Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 329: pyramid

Africa, a barren desert in the east.

The blazing sun hangs high above the sky without any cover, and the scorching sun will scorch the endless desert into a scorching high temperature.

At the end of the stretch of desert, a line of vague figures gradually appeared on the edge of the dunes.

After turning over a tall sand dune, Chang Amir pulled down the cloth covering his head, squinting his turbid eyes and swept across the barren desert in front of him.

"Damn, how long will it take, old man!"

Behind him, a rough questioning voice sounded.

"It should be around here."

Stretching out his tongue and licking his cracked tongue, Chang Emil looked back at the embarrassed mercenary team behind him, and answered in a hoarse voice.

As Chang Amir had anticipated at first, Ulysses Crowe finally complied with his request, dispatching a squad of mercenaries to help him find the mysterious pyramid that appeared in the desert. The initial action was smooth. According to the clues about the pyramid that Chang Amir got, they kept approaching the last position of the pyramid.

However, all this was completely messed up after a huge sandstorm.

The camels carrying the supplies separated from them in the sandstorm, and lost the most important supplies and water sources. In the first few days, Chang Amir and others almost survived.

Fortunately, at the most critical moment, they met the resident tribe living in the desert.

Using his own language and similar appearance to the tribe, Chang Amir successfully exchanged food and water resources for survival from the tribe.

During the period, members of the mercenary team also had conflicts with Chang Amir, but in the end, Chang Amir relied on the vibrating gold of Wakanda that he mastered and reluctantly persuaded everyone and continued to move forward according to the previous purpose.

Opening the water bag on his body, Chang Amir took a small sip of water and felt the slightly bitter liquid wet his throat.

"You've had enough, old man."

In the next second, a sturdy arm emerged from behind and grabbed the water bag in Chang Amir's hand arrogantly.

Reaching out and grabbing Chang Amir's water bag, the burly white mercenary swayed the water bag in his hand, feeling that there was still a lot of water in it, licked his dry lips, and raised the water bag without hesitation. He poured a gulp into his mouth.

"Shit, the smell of this thing is worse than urine!"

Frowning, the strange smell from his mouth made the mercenary cursing his brows and cursed a few words in a row.

Even so, he still forced himself to drink the strange liquid in his mouth and threw it to the companion behind him.

"This is a precious source of water that the Bakalahari people have found in the desert for generations. A liquid that is squeezed from plant roots and contains a lot of water. Although it tastes bad, it can at least save lives."

Glancing at the head of the mercenary in front of him, Chang Amir licked his still chapped lips and explained.

"Didn't they think about getting out of the desert?"

"For the Bakalahari, this is their home, where they were born and where they died."

"If it weren't for the mission, I wouldn't want to stay in a place like this **** for another day."

Retrieving the water bag from the last mercenary who drank water, the white mercenary looked at Chang Emir in front of him, and said with a threatening expression: "So, old man, don't let me find out that you are lying to me, or else , you will disappear in that dust storm just like the camels before."

Reaching out his hand to catch the water bag thrown by the mercenary head, Chang Emil shook it and felt that there was only a little water left in it. He licked his chapped lips, but forced himself to stop drinking the liquid in it, also ignoring the mercenary. At the threat of the soldiers, he turned around and said: "Since everyone has finished drinking, then continue to set off. According to the direction pointed by the Bakalahari, the pyramid should be located after the three dunes."

Looking at Chang Emir's back, the white mercenary pouted, but also raised his hand to signal the mercenary behind him to move on.

Losing the camel's commute, every step in the desert was arduous, stepping on the soft gravel and sinking to the calf in an instant.

After a few times, even the mercenaries with rich combat experience couldn't help but become out of breath.

In particular, the entire desert is barren, and there are no other reference objects around. The layers of sand dunes seem to spread endlessly, and the scattered gravel and dead wood do not play a guiding role. It seems to be standing still, without the illusion of moving forward at all.

Climbing over another sand dune with difficulty, the white mercenary looked at the desolate desert in front of him that remained unchanged. The emotions that had been suppressed for a long time finally burst out: "Damn, old man, didn't you say that you are close? Why hasn't the pyramid of **** you mentioned yet, what are the so-called clues and rumors you mentioned? Where did you get it from..."

The reason why the white mercenary was so excited, in addition to the endless desert along the way, was also because from the beginning he had doubts about the so-called pyramid that Chang Amir said.

Facing the rude and almost out of control reaction of the white man, the expression on Chang Amir's face remained calm.

For the existence of the pyramid, he has been unwavering.

This is not only because of his persistence, but also because the Bakalahari people living near this desert have also told him that they have seen the existence of the pyramids.

Therefore, ignoring the appearance of the white man, Chang Amir kept sweeping the barren desert scene in front of him with his mixed eyes.

Immediately, he was attracted by a vague triangular building in the distance.

"found it!"

Seeing the faint shadow in the distance, Chang Emil's calm face finally showed a different expression. No more complaints from the white mercenary, the old black man walked in the direction of the shadow. past.


Chang Emir's ignoring gesture made the expression on the white mercenary's face gloomy.

However, hearing what Chang Amir said before he left, the mercenary leader had to suppress his inner anger, and followed Chang Amir's footsteps to the direction where the shadow appeared.

The location where the shadow appears seems not far away, but it is actually farther away than imagined.

After nearly half an hour of long-distance trek, Chang Amir and others were only less than half of the distance shown by the shadow.

However, after this arduous journey, the pyramid that Chang Amir said finally showed its full picture in front of everyone.

"I didn't expect it to be true."

Looking at the huge pyramid-shaped building in the distance, the original anger in the white mercenary's heart has been replaced by shock.

He never imagined that in the depths of the desolate desert, there would actually be a pyramid appearing here.

"What the **** is going on with this pyramid, who built it, and why was it built in the desert?"

"do not know."

Facing the questioning of the white mercenary, Chang Amir swallowed hard, looked up at the majestic and huge pyramid, and said hoarsely: "In the past, no one has ever discovered this pyramid, so no one knows about it. The only thing we know about the origin of the pyramid is that someone has entered the interior of this pyramid and seen amazing things in it?"

"Amazing stuff? What is it?"

Hearing what Chang Amir said, the white mercenary subconsciously asked a question.

"I don't know."

In this regard, Chang Amir still shook his head.

"The man died after revealing the existence of the pyramid. He lived in the desert for so long that he was dying when he was found."

"Could it be a treasure, like the golden burial of the Egyptian pharaohs?"

Listening to the conversation between the two, the mercenary on the side couldn't help but say something.

Following the mercenary's speculation, the possibility of the treasure immediately triggered a riot in the squad.

A strange light flashed in the eyes of the mercenary head, looking at Chang Emir in front of him.

"If it's really a treasure, then I'll give it all to you."

To the gazes cast by the white mercenary, Chang Emil simply answered.


Hearing this, the white mercenary's face showed a suspicious expression.

"If I need money, I can get it by buying and selling vibration gold."

Looking at the head of the mercenary in front of him, Chang Emir replied calmly: "My purpose is just to figure out something through the pyramid. After that, no matter if there is any so-called treasure in the pyramid, I will give what I promised before. , the vulnerability in Wakanda tells you."


Chang Emir's straightforward response made the expressions on the faces of the mercenaries soften a little.

Although the head of the mercenary still had doubts in his heart, he immediately pressed it to the bottom of his heart, looked up at the pyramid not far away, and there was a hint of greed in his eyes.

Although they have been doing things under Ulysses Crow, how can they be compared to doing things under others. If there is really a treasure in the pyramid, it will undoubtedly be an unexpected gain for them. Even if there is not, the route of vibration gold mentioned by Chang Emir can make up for his loss.

"Okay, then I'll trust you for a while."

The situation in front of him is not suitable for too long thinking, so the white mercenary just fell silent for a while, and then agreed to Chang Emir's request.

As he spoke, the mercenary head couldn't help but look up at the huge pyramid in the distance.


Another nearly an hour long trek.

When everyone came to the pyramid, even Chang Emir, who had been leading the way, couldn't help staggering and kneeling on the desert.

The desert on the ground was scorching hot under the scorching sun, but Chang Amir couldn't control it at all, and fell directly to the ground, gasping for breath.

Chang Emir is not young after all, even if he once served as the mentor of the philosophers and royal family of Wakanda, but after all, it was more than ten years ago. The reason why he can persist now is only for something in the pyramid. Urgent longing sustained him.

"Old man, water!"

After gasping for a while, the white mercenary on the side immediately reached out and said something to Chang Amir.

"There's not much water left."

Facing the head of the mercenary, Chang Amir couldn't help frowning and replied.

However, the white mercenary ignored Chang Emir's reminder at all. He grabbed the water bag directly from him, frowned, took a sip, and then handed the water bag to the accomplice beside him again.

After one round, when the water bag returned to Chang Amir's hands, there was almost nothing left.

Lift the water bag and pour the last drop of liquid inside into your mouth.

Chang Amir licked his lips, and carefully put away the water bag again.

He raised his head, looked at the pyramid in front of him, opened his mouth and said hoarsely: "The Bakalahari tribe is not a small distance from where we are now the pyramid. The Secret of the Pyramid."

The huge pyramid in front of makes people unable to see the top at a glance. Looking at this huge pyramid, Chang Emir's eyes flashed a strange color, and then quickly converged it.

"Head, come and see, I seem to have found something!"

At this moment, a mercenary in charge of the search suddenly opened his mouth and shouted to the crowd of Chang Emir in front of the pyramid.

Following the direction pointed by the mercenaries, everyone immediately came to a cave entrance that was mostly covered by yellow sand.

Seeing this entrance, without any hesitation, Chang Amir immediately got in.

Looking at Chang Emir's disappearing back, before he had time to think, the head of the mercenary also followed.

The reason why the white mercenaries showed such concern was not that Chang Emil was more concerned, but simply because Chang Emil still had the channel of vibration gold that he had promised before.

Walking into the pyramid, the first thing that appears is a long corridor. The temperature inside the pyramid is much cooler than that in the desert. The ceiling inside is unusually high. According to Chang Amir's simple visual observation, the distance from the ground to the top is at least more than three meters. With the help of the weak sunlight at the entrance of the cave, one can vaguely see that the walls and the top are carved with mysterious characters and patterns. .

However, looking further inside, with the weak sunlight at the entrance of the cave, the entire pyramid was pitch black.


In this regard, the mercenary team is obviously already prepared.

Although the previous sandstorm blew away a lot of things, they still carried some necessary equipment with them. Noticing the dark environment in the pyramid, a mercenary took out the light source that had been prepared.

Folding down the military light stick in his hand, the dark environment in the pyramid was illuminated with blue light.

With the help of these faint blue lights, Chang Emir and the mercenary team saw everything in the pyramid clearly again.

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