Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 378: The Lord appears

If the dignified Iron Man ends up wearing a steel battle suit made by himself and falls to his death in front of his building, then the result is too ridiculous.

Fortunately, although the flight device of the Mark47 was damaged, the impact gun muzzle in the palm was not damaged. Using the violent shock wave launched from the palm of his hand as a buffer, Tony avoided the worst scenario, barely standing up, so as not to fall into a free fall.

Controlling the Mark47 on his body slowly landed on the ground.

Although this way of flying avoided the situation of hitting the ground directly, with his delay, Barry Allen who ran down from the building had long since disappeared.


"I'm locking him up, sir."

Using satellites, Jarvis worked hard to track down Barry Allen.

"I've found his place, sir, at..."

If Barry Allen really ran with all his strength, at the limit speed of "Sparkling Fruit", Jarvis would never find him at all.

Therefore, Jarvis discovered that Barry Allen's movement trajectory was purely the result of Li Ran's release of water.

"Lock his location while delivering the message to all members of the Avengers."

Mark47, Tony looked at the red mark that Jarvis projected on the broken helmet, and while controlling the armor on his body to fly to the target position, he ordered Jarvis.

"Also, get in touch with Dad for me."

The high-speed camera footage in the office before proves that Barry Allen, who uses the power of the [Rabbit Charm], can't handle it simply by relying on the armor he wears. Even Tony thinks pessimistically that even if the Avengers The members of the alliance came, and the result was not optimistic.

After all, with an unimaginable movement speed, the battle is often over before the parties can react.

Therefore, the role of the father becomes crucial.

Daddy's magic is strange, but it has miraculous effects on the power of spells.

"Tony, we need a little..."

Following Tony's order, Jarvis responded quickly and connected Agent Hill's contact device at the same time.

As soon as the device was switched on, Agent Hill on the opposite side began to respond without hesitation.


In mid-air, he controlled Mark47's shaky turn to avoid the tall buildings in front of him. Hearing what Agent Hill told him, Tony's serious expression in the broken transparent helmet finally changed.


After finishing the contact with Agent Hill, he let out a long sigh of relief and glanced over the red dot marked by Jarvis on his helmet, muttering: "Finally there is some good news."

With that said, Tony raised his arms to shoot violent shock waves from his palms, controlled the Mark47 on his body to change the direction of flight, and swayed toward the exact opposite of where Barry Allen was.



Controlling his movement speed not so fast that he deviates from the direction, Barry Allen got the message from the main body Li Ran, and then stopped his steps.

Immediately afterwards, I saw several vague figures flying rapidly in the air from the direction of Manhattan Island.

In a few seconds, he appeared in front of Barry Allen.

"Thanks, Jessica."

Using the shield in his hand as a buffer, Steve quickly fell from the air. He raised the shield in his hand to block in front of Barry Allen, and said to Jessica in mid-air without looking back.

"you are welcome."

Slowly falling down, he put Natasha on his left arm, and when he heard Captain America's fall, he immediately raised his eyebrows and replied.

With that said, Jessica raised her head and glanced at Barry Allen in front of her, but inadvertently turned her head and glanced in the direction of Manhattan Island, where the other members of the Defenders League were still there.

"Let us leave the battle here."

Noticing the expression on Jessica's face, Natasha immediately said, "The situation on Manhattan Island will be handed over to the Alliance of Defenders."

"Then I won't disturb your fight."

Hearing Natasha's persuasion, Jessica's eyes changed a bit. She was not a fool and could see that Natasha's actions were purely for her consideration, but on the one hand, Jessica was really worried about Manhattan Island. On the other hand, although Master Ye doesn't seem to be much worse than the resurrected Statue of Liberty in terms of strength, he successfully blocked the way of the Statue of Liberty.

But the aftermath of the fighting on both sides also created many dangers, and the rest of the Defenders did not have the flying ability she had.

Matt in particular, although this blind lawyer has shown extraordinary sensitivity, but as a member of the Defenders League, it is inevitable to worry about his situation.

"Is it really possible to do this?"

Standing quietly, Barry Allen looked at Jessica's back, then turned to look at Steve and Natasha in front of him, twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "Just the two of you, I don't think It can be too much of a hindrance to me.”


Barry Allen's voice fell, and the next second was accompanied by a loud roar.

The Hulk's huge body fell from the sky and fell on the ground, smashing a deep hole.

"It's not just the two of us."

Hearing Hulk's deafening roar, Steve immediately looked at Barry Allen in front of him and said in a deep voice.

"It's not an easy thing to guide such a big guy in the right direction, Captain."

Immediately afterwards, A Xing held the clone [Uncle Long] in one hand and fell from the air with a sigh of relief.

"Excuse me, Axing."

From Manhattan Island to where Barry Allen is located is not a small distance. If the Hulk is allowed to run by himself, God knows where this angry big guy will jump. So, Steve made a request to Axing, please guide the Hulk, in case there is any mistake, use the power of his "Tathagata's Palm" to prevent the Hulk from destroying everywhere.

"It's alright, it's a job."

Hearing Steve's thanks, A Xing immediately waved his hand.

He first put the avatar [Uncle Long] in his hand in a proper position, and then flew to Barry Allen and landed, looking up and down the avatar in the red uniform, and said at the same time pretending to be ignorant: "So, you're the guy who stirred up the storm in the battle?"

"who are you?"

Barry Allen also raised his eyebrows as he met Ah Xing's gaze.

"Penglai, Axing,"

Although, as far as it goes, this self-introduction makes no sense.

Because, whether it's Barry Allen or Ah Xing, they're all clones transformed by Li Ran's card abilities.

However, in order for the whole situation to develop smoothly, the two clones responded solemnly.

"Penglai, I seem to have heard this name from the [Holy Master] big mouth?"

After taking A Xing's answer, Barry Allen frowned and answered.

In the Avengers, when Natasha heard Barry Allen's answer, her expression couldn't help changing. She remembered that her father once mentioned the process of [Holy Master] being sealed, and it seemed that the name of the fairy was mentioned. Now, judging from the information disclosed by Barry Allen, the immortal who sealed it seems to have a high probability of coming from Penglai.

Is it another monster like [Shouhe] in Master Ye's body?

As a former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent specializing in intelligence work, Natasha has already fully associated with Barry Allen's message in just a few words, and has contributed a lot of legend to this.

"However, it doesn't matter, as long as the power of the [Rat Charm] can be obtained, Lord [Holy Master] will be freed from the sunless seal."

"[Rat Charm]?"

Because of the emergency, Tony did not tell Steve and others through Jarvis that Barry Allen got the spell.

Therefore, everyone only learned this information after Barry Allen revealed it.

"What he said was true."

Holding the "magic box" clone [Uncle Long] in one hand, he also opened his mouth to brush a wave of presence.

"According to the guidance of Daddy's magic, the [Rat Charm] is on his body."

"It looks like we can't let you leave."

Hearing the reminder from the clone [Uncle Long], Steve's already solemn expression became a little heavier. The power of a [Rabbit Charm] alone was enough to give them a headache. The power of the talisman, under such circumstances, even the always steadfast Captain America couldn't help but feel a little shaken.

"Do you really think that just a few of you can block my path?"

Hearing Steve's words, Barry Allen immediately made a disdainful look. He raised his head and glanced at Hulk's huge reminder, and then said: "Although there is this big green guy, I can't completely destroy you, but you want to catch up with me who has the power of [Rabbit Charm]. , is simply impossible.”

"Then what if you add me?"

Just when Barry Allen showed absolute confidence in his speed and made a mockery of the Avengers.

From mid-air, Tony's rhetorical question came.


Hearing Tony's voice, Barry Allen curled his lips without raising his head and said, "You should be thankful that I didn't break your neck by accident when I was in the building."

"This guy may be really useless, but at least he did one thing right, and that is to bring my dad here."

Facing Barry Allen's answer, a slightly old figure came from Tony's direction.


The moment he heard Dad's voice, Barry Allen's face matched with a surprised expression, and he turned his head away.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that in mid-air, Tony controlled Mark47 with his father, and looked at him from a distance.

"The monsters and monsters are about to leave! The monsters and monsters are about to leave!"

Facing Barry Allen's gaze, Dad picked up the turtle shell in his hand without any hesitation, and muttered a few words in his direction.

Along with Dad's 'spell', a mysterious green light instantly shot out from the turtle shell in his hand, and landed exactly on Barry Allen.

"What the **** is this!"

Raising his arms and looking at the green light wrapped around him, Barry Allen immediately made a horrified expression. He looked at the old man in midair and glanced at the surrounding Avengers, changing his previous confidence. With a full appearance, he found a direction and made a running posture without hesitation.

"Stop him!"

Seeing Barry Allen escaping, Steve immediately wanted to block with the shield in his hand.

However, obviously compared to Barry Allen under the power of the [Rabbit Charm], Captain America's movements are a little too slow.

"Father, your magic won't be useless, will it?"

Controlling the fall of Mark47, Tony watched as Barry Allen disappeared again, and the confident expression on his face immediately became worried.

"Never doubt papa's magic."

Hearing Tony's concern, Dad immediately made a dissatisfied expression.

Immediately afterwards, I saw that the figure of Barry Allen, who had disappeared and avoided the trail, suddenly appeared not far from the crowd, and at the same time made a running posture at a speed that was many times slower.

"What the **** does this happen?"

Stopping his movements, Barry Allen looked down at his body, and his tone was full of panic: "Why, the power of the [Rabbit Charm] suddenly doesn't work? Where has my speed gone? "

"What else, of course, Dad's magic has played a role." Taking over Barry Allen's terrified performance, Dad made a long-anticipated expression: "Using the power contained in the turtle's shell~ Dad reversed the speed magic of the [Rabbit Charm], the laziness of the tortoise can make the movements of normal people slower than that of a snail, this magic power falls on you, Although there is no way to achieve the level of a snail, it is enough to make your movement speed return to the level of a normal person."

After talking about a lot of things, Dad turned his head to look at the Avengers on the side, and quickly shouted: "What are you doing, one by one, don't act for me sooner, you really think the old man Is dad's magic so powerful? The effect of the magic lasts on him for a short time. When the effect of the turtle's magic is lost, he will return to the previous speed. Don't expect Dad to be able to give him another shit. slow down……"

Hearing Dad's reminder, Steve and the others reacted immediately. They looked at Barry Allen who was staying not far away, and immediately rushed forward.


With a roar in his mouth, Hulk's figure jumped directly into the air.

"Just hold on, hold on..."

At the same time, looking at the avengers who were coming towards him, Barry Allen made a panicked expression, turned his body with a look of helplessness, and ran in the direction in front of him with both hands and feet.

Seeing the back of Barry Allen fleeing, the Avengers chased more and more quickly.

Seeing that, Barry Allen was getting closer and closer to everyone, and even Hulk only needed another bounce to jump in front of Barry Allen.

At this moment, Steve suddenly saw that a vague figure appeared there in front of Barry Allen.

Immediately afterwards, a look of hope appeared on Barry Allen's face, who had been terrified.

"[Holy Master] Lord!"

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