"You know what, kid?"

Tony looked at the child in front of him who was determined to look at himself, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

With an unhappy expression, he said, "You are not cute at all."

Although, he didn't take the other party's threat too seriously.

However, he was threatened with such seriousness by this nasty little devil in front of him.

There was still a bit of impatience in Tony's heart, and these emotions showed up on his face without reservation.

"So what, I didn't expect you to like me anyway."

Hearing Tony's rude remarks, the child who had become a clone shrugged indifferently.

[From the legend of Tony Stark...]

"Calm down, Tony, he's just a kid."

Taking a deep breath, he tried to persuade himself to calm down. After a few seconds, Tony let his blood pressure drop down, and then put on a lukewarm expression and looked at the child in front of him: "Okay, you won the kid. , tell me what do you want from me, money, or what toys do you want?"

In Tony's impression, there are only a few things a child needs.

"Who wants those things."

However, upon hearing Tony's questioning, the child transformed by the avatar showed a raised expression on his face, and said angrily, "Do you think of me as a child who doesn't understand anything?"

Raising his eyebrows, Tony didn't want to be outdone. "Actually, you're a little kid who doesn't understand anything."

Ignoring Tony's sneering tone, the child murmured his **** and white eyes, swept across Iron Man with a bad expression in front of him, and finally stopped in his hand, the lion said loudly, "I want you to stretch out your hand just now 'Pfft' The weapon that flew in with a bang."

[From the legend of Tony Stark...]

"You want my gauntlet?"

Frowning, looking at the expectant little face in front of him, Tony's face showed a surprised look.


"Of course it's because he's handsome."

Glancing at Tony, the child replied with an expression you don't understand.

"You have some eyesight."

Accepting the compliment from the other party openly, Tony admitted that although this kid in front of him is not generally annoying, at least his vision is not bad.

Although he accepted the other party's compliment, Tony refused this unreasonable request without hesitation: "However, even so, I will not give you hand armor, this weapon is too much Danger is beyond the reach of a child like you."

Rejecting the child's request, Tony's expression softened a little, and then turned around.

"So, kid, you should change your request. How about Disney's toys? Generally, children as old as you should like rice..."

After curling his lips, the child replied with a dissatisfied expression: "Rats or something, I've grown tired of seeing them when I was wandering. Every time I flip through the trash, I see this thing the most."

Tony: "It's different, the other party is wearing clothes."

Child: "It's not a mouse when it wears clothes?"

Tony: "..."

Although it is very clear that the other party is completely different from what he said, Tony also has to admit that the child's words do make some sense. In particular, the child's inadvertently revealing his wandering experience softened Tony's hardened heart a little bit.

Looking down and looking at the little face in front of him, Tony sighed and let the trail walk: "Okay, if you insist."


Seeing Tony agree, a surprised expression suddenly appeared on the child's face.


Nodding, looking at the excited child in front of him, Tony has already started to think about transforming a child's version of the gauntlet in a few days and handing it over to the other party.

This not only meets the requirements of the other party, but also avoids the danger he fears.

Thinking in his heart, Tony's eyes swept across the excited child in front of him, and he couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

"Sure enough, no matter how he behaves, he is just a child after all."

"I can't see that, although you look disgusting, you are still a kind-hearted person in essence."

[From the legend of Tony Stark...]

Here, the thought in Tony's mind just flashed, and in the next second, the words from the opposite child's mouth suddenly made the smile that was slightly raised at the corner of his mouth instantly solidified.

Sure enough, this little devil, no matter how you look at it, has nothing to like about it.


"According to the laboratory's data, the number of 'pacifist' robots is rapidly decreasing, nearly 60% faster than the original plan..."

Hell's Kitchen, hideout.

In the empty space, a cold voice echoed in it.

"At this rate, after a while, with the remaining number of 'pacifists', it will no longer be able to form an effective scale of attack. Tell me, what is going on here, Jin Bing?"

"I'm also very confused about this, Doctor."

Looking down, looking at the figure on the screen in front of him whose face was obscured by shadows, Jin Bing replied respectfully.

"I have obviously followed your instructions to hide the 'pacifist' robots, but these robots have been hidden in Hell's Kitchen for some time now. The defenders are still finding traces, as if they have The 'pacifist' position is average."

"It looks like your defender should have something in their hands that can locate a 'pacifist' robot."

Hearing Jin Bing's answer, the figure on the other side, whom he called Doctor, was silent for a while, and then made a judgment.

In this regard, the figure's tone is affirmative.

After all, the process of Tony making the detector has been watched by Li Ran through his clone.

"Is there any way to block it, Doctor?"

"If I'm in New York, there's nothing wrong with it, I just need to modify the 'pacifist' signal to avoid the search."

Facing Jin Bing's question, the doctor on the screen shook his head in the shadows, and replied regretfully: "Unfortunately, I'm in Norway now, and even if I know their detection methods, I can't make changes."

Having said this, the doctor's expression turned straight, and he immediately said to Jin and said to Hell's Kitchen: "Since this is the case, there is no point in letting the 'pacifists' hide, it is better for them to destroy the 'pacifists'. 'It's better to take the initiative and kill those so-called defenders while the 'pacifists' still have the upper hand."

"I see, Doctor."

The doctor's instructions were exactly in line with Jin Bing's wishes.

During this period of time, due to concealment and the need to find a target, Kim has been forced to let go of his hatred of the Defenders and try to restrain his desire for revenge.

Answering in a low voice, a red light flashed in Jin Bing's eyes, and he deliberately asked: "But what should I do doctor about what Lord Dior explained?"

"I'll take care of Dior's affairs, you just have to do as I say."

it is as expected.

Kim was not surprised by the doctor's reaction.

As early as in the process of undergoing the transformation experiment in Norway, Jin Bing had already discovered that the relationship between the doctor and Dior was not a subordinate, and even the relationship between them was not good. The reason why the two cooperated together was simply because Jiuyou's relationship.

"Remember, during the battle, arrange as many 'pacifists' as possible to attack. I need more detailed data to prepare for the later upgrade of 'pacifists'."

"About this, Doctor, you can leave it to me with confidence."

Facing the doctor's orders, Jin and nodded.

Although the expression on his face still did not seem to change, the tone of the reply gradually turned cold and gloomy: "I will make the battle process as repeated as possible."

He has not forgotten the pain the members of the Defenders have inflicted on him.

The feeling that Daredevil's ripples melted on his body at the beginning, even if he had been replaced with a modified machine body, Jin Bing's brain still clearly remembered that feeling.

How can a mere death of an iron fist be enough to offset Jin and his hatred for the defenders.

What he wants is the lives of everyone in the entire Defenders League.


"According to the signal displayed by the probe, the next target should be in Harlem..."

In Hell's Kitchen, Steve looked down at the position displayed on the signal detector in his hand, and then reminded the defenders behind him.


Hearing that the next 'pacifist' robot is hiding in Harlem, where he lives, Luke Cage couldn't help raising his thick black eyebrows: "Look, these guys are bigger than I thought. hidden even more deeply.”

Even Luke Cage, who lives in Harlem every day, has not found any hidden traces of the 'pacifists', which shows how well these robots are hidden.

"It appears that Tony Stark does have a few brushes."

Looking back from the detector in Steve's hand, Jessica had to admit that being able to become an Avenger is indeed somewhat capable.

"In just a few days, a machine that can locate all 'pacifists' was easily created."

"Don't forget those steel suits." Hearing Jessica's sigh, Luke Cage said immediately: "It's all made by Tony Stark himself."

Think of Tony Stark, and look at the Defenders. Luke Cage clearly saw the gap between them and the Avengers.

Fortunately, the Defenders themselves do not want to compare with the Avengers, and their goal is not as lofty as Nick Fury to protect the earth.

Their purpose is very simple, to protect the Hell's Kitchen where they live from being destroyed by people like the 'pacifists' and Kim Bing in front of them.

To paraphrase a quote from Jessica.

"Let's leave the heavy mission of protecting the earth to real superheroes."


After determining the location of the 'pacifist', it is naturally time to arrange their respective tasks.

As the one with the strongest fighting power among the entire defenders, Ah Xing's task is naturally the heaviest.

For every action, he is often solely responsible for a goal.

"give it to me."

Remembering the position displayed by the detector firmly, Ah Xing nodded heavily to Steve, patted his chest and assured.

After speaking, without stopping, he immediately took off and flew towards Harlem.

"Where is our goal next?"

Looking back from Ah Xingfeiyuan's body, Jessica couldn't help but ask.

Although the ability to fly is the same, but compared with Ah Xing, Jessica's combat power is obviously weaker, so she can only fight with the defenders.

"Why don't we work in groups like that kid who flew away?"

Holding the submachine gun on his chest, Frank frowned and asked with a cold face.

Due to injuries, the Punisher was added to the team not long ago.

However, his heart for the next battle with the 'pacifists' is obviously higher than that of Steve and everyone in the Defenders League~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Axing's strength is the strongest among us Strong, however, we do not have the ability of Axing. "

Although there were not many fights together, the brutal or extreme fighting style displayed by the Punisher made it difficult for even Steve, who came off the battlefield, to accept it.

Although he was slightly dissatisfied with Frank's attitude toward the enemy, he would be more supportive for the next battle with the 'pacifists'. Steve had to endure it temporarily, just like the one he told Natasha before, for the final victory, he could make a compromise that he could accept.

Frank's expression is brutal, but his combat ability is not inferior to that of any S.H.I.E.L.D. agent he knows, and even because of his extreme fighting style, Frank's damage in combat is even stronger.

As a battle-hardened veteran, Steve is well aware that not everything goes the way you think it is, and all, in the fight against the 'pacifist' droid, even though he's already got it from Tony Looking at the detector, he still behaved cautiously.

"Harlem's 'pacifist' is handed over to Axing, and our goal is to..."

The thoughts in my mind flickered.

Steve looked down at the detector in his hand, and was about to locate the appropriate target according to the previous method.

However, the picture displayed on the detector in his hand confirmed that the expression on Captain America's face suddenly became solemn.

"What's the matter, Captain?"

Noticing the changing look on Steve's face, Luke Cage immediately asked.

At this time, Matt furrowed his brows instinctively, and the super senses enhanced by the ripples in his body vaguely sensed the unusual place in the air.

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