Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 298: skirmish

Jingle Jingle!

The metal wings behind the control were blocked in front of him like a shield. Falcon muttered while strafing the pirates around him: "If every task is so easy, that's fine."

The job of rescuing hostages may be a dangerous job in the hands of ordinary police, but it is obviously a lot easier for the well-equipped Avengers with extraordinary strength. The falcon's metal wings may not be able to withstand the high temperature of the Extremis virus, but it is obviously more than enough for the bullets of the pirates.

"Natasha, what's the situation on your side..."

Waving the shield in his hand, Steve easily knocked away the armed pirates who were stubbornly resisting, and at the same time had spare time to contact Natasha, who was operating separately through communication equipment.

"Wait a moment!"

In the face of Steve's question, there was a fierce fight coming from the other side of the headset.

Immediately after, a few seconds later, Natasha's reply came: "The engine room is done, it seems, now I am one step ahead."

Hearing Natasha's answer in the headset, Steve's mouth could not help showing a smile under the mask, and the next moment he waved his arm and knocked out the pirate in front of him again.

"team leader……"

At this moment, Falcon who was one step ahead suddenly stopped his steps and shouted to Steve behind him.

"We have arrived."

As he said that, he pointed to the position of the ship's galley in front of him, and turned his head to add: "I just took a look, and the hostages are being held here."


Hearing Falcon's reminder, Steve's face turned slightly positive, and he stepped forward with a shield in his hand and was about to break in.

I heard a rude door opening, and then an armed pirate with a submachine gun took the hostage and walked out, facing Steve in front of him, threateningly: "Stop, as long as you dare to take a step forward, I will Just kill the hostages in my hand! Trust me, I will definitely do what I say."

The aggressive offensive of the Avengers made these pirates who were responsible for keeping the hostages terrified.

Dare to continue, there are still Steve and others who will continue to attack. Although these armed pirates are vicious, their viciousness is based on the weapons in their hands. When they find that the bullets are not so easy to use, the original viciousness will naturally be Only panic was left.

After all, without the deterrence of bullets, they are at best just a group of slightly fierce ordinary people.

The hostages in the hands of the pirates obviously had a little effect.

At least, seeing the figure of the other party hijacking, Steve subconsciously stopped his steps, with a solemn expression on his face.

At the same time, a hand quietly stretched out behind him, and made a silent gesture to the falcon behind him.

Noticing the movement of Steve's hands, Falcon's eyes changed slightly, and he lowered his head and gave an order in a faint voice: "Sniper, listen to my order and start preparing."


As the Falcon's order fell, the response from the action team immediately came from the headset.

At the same time, on the deck of the ship not far away, a member of the team narrowed his eyes slightly and aimed the sniper gun in his hand at the back of the pirate who was holding the hostage.

Participating in this hostage rescue mission, it is not only the members of the Avengers.

"Three, two, one."

After receiving a reply, the expression on Falcon's face remained unchanged, but his mouth opened and closed slightly and he issued a countdown without hesitation.

As the last countdown number fell, the team members on the deck pulled the trigger, and the next second, the pirate who was holding the hostage and screaming in front of Steve screamed and fell in response. And Steve, who was standing opposite him, immediately seized the opportunity, holding a shield without hesitation, and rushed into the ship's kitchen where the hostages were being held.

The narrow space in the kitchen is inconvenient for pirates, they need to be concerned about their accomplices and dare not shoot easily.

However, for Steve, it was more like a duck to water.

Using the shield in his hand for protection, and relying on his superhuman physical fitness, Steve easily knocked down the pirates in the kitchen one by one. Seeing his relaxed appearance, it was even simpler than the previous battle on the deck.


Looking at the scene of Steve fighting, a smile appeared on Falcon's face.

However, before the smile on his face fully bloomed, the next second, the team members exclaimed from the headset: "Be careful, behind you!"

With this exclamation, Falcon immediately felt a rushing sound of breaking through the air from behind.


Facing the attack, the expression on Falcon's face suddenly changed, but his body instinctively controlled the metal wings behind him and turned it into a shield to block him.


Accompanied by the piercing sound of claws, although the metal wings blocked the sudden attack, the huge force from the claws still made Falcon stumble back several steps. Looking down, looking at the clear claw marks on the wings, the corner of Falcon's mouth twitched, a little distressed and a little fortunate: "Fortunately, I blocked it with my wings, or this claw would fall on me."

The hard wings made of special metals are still left with traces by the opponent's claws. Falcon can't imagine what the consequences will be if this shot falls on himself.

While thinking, he raised his head and set his eyes on the attacker in front of him.

"Who are you?"

Looking at the attacker in front of him, the first thing that caught Falcon's eyes was the pair of scarlet eyes. For some reason, when he met these eyes, there was always a faint sense of fear in Falcon's heart. This feeling was like Deep in the depths of genes, encounter the fear of predators.

"The one who killed you."

In the face of Falcon's questioning, the attacker grinned open the corners of his mouth, revealing the sharp teeth in his mouth, and in the next instant, the whole person turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed towards the Falcon in front of him.


The attacker's movement speed was extremely fast, and even the Falcon, who had been alert in his heart, did not expect the opponent's speed to be so fast. He controlled the metal wings behind him and wanted to block in front of him, but it seemed a little too late.

Seeing that, the sharp claws of the attacker were about to fall on him, and even Tom Falcon could clearly see the hideous smile on the opponent's face.

At the critical moment, with a dull crashing sound.

The attacker who was moving at a high speed seemed to be hit by a train and flew out, and there were several crisp sounds of bone breaking during the period.

"Are you all right, Tom?"

Taking a deep breath, Steve held up his shield and turned his head to look at Falcon beside him with concern.

Obviously, the figure who knocked away the attacker was Steve who was acting with Falcon.

"Thank you, Captain."

Looking at the attacker who was knocked into the air, he turned his head and glanced at the tall Captain America in front of him. Falcon's face showed the rejoicing of the rest of his life, patted his chest and thanked him in fear. If it wasn't for Steve's timely shot, he might be the one who fell to the ground at the moment.

"Just, at such a speed?"

After rejoicing, Falcon quickly turned his attention back to the twisted attacker lying on the ground.

Being able to have such an attack speed is obviously not something that ordinary people can have.

"It seems that these pirates are more dangerous than we originally thought."

Looking down and looking at the knocked down attacker, Steve frowned, and the expression on his face became a bit dignified. As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and was about to remind Natasha who was continuing the mission on the other side, but saw that the original sentence was knocked down by his huge strength, and the body of the attacker with broken bones moved again, and I saw him struggling. Standing up, at the same time, those twisted hands and feet on his body quickly recovered and returned to normal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Just now, it was really painful."

Reaching out, he twisted his still slightly bent neck back into place, and the attacker swept his scarlet gaze over the Falcon and Steve in front of him, grinning and revealing the sharp teeth in his mouth.


The assailant's amazing recovery ability and the sharp teeth in his mouth made Steve's pupils shrink involuntarily, and he said solemnly.


bang, bang—

He shot the pirates who were blocking his way and left the engine room where Steve's mission was arranged.

Natasha followed the route map obtained from the ship and easily found the central computer room on the other side of the deck.

There, there is the information needed by SHIELD waiting for her to process.

Although they were arranged in the same operation, it is clear that Natasha and Steve's tasks are somewhat different.

Steve's mission is biased towards the Avengers' rescue of hostages, while Natasha is more working for S.H.I.E.L.D. After all, although she is a member of the Avengers, Natasha is still essentially S.H.I.E.L.D. One of the bureau's super agents.

Reaching out to take out the USB flash drive prepared in advance and inserting it into the computer, Natasha quickly tapped her fingers on the keyboard, and soon found the part she needed and started to back it up.

"Natasha, I may need you to cooperate with the members of the team to assist the hostages. Now I have a little trouble..."

In the ear, the news of Captain America Steve came, which made the expression on Natasha's face change slightly.

She turned her head and glanced at the files transferred on the computer, and at the same time asked into the earphone: "What happened, captain?"

According to her judgment, the pirates on the ship should not be able to threaten the existence of Steve.

"It's a vampire."

At this time, Falcon's voice came, which answered Natasha's doubts.

"We were attacked by vampires in the cabin, damn..." He replied in a hurried tone, and it could be seen that Falcon's situation was not very good: "Captain, isn't there a way to kill each other at once? ?"

"Of course there are ways, but at present, we do not have the tools to destroy the other party."

In the headset, Steve's answer came again.

"However, this vampire looks different from what I remembered to a certain extent. At least in my memory, the power of vampires should not be so weak..."

During the battle, Steve also seemed to have discovered the problem with the vampire in front of him.


In the computer room, Natasha listened to the conversation between Falcon and Steve in the cabin with a solemn expression.

Unlike the deliberate concealment from Steve, Nick Fury did not conceal Natasha's intelligence about Peggy Carter and Dio Brando during this period of time, so the SHIELD agent knew very well The news of Dior's appearance and Peggy Carter's transformation into a vampire.

At this moment, the appearance of a vampire on the ship also made Natasha's relaxed state of mind immediately become serious.

She didn't think there was anything wrong with the vampires and Dio that Steve and the others had encountered right now.

Even Natasha suspected that the vampire that appeared was created by Dior.

After all, according to the data, Dior, who turned into a vampire, has a considerable degree of hostility towards Steve.

It seems that the easy task mode is over.

"Captain, hold on a little longer, I'll..."

With such thoughts flashing in her mind, Natasha turned her head and glanced at the data on the computer, and said something to Steve.


However, before Natasha's words came to with a crash.

The same figure with scarlet eyes and sharp teeth appeared in the computer room.

Turning his head and sweeping the computer room, the other party quickly locked his gaze on Natasha in front of the computer, and said with a grim expression: "I said that I smelled the smell, and sure enough, there are mice secretly hiding here."

"Rat?" Hearing the other party's description, Natasha couldn't help frowning: "This is not a title for a lady."

While speaking, Natasha pressed the device on her wrist, two faint blue halos flashed from her hands, turned her head and swept the transmission data on the computer screen, and Natasha rushed towards the vampire in front of her. past.

Although she knew that vampires were difficult to deal with, Natasha had to take action to prevent the other party from destroying the equipment in the computer room.



Waving the shield in his hand, he knocked the vampire in front of him to the ground again.

Steve looked at the struggling vampire on the ground, stretched out his hand and grabbed the steel arm on the side, then unloaded it, and then twisted the steel bar to bend it suddenly with force, and nailed the vampire in front of him to the deck of the ship. On, and then, Steve worked hard, using the steel bar at hand to penetrate the vampire's body to prevent the other party from healing, and at the same time make the other party unable to stand up again.


Bending more than a dozen steel bars in a row, pinning the vampire in front of him firmly, even Steve felt a little tired.

However, looking down at the screaming and struggling vampire, a doubtful look flashed in Steve's eyes.

Obviously, although the vampire in front of him also possesses superhuman speed and healing abilities, the abilities the other party possesses are far from what he had imagined.

At least, in his memory, vampires shouldn't be so weak.

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