【Eye of Judgment】

It is the ability of the Ghost Rider to use the fire of **** to the extreme. Through the eyes of the Ghost Rider, he can see and make the target recall all the crimes he has committed before, so that his soul can feel all the crimes he has done. The suffering inflicted on innocents, so as to achieve the effect of judgment and punishment.

Under the power of the Eye of Judgment, the most sinful criminals will be judged to death, their souls will go to **** to suffer, and the lesser ones will suffer soul burns. It can be said to be one of the most powerful and terrifying abilities of the Ghost Rider.


The moment he met the burning eyes of the Ghost Rider, Chang Amir couldn't help but let out a violent scream.

He could feel that under the power of the [Eye of Judgment], his soul was instantly enveloped by the scorching fire of hell, and the various evil deeds he had done in the past began to flash in his soul, including his control of the scarab bite not long ago. Under the arm of Ulysses Crowe and the vengeance attack on Wakanda.

Similarly, using the [Eye of Judgment] to see what Chang Amir did, the Ghost Rider grew his skeleton mouth and issued the final judgment: "I will judge you, go to **** and feel the pain."

The voice of the Ghost Rider fell, and the hellfire in his eyes instantly burst into a dazzling light. In this light, Chang Amir felt his soul being pulled violently outward from his body.

"Master High Priest!"

Instinctively, Chan Emir cried out to the powerful presence within the pyramid.

Following Chang Amir's call for help, a red light flashed on the [Scarab Seal] branded on the back of his hand.

Immediately afterwards, in the eyes of the flaming skeletons of the Ghost Rider, a huge pitch-black scarab emerged from Chang Amir's soul, and at the same time, a majestic roar sounded: "With your flame, Get out of your body, demon, his soul already belongs to me!"


At the moment when the voice fell, a powerful force burst out, directly blasting back the [Eye of Judgment] that the Evil Knight had placed on Chang Amir's soul.

As the power to keep Immorton immortal for thousands of years, the power contained in the Black Book of the Undead is naturally powerful.

Its power to protect the soul, even the [Eye of Judgment] that masters the Ghost Rider is hard to resist.

The failure of the [Eye of Judgment] was obviously beyond the Ghost Rider's expectations. In fact, this was the first time since he became a Ghost Rider that he failed to use this ability to judge the opponent.

Shaking his head for a while, the flame on the skull wrapped in hellfire dimmed again, barely adapting to everything after the [Eye of Judgment] failed to activate, the Evil Knight pulled the chain in his hand again, but subconsciously pulled it. Sora, when he looked down, he saw that the thin figure that had been entangled by the chain had broken free and disappeared at some point.


Glancing at the chain in his hand silently, the fire of **** in the eyes of the Ghost Rider flickered a few times.


Turning his head, he swept the few people in front of him who were slumped to the ground because of the fierce battle. The next moment, the chain hanging down from the place in his hand flew out again, wrapped directly around a guy's body and pulled it in front of him.

"look into my eyes!"


"Huh, huh~"

Holding the wall beside him, Chang Emil staggered, with a look of pain on his face.

Although, with the help of the power of the great existence in the pyramid, he successfully broke free from the judgment of the ghost knight.

However, it is clear that the power of [Eye of Judgment] also caused a certain degree of damage to Chang Amir's soul.

Breathing heavily, feeling the severe pain in his body as if his soul was torn apart, Chang Emir gritted his teeth to support his consciousness, preventing himself from passing out under the erosion of the severe pain.

"Ghost Rider!"

Fine sweat spreads all over Chang Emir's forehead, and he opened his cloudy eyes, feeling the constant pain in his body.

Every time the pain of tearing his soul made him recite the name of the Ghost Rider silently in his heart.

At the same time, the hatred in his heart also deepened a little.

"Sooner or later, I will make you feel the same pain as I do now. No, I will return the pain to you ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times."

Chang Amir, who was in hatred, didn't notice, and then his voice fell, and the [Scarab Seal] on the back of his hand also flashed a faint red light.


New York, suburbs, amusement parks.

Johnny Blazer woke up again from his slumber. He looked down at his flesh-and-blood palm again, with a blank expression on his face.

Turning his head, he looked at the Harley motorcycle parked aside.

The motorcycle parked there quietly, exuding the familiar smell of lubricating oil, and it didn't look like it was crazy at night.

Johnny Blazer has always clearly remembered the memory of turning into Ghost Rider at night.

Although, after turning into a skeleton wrapped in hellfire, his body instinctively began to capture sinful souls according to the content of the contract with Mephistopheles. However, Johnny Blazer's consciousness was always in the skeleton, but he couldn't seem to control his body.

"How did that guy break free from the trial?"

Recalling what the Ghost Rider did the night before, the scene where Chang Emil escaped from the [Eye of Judgment] immediately caught the attention of Johnny Blazer.

"Or, what kind of power does the other party have to restrain the fire of hell?"

Thinking of this possibility, the expression on Johnny Blazer's face changed a bit.

Johnny Blazer has always shown resistance to the power of Ghost Rider.

Although, after incarnating as a Ghost Rider, he has an almost undead body and a powerful hellfire.

However, none of this was what Johnny Blazer wanted.

Although the power of the Ghost Rider is powerful, he is always a puppet at the mercy of others, looking for the soul of the wicked to be sent to **** under the requirements of the contract. And not the slightest bit of their own will.

Therefore, from the first day of obtaining Ghost Rider, Johnny Blazer was trying hard to find a way to get rid of this curse.

But, obviously, the results are not ideal.

Every night, Johnny Blazer is still under the influence of demonic power, turning into a Ghost Rider entangled in hellfire and wandering the streets of New York in search of the souls of wicked people.

"In fact, it was not that person who restrained the power of hellfire."

In Johnny Blazer's guess, a deep voice suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man in a black coat with a half-smile expression appeared in Johnny Blazer's room.

The middle-aged man glanced at Johnny Blazer in front of him, and then continued: "It's the mysterious power attached to that person, just like the power of hellfire I attached to you."


Looking at this middle-aged man who suddenly appeared in front of him, the expression on Johnny Blazer's face immediately became excited.

Because, the man in front of him was the culprit who deceived and seduced Johnny Blazer into signing a contract and turned him into a Ghost Rider.

"Looks like you're very excited about my arrival."

Looking at the excited Johnny Blazer in front of him, a faint smile appeared on Mephisto's face. Mephisto was not surprised by the attitude shown by Johnny Blazer. In fact, Johnny His reaction is also one of the reasons why he prefers to trade with humans.

"Release the contract and take back the curse you cast on me."

"Cancel the contract?"

Raising his eyebrows and looking at Johnny Blazer in front of him, Mephistopheles shook his head lightly, and without hesitation, refused Johnny Blazer's request.

"Impossible, I always abide by the content of the contract, and according to the requirements of the contract you signed with me, you will serve me as a ghost knight until finally your soul comes to my hands. I've been looking forward to this day coming later."

"you cheated me!"

Mephisto's remarks obviously aroused Johnny Blazer's inner emotions.

Looking at the careless middle-aged man in front of him, Johnny Blazer's eyes flashed with fiery flames, and a little bit of hellfire began to wrap around his body.

"No, I didn't, everything I did was done according to the contract."

"You promised to cure my father's cancer."

Hearing Mephisto's answer, the hellfire on Johnny Blazer spread rapidly, and the flesh and blood on the originally young face also burned quickly under the flames, forming a skeleton head wrapped in flames.

"In fact, I did cure your father's cancer."

Looking at Johnny Blazer, who was transformed into a Ghost Rider under the impetus of anger, Mephistopheles twitched the corners of his mouth, admiring the achievements he had created in front of him.

"However, he still died. The day after you signed the contract with me, he died under the fly-out performance."

"I just promised to cure your father's cancer. As for the rest, it's not within the scope of the contract I signed with you."

Facing the question, Mephistopheles acted quite calmly.

"you liar!"

"No, I'm the devil."

Fueled by rage, Johnny Blazer became Ghost Rider for the first time during the day and consciously.

With a roar from his mouth, Johnny Blazer raised his skeleton arm wrapped in flames, and in the next instant, a flame of hellfire shot towards Mephisto in front of him.

"Cheating is what I would do."

Facing the scorching hellfire shot from Johnny Blazer's hands, Mephisto's face did not change in the slightest.

Under Johnny Blazer's gaze, the flames penetrated Mephisto's body, leaving a deep scorch mark on the ground.

Mephistopheles, however, still maintained his usual expression, looking at Johnny Blazer in front of him with admiration.

For him, the more Johnny Blazer mastered Ghost Rider's power, the better for him.

Because, in this way, the other party can serve him more and capture the soul he needs.

"Have you forgotten my true identity?"

As Mephisto's voice fell, a huge evil figure flashed away under Johnny Blazer's gaze.

Immediately afterwards, Mephistopheles raised his finger and pointed at Johnny Blazer lightly. The next second, the flames on the Ghost Rider who had been wrapped in hellfire quickly extinguished, and he was only On the body of the remaining skeleton, the flesh and blood burned by the flame also grew again, returning to its original human appearance.

From Ghost Rider to human again.

As the power of hellfire in his body dissipated, Johnny Blazer fell to the ground with a pale face.

Obviously, using Ghost Rider's powers, fueled by rage, doesn't come for free.

Stepping to the pale Johnny Blazer, Mephistopheles looked at his Ghost Rider, his tone still maintained his usual indifference: "I almost forgot, I didn't come up this time to argue with you about the contract From the guy who was judged before, I felt a very special power from him, this power is quite evil, even for me as a demon, it is unusual~www.wuxiamtl.com~ So, I need you to find that guy for me and bring his soul to me."

When it came to the soul, Mephisto's original phantom expression changed subconsciously, and a greedy color that could not be concealed flashed through the dark pupils.

As a demon who is good at playing with souls, he naturally felt the great temptation of the black scriptures of the undead on Chang Emir.

Mephistopheles had a hunch that if he could get the power he mastered from the guy who escaped from the [Eye of Judgment] before, it would greatly improve his power.

This is also the main reason why he consumes a huge amount of power and incarnates the projection to come to the earth to meet the ghost knight Johnny Blazer.

He lowered his head and glanced at Johnny Blazer, who was lying on the ground. As a demon who played with the soul, Mephisto obviously knew the emotions of human beings well.

In order to make Johnny Blazer work hard to find the soul who holds the mysterious power, Mephistopheles did not hesitate to make a temptation: "As long as you can bring that soul over, as a reward, I will arrange for you Goodbye to the soul of the dead father, I think you should have a lot to say to him..."


Hearing Mephisto's words, even if you know clearly, everything will not be so simple.

But Johnny Blazer couldn't help but raised his head with excitement.

"Of course, if you don't trust me, I can sign a contract with you again, and this time the content of the contract is up to you to determine the details."

Seeing Johnny Blazer's reaction, Mephistopheles knew that his purpose had basically been achieved.

Curving the corner of his mouth, Mephisto showed a consistent smile on his face, just like when he signed a contract with Johnny Blazer for the first time.

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