Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 367: Reverse Flash vs Spiderman

Spider induction.

It was Peter's most special ability after being bitten by a radiant spider, besides his superhuman physique.

Whenever he encounters an emergency, this ability will sense the abnormality, and then make preparations in advance. It is precisely because of the help of this ability that the little spider has avoided fatal attacks countless times and succeeded. defeated a variety of opponents.

It can be said that the spider sense is the foundation for Peter to become a superhero and settle down. The roaring murderous criminal was dealt with.

At the same time, at this moment, Peter is also using the powerful spider sensing ability in his body to avoid the attack of Reverse Lightning Barry Allen.

"Don't be ashamed of me!"

Roughly interrupting Little Spider's words, Barry Allen shouted with a twisted expression: "It's just that he avoided one of my attacks by luck, and thought he could defeat me. You don't know how terrible I am..."

As the voice of Reverse Lightning Barry Allen fell, his figure disappeared from Peter's eyes again.

"Peter, calm down and remember how you felt."

Noticing the moment when Barry Allen disappeared, the little spider instinctively closed his eyes and devoted all his energy to the spider sense in his body.

Countless times of beatings before have let Peter know that the vision of the eyes alone can't catch the fast-moving Reverse Lightning Barry Allen, even for Peter, who has dynamic vision beyond ordinary people. Therefore, since you can't see the other party clearly, you simply don't look at it, and leave everything to the spider sense in your body to fight.

"I feel it, it's the left side!"

Closing his eyes and losing the advantage of vision, the little spider clearly felt that the spider sense in his body became a little clearer.

In the darkness, he felt the piercing sound coming from the left side, and the hair on Peter's left arm instinctively stood up, and the whole body also subconsciously made a gesture of avoidance under the stress of the spider's induction.


The attacking fist swung in the air again, and Reverse Lightning Barry Allen was freed from the rapidity, and made a frantic tone: "Why, why is this happening, and what method did you use to avoid it."

"I don't know how to describe the specific situation, but you can take it as an instinct."

After successfully finding a way to avoid Barry Allen's rapid attack through spider sensing, the little spider clenched his fists, and the expression under the mask became a little more serious. Obviously, he was ready to use his abilities to stall the time and even defeat Barry Allen.


If you have to count, spider sense can indeed be classified as an instinctive range, but Li Ran feels that this ability is more inclined to the sixth sense.

In the antique shop, Li Ran, who is the main body, is very clear about the reason why Peter avoided his own attack, but on Liberty Island, Barry Allen, the clone of the anti-lightning, still showed a look of disbelief: "You think I will believe your stupidity. Is it a lie? No matter what despicable method you use to avoid the fist, I don't believe that this method of yours can always help you dodge, even if you can dodge one punch, two punches, then the next third Fist, ten fists, hundred fists... Under the power of the [rabbit spell], my speed has no limit, as long as I hit a punch, it will be your doom..."

"Then, I will try to find a way to defeat you before I get hit."

Taking a deep breath, Peter still closed his eyes under the mask, pointed in the direction of Reverse Lightning Barry Allen, raised his hands in a fighting posture, and answered calmly.

"You can try..."

With a look of disdain tilting his head, Barry Allen had just said the last sentence, and the next moment his voice appeared directly in front of Peter: "The premise is that your slow fist can hit me. "


"Jarvis, lock the guy with the red head in front for me."

"Okay, sir."

In Mark47, following the instructions given by Tony, the artificial intelligence immediately locked the position of the 'Red Skull' with the help of satellites.

"Tony, calm down, maybe this practice of 'Red Skull' is also a trap."

In the contact device in the ear, Steve's anxious reminder sound came.

However, Tony, who was already angry, obviously ignored this.

"Captain, don't worry, I will definitely get the [Rat Charm] back. By the way, I will also help the museum's World War II Memorial Hall to replace it with a new 'Red Skull' exhibit."


In the sky, Tony controlled the Mark47 on his body to increase the speed, and kept approaching the 'Red Skull' in front of him with a very high-speed flying attitude. Seeing that the flying figure of the statue eagle was getting closer and closer, Tony stretched out his arm to aim at the corner of the mouth of the 'Red Skull' not far away and subconsciously bent upward slightly.

However, before the smile on the corner of his mouth fully bloomed, a heavy collision force fell directly on him.

The force of this impact is very huge, even if he is protected by Mark47, Tony can still feel the vibration under the impact.

"Tony, are you alright?!"

In front of the Immigration History Museum, Steve kept his eyes on Tony who was flying in mid-air, and immediately asked when he saw his figure being knocked away.

"I'm fine."

After pulling back a few meters under the impact, Tony managed to control the Mark47 on his body to stabilize his flying posture, and replied to Captain America. When he looked up, he immediately saw the attack on him. Subject's identity: "Mark43?"

That's right, the one who made this violent impact was Mark43, who was controlled by Tony not long ago, but looking at the situation at this moment, this steel battle suit has obviously broken free from the trapping device he set up.

"Do you think you can trap me with just that little thing you just had, Tony?"

Turning the mask with the falling lacquer surface revealing the original silver-white metal appearance and aiming it at Tony in front of him, Mark43 replied coldly in his own cold tone. At this moment, its condition is not very good. In order to break free from the device set by Tony, he had to give up one of his arms and part of the armor on his chest. It looks like a steel battle suit now. It is more like a semi-finished battle suit.

Although the situation was bad, Mark43 still launched an attack on Tony in Mark47 to stop his pursuit of the 'Red Skull'.

"Your current situation doesn't look like you can easily get out of trouble."

Because of this obstacle of Mark43, the distance between Tony and 'Red Skull' was widened again. Turning to look at the flying figure of 'Red Skull', Tony silently retracted his gaze and looked at Mark43 in front of him. The same tone became colder and said: "I have to say, Mark43, you made the worst decision, which is to provoke me when I am angry."

As Tony's voice fell, the Mark47 on his body began to make a low-pitched roar, and the dots on the battle suit lit up red again.


Because of Mark43's shot blocking, the 'Red Skull' successfully came to the Statue of Liberty.

Getting down from the claws of the eagle statue on his body, the 'Red Skull' looked at the bust of Roosevelt and Adolph, who were tightly entangled with spider silk, and rebuked without hesitation: "I leave the task to the two of you, this is the Have you brought me results, two great gentlemen?"

"Watch your tone of 'Red Skull'!"

He couldn't launch the spider silk sticky bombs fired by the little spider. Hearing the slightly mocking tone of the 'Red Skull', Adolph immediately reminded him in his heavily accented voice.

"World War II is over, Mr. Adolf."

Facing Adolf's reaction, the expression of 'Red Skull' was indifferent, he stepped forward to the three statues entangled in spider silk: "And you are just the statue of the loser of the war, and you are no longer mine. Sir, the reason why I still show a little respect for you is just because you still have a little value to me, but obviously you still haven't done a good job in showing this value."

"It's not our fault."

Although the attitude shown by 'Red Skull' made the bust of Roosevelt, who was also entangled in spider silk, dissatisfied, but thinking of the spell controlled by the other party, the statue of the former president of the United States had to obey: "These Avengers guys It's more difficult than imagined, and the power they have, even after resurrecting the Statue of Liberty, is still troublesome."

"Don't worry about these Avengers guys anymore."

Turning his head and looking at the eagle statue behind him, the statue immediately stepped forward and waved its sharp claws to cut off the spider silk on the statues.

Withdrawing his gaze, 'Red Skull' looked at the statue standing up in front of him: "I already know how they restrain the power of the spell, and then our goal is to make the Statue of Liberty move in the direction of the White House, as long as we can reach the White House With enough people in the White House under control, these members of the Avengers will not dare to act rashly, and under the power of the Statue of Liberty, neither the military nor the Avengers are our opponents at all."

Having said all this, the 'Red Skull' ignored the bust of Roosevelt and the statue of Adolf in front of him, turned to the edge of the Statue of Liberty's head, and shouted: "Stop wasting time here, Statue of Liberty, our goal. It's the White House, please move in the direction of the White House next!"


Under the cry of 'Red Skull', the Statue of Liberty stopped its movements. It looked down at the huge pothole in front of it and the Hulk in the center. After a pause, its head slowly retracted its arms and straightened it again. The huge body turned around and took steps in the direction it was going in before.

In mid-air, Falcon avoided the pursuit of the iron birds behind him. Noticing this move of the goddess statue, the slightly relaxed expression on his face became tense again.

Looking down at the roaring Hulk on the ground, the powerful body made Hulk appear unscathed even in the face of repeated attacks on the Statue of Liberty. However, looking at the statue of the goddess who turned and left, Hulk, who was in a rage, didn't seem to have any idea of ​​stopping the other party.

The long-term battle made the already angry Hulk unable to suppress the emotions in his body. At this moment, the violent Hulk completely forgot the arrangements made by Steve, and began to ignore the Statue of Liberty who left. Wreak havoc on Liberty Island.


The issue of resurrecting the Statue of Liberty is still unresolved, and the Hulk is out of control again.

Falcon felt that this Avengers operation was nothing short of a disaster.

"What about Spider-Man, at such a critical moment?"

Control the metal wings behind you to avoid the attack of the birds, and listen to the harsh metal crash from the wings.

Falcon feels like he has never had a moment like this now, looking forward to the appearance of the little spider.


Here, Falcon hopes that the appearance of the spider will help him lighten his burden, and at the worst, he will tell the other members of the Avengers about the current bad situation.

However, Peter on the other side obviously did not have such a leisurely heart.

Putting all his mind into the spider sense in his body, the spider tried hard to use the ability of spider sense to avoid the attack of Reverse Lightning Barry Under the continuous offensive, even if it was The physically powerful Peter could not help feeling the fatigue of his body, gasping for breath, and the little spider twisted his body again to avoid the fist that came from behind him at the critical moment.

However, with this dodging action, it is unknown whether Peter's concentration of energy has been loosened due to the successive dodging, or whether his physical strength has finally reached the limit, and there is a slight pause in the little spider's dodging action.

This pause was extremely small, but it was obviously a huge flaw in the eyes of Reverse Lightning Barry Allen.

Noticing Peter's pause, Barry Allen let out a loud shout and launched his own attack without hesitation: "Haha, sure enough, the final victory still belongs to me!"

The rapidly flashing fist landed on Little Spider's chest, feeling the power of the attack coming from his heart, and the corners of Peter's closed mouth under the mask finally curved slightly.

With the help of the pain in his body, he locked the position of Barry Allen in the rapid movement, and with the help of spider sense, Peter stretched out his palm without hesitation, and caught Barry Allen in an almost impossible situation. the wrist on one's own body.

"I finally caught you, Mr. Reverse Lightning..."

"What... what?!"

Seeing his wrist being grabbed by the little spider, an expression of disbelief appeared on Barry Allen's face.

However, before he could make the next reaction, a powerful force from the opposite little spider fell directly on him.

Under the attack of this force, Barry Allen's whole body was shot straight out like a cannonball.

My name is Barry Allen and I am the fastest man in the world.

...but, I get shot every time.

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