Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 359: goddess goal

Under the continuous attack of Hulk.

The walking Statue of Liberty finally noticed the little green spot under her feet.

That's right, as I said before, the Hulk, who can already be called a huge Hulk in front of ordinary people, is indeed a small existence for the Statue of Liberty with a total length of 46 meters. In fact, not only the Hulk, but most of the human beings are like this in the eyes of the goddess. Compared with them, the Hulk is only slightly bigger.

Bowing his head, the bronze-green eyes of the Statue of Liberty swept across Hulk, who was attacking him. No change could be seen on his icy face. He raised the arm that grabbed the torch and slowly waved it towards Hulk's position.

The movement of the goddess statue's arms is not fast, and the huge weight of more than 200 tons limits the speed of the goddess statue.

Although the power of the [Golden Monument of Resurrection] is powerful, even the Statue of Liberty can revive it.

However, this kind of resurrection has obviously reached the limit of the [Golden Monument of Resurrection]. As a result, although the statue of the goddess moves, it is obviously different from the resurrected exhibits in the museum to a certain extent. It doesn't look as human as a Roosevelt bust or a statue of Adolf.

Of course, there are also some of the goddess statues themselves, which are only artificially shaped works of art. They have neither a very long historical background nor do they have any prototypes.

Although, because of the limitation of the magical power of the [Golden Monument of Resurrection] and the huge size of the Statue of the Statue, the resurrection of the Statue of Liberty was not as successful as Li Ran originally expected.

However, in a sense, being able to make such a behemoth move is quite a shocking thing in itself.

This can be seen from the soaring popularity on Li Ran's data panel.

So even if the resurrection is flawed, it doesn't really make much difference.

What's more, as long as Li Ran doesn't say it, who knows that the resurrection of the goddess is not complete.


The movement of the goddess waving arms looks a bit slow, but it is related to its huge size.

Even this slow movement has become a rather terrifying attack under the blessing of over 100 tons of weight.


The arm set off a blistering wind in the air, facing the torch waving from the goddess statue, Hulk stared at his dark green eyes, opened his mouth and let out a deafening roar. Under the impetus of anger, the originally huge body swelled a bit again, and a violent force emerged from his body.

Feeling the soaring power in his body, Hulk raised his head and roared, then raised his thick thighs like ordinary people's bodies, stepped on the ground, and then a huge crack erupted in the cracks extending like spider webs on the ground. Kong Sheng rushed towards the torch waving by the goddess statue.


This series of Hulk's actions was huge, however, it didn't have much effect.

After all, the huge size gap is there, and Hulk's huge body is not even as big as the torch in the hand of the goddess.

So, accompanied by a dull thumping sound.

The Hulk, who was still aggressively rushing forward, flew out at a faster speed, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a black spot and disappeared over the free island.

"Dr. Banner!"

Controlling the metal wings behind him close to Liberty Island, Falcon looked at the Hulk flying away from his head, and the expression on his face was obviously not good.

He just arrived before the goddess statue, but Hulk, who arrived first, was sent back by a torch of the goddess statue, and he still did this task.

Although he was full of complaints, Falcon also knew that the current situation did not allow him to hesitate too much. Some of the tourists were still trapped inside the statue of the goddess in a dangerous situation, so they put away their expressions, and the falcon looked up at the huge statue of Liberty in front of him, swallowed, but could only continue to head hard. forward.

Compared with Hulk, Falcon may not be able to compare with it in terms of combat effectiveness, but with the metal wings behind him, he has an air superiority that Hulk does not have.

Controlling the metal wings on the back to lower the angle, the falcon avoids the sight of the goddess statue, bypasses the front of the huge statue, and then slowly lifts off from the back of the goddess in a concealed way, flying silently onto the head of the goddess. the location of the observation deck.


With a slight landing sound, the falcon put away the metal wings behind him and looked at the worried tourists hiding above the goddess statue, with a kind smile on his dark face: "Okay, it's alright, you don't need to. Afraid, I'm here to protect you on behalf of the Avengers."

For tasks such as rescuing hostages, Falcon has completed a lot during the Avengers, so it can be said to be familiar.

However, in the face of the superhero who fell from the sky in front of them, the tourists who were left behind on the head of the resurrected Statue of Liberty did not show a happy expression, but the fear on their faces became more obvious.

"Everyone, don't be too nervous, I will..."

Looking at the terrified tourists in front of him, Falcon initially thought that everyone was worried about the relationship between the Resurrection Goddess standing under his feet.

However, following the line of sight of everyone, Falcon keenly found that these tourists were looking at the position behind him rather than looking at him.

Wait a minute, behind!

Noticing the direction the tourists were looking at, Falcon's inner vigilance burst out, and then without hesitation, he controlled the metal wings behind him to form two shields, which firmly protected himself.

Just the second after Falcon made a defensive action, there was a dense sound of bullets knocking from the metal wings on his back.

"Unfortunately, I thought it would be successful."

Immediately afterwards, a regretful voice with a heavy accent sounded.

"I told you before, Adolf."

Then this figure, a calm voice calmly answered.

"Your rough plan is impossible to succeed. This guy knows at a glance that, like those who appeared in the museum before, he is not ordinary people, or the superheroes mentioned by those people before."

"Superheroes, like Captain America."

There was a cold snort of disdain in his mouth, and it could be seen that this guy called Adolf didn't have much interest in Captain America.


The entire attack process seemed short-lived, but the danger in it also shocked the falcon on the head of the goddess with a cold sweat.

Hearing the communication between the two behind-the-scenes masterminds behind him, he used the metal wings that controlled his back to make defensive movements carefully, while turning his body. Immediately, he saw the bust of Roosevelt and Adolf hidden behind him, and the stone-carved monkey with a gun standing on Adolf's shoulder.

Judging from the current situation, the one who attacked the Falcon just now was the monkey on Adolf's shoulder.

I almost died at the hands of a stone monkey?

Recalling the thrilling scene just now, Falcon swallowed and looked at the resurrected statues that escaped from the museum with a vigilant look.

From Tony's previous introduction, Falcon had already understood the previous battles in the museum and the exhibits that had escaped.

It's just that he didn't expect that these escaped exhibits would appear on the head of the goddess in such a way, and even nearly killed him.

"It's you who secretly resurrected the goddess statue."

Associating with the exhibits that took the spell from the museum before, Falcon began to make a bold judgment.

"No, we just coincided with the meeting."

Directing the female statue under him to go forward, the bust of Roosevelt looked at the falcon in front of him and said slowly: "Following the direction of the spell, we came to the statue of the goddess. We originally wanted to hide here, but instead I don't want to, under the influence of the mysterious power of the spell, even the huge goddess statue has been resurrected."

Although it was an accident, seeing the resurrected goddess statue, Roosevelt's stone sculpture's face was obviously filled with joy.

For these resurrected statues, the more powerful the resurrected companions, the more powerful they were able to stop the looting spell.

After all, no matter whether it is the Statue of Liberty that they said has just been resurrected, they don't want to see the life they finally have lost again.

"I have always admired you, President Roosevelt."

Compared with the little spider, Falcon looked at the bust of Roosevelt in front of him, and the expression on his face was even more complicated.

"If you really respect me, when you made the statue, you should have thought of making a complete statue for me."

In this regard, Roosevelt's attitude is quite firm, and he has been very clear since the resurrection in the museum.

There is a natural opposition between their position on these resurrection exhibits and Falcon and others, and there is no possibility of adjusting this opposition in the slightest.

"Why do you talk so much nonsense with him?"

The exit interrupted the conversation between the two, and Adolf said in a cold tone: "Don't forget our plan, let the goddess invade the White House, control the guy sitting in the White House, and stop all these guys who dare to do it."

"Of course I know, but I never thought that one day I would go back in this way again."

The plan that came out of Adolf's mouth caused the expression on Falcon's face to change suddenly. He did not expect that this evil Axis leader not only threatened the world while he was alive, even if it was only a half-statuary of his head that was resurrected, Still so evil.

"No, I have to..."

Turning his head and looking at the direction in which the statue of the goddess was moving, Falcon gritted his teeth and was about to pass on these messages to Captain America.

"Do you think that after learning of our plan, there is still a chance for you to survive?"

I heard Adolf in front of him speaking with a thick accent, and a lot of high-pitched bird sounds followed.


"Tom, Tom..."

Driving his motorcycle on the road to Liberty Island, Steve called out to the earphone a few times, but he never heard the response from the opposite Falcon.

"What's the matter, Captain?"

In response, Steve immediately adjusted the contact person and connected it to Agent Hill located in the New Energy Building.

"Hill, I can't reach Tom."

"According to the positioning display..." Hearing Steve's question, Agent Hill tapped his fingers on the keyboard for a while, and then called out the position of the falcon to answer: "The position of the falcon at the moment is at the Statue of Liberty. On top of that, maybe he's saving the tourists on the goddess and it's too late to respond."

"Compared to these, I just seemed to see the figure of Hulk being sent flying."

As a result of Agent Hill's report, Tony under the transparent helmet in mid-air raised his eyebrows and reminded: "It seems that your arrangement, captain, is not going well, even if the big guy wants to stop the bigger guy in front of him. There are also some difficulties.”

"I know."

Tony's report undoubtedly cast a shadow over the action that the Avengers have just started, unscrew the throttle on the motorcycle and set the speed mark to the highest, Steve gritted his teeth and said: "So, we need to use a faster speed to Find the spell."

Even Hulk can't stop the action of the goddess, and only by finding the spell can stop this from happening.

"Natasha, tell me where [Rat Charm] is now."

"Go ahead, according to Mr. Long's guidance, the spell is in the direction of the Immigration History Museum where the goddess stood Followed behind Steve, driving the car, Natasha calmly made responded.

"Dad's magic detector told me that our location is very close to the spell."

In the passenger seat, the clone [Uncle Long] held the box in his hand and said pretendingly.


"Hopefully everything is in time."

Controlling the new suit Mark47 to fly in mid-air, Tony looked at the huge and desperate statue of the goddess in front of him, and then looked down at the Captain America who was on the ground speeding towards the island, but the expression on his face was not. Too much optimism to speak of.

Having experienced the battle between New York and [Shouhe], Steve clearly knew that in the face of these behemoths, the battle suit he was wearing would not be able to attack them effectively. Even the big guy Hulk couldn't stop him, let alone the Mark47 suit he was wearing.

"Perhaps, I should think about it and design a suit specifically for this situation."

He secretly made a note in his heart, but the design ideas in Tony's heart did not expand much, and he pulled it back again in the voice of Jarvis in his ear.

"Sir, from the satellite signal display, it's Mark43."

With the sound of Jarvis' reminder, Tony in the translucent helmet immediately saw that from the direction of Liberty Island, the gold and red Mark43 suits flew towards him without hesitation under the impetus of huge firepower.

"Looks like your tastes have changed a lot, Tony."

Controlling the jet port and stopping in front of Tony, the eye sockets under the Mark43 mask flashed white light, and the built-in infrared scanning function swept the new battle suit Mark47 in front of him from beginning to end, and then made a faint mocking sound.

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