Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 370: Foundation information


Following Natasha's words, he nodded, and the clone [Uncle Long] also said with a lingering expression.

"That's why I'd rather be a Foundation C-level containment expert and only perform some relatively safe containment tasks, rather than being involved in the tasks of the mobile team. Being a member of the team can certainly pass some of the Foundation's tasks. Special Containment Items gain more power, but also carry their heavier responsibilities."

"Special Containment Items?"

Blinking her eyes, Natasha keenly noticed the key information mentioned in the mouth of the clone [Uncle Long], and instinctively asked: "Mr. Long, what is the special containment item you said?"

"The specific situation, because it involves information with higher authority of the Foundation, is not something that C-level personnel like me can know. However, according to my speculation, these special containment items should be similar to spells and other existences that can Granted special supernatural power to the person through a special method that was not known to the Foundation until later, for example, the captain of the second tactical unit [Polusalino] you encountered before, is one of the best."

"If the Foundation is so powerful, why have we never heard anything about it?"

Regarding the information collection of the Foundation, even before the disbandment, SHIELD never stopped.

However, as Natasha knew, although S.H.I.E.L.D. collected a lot of special items that were suspected to be contained through the content disclosed by the Foundation. However, it has never been able to search for relevant information, whether it is information on the Internet or records in writing, as if the entire Foundation does not exist.

In fact, Natasha's guess is the closest possibility to the truth. The foundation does not exist in reality. It was just a fictional organization created by Li Ran in order to gain fame. Category.

Of course, although the Foundation was fictional, Li Ran prepared a fairly reasonable explanation in the face of Natasha's suspicions.

I saw that in the face of Natasha's doubts on Liberty Island, the clone [Uncle Long] immediately put on a meaningful expression to explain: "That's because, the containment object scp-000 held by the Foundation, according to the Foundation This is the containment that the founder of the Foundation first came into contact with. The details are unknown. All scp-000-related information is kept confidential at the end of the authorization. Anyone who views without permission will be notified immediately. Died of sudden cardiac arrest."

"...However, from the information released by the Foundation, we know that scp-000 is one of the important reasons why the Foundation can always be independent from the world. As long as the Foundation does not take the initiative to make changes, all we do Missions will not be known to the public, including the former S.H.I.E.L.D. Moreover, not only scp-000, but the Foundation also has a method of erasing memory. There are specialized D-class personnel for follow-up processing, including data destruction and amnestics."

"Originally, I thought that this routine would continue until the end of my containment career, but the incident before New York seems to have changed some of the guidelines of the Foundation's internal committees and changed the Foundation's isolation style."

"scp-000, amnestic..."

The information revealed by the clone [Uncle Long] had a huge impact on Natasha, which can be seen from the legends that kept appearing on Li Ran's data panel.

At the same time, this is also a patch that Li Ran has applied to the foundation's settings from the very beginning. If there is no way to explain it, he will push it directly to the containment. Anyway, the resurrection statue of the Statue of Liberty is still proof of the spell. Existence, and the spell represents the power of the [Holy Lord], one link and one link, under the true and false information, Natasha and even the Avengers and others will naturally automatically make up the Foundation's information. , thus believing in the existence of the Foundation.

"Regarding the Foundation's information, I think we will have time for more detailed discussions in the future."

Here, Natasha roughly learned some intelligence information of the Foundation through the mouth of the clone [Uncle Long], but Steve couldn't help but interrupted.

He looked at the furious Hulk not far away. Although the vision of the super soldier serum was transformed, he still couldn't see Barry Allen's figure clearly, but he knew very well that the object Hulk was fighting at the moment was the former self-proclaimed Barry. Allen's guy.

"Compared to these, we should figure out who to fight Hulk. Obviously, he has the spell power given by the [Holy Lord] just like our previous mission in Florida."

"The Hulk fight?"

Hearing Steve's words, Natasha frowned and looked at Hulk in the center of the pothole in front of her. However, no matter what the former SHIELD super agent looked at, she could never see another figure in Captain America's mouth. If it wasn't for Steve's firm tone that there was still someone else, Natasha wouldn't believe it at all.

"Mr. Long, do you know that there is any spell that can make the holder's figure invisible."

Blinking, Natasha immediately asked the avatar on the side.

"As far as I know, the [Snake Charm] has the ability to completely disappear the figure of the holder, but the [Snake Charm] has been successfully contained by me long ago, and it is impossible to appear here again, so the captain The Barry Allen in your mouth is probably using another spell power, but I don't know the specifics." Scratching his hair, facing the doubts thrown by Natasha and Steve Eyes, the clone immediately made a contemplative expression.

"By the way, you can ask Daddy, Daddy should know."


Although the answer of the clone [Uncle Long] did not completely solve Natasha's question, it at least provided a solution.

Hearing his answer, Steve quickly asked Agent Hill in the New Energy Building through the contact device in his ear.


Nodding, Agent Hill immediately turned his head and asked the old man who was drinking tea and reading a book leisurely in the office.

"A spell that can make people invisible."

Putting down the teacup in his hand and facing Agent Hill's question, Dad touched his chin and made a contemplative expression. After a few minutes, he slowly said, "The power of the twelve spells is different, but According to your description, the one that matches but is not contained by the Foundation should be the [Rabbit Charm], which represents the power of speed. [Rabbit Charm] has the super-speeding rabbit magic power, which can make the holder teleport at supersonic speed. , instant flash, super fast speed force, is a very powerful magic power."

"Captain, it's the [rabbit spell]..."

In the office, Agent Hill relayed word-for-word the description in Dad's mouth to Steve and others on Liberty Island.

Just when Hill thought it was over, Dad suddenly opened his mouth to remind him: "By the way, there is one more thing, tell Aaron that the magic I prepared only has an expiration date of three hours, so he must Successfully put the [Rat Charm] into the box within an hour, otherwise, when the effect of the magic ends, even if he puts the spell in again, it will have no effect."

"Looks like we don't have as much time as we thought."

Listening to the reminder from my dad relayed by Agent Hill, the expression on Steve's face became a little more solemn.

He looked at Hulk in the center of the pothole, hesitated for a moment, then firmed his expression, raised the shield in his hand and stepped forward.

"Then, the Hulk's problem must be solved as soon as possible."



The huge palm stretched out by the Buddha statue behind A Xing was accurate enough to land on the Statue of Liberty in front of him.

The huge power from the palm of the Buddha directly blocked the steps of the statue under the order of the 'Red Skull',

With the deafening swaying sound, the huge feet of the statue of the goddess stepped on two huge potholes on the island. For a time, because of the obstruction of the Buddha statue, the figure of the Statue of Liberty involuntarily produced a little shaking, accompanied by the goddess. The statue swayed, and the resurrection exhibits such as the 'Red Skull' standing on its head immediately became swaying from side to side.

"how is this possible?!"

Grabbing the edge of the railing on the head of the goddess statue, the 'Red Skull' struggled to maintain his body, but the expression on his face was obviously shocked. It widened its eyes and shouted with a distorted expression on its red skeleton face.

"How can there be such a powerful force in this world that can actually stop the progress of the Statue of Liberty."

"That's because you know so little."

Although Ah Xing's move [Fo moving mountains and rivers] successfully blocked the footsteps of the Statue of Liberty, it was obviously the limit he could achieve. After all, the skills of "Tathagata's Palm" only come from the skills of the C-level character card [Ancient Sword Soul (Fire Cloud Evil God)], even if the power of this skill is enhanced by Li Ran's ability to pass the B-level card [Tianjin Fan] Qi, But there are still limits.

Obviously, it is not enough to defeat the 46-meter-high Statue of Liberty in front of him.

Sure enough, with the end of this move, Ah Xing retracted his palm, with a look of gasping on his face, and the Buddha statue that had appeared behind him gradually faded away, which seemed to explain what his "Tathagata's Palm" meant. The transformed Buddha statue can only block the Statue of Liberty.

The gasping expression on A Xing's face was not unexpectedly seen by the 'Red Skull' on the goddess statue.

Noticing this, 'Red Skull' immediately showed an expression of seeing everything, and shouted loudly: "Haha, it seems that you are not as strong as you are, although you just blocked it with that weird move. The footsteps of the Statue of Liberty, but obviously this move is not easy for you, so I want to see, you can block the Statue a few times!"

As the voice of 'Red Skull' fell, the Statue of Liberty in front of him moved his huge body again and slowly walked towards Ah Xing.

"The sixth form of the Tathagata's palm - the Buddha's light shines!"

Facing the menacing giant statue of the Statue of Liberty in front of him, A Xing took a deep breath, raised his palms together to block his chest, and then followed with a low drink. The golden Buddha statue emerged from behind him again with a compassionate expression.


"If you don't want to get hurt, just get out of here!"

One punch smashed the wall in front of him. Although Jessica's persuasion was violent, it obviously had a full effect.

"You can't do this, you do this..."

"What is it?"

He raised his head and glanced at Jessica in front of him, and then looked at the wall that was easily broken under her fist. The black man who had a rebellious look before immediately chose to shut up and obey Jessica obediently. Threats, using both hands and feet to run out.

"That's why I hate these idiots who think they are free, and insist on their so-called **** rights even though the danger is in front of them."

Looking at the figure's fleeing back, Jessica pouted in disdain.

"Unfortunately, we also have to work hard to protect such a guy."

It's because she's seen so many guys like this in Hell's Kitchen that Jessica will give up her idea of ​​being a superhero and become a private detective who eats and waits to , if it weren't for coincidence, she would not have joined the Defenders League.

"We can't expect everyone to remain grateful."

Directing a group of coffee shop guests to safety, Luke Cage heard Jessica's complaint and said, "But there are always people who will be saved and grateful. Their families Will be happy for their safety."

"I hope you're right."

Luke Cage's remarks relieved Jessica's anger at the guy before. She turned her head and glanced at the fleeing people around her, and then turned to look at the island to stop her with all her might. A Xing, who was looking at the Statue of Liberty, couldn't help showing a worried look on his face: "I wonder if A Xing can stop the statue of the Statue of Liberty."

"It might work……"

Hearing Jessica's concern, Luke Cage raised his eyebrows, and the expression on his face was not as firm as he imagined.

Facing the huge statue as high as 46 meters, not only Jessica, even Luke Cage could not afford to fight against it.

"It's definitely possible."

After taking Luke Cage's words, Matt's firm voice sounded.

Hearing Daredevil's decisive answer, Luke Cage and Jessica looked back involuntarily. Immediately, he saw Matt walking towards him, and the elegant man in Tang suit following him.

"Master Ye!"

"Sorry, I'm a little late because I don't know the exact location of Manhattan Island."

Nodding and greeting the defenders in front of him, Ye Wen raised his head to look at the statue of the Statue of Liberty on Liberty Island and Ah Xing who was fighting against it, and then made an unwitting appearance: "Then, this is the phone. Is the big trouble mentioned in the book, it does look quite big..."

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