Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 385: calm and inviting

"You are too impatient, A Xing."

On the side, watching the scene of the conversation between the two, Ye Wen, who had been silent all the time, couldn't help but speak to Ah Xing.

"Calm down, even if Po is the reincarnation of an immortal, he is just a child at the moment." After he said that, glanced at Po's round face, Ye Wen shook his head and said: " You can't expect him to understand the mission of immortals all at once."

Hearing Ye Wen's persuasion, A Xing reacted to his abnormality, he took a deep breath to suppress his inner anxiety: "Maybe you are right, Master Ye, I know that I am acting a little too impulsive, but As soon as I think of the seal of Penglai and the tasks arranged by the island owner, I will..."

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself, Ah Xing."

Looking at Ah Xing with a worried expression, Ye Wen showed a refined smile and said: "Penglai is not as fragile as you think, the power of the immortals is enough to support the seal of the extraterritorial demons, even if there is a little situation, use [Wine Sword] Xian] and other three immortals can also easily suppress the mana, compared to Penglai, it is the situation on A Bao..."

After comforting Ah Xing for a few words, Ye Wen turned to look at Po with a bulging face: "Do you really think that this child has fully awakened the power of the reincarnated immortal within his body, and can use it freely?"


Ye Wen's words made A Xing's eyes change, he pretended to have a memory and said: "However, when he was in Stark Industry before, he did burst into a powerful mana, and he easily called that [Saint] The guy from the Lord was hit and flew out."

"Although it is not clear about all the battles that took place outside of Stark Industries, from the final result, [Holy Master] seems to intend to leave in this way, and it was Master [Xie Lu] at that time. Seriously injured and dying."

Then A Xing made a reasonable guess, Ye Wen stepped in front of A Bao, half squatted down and looked at the child, his face continued to maintain his easy-going look, reached out and touched A Bao's small head, softly Said, "Po, do you remember how you felt outside of Stark Industries?"

"How do you feel?"

Feeling the sense of security from Ye Wen's large palm on his head, A Bao's dissatisfied expression on his bulging face eased slightly, and asked curiously.

"That's how I felt when I saw Master [Jie Lu] being injured by the big bad guy."

"Of course I remember, that bad guy, big bad guy!"

"Very good, then remember this feeling, then close your eyes and remember how you knocked that big bad guy out before."

Facing A Bao's indignant appearance, Ye Wen nodded and continued to induce softly.

Following Ye Wen's description, A Bao closed his eyes in cooperation, and made a memory expression on his round face.

Seeing Po's expression with his eyes closed and thoughtful, Steve took a step back subconsciously.

As an experiencer of the battle outside Stark Industries, he did not forget the sight of Po's power when he exploded.

"Perhaps, Tony should be notified."

Scanning the scene in the office in front of him, Steve even made plans to let Tony reorganize the office.


However, ten seconds later, the scenario Steve was worried about did not appear.

A Bao closed his eyes and tried hard to recall for a long time, his whole face flushed red, but he still didn't look like he broke out outside Stark Industries before.

"Alright, Bao."

The opening stopped A Bao from continuing to recall, Ye Wen looked at A Bao who was panting with a blushing face in front of him, and couldn't help turning his head to look at A Xing behind him and said.

"It seems that, rather than taking A Bao to Penglai in a hurry, what is more important now is to let him learn how to use the powerful immortal power in his body."


"Maybe we should consider using Jarvis' programming system..."

In the basement of Stark Industries, Tony, who did not know that his office escaped, was working with Banner on the design of the most important part of the "Peace Plan" on artificial intelligence.


Opening his mouth to deny Banner's suggestion, Tony turned his head to look at the dense data on the screen in front of him, frowned and said, "I did have an idea to develop it through Jarvis before, but after the battle with the [Holy Lord], I found that Jarvis' ability alone is not enough to deal with such a brutal and extraordinary battle. Although Jarvis' artificial intelligence program is powerful, in some respects, it still has its own limitations."

"Sorry, I'm not targeting you, Jarvis."

After rationally analyzing the artificial intelligence housekeeper, Tony raised his eyebrows in an apologetic tone.

"It's okay, sir, I can understand."

After being forgiven from the artificial intelligence, Tony once again put his eyes on the data in front of him, touched his chin and thought hard: "Before, I thought the 'peace plan' was perfect enough, but with the [Holy Lord]'s The battle made me realize that there are so many loopholes in the original plan, we can't hope that every time we can be lucky to have the reincarnation of immortals to help us through the crisis."

The previous fight with the [Holy Master] was definitely impressive to Tony. If it wasn't for the reincarnation of A Bao, the Penglai immortal in A Xing's mouth, the reincarnation of Immortal Penglai erupted with powerful power, maybe the Avengers would have already lost a crushing defeat at this moment. At this moment, the Avengers can't be said to have won, they just delayed the crisis for a few months.

"Speaking of which, how is Pepper's situation? Although, it may be a little inappropriate for me to say this, but I think at this time, rather than the 'peace plan', you should accompany Pepper and comfort him She, after all what happened before..."

In the basement, Banner looked at Tony who frowned, hesitated, but couldn't help but speak.

"I know what I'm doing, Dr. Banner!"

The opening interrupted Banner's hesitant persuasion. Tony's eyes were fixed on the changing data on the screen, and he replied without blinking: "The time left for us is not as sufficient as we imagined, 'Peace Plan'. 'Perhaps it is the only power we can do to fight against the [Holy Lord], so if you are concerned about my emotional state, you might as well think about the design of artificial intelligence, and of course the big guy in your body, before Hiroshi K's madness caused a lot of trouble for the captain."

"Feel sorry."

In the face of Tony's impolite reply, Banner opened his mouth, and finally gave up the argument and turned into a bitter smile. Although he turned into Hulk, he was confused, but after sobering up, he also learned from Natasha's mouth the trouble Hulk brought to the Avengers.

"I just can't control Hulk's anger. Maybe your previous proposal was right Tony. The Avengers need a way to check and balance Hulk."

"Actually, I've prepared more than this, Doctor."


"Perhaps, you should give my advice a second thought, Dr. Reed."

In the Bartlett Building, Mr. Fantastic Reed's refusal in front of him, Natasha's expression remained unchanged, and continued to persuade.

"Feel sorry."

Shaking his head, Reid glanced at the members of the Fantastic Four beside him, and met Susan's gaze, and then replied, "I think I've made it very clear, Ms. Natasha. , the Fantastic Four is not suitable for the Avengers, we have our own group and focus more on research, so..."

Hearing the rejection in Reed's words, Natasha couldn't help but sigh, but she quickly suppressed the regret on her face and smiled at the Fantastic Four in front of her: "Okay. , I understand, Dr. Reed, I respect your choice, but the door to the Avengers is always open for you."

"I'm sorry, Ms. Natasha."

After all, Reed was only born as a researcher. Even if his wisdom is no less than that of Tony or Banner, there is still a certain gap in how he behaves in the world. Therefore, when he heard Natasha's method of retreating, he immediately became A little flustered.

Fortunately, although Reed was a little flustered, by his side, Susan quickly reacted, and then continued: "If it's just a superhero, I think it doesn't matter if it's a member of the Avengers or magical There is not much difference between the four heroes."


Looking at Susan and hearing her answer, Natasha knew that she was not the same as Captain Fantastic Reed, and was not someone who could easily be persuaded.

Therefore, after being silent for a while, I finally decided to temporarily postpone the invitation to the Fantastic Four.

The addition of the Fantastic Four is, of course, a major improvement in the combat power of the Avengers.

However, the superheroes active in New York are not only the Fantastic Four and others.

"it's a pity."

Inside the Bartlett Building, Johnny looked at Natasha's graceful and curvaceous back when she left, and couldn't help but whistled softly, showing obvious regret on his face.

"I was looking forward to being able to join the Avengers and show my power."

Although, when it comes to the outside world, the Fantastic Four is mainly based on Reed's opinions. But internally, the ideas of the four of them are not exactly the same. Take Johnny as an example. For him who likes to be in the limelight, he does not resist the invitation of the Avengers. The Avengers.

"If you want to join, then go. I didn't stop you from joining."

Angrily glanced at Johnny, as a sister, Susan naturally understood his little thought.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you that the Avengers are not so easy to deal with. The Statue of Liberty that was resurrected on Liberty Island before, even if you set yourself on fire, you may not be able to hit each other all at once."

"I'm just talking casually."

Although Johnny is arrogant, he is not stupid enough to think he can compete with the Statue of Liberty alone. Therefore, in the face of Susan's sarcasm, he shrugged as if he was used to it: "I'm quite used to being in the Fantastic Four, and I haven't planned to change the combination yet."

"I wish you had this plan sooner."

Glancing at Johnny, who was hanging around beside him, the Stone Man Ben, who had been dealing with him all along, immediately sneered.

"This way, I can also relax earlier."

"As for the stones in your body, if you relax, they will disperse directly."

started again.

Seeing the Stone and Johnny who had not been quiet for a long time and started fighting each other again, Reed and Susan couldn't help but glanced at each other silently, and both saw the helpless look in each other's eyes.

The relationship between the two people was not very harmonious from the beginning. Reed and Susan had tried to make a solution for them before, but the result was obviously not optimistic. Often, not long after they solved it, the two began to quarrel again over a trivial matter.

After this kind of situation came and went, Reed and Susan also began to take it easy, and they simply let the two quarrel go on.

In short, as long as the trouble is not too big, it will not affect the normal relationship between the four of them.

Because, ignoring the quarrel between the stone man and Johnny next to him.

Reed focused again on talking to Susan about the research on meteorites in the lab.

"...I have collected a lot of data to prove that the meteorite does have radiation power that we don't know Maybe it's the radiation changes of the previous space cosmic storm or the special properties of the meteorite itself, no matter what. Well, the power of this meteorite is quite special, and it can even affect the transformation of biological genes. Therefore, I hope to conduct further research and try to see how the power of the meteorite affects human genes..."

"Is this a little too fast, Reed, you should know that no matter what kind of research it is, human experiments are the last step. I think it is better to use more mice to continue the experiment. After confirming the safety of radiation, Carry out human experiments."

"Maybe you're right, Susan..."

After all, Reed is not a crazy mad scientist. Although after a series of studies on meteorites, he is more and more addicted to the radiation power of this strange meteorite, but the basic bottom line research that should be kept exists. Therefore, upon hearing Susan's persuasion, he immediately gave in.

"Guys, have you agreed?"

On this side, Reed and Susan unknowingly fell into the discussion of the research, and on the other side ended the debate with the stone man, Johnny slapped his mouth and directly interrupted the discussion between the two: "If If it's alright, let's go down to eat together, sitting here talking for so long, I'm starting to get hungry."


Johnny's interruption made Reed and Susan's expressions a little helpless.

However, in the end, he nodded in agreement with Johnny's proposal.

"All right."

"Then it's settled. Recently, a steak shop has just opened near the Barclays Building. I heard that the taste is good, so we can try it together. I stay in the laboratory every day and taste Susan's cooking. I'm getting a little tired of it..."

"Hey, Johnny!"

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