Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 304: inspire fighting spirit

Replace with someone else.

It is absolutely impossible for Tony to have a very good face with such an attitude towards himself.

Although he is a superhero who saves the world, it does not mean that he is easy to talk.

However, in the face of the perfunctory attitude of the takeaway child in front of him, Tony's face not only did not have any dissatisfaction, but subconsciously raised the corner of his mouth, appearing to be in a happy mood.

Tony was happy, naturally not because he saw that the other party was a child, so he was deliberately accommodating, but simply because he saw the reluctant expression put on by this annoying kid in front of him, and gloated.

That's right, the kid in front of him is the kid he saw outside the food truck not long ago, the kid who was taken in by [Xie Lu].

And the reason why he went to Stark Industries to deliver shaomai is also Tony's suggestion to let the other party be self-reliant.

Of course, the purpose of Tony making this suggestion is absolutely impossible for the other party's good.

On the contrary, it was precisely because of his dissatisfaction with this kid that Tony came up with such a solution.

A reasonable and plausible way.

"A little later than I thought."

Looking at the little face on the opposite side that was about to wrinkle into an orange, Tony only felt refreshed. The depression he had been feeling because of the other party's remarks was swept away. He lowered his head and glanced at the mechanical bracelet in his hand. Shang also said unceremoniously, "If this happens again next time, I won't tip you."

"You better not pay!"

Hearing Tony's arrogant tone, the child's originally wrinkled expression became even more wrinkled. He dragged his short legs in front of Tony reluctantly, and ruthlessly pulled the The packaging bag was handed to the well-known Iron Man, and he said in a fierce tone.

"That way I won't be able to come, and I won't have to see your annoying face again."

"How about that?"

Raising his eyebrows, he took out the prepared meal plus a tip from his pocket and handed it to the child, Tony said indifferently: "I agreed with [Xie Lu], this is A workout for you."


"I don't need your workout!"

Although he said so, but looking at Franklin in Tony's hand, the child still held the money in his hand with a duplicity of words, and happily looked at the obviously excessive expenses, and said casually: " While the siomai is still hot, eat it quickly."

"Why, it looks like you still care about me?"

Hearing the child's persuasion, Tony couldn't help showing a surprised expression on his face.

"who said it."

However, the surprised look on Tony's face didn't last for a few seconds, and the child's next words made the expression on his face less beautiful again.

I saw that he carefully folded the Franklin in his hand and put it in the small pocket of his shirt, then looked at Tony in front of him, and answered solemnly: "I'm just worried about the golden ratio burnt wheat in the bag. It's just the taste, although you hate it, after all, shaomai is innocent, and I can't make the shaomai taste bad just because I hate you."

[From the legend of Tony Stark...]

Hearing the serious reply of the kid in front of him, especially noticing that the other party's gaze was projected on the golden ratio shaomai in his hand.

I couldn't help twitching the corners of my mouth, I always felt that after meeting this kid in front of me, my mood was not very good.

"I've already paid for it, and now this bag of siomai belongs to me. I can eat it whenever I want."

"you sure?"

Lifting his head up and looking at Tony, who had a bad tone, the child said with a relaxed expression: "For dim sum cooking, time is life, especially when Master Xie's golden ratio shaomai was just released. It is the perfect time to taste. The later time goes on, the deliciousness of the siomai will be lost along with the heat. After a while, the skin of the siomai will harden. Even if you eat it again, the taste will not be able to help. It's as delicious as it is now."


Hearing the kid's words, Tony looked at him silently for a few seconds.

Only then did he move his eyes away, and hurriedly picked up the siomai in his hand and began to taste it.

Although the kid in front of him hated it, Tony had to admit that what the other party said did make some sense.

"Tony, don't tell me why you ordered takeout."

Look at the scene in the office where Tony and the child are bickering.

Natasha looked at Tony strangely and asked, "Just to do this?"

"of course not."

In response to Natasha's suspicious gaze, Tony swallowed the last shaomai in his hand, and then replied with a serious face: "My main purpose is to make it easier to eat shaomai."

Looking at Tony's serious response, the expression on Natasha's face just changed a little, and then she saw Tony's conversation on the opposite side, and then said: "The second is to let this little devil suffer."

"Hmph, I knew it!"

Hearing Tony's words, the child rolled his eyes and hummed.

"Why are you still here?"

Hearing the cold hum, Tony cast his eyes away, looked at the child who was still in the office, and unceremoniously issued an expulsion order: "Since the shaomai has been delivered, your work is over, and you can do it next. Let's go, go and deliver other people's shaomai."

"You think that everyone is like you, and you have to run errands to eat a portion of shaomai."

In the face of Tony's eviction order, the child turned his face away and made an expression of ignorance.

His eyes swept over the arrangement in the office, and soon landed on the 'pacifist' wreckage scattered on the ground in the center. He rolled his eyes and ran to the robot in a flash, reaching out and asking Said: "What is this?"

"Hey kid, don't touch it!"

Looking at the child who didn't consider himself an outsider at all, Tony couldn't help but frowned and said intimidation.

"Be careful this guy attacks you."

"Do you think I'm a kid who doesn't know anything?"

Hearing Tony's scolding, the child pouted, obviously not taking his words to heart: "This guy is already broken like this, and he can still move."

As he spoke, he stretched out his little hand and placed it on the wreckage of the 'pacifist'.

Immediately afterwards, at a moment when the Avengers didn't notice, a wisp of silver-white metal liquid crept into the broken part of the wreckage of the 'pacifist' wreckage along the child's palm.

On the surface, the child still had an expression of "as expected", turned his head and shouted at Tony behind him: "Look, I said, how could this **** robot still be..."

Click, click—

The words were not finished yet.

The only remaining one eye of the 'pacifist' in front of him cooperated, and like an old street lamp, it began to flash a dazzling red light, and then, a pitch-black muzzle protruded from its only half of the mouth.

" attack...mode..."

Then the intermittent voice from the 'pacifist' mouth, the direction the gun muzzle was aimed at, was the child in front of him.


[From the legend of Steve Rogers...]

[From the legend of Tony Stark...]

【From Natasha…】

Looking at the sudden activation of the 'pacifist', the faces of the Avengers members suddenly showed stunned expressions.

However, before they could change the expressions on their faces, the next actions of the 'pacifist' caused the expressions of several of them to change greatly.

Steve clenched the shield in his hand and rushed towards the child's position subconsciously.


Tony also stretched out his arm and shouted at Jarvis at the same time.


"what on earth is it?"

A few seconds later, Steve put down the shield in his hand, revealing the intact child under the shield. At the same time, he looked at the more broken 'pacifist' in front of him, and asked with a frown.

The 'pacifist' in front of him was brought to Tony by him, so Steve knew very well that this robot had already been damaged by the Defenders and could not be attacked.

"I don't know."

Putting down his arm wrapped around the gauntlet, Tony's expression was equally serious.

After all, it was just a short while before the kid in front of him was about to be hit by the muzzle of a 'pacifist'.

If it weren't for the captain's quick response.

Glancing at the kid who was protected by Steve, Tony breathed a sigh of relief, and then he straightened his expression and put his eyes back on the 'pacifist' in front of him, frowning and guessing: "Maybe there is a set of core programs inside the robot that has not been destroyed, but has entered a dormant state. Under the contact of this kid, the dormant state was accidentally released and re-entered the attack mode..."

"No matter what the situation is, let this robot start again, one thing is very obvious, that is, the existence of this robot is definitely not an ordinary guy."

Tony had seen the laser from the muzzle of the Pacifist that hit Steve's shield.

Although the power of the laser was not as powerful as he imagined due to the serious damage to the machine itself, Tony clearly sensed the danger of this attack from the opponent's weapon structure.

To put it bluntly, this is a more dangerous and smarter design than the lasers he has used before.

Just from the previous sudden attack, Tony had a lot of ideas for the transformation of new weapons.

"Captain, listen to what you just said, there are many such robots?"

Withdrawing his gaze, Tony immediately turned to Steve and asked.

Nodding, Steve replied honestly.

"Listen to the defenders, in Hell's Kitchen, there are more than ten 'pacifist' robots in this series as far as they know, and there will be more hidden unknown..."

"A mass-produced robot?"

Hearing Steve's answer, Tony raised his eyebrows, and his lazy mood suddenly disappeared.

He wanted to try it out, whether it was the 'pacifists' transformed by these unknown makers that were more powerful, or whether his steel armor was more powerful.

S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, inside the Tri-Curved Wing Building.

Nick Fury looked down at the USB flash drive in his hand, expressing silence.

The content in the USB flash drive comes from Natasha's copy from the ship in the previous hostage rescue operation. In theory, the content is not important, but, think of the vampires that appeared on the ship and the one Steve said. Assailants with metal arms, Nick Fury felt the need to re-examine the contents of the USB drive.

"Closed the office."

After a few seconds of silence, Nick Fury gave an order.

The office also fell into closed mode following his orders.

Glancing at the completely black window behind him, Nick Fury took out the USB flash drive in his hand and inserted it into the Supercomputer of Golden S.H.I.E.L.D.

"open a file."

"access denied."

Accepting Nick Fury's instructions, the supercomputer responded immediately.

"Run decryption."

Nick Fury was not surprised by this and continued.

"Decryption failed."

However, the next reply from the supercomputer was somewhat unexpected by the director of SHIELD.

"Super empowered, Chief Nick Fury."

Looking at the failure prompt displayed on the computer screen, Nick Fury raised his thick black eyebrows, UU reading continued.

"Authorization failed, all files are archived."

Unexpectedly, under authorization, the crack still fails.

"Who gave the order!"

"Nick Fury."

Hearing the supercomputer's answer, the expression on Nick Fury's face darkened a bit.

"Nick is really rare, you actually come to the Security Council on your own initiative."

Tri-Wing Building, where the Security Council is located.

Alexander looked at Nick Fury who appeared at the door of the office, and couldn't help but look surprised.

"I thought you didn't want to come here again. After all, I spent a lot of effort to convince them to agree to your plan during the argument between you and the Security Council."

"Actually, I thought so too." Reaching out and shaking hands with his old friend, Nick Fury turned his head and glanced at the scene on the other side of the glass, and could see that he came at a wrong time.

"It looks like you are quite busy."

"You know, because of the ship thing."

Hearing Nick Fury's words, Alexander shrugged.

"Vampires, right?" Nick Fury said, raising his eyebrows.

"That's right, those **** vampires."

Nodding, Alexander replied with the same helpless expression.

"Because of the extraordinary power involved, the attitude of the Security Council is obviously stronger. In order to appease them, I spent a lot of effort."


Silently listening to the complaint of his old friend, Nick Fury suddenly said silently: "Things have changed a little, I need your help, I hope to organize another vote and postpone the ongoing "Insight Project", Perhaps our thinking was too simplistic and didn't really take into account the dangers of this plan."

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