"Buddha's light is emerging!"


bang, bang—

The man's eyes swept indifferently at the vampires who rushed forward behind him.

Hydra uses the power of the stone face to transform a large number of vampires and brainwash them, so that while they have power beyond ordinary people, they still have no hesitation in the orders given by Hydra.

Therefore, even if Ah Xing has used the powerful power of "Tathagata's Palm" to prove that vampires are not his enemies of unity, these vampires from Hydra are still rushing forward one after another.

So many vampires rushed up, even if each of them basically couldn't last a few times.

However, the dense number also somewhat affected his shot strength.

100% of the power can certainly eliminate all the vampires at one time, but the location where he is now is an apartment. Behind him were the injured Nick Fury and others. Concerned about their safety, Ah Xing was obviously unable to unleash the power of "Tathagata's Palm" at will.

What's more, his eyes swept across the cold-faced man on the opposite side, or should I say Bucky, the winter warrior who was brainwashed by Hydra.

As one of the important figures in the Meiman world, the development of many major Meiman events in the future will inevitably involve the other party as the fuse.

In order to collect a large number of legends in the future, Li Ran is bound to need the other party to continue to exist.

After all, if Ah Xing slapped it down, he could certainly kill Bucky with a single slap.

The Winter Soldier, let alone one arm was remodeled, even if his entire body was remodeled, he could have the strength of the 'pacifist' version of Jin Bianlai.

Even Jin Ping couldn't resist the last style of "The Palm of the Tathagata", let alone Bucky who only had one arm changed in front of him.

It's just that the fame gained by killing Bucky with one palm will certainly not be too small.

However, the comparison and the subsequent popularity that can be obtained through the other party's participation in various major events in the United States are still incomparable.

In particular, for Li Ran, currently relying on the B-level cards drawn from his hand, he can basically guarantee that he does not need to worry about most of the threats on Earth.

After all, the threat to the world of American comics has never only come from the earth.

In the entire universe, there are too many unknown existences.

Not to mention that Thanos, who is all about family planning, just the Asgard side, Hela, the goddess of death who was expelled and imprisoned, and Dormammu, who controls the dark dimension, the combat power shown by him is only a B-rank character at present. Li Ran of the card is pressure. Not to mention, the so-called father of Star Lord in the Guardians of the Galaxy is himself a planet.

No matter how powerful Li Ran's power is, there is no comparison with a planet at all.

Therefore, continuing to accumulate more legendary cards to draw cards is still Li Ran's only and one of the main goals.

In addition, the S-rank after the A-rank character card, according to the introduction of the system, cannot be obtained through the reputation, and the fragments are obtained by constantly opening the [Golden Treasure Chest].

A [Golden Treasure Chest] requires 1 million popularity. Even if Li Ran uses the most conservative calculation method, he needs at least 5 million popularity to synthesize an S-rank character card.

Although, for Li Ran, whose highest combat power is still limited to a synthesized A-level card, the S-level character card is obviously still far away from him.

However, this did not prevent him from speculating about the power of S-rank character cards.

According to the arrangement of the system, the S-rank should be the highest power that Li Ran could obtain from the system. In theory, it should be the premise that he can be free and unimpeded whether it is the earth or the more distant universe.

Of course, it's still a bit too far to guess what the S-class is now.

Therefore, in the antique shop, Li Ran was just a little ecstatic, and quickly pulled his thoughts back, and put his eyes back on the battle between the clone A Xing and the vampire in the apartment.

"team leader……"

With one stroke of Tathagata's divine palm, he suppressed the vampires who were rushing towards him, Ah Xing looked at the vampires who continued to rush forward without fear of life and death, and couldn't help but said: "I'm worried that if it continues like this, if I'm not careful, I won't be able to accept it. Stop, and the whole apartment will be destroyed by my palm."

Steve had seen the power of Ah Xing's "The Palm of the Tathagata", and naturally knew that what he said was the truth.

Therefore, when he heard his words, he immediately reminded: "If you can, Ah Xing, you should keep your strength as much as possible. After all, it is not easy to find a satisfactory residence in New York. What's more, there are many people living in this apartment."

Having said that, Steve's eyes turned to Nick Fury behind him.

Upon meeting Steve's gaze, Nick Fury quickly reacted, and quickly faced the female nurse who was supporting him. The female agent ordered, "Agent, immediately evacuate the people in the apartment."

"But, sir, your body."

Facing the order, Agent Sharon showed a hesitant expression on his face.

"My body is still holding on."

Covering the wound on his body and clenching his teeth, facing Agent Sharon's worried look, Nick Fury said with a stern face: "Agent, follow the orders."

"As ordered, sir."

Seeing Nick Fury's firm attitude, Agent Sharon no longer hesitated, then handed the pistol in his hand to the injured SHIELD Director, and turned around to evacuate the people in the apartment as ordered.

"Cough cough~"

Watching the next moment after Agent Sharon left, Nick Fury coughed a few times while covering the wound on his body.

In fact, Nick Fury said he panicked, and his injuries were not minor when he escaped from the explosion of SHIELD.

At this moment, he is completely relying on his amazing willpower.


Noticing Nick Fury's situation, Steve frowned subconsciously, with a worried look on his face.

"I'm fine, I can hold on."

In this regard, Nick Fury raised his hand and leaned on the wall, while panting and sweeping over Ah Xing who was fighting with vampires, he reminded Steve: "Compared to this, Captain, you should be more careful about your opponents, "Speaking, Nick Fury blinked his one eye and glanced at the exposed silver-white metal arm of the Winter Soldier: "Such a level of technological transformation is rare in my memory."

"Will it be the same as the previous battle in Hell's Kitchen, it was also the hands of the Doctor Who that Jin Ping said?"

A Xing: "???"

"Does this count me as a pot for Hydra?"

Inside the antique store, Li Ran heard Steve's guess, and the corner of his mouth twitched subconsciously.

He didn't expect that one day he would have the time to take the blame for the notorious Hydra.

Of course, it is no wonder that Steve would have such speculation.

After all, the appearance of vampires is obviously inextricably linked with Dior, and the modified robotic arm of the Winter Soldier is not too difficult to modify compared to the previous 'pacifist' robot in Hell's Kitchen. Even The gold with only one head left can be transformed, and the transformation of only one arm is obviously not enough to shock Steve too much.

Vampire plus mechanical modification.

These two, no matter which one of the key clues, are connected with Dior and the doctor behind Jinbing.

Not to mention, both appear at the same time.


Hearing Steve's guess, Nick Fury didn't deny the possibility, but with one eye, he swept over these vampires who were completely unafraid of life and death and a bright red five-pointed red star on the silver-white metal arm of the man.

Nick Fury is obviously more inclined to another guess in his heart: "However, I think this fighting style like a dead man is more in line with the appearance of Hydra in my impression, and, from the previous S.H.I.E.L.D. agent team According to the information searched by Agent May, Dio once contacted a person named Spider Organization, and handed over the stone ghost face that can transform people into vampires. transformed."

"...And, judging from the investigation clues of the special agent team, this so-called spider organization is likely to be one of the affiliated organizations under Hydra."


Hearing Nick Fury's judgment, Steve couldn't help but lowered his head and muttered to himself.

Speaking of which, it's somewhat ironic.

Waking up from a long slumber, everything that Steve misses has been overshadowed by the years, but the opponents he hates, whether it is Dior or Hydra, still exist in this world, and continue to be with him as a fight.

All of this seems to be not much different from seventy years ago.

Such an idea came to mind, and soon, Steve restrained his inner emotions.

He looked at the ruthless man opposite, and said to Nick Fury in a deep voice: "Whether it's Jiuyou or Hydra behind Dior, in fact, it doesn't make much difference to us, because this is what we need. against an opponent."

As he spoke, Steve clenched the shield in his hand, and without hesitation, rushed towards the cold man on the opposite side.

"Maybe you're right, Captain."

Hearing Steve's summary, Nick Fury couldn't help but reply in a low voice, but quickly raised the pistol in his hand and shot at the vampire not far away.

Although he was not seriously injured, he obviously did not intend to sit still like this.

Looking at Steve who was rushing towards him, a wave flashed in the Winter Soldier's icy eyes.

The countless brainwashing and training and transformation of Hydra almost made him forget most of his memories, leaving only the fighting instinct.

Facing Steve who came with his shield held high, he silently raised his silver-white metal arm.

Without hesitation, he slammed into the opponent fiercely.


A dull crash.

The Winter Soldier's arm rests on Steve's shield.

The shield made of vibranium almost completely offset the huge impact of the metal arm.

In the face of this resistance, the expression in the Winter Soldier's eyes hardly changed. The next second, he raised his leg and kicked Steve's side fiercely.

Although the vibranium shield is powerful, it is only a small piece after all.

There is no way to defend against all kinds of attacks.

However, as a veteran with rich combat experience and a super soldier serum transformation, Steve's expression was not flustered in the face of the blow on the foot of the Winter Soldier. He turned his body and retreated, and quickly avoided The opponent's side kick, followed by the rotation of the shield in his hand, directly used it as a blunt weapon and smashed it into the head of the Winter Soldier.

For his opponent, Steve never had the idea of ​​showing mercy.


Steve's sudden change was not easy to hide, even for the Winter Soldier.

However, the Winter Soldier obviously didn't have any plans to evade. Under the brainwashing of Hydra, he was actually not much different from those vampires who rushed towards Ah Xing one after another.

In this state, the task comes first.

As for the rest, it's simply not in the Winter Soldier's consideration.

Ignoring Steve's attack on his head, the Winter Soldier's indifference still remained in his eyes, and he waved his arms and attacked Steve's defenseless chest. Obviously, he was thinking of swapping injuries for injuries.



Accompanied by two heavy collisions, the two of them staggered each other~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The Winter Soldier shook his head, and a huge roar sounded in his ears.

Obviously, Steve's blow was not too easy for him, but even so, he still maintained his indifference in his eyes.

Holding his chest, even though his body has been greatly improved under the effect of the super soldier serum, the full blow of the metal arm almost made Steve breathless. Without looking, he already knew that his chest was bruised by this blow.


Silently shook his head and rubbed the wound on his chest.

Steve and the Winter Soldier looked at each other in unison.

Without any extra language, the next second of eye contact.

The two sides fought together again.

Contrast with the battle between Ah Xing and the vampire.

Steve and the Winter Soldier may not have had any splendor or glittering buddha light.

However, the sound of the heavy impact and the constantly smashed walls around the two of them also showed that the battle between the two sides was still beyond the scope of ordinary people.

In the successive fights, Steve has already noticed that the man on the opposite side is not only relying on a modified metal arm, but his own strength is not too weak. Compared with the modified version of him, it also has extremely high lethality.

These, coupled with the metal arm that exceeds the strength of ordinary people, obviously increases the threat of the opponent.


He waved his own shield to block the attack of the man on the other side again.

Steve's eyes swept across the indifferent gaze of the Winter Soldier in front of him.

For some reason, the more the battle went on, the more Steve felt that the other party looked a little familiar.

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