Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 382: Immortal reincarnation

"This is?"

Following Ah Xing's reminder, the Avengers looked at [Xie Lu] who fell to the ground.

Immediately saw that, above the motionless corpse of [Xie Lu], faint ups and downs appeared.


Seeing this scene, Tony hurriedly shouted.

"Sir, Mr. [Xie Lu] has signs of life again on his body."

With the cooperation of various card powers, the avatars created by Li Ran are not much different from the real ones, and there is no longer any exposed legacy, and even Jarvis can't tell the difference. Lu]'s body, the artificial intelligence responded immediately.

Hearing the report given by Jarvis, Tony's face immediately showed surprise, but soon turned to doubts, [Xie Lu]'s resurrection from the dead naturally made him happy, and he could even say revenge He was the happiest person in the League of Legends, but in addition to the surprise, he raised a strong sense of doubt, that is, [Xie Lu] had already lost all signs of life before, why did it happen again?

Here, Tony fell into deep thought.

On the other hand, the changes on [Xie Lu] did not end. With the continuous ups and downs of his chest, the terrifying wound on his chest also recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

[C-Class Card - Sato]

[Skill: Demihuman]

Seeing this scene, Natasha frowned subconsciously, and glanced at A Bao who was still crying, her eyes flickered, and the original guess in her heart gradually turned into reality.

Turning her head to look at A Xing on the side, she saw that the other party nodded at her with a serious face, which undoubtedly confirmed the authenticity of her inner guess.


After getting confirmation from Ah Xing, Natasha couldn't help but secretly whisper.

Unexpectedly, the target that S.H.I.E.L.D. had been looking for before finally appeared in front of them in this way.

"Well, I am..."

In the Avengers, Natasha's mind flashed.

[Xie Lu], who had been lying on the ground with his eyes tightly closed, slowly opened his eyes. He looked at the avengers around him and then at A Bao, who was lying on his back and crying, with a dazed expression.

"[Jie Lu] Master, I knew you wouldn't leave someone alone."

Seeing the resurrected [Jie Lu] A Bao hurriedly rushed forward, regardless of the tears and snot on his face, he screamed loudly, his two small hands tightly grasped each other's clothes, as if he was afraid that he would let go, and the eyes The [Jie Lu] will disappear again.

Subconsciously stretched out his hand to hug A Bao in his arms, [Xie Lu] looked at Tony who was standing beside him, his face showing just the right dazed look.

"The specific situation may be a bit complicated to explain."

To the doubtful gaze cast by [Xie Lu], Tony opened his mouth and replied, but soon a heartfelt smile appeared on his face: "Anyway, congratulations on your resurrection, [Xie Lu]."


Hearing Tony's answer, the doubts on [Jie Lu]'s face did not disappear. He looked at the avenger in front of him and then looked down at Po in his arms. Although he was still puzzled, he was holding Po's arm. But then tightened.

"Sorry, everyone..."

However, just when everyone was happy and blessed because of the resurrection of [Xie Lu], a slightly calm reminder from Agent Hill came from the other side.

"Although Mr. Xie Lu's resurrection makes me happy, it doesn't seem to be the time to be fortunate."

With Agent Hill's reminder, the smiles on the faces of the Avengers members subsided.

Looking in the direction of Agent Hill's voice, Steve quickly noticed the location of the other party, which was where the [Holy Lord] fell.

Feeling the gaze from the Avengers, Agent Hill pointed to the [Holy Lord] on the ground and said with a solemn expression: "The [Holy Lord] seems to have secretly taken the spell while everyone was relaxed. ."

Hearing Agent Hill's reminder, Steve and the others immediately saw the empty gap on the forehead mask of the [Holy Lord] who fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the unconscious [Holy Lord] on the ground, or Barry Allen let out a shrill scream, and the next moment, under the gazes of everyone, his entire body instantly shrunken and shrunken. In less than a few seconds, it turned into ashes and disappeared before my eyes.

"The side effects of [Rabbit Charm]."

Seeing Barry Allen in such an end, Dad immediately said: "Dad, I have already said that the power of [Holy Lord]'s spell can be used so easily, and the more frequently it is used, its side effects will manifest itself. The stronger it is, now that the [Holy Master] has taken away the spell on this guy, the side effects that have been superimposed on him all of a sudden suddenly erupted and killed him."

Members of the Avengers are no strangers to the side effects of spells, having seen it with their own eyes during a previous mission in Florida.

However, looking at the empty red uniform without the support of Barry Allen's body in front of them, they still couldn't help but shudder in their hearts.

At the same time, because of the departure of the [Holy Lord], there was a haze in his heart.

The [Holy Master] left and took away, not just a piece of [Rabbit Charm].


"I didn't expect that, in the end, my... ending... actually... would be like this..."

With the departure of the [Holy Master], the power of the so-called [Rat Charm] naturally began to weaken.

Before Stark's industry, the stone-carved eagle transformed from the sand clone restrained the power of the [Golden Monument of Resurrection] in his body, and the Mark43 on the other side immediately felt this situation.

He took his own steps and walked towards Tony's direction, but after only a few steps, Mark43 could no longer go any further.

It struggled to lift its scarred metal face and looked at Tony, the white light in its eyes gradually faded, and an intermittent voice sounded from within: "I'm not reconciled... Tony... I just got life... but This is the end...I...I...I'm so afraid...I...I'm afraid to fall eyes are so dark...this is death...does it feel... "


As the last trace of the golden tablet power on Mark43 disappeared, it completely lost its meaning and returned to its previous appearance. It scattered in front of Tony in a crash, not only it, but also other steel battle suits. Also scattered all over the place.


Looking down at Mark43's scattered body and the scarred face, Tony's expression was a little complicated.

On the one hand, the resurrection of Mark43 undoubtedly brought him a lot of trouble, but hearing the last words of this steel suit made him feel a little inexplicable.

"It seems our time has come."


Holding the shield, Steve looked at Tony's silent back, his eyes flashed, and at this moment, two figures that were very familiar to him came from one end of the street.

Turning his head, he saw 'Bucky' and another 'Captain America' striding there.

Seeing the two resurrection exhibits in front of him, Steve's expression immediately became as complicated as Tony's.

The appearance of Mark43 has clearly explained that the power of the [Rat Charm] is disappearing.

"We saw that the Statue of Liberty stopped moving, and we knew you had successfully taken the spell off."

Glancing over Mark43 on the ground and the Red Skull not far away, Captain America explained to Steve in front of him.

"Actually, it's not us..."

Hearing the explanation of Captain America, Steve opened his mouth to explain the situation, but subconsciously stopped his words. He suddenly reacted, no matter whether the spell was finally taken away by their avengers or the [Holy Lord], it actually didn't make much difference to the resurrected exhibits of Captain America.

He didn't notice the change in the expression on Steve's face, 'Captain America' looked at the surrounding environment, the sense of reluctance in his eyes gradually became stronger, he could feel the strength in his body gradually subside, and he felt the stiffness of his body,' Captain America' and 'Bucky' stopped their footsteps and looked at Steve in front of them: "When I was resurrected by the power of the spell, my memory was still at the moment of the war..."

"Actually, so do I."

In this regard, Steve could not help but take a sentence.

In a way, he is in a very similar situation to his own exhibit.

"However, when I saw the results of the war in the museum and the development of the United States, I was extremely proud of my contribution to the war, Captain, the victory of the war was not easy, so please work hard Protect this outcome, don't let war destroy it, we all know the price of peace."

After saying all this, 'Captain America' raised his only remaining arm and made a salute to Steve in front of him.

"I will, I promise."

Facing the expectations of "Captain America", Steve was silent for a while, and then he raised his arm to respond.

Seeing Steve's response, 'Captain America' grinned, and the next moment, as the power in his body dissipated, it returned to the original appearance of the exhibit.

"Look, it's time for us to leave."

Turning his head to look at 'Captain America' who had already changed back first, Bucky's face was neither sad nor happy, he turned to look at Steve's familiar face in front of him, and asked what he had been hiding. Question: "So, Steve, am I really dead?"

"Actually, no, it's just..."

Looking at the face of 'Bucky' as young as he remembered, Steve shook his head and was about to say something.

The 'Bucky' facing him had already sensed his own time situation, interrupted his words and finally said: "No matter what the other me is, in short, I'm very happy to see you again, Steve."


Standing with the two exhibit statues that had returned to their original state, the expression on Steve's face was silent for a long time before he opened his mouth and uttered the last sentence that he didn't say.

"Me too, Bucky."


"So, you mean..."

Stark Industries, New Energy Building.

The members of the Avengers gathered in the dilapidated office on the top floor, but the expressions on their faces were a little dignified.

Tony turned his head and looked at A Bao, who was asleep in [Jie Lu]'s arms. He subconsciously raised his eyebrows, and the puzzled expression on his face was still obvious: "Is this kid the reincarnation of Immortal Penglai?"

He looked at A Xing and continued to ask, "Could I have made a mistake?"

"Will not."

In the face of Tony's suspicion, A Xing shook his head and made a firm guarantee: "The power to knock [Holy Master] into the air before, and the power to resurrect Master [Jie Lu], which was not obvious later, are all the same. It all proves that A Bao is the reincarnation of Immortal Penglai."

"It is precisely because A Bao is the reincarnation of an immortal that his tears can revive the deceased master [Xie Lu], just as the immortal turtle healed your wounds before."

Hearing Ah Xing's awakening, Tony subconsciously reached out and touched his chest, which had long since recovered.

But he already believed what A Xing said. Indeed, the appearance of [Jie Lu]'s resurrection before was not explained by A Bao being the reincarnation of Penglai's He really couldn't think of anything else. what other reason.

However, he turned his head and glanced at A Bao, who was sleeping in [Jie Lu]'s arms.

Tony really can't connect this annoying little devil with the Penglai immortal in his mind...


Wait a moment.

Blinking his eyes, Tony recalled the Penglai immortal he had met, and suddenly felt that the possibility of A Bao being the reincarnation of an immortal increased a bit.

Because, judging from the performance of the Penglai Immortals, each one seems to be quite unique.

"If A Bao is really the reincarnation of the so-called immortal you said, what would Penglai do?"

In the office, listening to the conversation between the Avengers and Ah Xing in silence, [Xie Lu] finally asked the question that he had been concerned about.

"I will bring Abao to Penglai. Penglai needs the power of the immortals to suppress the seal."

Facing [Xie Lu]'s inquiry, A Xing immediately answered honestly.

"What if Bao doesn't want to?"

In this regard, [Xie Lu] asked lightly.


Hearing this question, A Xing's face immediately matched with a hesitant expression.

"I think this kind of thing is still left to Bao's own decision. If he finally decides to go to Penglai with you, I naturally have no opinion, but if he doesn't want to, then I hope you Penglai can give Bao a little time. , let him figure it out for himself, he can't be forced to make a choice."

"However, the issue of Penglai's seal."

Hearing [Xie Lu]'s request, A Bao subconsciously wanted to object.


At this moment, Ye Wen, who had been silent next to him, opened his mouth and accepted [Jie Lu]'s request, still maintaining his elegant expression on his face, and said with a smile: "Then, follow the instructions of Master [Jie Lu]. Do as you ask."

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