man who was the leader of the spider organization in this operation was silent for a while, and then without the slightest hesitation, he raised his only human-like arm and placed it on his chest. The lava-like lines began to flicker, but the expression remained unchanged and shouted: "Hydra, long live!"

"Hydra, long live!"

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