Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 346: coincide

"Why, Mr. President?"

Feeling the huge power from the strange statue behind him, the little spider's face showed a puzzled look.

As a well-known president of the United States, whether it is teaching materials or biographies, all focus on promoting the great side of this president. There is even a portrait of the great president on the presidential statue in Mount Rushmore National Memorial Park.

It is precisely because of this that Peter showed his trust in Roosevelt.

After all, from a normal angle, who would have expected the bust of this great man to betray.

"Why? Good question, boy."

Aware of the disbelieving tone in the mouth of the little spider, the bust of Roosevelt in front of him immediately raised his hard eyebrows carved from the stone: "Perhaps I changed the world and made great achievements for the greatness of America. It's all down to my death, but obviously I'm just a bust of Roosevelt at the moment, my prototype is buried in Hyde Park Village, and I need to work hard to survive."

Controlling the female headless statue below, he stepped in front of Peter, and the bust of Roosevelt looked directly at the little spider in front of him: "We used to be just a group of stone sculptures without any perception, emotion, or even life, but an unknown mysterious power. It has given us life that we have never had before, it has resurrected us as exhibits in the museum, and has our own thinking, so I will never allow you to deprive us of our hard-earned lives again."


The words of the Roosevelt bust made the little spider wake up.

The former President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt, may have been great, but apparently the stone sculpture resurrected as a bust of Roosevelt was not.

As the voice of the bust of Roosevelt fell, in the midst of a noisy chatter, a small monkey statue climbed along a tall stone sculpture with both hands and feet, but stood on the head of the stone sculpture, and the monkey statue held a certain figure in both hands. An octagonal stone with a strange pattern screamed at the Roosevelt bust.


In the arm of the stone sculpture, the little spider looked at the stone in the hand of the monkey statue and couldn't help but blurt out.


Hearing the name of the little spider, the eyes of the bust of Roosevelt suddenly showed a solemn expression.

"It seems that my guess is correct. This thing should be the key to resurrecting us later."

With the exclamation of the little spider, the monkey statue holding the spell with both claws made a dexterous jump, and quickly landed on the shoulder of the statue hidden in the shadows.

Immediately afterwards, a statue with a moustache and Sanqi hairstyle with a dignified accent was revealed in the eyes of the statue.


Seeing the familiar face on the statue, the bust of Roosevelt couldn't help but said, "You too have been resurrected."


Turning his head to look at the face of the bust in front of him, the statue called Adolf nodded and said arrogantly. Compared with Roosevelt, who was portrayed as a bust, Adolf, the defeated side of World War II, was obviously not so lucky. As an object of poor historical positioning, the museum only carved a face as an explanation for his treatment.

This also made the resurrected Adolf even worse than the Roosevelt bust under the power of the [Golden Monument of Resurrection]. Roosevelt could at least turn his head, while Adolf couldn't do anything except blink his eyes.

However, no matter what, he was once a madman who started the most important war of World War II. Even with just one mouth, Adolf successfully deceived a monkey stone sculpture that was also resurrected to help him find a new body, and also searched for a new body. When Li Ran arrived, he deliberately kept the fake charms in the museum.

That's right, in fact, whether it's what the spiders have been trying to find, or the piece found by the resurrected Adolf statues, it's actually a fake spell specially prepared by Li Ran to deal with the situation at hand.

And the really mysterious power [Golden Monument of Resurrection] was placed on the body of the clone [Uncle Long] from the very beginning. Through his walking in the museum, the power of the Golden Monument was diffused, resulting in the immediate result.

After all, I finally got a useful item from the [Silver Treasure Chest]. If I only created some riots in a museum, how could it be in line with Li Ran's plan to collect legends.

The renown that Spider-Man, or Ghost Rider alone provides, isn't enough to satisfy him.

Therefore, from the beginning, Li Ran's goal was not just the museum in front of him.

Of course, Li Ran's inner thoughts, apart from the two avatars in the museum, whether it is the stone sculpture that was captured by Peter or resurrected is unknown.

At this moment, they were just vying with each other around the fake spell thrown by Li Ran.

"Give the spell to me, Adolf." Asking the headless female statue below to point his direction at Adolf, the bust of Roosevelt said in a deep voice, "This concerns the entire museum exhibits, and I think it should be handed over to a more Safe in the right hands.”

"When you say the right person, you mean yourself, Roosevelt."

Facing the request for the bust of Roosevelt, he controlled his puppet body and raised his hand to touch the monkey stone sculpture on his shoulders, Adolph's face showed a mocking smile: "Even if only half of your body is left, you are still as impressive as ever. Hate."

"Aren't you the same, Adolf, even if there is only one face left, your evil is still hard to ignore."

Although they are both exhibits in the museum, it is clear that the resurrected Roosevelt bust and Adolf still inherited the grievances from the prototype, just like the previous "Captain America" ​​and "Red Skull".

On this side, the bust of Roosevelt and the head of Adolf were arguing with each other because of their position. On the other side, the little spider, who was tightly grasped by the stone sculpture, still did not give up his struggle.

Taking advantage of the attention of the resurrection stone sculptures around him, the bust of Roosevelt and Adolf were attracted, he tried his best to let his slender arms penetrate the gaps in the rough arms of the stone sculptures, and seized the opportunity to press the button in the palm of his hand.

In the next instant, with a slight opening sound, from the spider silk launcher on the wrist, a group of tough spider silk was sprayed out.

In the unexpected gaze of the statue, it hit the charm on the hand of the monkey stone carving.

"Do not?!"

"What, **** it!"

Looking at the spell that was thrown away by the little spider, Adolph's face immediately showed a panic expression. He stretched out his doll's arm, but the doll's big palm was obviously not as flexible as he imagined.

Under the power of the spider silk sticky bomb, the spell swept through a graceful arc in mid-air and landed accurately in front of the distant father and the clone [Uncle Long].


Looking at the spell that fell without warning, Dad's expression was silent for a while, and then he made an expected expression and said, "Look, Aaron, what I said, never doubt Dad's words. , the answer given by [Magic Conch] naturally has its reason."

"Okay, Dad, I admit that your [Magic Conch] does have magical powers, but are you sure it's not a containment?"

"No, that's the power of magic."

In front of the falling spell, the old man and his clone [Uncle Long] spoke to me, and deliberately used the figure that Peter could hear to make the little spider in the distance really think that everything belonged to [Magic Conch]. strength.

After all, he had also personally heard the answer of standing in place from the plastic conch that looked like a toy before.

Therefore, in this situation, with the words of the father, it seems that the conch really foresees everything that will happen next.

He even foresaw that he would ignore the request of [Magic Conch] and leave to look for the spell.

Everything seems to be in order.

But in fact, let alone Peter, even Li Ran in the antique shop didn't expect that the spell shot by the spider silk sticky bomb would fall on the position of the clone so coincidentally.

Could it be that [Magic Conch] really has a magical effect?

Inside the antique shop, Li Ran muttered to himself.

But he quickly shook his head and swept out the absurd thoughts in his mind. The introduction of the system was very clear. This is an ordinary toy conch, which will randomly answer questions with a pre-recorded voice.

The reason why he brought this item out was just to use this absurd setting to get some fame from the little spider. In fact, in order to match the answer given by [Magic Conch], he had already mentioned his preparations. , as soon as the spell hidden in the museum appears, use the [Resurrection Golden Monument] to control the resurrection exhibits in the museum through the clone [Uncle Long], so that the spell falls in front of the father 'inadvertently', in line with the [Magic] The answer given by Conch].

It just didn't occur to him that he hadn't started to act yet.

On the other hand, Peter actually cooperated so well, helping him to send the spell over, and completing the answer of [Magic Conch].

"It's a spell, that's right, Dad."

Although, in the antique store, Li Ran's expression was strange.

However, in the museum, the movements of the two avatars did not stop.

The clone [Uncle Long] stretched out his hand and took out the spell that was stuck with the spider silk. Looking at the fake spell that he had just put into the museum not long ago, he turned his head and confirmed to his father.

"Since there is nothing wrong, then quickly put away the spell and restore the resurrected things in the museum to their original state."

Pushing his glasses, Dad deliberately responded with a voice that the statues could hear.

Take this to remind these resurrected exhibits, if you don't want to change their original appearance, come and grab the spell.

"Stop them now!"

Obviously, Dad's gentle reminder was successfully accepted by the resurrected statue in the exhibition hall.

Looking at the spell in [Uncle Long]'s hand, the bust of Roosevelt immediately exclaimed: "If they are asked to put away the spell, the life we ​​finally had will disappear again."

The power of the [Golden Monument of Resurrection] not only gives life to the exhibits, but also wisdom.

Therefore, in the face of the reminder of the bust of Roosevelt, these exhibits immediately reflect the crisis of the situation.

Immediately, all the resurrected exhibits in the entire exhibition hall turned their eyes at the same time, facing the old man and the clone [Uncle Long] who were standing there.


Looking at the densely packed resurrection exhibits in front of him, [Uncle Long] swallowed and asked nervously, "Can you remove the magic power from the spell now and restore the museum to its original state."

"Is the power of the spell so easy to dispel?"

In this regard, the father naturally made a bad expression and replied.

"So, how long will it take you, Dad?"

"It's about ten minutes or so. The magic power of the Holy Master is too strong. Even if it's just a spell, it takes some preparation from Dad to crack it."

Touching his chin and making a hesitant expression, Dad estimated this.

Although, the real situation is that the spell in the hand of the clone [Uncle Long] does not need to be cracked at all.

Because it was a fake spell at all.

"Ten minutes? Dad, I'm afraid that if I can't hold on for ten minutes, I'll be torn to shreds by these resurrected statues."

"It's okay, if you let them grab the spell again, the next problem will be difficult to As clones, they naturally know the plan of the main body, so what will happen next? All that needs to be done is to create an "accident" to let the spell leave the museum in front of him and spread the resurrection event even more.


"Did I miss something?"

Unconsciously looking at each other silently, Dad and [Uncle Long] are almost finishing the second half of the plan.

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded in the exhibition hall.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Tony, who was controlling the steel battle suit, fly into the exhibition hall of the museum. The eyes in the steel helmet swept over the densely packed resurrection exhibits in the exhibition hall, especially the bust of Roosevelt and the statue of Adolf, which made Tony's eyebrows subconscious. "Well, I originally thought that the resurrected dinosaur model and the burning Ghost Rider I saw outside were enough to surprise me, but I didn't expect the bigger surprise to be in the exhibition hall. , Can anyone tell me what happened in front of me..."

"Mr. Stark!"

Above the museum, Tony was talking eloquently. On the other side, seeing Iron Man appearing, the little spider in the resurrection statue couldn't help but blurted out.

"See you again, boy."

Hearing Peter's cry, Tony quickly noticed that among the dense stone sculptures, Peter, who was caught, blinked unexpectedly: "Your situation doesn't look very good."

"My situation doesn't matter."

In the arm of the stone sculpture, the little spider shook his head and shouted: "Compared to these, Mr. Stark, it is a spell. The power of all the resurrected exhibits in the museum comes from the same magic spell as the previous [Tiger Charm]. , as long as the spell can be contained, all the problems in front of us can be resolved and restored to the original state, just like me who was divided into two..."

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