"Hmph, very good, you have successfully angered me, stupid and ignorant mortal, as punishment, I will take back the power I gave you until you realize how stupid your actions are and pray to me. !"

Inside the antique shop, Li Ran's inner thoughts flashed across.

On the other side, Immorton, who was attached to the back of Chang Amir's hand, immediately let out a cold snort.

Immediately afterwards, Chang Emir, who was determined to go his own way, found that the powerful power that had emerged in his body began to weaken in an instant, and the pitch-black [Scarab Mark] branded on the back of his hand also faded, and finally only a faint mark remained on him. hand.

"No, High Priest, just give me a little more time, a little more!"

Feeling that his control over the scarabs was weakening, the excited expression on Chang Amir's face changed.

Immediately woke up, his actions obviously angered the power of the pyramid.

However, looking at Tchaka in front of him, there was still a bit of unwillingness in his eyes.

Just a little bit, he will be able to complete the revenge he has dreamed of for years.

"Power weakened?"

The transformation of Chang Amir was not only himself, but Tchaka, who had been attacked by scarabs on the opposite side, obviously also noticed something different.

Although, the joints are not clear, but this does not prevent Tchaka from making a counterattack.

Waving his sharp claws to penetrate the scarab beetles wrapped in layers in front of him, Tchaka used his pale eyes to lock on Chang Amir who seemed to be distracted in front of him, and then the vibrating additional cushions on the soles of the boots instantly changed the frequency and broke through Surrounded by scarabs, it turned into a dark shadow and rushed in front of Chang Emir.


Looking at Tchaka who broke through the scarab, Chang Emir's panic because of the dissipated power in his body instantly turned into panic, and he used the power of the [Scarab Seal] that was left on the back of his hand. The scarab in the distance made a defensive gesture.

However, obviously, without the powerful power supply of the [Scarab Seal], Chang Emir's weak power alone would not be able to freely control the scarab to make rapid defenses.

Although the flying speed of the scarab is not weak, it is obviously half a beat slower compared to Tchaka's rapid attack.

In the blink of an eye, Tchaka, who was wearing a Zhenjin battle suit, rushed to Chang Emir and waved his claws. The sharp metal claws of his fingertips radiated a black luster under the moonlight. Violently grabbed towards Chang Amir's face.


T'Chaka slammed down with a claw, with blood splattering everywhere.

Chang Amir covered his face and let out a shrill scream. He felt that his left eye was completely blinded by Tchaka's claw.

It was at this time that the scarab under the control of his remaining power was worthy of returning to Chang Amir and wrapping it up.

"I will definitely come back, T'Chaka, and then it will be the moment of Wakanda's demise."

Covering his injured face, Chang Emir looked at Tchaka in front of him, and the only remaining eyes flashed with astonishing hatred.

In the next moment, controlling the scarab on his body, Chang Emir climbed into the air with difficulty, and finally disappeared into the dark night sky.

Just kidding, without the power of the scarab, he is just an ordinary person.

Especially under the power extraction of the [Scarab Seal], Chang Emir's body may not be as good as that of ordinary people.

Under such circumstances, he had no idea of ​​continuing to fight with T'Chaka.

After all, he came to Wakanda to keep, not to die.

"what is this?"

Chang Emir's escape was not only beyond T'Chaka's expectations, but also made the mercenaries in Wakanda who attacked under his coercion dumbfounded.

Seeing the disappearing figure of Chang Amir, Ulysses Crow twitched the corner of his mouth.

Turning his head to look at Tchaka, who was staring at them, Ulysses Crow quickly reacted, and it was not a good time to be in a daze.

Even Chang Amir, who holds such a powerful force, is no match for the Black Panthers, let alone their mercenaries. Knowing this, Ulysses Crow's face changed immediately, and he shouted: "One by one What are you doing, you still don't give me a retreat, damn, what the **** is this guy doing, Chang Emir, he has performed so well in front of me, and he can't even hold on to the Black Panther for a few minutes..."

"King, why not pursue these **** invaders?"

Reluctantly using the spear for support, Okoye moved her body with difficulty and came to Tchaka's side. She looked at the mercenaries who were hurriedly retreating with a puzzled look on her face.

In her opinion, even Chang Emir, the most threatening one, was repelled by T'Chaka. To deal with the mere mercenaries in front of her, T'Chaka would have no effort at all.

"The situation is not suitable, and..."

Facing Okoye's question, Tchaka's silent voice came from under the black panther's mask.

As the last retreating mercenary disappeared outside of Wakanda's territory, Tchaka, who had been maintaining an attacking stance, shook his body and suddenly fell to the ground.

"King T'Chaka?!"

Seeing Tchaka's appearance, Okoye realized that it was not that the king was unwilling to pursue these mercenaries who offended Wakanda, but that his situation did not support this approach.

Gasping for breath, he took off the panther mask on his head. What was revealed under the mask was T'Chaka's sweaty and tired face.

Although he has been working hard to maintain his strength, Tchaka is no longer young after all, and the years of battle have left him with large and small injuries. In the past, with Wakanda's powerful medical technology, he barely suppressed these old injuries, but Chang Amir's attack was obviously beyond the range that Tchaka could bear.

Forcibly breaking through the scarab's siege and launching a counterattack, although he successfully repelled Chang Amir who gained mysterious power, it also obviously affected the old wounds that T'Chaka had been suppressing in his body.

"Notify the rest of the patrol and treat the injured, including you, Okoye. Your injuries are serious."

A few minutes later, suppressing the pain that erupted on his body, T'Chaka put on the mask again and turned into the Panther, the patron saint of Wakanda.

As a king, he can't make mistakes, and there's no time for injury either.

Shaking to stand firm, T'Chaka gave orders to Okoye, who was also bruised beside him.

After speaking, Tchaka took his own steps and resolutely rushed towards other places that might be attacked.

"King T'Chaka."

Silently watching Tchaka's disappearing back, Okoye glanced down at her scarred body. At this moment, she hated her weakness incomparably.

As the king's most important personal guard, he could not fight side by side with the king.



Controlling the scarabs left on his body as a buffer, Chang Emir fell from the air and landed on the ground ruthlessly.

Covering the scar on his face, the severe pain coming from his face made Chang Amir's expression almost distorted.

T'Chaka's claw was extremely powerful, and the sharp claws scratched his face and blinded one of his eyes at the same time.


With a deep resentment on his face, Chang Emil looked down at the vague mark on the back of his hand, and twitched the corners of his eyes.

"Great, merciful, High Priest, your humble and foolish servant begs you to forgive me for my previous offense..."

Chang Amir knew very well that Immorton took a lot of responsibility for the sudden turn of events. However, Chang Amir knew better that if he lost the power of the [Scarab Seal] bestowed by Immorton, the revenge he expected would not have the slightest chance.

Therefore, clutching the painful scar on his face, he still made a humble plea, hoping that the trace of consciousness left by Immorton in the [Scarab Seal] could forgive his previous actions and give his power back.

After experiencing the powerful and fascinating power of the scarab, Chang Amir could no longer adapt to his fragile body.

In the antique shop, feel Chang Amir's pleading.

Li Ran pouted, and he naturally knew that what Chang Emir did was not really a wake-up call, but simply because of his desire for power.

However, it doesn't matter, the reason why he chose the other party is not to transform the other party into a good person.

In fact, Li Ran made a successful attempt by using the [Scarab Seal] to show his power on Chang Amir.

And got a relatively gratifying result, that is, as long as it can bring a deep enough impression, even if it is not directly revealed like Immorton, it can also bring him fame. Such a result will undoubtedly make Li Ran's next way of gaining fame more diverse.

Inside the antique shop, Li Ran was thinking about how to use more methods to gain fame.


On the other side, facing Emir Chang who was begging for the brand on the back of his hand, Immorton, who had been silent for a long time, finally responded.


As if amused by a certain statement of Chang Emir, a huge sarcastic laughter sounded in his mind: "For me, there are many descriptions and curses, but kindness absolutely does not exist, the fact Come on, all I gave you before was the last bit of kindness left."

"Master High Priest!"

Chang Amir was concerned about whether Immorton was kind or not. Hearing the disappearing voice of the master resounded again, a wave finally appeared on his distorted face.

"To be honest, stupid servant, I am quite dissatisfied with your previous actions. Your ignorance even made me doubt whether it is right to give you power..."

"Please don't doubt, the great high priest, my previous behavior was completely dazzled by the powerful power you gave me, I hope you can forgive the mistakes of such a humble existence, after all, for the great you For me, it's just an insignificant power, but for the humble me, it's already a powerful force that I can't reach in my life. I believe that in the face of this unparalleled power, no matter how firm the existence is, it will be shaken. , but now that I am different, I swear that the situation like before will never happen again..."

It can be seen that Chang Amir is obviously afraid.

As the old saying goes, only when you lose it, you know how to cherish it.

It is precisely because he has felt the unparalleled power in the [Scarab Seal] that Chang Amir feels incomparably painful to lose this power.

"Do you think that just from what you say, I will believe you, my stupid servant?"

"Actually, for me, your so-called revenge doesn't seem to be a problem at all, all I care about is your ignorance. After I gave you such a powerful power, you still only think about the revenge in front of you. ."

"I let you down, great high priest."

"Now, you have experienced the failure of revenge. If you still hope to obtain the power of the [Scarab Seal], then leave here and go elsewhere with the pain of this failure. I can feel the breakthrough that allowed me to break through. The opportunity for the seal is somewhere."

Raising his hand, he touched his eyeballs that were shattered under the claws of the black panther.

Turning his only remaining eyes, relying only on the sight of one eye, still makes Chang Amir difficult to use.

Immorton's order to let him leave was not what Chang Amir hoped in his heart.

Now that his heart is filled with new hatred and old hatred, if he can, he even wants to attack Wakanda as soon as he regains his power.

However, thinking of the scene where the power of the [Scarab Seal] disappeared before ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Chang Emir's expression could not help but go silent.

The power of the [Scarab Seal] is his only chance for revenge.

If he loses this opportunity, he will never have the possibility to fight back against Wakanda and T'Chaka.


Therefore, after being silent for a long time, Chang Emir suppressed the hatred in his heart and gritted his teeth: "If all this is what you expect, High Priest, then, as your humble servant, what do I have to object to? Position, everything is as you wish."

"Very good, I hope this time, you won't let me down again, stupid mortal, my patience is limited."

As the roaring voice fell, under Chang Emir's one-eyed gaze, the original blurred brand on the back of his hand became clear again, and then he felt the power dissipated in his body also coming back.

Waving an arm, the Scarab that had dissipated reappeared on its own, surrounding him, showing the same free-handed control as before.

Feeling that the power of the [Scarab Seal] was lost and found again, this time Chang Emir did not dare to make any mistakes, he put on a respectful expression and replied to the voice in his mind: "Thank you, the great high priest, I promise. , you won't be disappointed again."

"hope so."

In response, Chang Amir let out a cold snort in his mind, which made his brain tingle for a while.

"Then, High Priest, what is the place you are talking about?"

Enduring the sting, Chang Amir continued to ask respectfully.

Following his inquiry, Immorton immediately displayed the location that he had prepared in his mind.

"This is……"

Looking at the location told by Immorton, Chang Amir's face subconsciously showed a surprised expression.

"……New York?"

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