Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 296: Missing

Peggy Carter, who has no memory of agents, is a strong woman. She lived in that era of discrimination, but she became a legendary agent stronger than men.

Such a person would never turn himself into a vampire for fear of aging.

After being exposed by Agent May, Dior didn't have the slightest embarrassment on his face, he still maintained his bewitching appearance and grinned: "Well, I admit, Carter is really amazing, even if he is still as old as he is. Rejected my proposal, but so what, she still turned into a vampire in the end. To be honest, I was looking forward to how Steve would look when he heard the news, and the person he loved became Evil vampire, what kind of decision will the great Captain America make, whether to kill the killer or suffer endlessly, when I think of Steve's face in the face of all this, I feel a burst of joy, and it really won in the end It's me, Dior!"

Dior's vile and evil speech made Agent May's expression silent. She looked at the evil face of the other party, and keenly grasped a few key points from her words: "Steve? Do you know Captain America?"

[From the legend of Melinda May...]

It is not surprising to know Captain America. In the context of the propaganda of the victorious countries in World War II, Washington has always strived to promote Captain America as a representative figure of the American spirit.

However, listening to Dior's words is not just a simple understanding of what Captain America means.


Agent May was so cooperative in raising questions, Dior naturally would not let it go, a strange smile appeared on his bewitching face, Dior looked at the not-so-young face of Agent May in front of him, and said in a slow but bewitching tone: "I Steve and Steve are more than just getting to know each other, really speaking, we have fought side by side in battles, and even, the person who almost became Captain America is me, not him."

[From the legend of Melinda May...]

The latter sentence is purely what Dior said casually. After all, he is very clear that the candidate for Dr. Abraham Erskine is very clear, that is Steve.

However, Agent May didn't know about this, and when she heard Dior's secret, she felt a wave in her heart.

If everything Dior said is true, then, apparently, she unknowingly knew a secret about the creation of Captain America during World War II that was almost overshadowed by history or the American military.

"However, I'm glad that the original experiment did not choose me as Captain America."

On this side, Agent May was heartbroken because of the sudden inside story, but Dior on the other side continued to smile and said: "Otherwise, I would not have obtained the stone ghost face, and finally obtained the power beyond human beings and become the undead vampire. king."

Saying that, Dio turned his scarlet eyes to Agent May in front of him, swept across her resolute face, raised the corners of his mouth and bewitched: "How, if you want, I can give you and me eternal life, as long as you want. Just nod your head."

"I don't want to be a monster like you."

Facing Dior's bewitchment, Agent May pursed his lips slightly, showing the firm will of the agents of SHIELD.

As a battle-hardened operative, she is well aware of the malicious intent behind Dior's seduction.

"That's a pity."

Hearing Agent May's categorical refusal to answer, Dio shook his head slightly, with a look of disappointment in his tone, but there was no trace of regret on his face.

"If that's the case, then I have to kill you."

Saying that, the expression on Dio's face suddenly changed, and it instantly became hideous.

At the same time, the malice on his body also manifested in an instant, as it shrouded the SHIELD agent in front of him.

Feeling the malice that rushed towards his face, Agent May's body instinctively tensed up.

She could feel that Dio's malicious killing intent was not something she could resist.

But even so, she still firmly took out the pistol on her body, and turned it to Dior in front of her facelessly.

Agent May is called "Iron Cavalry" within S.H.I.E.L.D., although she herself is quite resistant to this title, because it represents a bad experience in her past. However, it is precisely that experience that has long given her a tenacious will like an iron knight.

Even in the face of an invincible opponent like Dior, Agent May would choose to fight against it, rather than sit still.

"Good will."

Glancing across the dark muzzle in front of him, Dio raised his eyebrows and praised, and the next moment he appeared behind Agent May, stretched out his sharp fingers and turned to the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent: "Unfortunately, this world, In my eyes, it is like an animal waiting to be slaughtered, without the slightest threat..."

Seeing that, Dio's fingers were about to penetrate Agent May's body.


At this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded.

Dio, who was attacking, stopped his fingers instantly, and his sharp nails stopped just a few centimeters from Mette's forehead.

If the voice was a little later, perhaps all he saw at the moment was the cold body of Agent May.

Preventing Dior from killing Agent May, Peggy Carter appeared beside the two with a cold face. She glanced at Agent May with a complicated look, and then said to Diao who was on the side: "I know your purpose. , it's all for Steve, in that case, you shouldn't kill her, otherwise, who will pass the message to S.H.I.E.L.D., let the Avengers and... Steve know."

His eyes turned from Agent May in front of him to Peggy Carter who was on the side, and Dio suddenly put away his palm and grinned with approval: "Indeed, you are right, if you kill her Well, who told Steve that you were transformed into a vampire by me?"

Seeing that he had successfully persuaded Dior not to take action against Agent May, the expression on Peggy Carter's face was still cold, but the look in his eyes changed slightly.

However, at the moment when Peggy Carter relaxed, Dior, who had turned around, suddenly let out a sharp laugh: "But, who said I needed her to spread the news for me."

With that said, Dio turned around suddenly, folded his palms into sharp weapons, and without hesitation, stabbed towards Agent May behind him.

"don't want!"

Seeing Dior's sudden attack, Peggy Carter's icy expression suddenly changed, and he almost blurted out.

[From the legend of Peggy Carter...]

[From the legend of Melinda May...]

The sharp nails wiped Agent May's face, leaving a light blood mark on her face. Dio turned his head to look at Peggy Carter, and said with a bewitching expression: "It seems that she is very fond of you. Important, Peggy Carter?"

Through Peggy Carter's subconscious reaction, Dior had already seen that the relationship between the two was extraordinary.

Meet Dior's scarlet eyes and the playful look in his eyes.

At this moment, Peggy Carter is still unclear, and he has been completely seen through by Dior.


She was silent for a while, then looked at Agent May in front of her and admitted, "She used to be one of my trained agents."

"Are you a former disciple?" Hearing Peggy Carter's answer, Dio turned to look at Agent May in front of him again, he retracted his palm and stretched out his tongue to lick the blood on his fingertips, laughing wildly: " This is really an interesting encounter like fate, the former trainer has become a vampire, what kind of choice will you make in the face of such a result?"

As he spoke, Dior stuck out his body and looked at Agent May with his scarlet eyes, the smile on his face became more and more twisted and bewitching: "I'm looking forward to one day in the future, the day when you master and apprentice will fight with each other. , In order to be able to see that day, I decided to let you go, and at the same time wait for this day to come, I hope you won't let me down by then."

After speaking, Dio retracted his gaze and turned his body.

In the night sky, the moonlight filtered through his tall and straight body, pulling the shadow into a long line.

Dior's figure disappeared instantly.

[From the legend of Melinda May...]

Looking at Dior's disappearing figure, Peggy Carter retracted his gaze, looked at Agent May in front of him, and said with a complicated expression: "Melinda, tell S.H.I.E.L.D. everything you've seen, and... Steve, Dior's purpose in New York is not simple, he has a bigger conspiracy behind it."

Hearing Peggy Carter's reminder, Agent May looked up at Agent Carter, who had regained his youthful appearance, before saying, "Peggy, you can go back to S.H.I.E.L.D. with me, even if you become After the vampire, S.H.I.E.L.D. should have a way to kill you..."

"It's not that simple."

Hearing Agent May's suggestion, Peggy Carter couldn't help shaking his head and pointed to his forehead with a bitter expression.

I saw there, bright red veins like cobwebs suddenly appeared on it.

"Dio implanted [granulation] on my body, through these [granulation] he can easily control my body, if I go back to S.H.I.E.L.D. with you, then it will definitely be a game for S.H.I.E.L.D. Catastrophe."

Agent May fell into silence when he looked at the hideous [granulation] on Peggy Carter's forehead and her answer.



"The Centipede Organization?"

"Spider organization?"

S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury looked at the information obtained by the special agent team, and the expression on his face did not change in the slightest.

However, this is all just an appearance.

In fact, as early as the moment when Agent Phil passed the information about these two organizations, Nick Fury was keenly aware of a problem. Without hesitation, he launched a self-cleaning operation for S.H.I.E.L.D., and as a result, it was no surprise that several researchers who were suspected to be secret agents were found from the inside.

However, in the face of such a result, instead of being relieved, Nick Fury felt a little bit of unease in his heart again.

For some reason, Nick Fury always felt that everything was not as simple as it seemed.

Looking back now, the self-cleaning operation that I launched has certainly found suspicious characters within S.H.I.E.L.D., but at the same time, it has also stunned the snakes, making some guys more secretive and difficult to find out.

"It seems that it is still a little too impulsive."

Frowning slightly, Nick Fury really thought about his previous actions.

Suddenly, a knock from the door interrupted his thoughts.

"Come in."

Quietly putting away his expression, Nick Fury immediately replied to the door.

Immediately afterwards, Agent Phil walked in with Agent Hill with a solemn expression on his face.

"Sir, there is something important to report to you!"

Coming to Nick Fury's office, Agent Phil was about to speak almost subconsciously.

However, Nick Fury in front of him raised his hand to stop Agent Phil's impulsive reaction. His eyes swept over Agent Hill behind The other party comprehended and retreated from the office, and kindly Reluctantly closed the door.

It's not that Nick Fury doesn't trust Agent Hill. In fact, if there is trust in the entire S.H.I.E.L.D., Agent Hill is definitely the top three existences in Nick Fury's mind. It's just that everything is about confidentiality, and even if Nick Fury trusts Agent Hill again, there can be no data flow.

With Nick Fury's interruption, Agent Phil apparently also realized that his previous reaction was a little too impulsive.

It's just that he can't blame him for all this. After all, the news that Agent May brought back was too shocking, even as a SHIELD agent, he couldn't maintain a normal mentality to face some. In particular, it also involved his idol, Captain America Steve.

When Agent Hill went out, Nick Fury took his eyes back to Agent Phil in front of him: "Tell me, what is it, Agent?"

After a brief pause before, Agent Phil regained his calm appearance. Facing Nick Fury's question, he took a deep breath and replied, "Actually, we have found Peggy Carter... …”

[The legend from Nick Fury...]

Hearing the first sentence of Agent Phil's opening report, the expression on Nick Fury's face has changed a little, but before the expression of the director of SHIELD has calmed down, Agent Phil's next words are again. Made him look surprised.

"It's just that when we found Peggy Carter, the other party had been transformed into a vampire, and according to the agent May who had contacted the other party before, the person who transformed Peggy Carter into a vampire was called Dio, Dio Bran Spend……"


[The legend from Nick Fury...]

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