Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 373: Daddy's Magical Powers

The sound of Mark43 coming from his ear made Tony's expression in Mark47 change in vain.

Immediately afterwards, he vaguely heard the sound of fierce gun battles and the cries of his father in the new energy building.

"Damn, Dad, I've said it before, technology is evil, it's the power of the devil, I've known for a long time that they will rebel one day, I've known for a long time..."

Dad's voice made Tony's serious expression a little helpless, but he quickly turned serious: "It seems that I underestimate you, Mark43."

In fact, Tony has always been quite cautious since he tried the power of the [Rat Charm]. This can be seen from the Mark47 he specially built to deal with the resurrection power of spells. However, even if Tony was more cautious, and tried hard to avoid going out with the second Mark43 under the power of the [Rat Charm] through the new suit.

It's just that he is on guard, but Tony still ignores the large number of steel battle suits he once made in Stark Industries.

These were originally Tony's biggest reliance in battle, and they were also proud of their strength. The Iron Legion they formed also helped Tony to complete many dangerous tasks.

At this moment, under Mark43's plan and the power of the spell, it became his biggest headache.

"So, I want to thank you, Tony, if it weren't for the massive steel armor you made, maybe I'd still have a headache where to find a suitable body..."

Inside the New Energy Building, Mark43 controlled his new body to turn his arms.

Beside it, the 'Red Skull' is holding the so-called [Rat Charm] and is constantly using its magical power to revive the steel suits left by Tony in the building.

Of course, in fact, it was not the spell in the hands of the 'Red Skull' that resurrected these steel armors, but the power of the [Golden Resurrection Monument] in the body of the eagle statue beside it. The statue transformed by the sand clone easily fooled the eyes of the 'Red Skull' and made it treat it as an ordinary statue.

In the building, although Hill deliberately made efforts to counterattack, it is obvious that her counterattacks are undoubtedly a drop in the bucket in the face of more and more resurrected steel battle suits in Stark Industries.

"I am?"

As the golden rune power on the [Golden Monument of Resurrection] swept across Shafen's body, a whole body blue steel armor flashed white light and came back to life, looking down at his metal arm, the tone of the armor carried Obvious confusion.

"Welcome to this world, my brother."

However, before it was confused for too long, Mark43 opened his arms and said.

"Now is the time to enjoy your new life and at the same time fight to defend your life..."

Through the data transmission in the building, Mark43 did not need to describe too much. The resurrected blue battle suit Mark38 Eagle quickly understood his current situation.

Nodding, it immediately turned on the energy device on its body without hesitation, tapped its arms to make a loud crashing sound, and rushed towards Agent Hill.

That's right, Mark38 Eagle, as Tony designed the steel armor to transport his huge wine cellar to the Stark Building, does not have any combat weapons and functions, but this situation does not prevent him from doing so. Fight to defend your hard-earned life.



Agent Hill's shooting is very accurate. As one of the senior agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., she has undergone quite rigorous training. Even if there is a gap between Natasha and Natasha in combat effectiveness, her strength is not what ordinary S.H.I.E.L.D. agents can do. comparable.

However, sometimes, strength is one thing, and the innate gap is another.

As far as the current situation is concerned, even if Agent Hill's bullets are more accurate, the combat effectiveness will be improved.

It is somewhat powerless to face these steel battle suits that are constantly being resurrected. After all, the primary purpose of the battle suits designed by Tony is to protect himself as the controller, so a simple firearm attack cannot be used against these battle suits at all. cause any damage.

After several consecutive rounds of bullets did not get the effect he wanted, Agent Hill clearly reacted, and the situation in front of him was no longer something he could handle with simple firepower. She gritted her teeth and replaced the magazine in her hand. While she still blocked the attack of the steel battle suit through the design, she began to show a slight sign of evacuation in her footsteps.

She is an agent, not a warrior.

Fighting to the death is not its style.

It is the most appropriate choice to retreat as soon as the situation is found to be unfavorable.

Of course, even though he had decided to leave, Agent Hill did not forget anyone in the office.

Turning over to avoid the muzzle of a steel battle suit, Agent Hill came to Dad's side, looked at the old man who was constantly waving a dry gecko, and quickly said, "Dad, we need to leave."

"What did you say? Leave! Daddy hasn't let these evil robots know how powerful Daddy's magic is..."

Looking at the dangerous steel army around, he turned to look at the dry gecko in his father's hand.

At this moment of contrast, even the professionally trained Agent Hill couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth. Taking a deep breath, trying to suppress the turbulent emotions in his heart, Agent Hill vigilantly made defensive actions, while persuading: "The situation in front of you is too dangerous, maybe you have the ability to deal with these steel battle suits. magic, but I think it's safer to get out of danger first."

"Dad, magic?"

Here, Agent Hill was making a persuasive tone to Dad, but Mark43 on the other side had already noticed their actions.

Moving his scarred head, Mark43 controlled his new body to turn to them, and quickly determined the identity of Agent Hill and his father through the scan of the data in the helmet.

Tony thought of the secrecy of the data he collected, however, he obviously did not think that one day his data would be mastered by the resurrected steel suit.

"You are the guy who used magic and wanted to suppress the spell in the museum before."

Through the search of Tony's data in the New Energy Building, Mark43 quickly learned the identity of the father, that the other party has magical power that can power the other party's spell power, and of course information about the foundation.

Hearing Mark43's voice, the 'Red Skull' also immediately noticed the thin, small and inconspicuous old man beside Agent Hill, although the other party's gesture of waving a dry gecko in his hand was very funny. However, the "Red Skull" who experienced Tony's **** spell in front of the Immigration History Museum would not be careless.

Because, without any hesitation, it controlled the [Rat Charm] in his hand to point in the direction of his father: "All armors, attack that old man for me!"

Again, the [Rat Charm] in the hands of 'Red Skull' is completely a fake made by Li Ran, without any magical power.

Therefore, without the cooperation of the sand clone standing beside it, even if the 'Red Skull' shouted to the sky, it would have no effect at all.

Of course, in the current situation, Li Ran naturally needs to cooperate with the 'Red Skull' trick.

Therefore, as the sound of its words fell, a golden light flashed above the [Golden Monument of Resurrection] in Shafen's body, and the steel battle suit in the office immediately turned around, thinking about the direction of Dad and Agent Hill. Surrounded away.

The foot armor is taking heavy steps, and the first to bear the brunt is the tool armor Mark38 Eagle.

"Be careful!"

Looking at the menacing Mark38 Eagle, without any hesitation, Agent Hill stood up and stood in front of Dad.

Agent Hill was able to make such an action not only because of her kindness, but also because she knew very well the effect of Daddy's magic on the Avengers' suppressing spells.

In any case, Agent Hill's act of sacrificing himself was very touching, but the father who was protecting her didn't seem to take it very much.

Looking at the back standing in front of him, Dad walked over Agent Hill with a dissatisfied face, and said in a hoarse voice: "Dad is not as fragile as you think, don't look at Dad now, think back then Before learning magic, Dad was also a great kung fu master."

In the face of Dad's sudden move, Agent Hill's expression was obviously a little surprised, but before the professional agent could say anything, Mark38 Eagle, who was on the opposite side, rushed over aggressively.

Seeing this situation, Agent Hill immediately gave up his words and opened fire.

bang, bang—

However, just like what he said, the first requirement of the steel suit made by Tony is defense, even if the Mark38 Eagle is just a tool suit he made to transport the huge wine cellar to the Stark Building, its defense The force is also not penetrated by the firearms in Agent Hill's hands.

Ignoring Agent Hill's firepower, Mark38 Eagle took heavy steps and rushed in front of Dad in the blink of an eye.

Lifting himself up and looking at the old man in front of him, without any hesitation, Mark38 Eagle raised his arms, which were thicker than ordinary steel suits, and slammed it down suddenly.

"Yes, that's it!"

Behind him, noticing Mark38 Iger's actions, the 'Red Skull''s hideous face suddenly showed an excited expression.

However, the expression on the face of 'Red Skull' has not yet fully emerged.

"The monsters are about to leave!"

In the next instant, I saw Eagle attacking Mark38, and the skinny old man on the opposite side raised the funny dry gecko in his hand and lightly tapped Mark38 Eagle like a cloud, followed by a The fluorescent green light flashed, and the originally menacing Mark38 Eagle suddenly fell to the ground as if his soul had been sucked out.


Seeing this scene, not only the 'Red Skull' and Mark43 in front of him, but also Agent Hill behind Dad couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

"I've already said it before, don't underestimate Dad." Putting away the dry gecko in his hand, Dad turned to look at the surprised Agent Hill behind him, and then said lightly: "Also, only magic can defeat it. Magic, these evil robots resurrected under the power of spells, and only Daddy's magic can defeat them..."

Dad's words are so natural, in fact, the key factor is still the sand clone who plays the second or fifth boy in the New Energy Office.

It cooperated with Dad's actions to use the [Resurrection Golden Monument] to recover the resurrection power of Mark38 Eagle, thus creating the effect of the scene in front of him as if Dad defeated Mark38 Eagle through magical magic power.

Of course, apart from the two avatars, no one else or the resurrected exhibits knew about these inside stories.

Therefore, looking at the Mark38 Eagle who was knocked down by his father, the expression on the face of the 'Red Skull' was like an enemy.

It subconsciously took a few steps back, as if afraid of the so-called magical power of his father, and at the same time turned the [Rat Charm] in his hand to take a picture of the position where Mark38 Eagle fell.

Standing beside it, the sand clone cooperated with the actions of the 'Red Skull' to resurrect Mark38 Eagle again.

"What's wrong with me?"

With a dazed tone in his mouth, Mark38 Eagle stood up from the ground, looked at the steel suit companions around him, and turned to look at the old man in front of him. Although there was no expression on the silver-white steel helmet, he was present. The crowd and the resurrected accomplices still see the confusion and confusion of Mark38 Eagle from its Dad, since you have the ability to suppress these resurrection suits, why not? "

When he came back to his senses, Agent Hill looked at Mark38 Eagle who stood up again, and couldn't help but ask, "Destroy all the magic power on them directly."

"Do you think the magic of suppressing the [Rat Charm] is a simple matter, this is the powerful power from the [Holy Master], and it's not easy for Dad to deal with one."

Hearing Agent Hill's question, Dad revealed his weakness without any cover.

Hearing Dad's frank answer, the expression on Agent Hill's face changed in an instant, and he knew that the situation was bad.

"I see."

Sure enough, when the 'Red Skull' on the opposite side heard his father's answer, he suddenly stopped his footsteps secretly retreating, and spoke again to the still dazed Mark38 Eagle.

"What are you still doing there, hurry up and take action."

"I see!"

Hearing the order of the "Red Skull", Mark38 Eagle immediately gave up and waved his thick metal arm to attack the old man in front of him again.

However, the moment Mark38 Eagle launched the attack, the dark blue steel battle suit fell down again with a rumbling sound, with the light in the helmet extinguished, and smashed a shallow light on the ground. Light imprint.

"Why do you, this guy seem like such a thing, so naive and believe in what Dad said, do you think Dad is old and confused, and so foolishly exposed his weaknesses so easily …”

Holding his dry gecko in one hand, the father turned to look at the 'Red Skull' in front of him, pushed his glasses, and said unceremoniously.

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