Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 285: Weaknesses

"However, the situation of the medicine injected by the other party doesn't look like magic, right?"

On the side, Falcon couldn't help but silently complained after listening to his father's description.

Ignoring the broken-mouthed Falcon, the father continued to say to the [Uncle Long] in front of him: "The [Dog Charm] will give you the power of immortality, and the [Dragon Charm] will give you the power to explode, these two The magical power of the spell will be your guarantee against the spider monster."

"But, daddy, spells are a kind of containment after all. Didn't Sato's appearance just now prove that using spells will have extremely strong side effects?"

Considering his status as an income expert at the foundation, [Uncle Long] immediately looked worried.

"Dad knows that the spell has side effects, and Daddy doesn't have Alzheimer's. Of course, he remembers the tragic situation of that guy just now."

Touching his chin, the old man replied with an expectant expression: "[Dog Charm] The power of immortality is obviously the price of undeath by consuming the life force of the bearer, if the spell is used excessively for a long time The power of the talisman will naturally become like that, but if you just use the power of the spell a little, it will consume a few days of life force at most, and you will become weaker afterwards, and it will not be exaggerated like that guy."

"How many days of vitality?!"

Hearing his father's reply, [Uncle Long] showed an obviously unwilling expression on his face.

"Father, is there no other way, or do you have any magic that can directly destroy the opponent."

"If there is this kind of magic, Dad, I won't be talking nonsense with you here." Seeing the appearance of [Uncle Long] pushing three and four, Dad's voice was raised again: "You have only a few days of vitality, don't you? Even if you don’t want to pay, or say, you want to watch Dad support his old arms and legs to fight that big spider in person!”

"Okay, Dad, I know."

Seeing that the expression on his father's face gradually became dangerous, [Uncle Long] immediately shrank his neck and obediently grabbed the two spells in his hands.

In the next second, he put on a full expression.

Raising his hand, a familiar blasting force instantly appeared from the hand of the clone [Uncle Long].

The so-called spell power is naturally false.

After all, really speaking, Li Ran's only real spell is the [Tiger Charm].

However, by integrating the two character cards of [Sato] and [Bakugou Shengji] that appeared before into the body of the clone [Uncle Long], Li Ran also indirectly created [Dragon] in front of the Avengers members. Uncle] is using the effect of the spell.

"Dad, let's see next, ah..."

Feeling the powerful blasting power in the palm of his hand, [Uncle Long] turned his head and said a word to the old man beside him.

However, before the words in his mouth were finished, the blasting force in his palm exploded uncontrollably in the next second, pushing the body of the clone [Uncle Long] like a rocket towards the half-human half-spider on the opposite side. Killian flew over.

"Ah~ unlucky, unlucky, unlucky!"

He tried his best to control the blasting power on his body, but he couldn't change his flight direction. Seeing that the distance between him and Kirian was getting closer and closer, he could even clearly see the two fangs on his mouth. The brown hair on his avatar, the expression on the face of the clone [Uncle Long] suddenly became flustered.

"Father, isn't there a way to stop the power of the spell?"

"Sink down, Aaron!"

Closing his hands on both sides of his mouth, the old man hurriedly shouted at the running [Uncle Long]: "The power of the spell is controlled by the bearer's heart, as long as you stop thinking about it, the blasting power of the [Dragon Charm] It will stop too, and you have to use your inner strength.”

"Use your inner strength."

Hearing his father's warning, the clone [Uncle Long] turned his head and glanced at Killian, who was facing the grim posture. He hurriedly closed his eyes and pretended to be sullen for a few seconds, and then the blasting power that went berserk on his body also stopped.

"Dad, I did it, and what you said really..."

Feeling that the powerful blasting force on his body disappeared, [Uncle Long] opened his eyes, deliberately made an excited expression and shouted to the old man behind him.


However, after shouting for a few seconds, the figure of the clone [Uncle Long] rushed straight to Killian under the inertia of the blasting force.

Under the opponent's sharp claws, it directly turned into a **** gourd string.

[From the legend of Steve Rogers...]

[From the legend of Tony Stark...]

[The legend from Hawkeye Clinton...]

[From the legend of Falcon Sam Weir...]

【From Natasha...】

Looking at the [Uncle Dragon] who sent himself to Killian's claws in just a few seconds, the faces of the Avengers seemed to show disbelief.

They couldn't imagine that the containment specialist who was still shouting a moment ago died in the blink of an eye.

"how come."

"Who can tell me what happened just now?"

However, before waiting for the stunned expressions on the faces of the Avengers to change, they were pierced by Killian's sharp spider claws. The spider's claw broke free, clutching the big hole in his body and shouting to his father: "Dad, you never said that it will hurt so much after using the power of the [Dog Charm]."

"Dad, I have never said such a thing. [Dog Spell] is the power that gives the bearer an immortal body, and it is not a painless effect."

"I've forgotten about the immortality that I have this power!"

Looking at [Uncle Long] who was "resurrected" again and his father's answer, the Avengers suddenly reacted. In addition to the power of [Uncle Dragon] that exploded, he also took the power of the [Dragon Charm] that Sato just used. The immortal [Dog Charm]. It's just, because everything that happened just now, from taking out the spell from the clone to dying under Killian's claws, was too fast.

As a result, the Avengers did not react for a while, and now [Uncle Long] has the same ability to be immortal as Sato before.

"Jarvis, why didn't you just remind me of this"

In mid-air, Tony's expression under the helmet changed several times in twists and turns, and finally relaxed a little again, and couldn't help asking Jarvis.

As a human, he may have overlooked this point, but Jarvis, who is an artificial intelligence, should clearly know that this is in the hands of Mr. Long, the containment expert, and he already has the [Dog Charm].

"I thought you already knew that, sir."

Jarvis's tone remained the same, but there was always a sense of mocking Tony in it.


"Is this the power of the [Dog Charm]?"

Uncle Long released his palms that had been covering his body, and [Uncle Long] looked down at the wound on his chest that had completely healed. The clean chest on his body was really unimaginable. A few seconds ago, there was a **** hole here. .

[From the legend of Steve Rogers...]

[From the legend of Tony Stark...]

[The legend from Hawkeye Clinton...]

[From the legend of Falcon Sam Weir...]

【From Natasha...】

Not only [Uncle Long], but the members of the Avengers also showed different reactions to this, although in the previous battle with [Sato], the opponent has repeatedly shown the strength of the immortal body. However, another person, especially the familiar Avengers, can show such ability again, and it still makes them unable to hide their inner surprise.

"Immortal body, even if I look at it a few times, it is still shocking."

Looking at the resurrected clone [Uncle Long], Hawkeye blinked his sharp eyes, and couldn't help but muttered to himself.

As early as in the previous battle, he still repeatedly experienced the difficulty of the so-called immortal body. Fortunately, the user of this intractable ability is now his comrade-in-arms.


The resurrection of the clone [Uncle Long] was seen by the Avengers.

Naturally, it also fell among the eight eyes of Kiriana's mutation, although the chaotic thinking made him unable to analyze the reason for the resurrection of the clone. However, seeing the prey that had died under his claws rise up again, Killian instinctively felt provocation and used it as a provocation for the prey by the prey.

Opening his hideous mouth, he roared at [Uncle Long] angrily.

Killian's sharp roar brought back the thoughts of the clone walking away.

Looking closely at Killian's mutated appearance, Li Ran in the antique shop couldn't help but feel fortunate. Fortunately, he saw that the introduction of [Secret Elixir] was not right, and he did not rashly use his own experiments. Now it seems that this medicine Certainly not a good thing. Thanks to him for keeping an eye out.

"Dad, he seems **** off."

"Aaron, don't hesitate. Although the [Dog Charm] can keep you from dying, if you die too many times, it will consume more than just a few days of vitality as Daddy said before."

Looking at [Uncle Long] who was still standing in front of Killian in a dazed look, the old man quickly reminded him.

"Sorry, for the sake of my life." Hearing his father's reminder, [Uncle Long] quickly put on a reaction expression, looked at the opposite Kirian and raised his palm to generate explosive power: "Only I can beat you."


The strong blasting force was generated from the palm of the clone, and instantly fell on the opposite Killian.

The violent impact of the explosion and the scorching of the flames caused Killian to let out a mournful cry, and black scars appeared on his body that had not healed for a long time.

But in the next instant, as the temperature of Killian's body rose, these wounds healed again.

Roaring and opening his mouth, the dark red corrosive venom spurted out of Killian's mouth immediately.


Raising his hand to create a blast to blast himself away from his original position, the clone [Uncle Long] looked at the ground quickly corroded by the venom, with a look of fear on his face.

"Fortunately I'm fast enough..."

Before the words fell from his mouth, Killian on the other side waved the appendages on his back and jumped suddenly, jumping in front of the clone.


The blasting power from [Uncle Long] hit Killian's stomach, directly blowing off a large piece of flesh and blood on his body. Then, a few seconds later, with a burst of scorching high temperature, the wound left by the blasting returned to its original state.

Roaring and launching spider silk to trap the opposite [Uncle Long], the venom sprayed from his mouth directly melted the opposite clone's head. However, in the next second, the corroded body came back to life without falling down.

"Seriously, in this kind of battle, is there still room for us to intervene?"

Looking at the battle between Killian and [Uncle Long], any injury to an ordinary person would be enough to kill him, Falcon responded with a wry smile to the rest of the Avengers beside him. They said: "Perhaps, only another big guy can withstand such a dangerous fighting method."

"Aaron, have you forgotten Dad's reminder, if you continue like this, you will die too many times, but you will have to pay a big price!"

"Of course I know that, daddy." Avoiding Killian's attack by using the blaster in his hand, [Uncle Long] made a breathless expression: "I have tried very hard to attack, but I just didn't. The way to kill the opponent, the healing ability of the is just as difficult to deal with as the undead power of the [Dog Charm], Dad, is there no weakness in his ability?"

"Dad, I'm only in charge of magic, and the other party's healing obviously has nothing to do with magic."


On this side, the father made an expression of helplessness, and on the other side, Tony heard [Uncle Long]'s reminder in mid-air, and quickly ordered Jarvis in the helmet: "Jarvis, immediately put the information related to the desperate virus. Show me all the information!"

"Okay, sir."

Following Tony's order, Jarvis immediately displayed all the information related to the Extremis virus on the virtual screen in front of Tony's eyes.

Inside the helmet, Tony's eyes quickly swept across the information in front of him, and quickly locked one of the key contents.

"Temperature, yes, it's this! I actually ignored this most crucial point."

Looking at the content of the information, Tony's face in the steel battle suit showed a sudden color, and without hesitation, he shouted to the avengers below: "The weakness of the desperate virus on Killian is temperature, as long as we can The constant attacks forced him to continuously raise the temperature of his body to heal, even the mutated body would have a limit, and then he would explode like other soldiers who were injected with the desperate virus..."

"Looks like it's finally our turn to take action."

Hearing Tony's analysis, the Avengers who had been silently watching the battle followed suit.

Steve raised the shield in his hand, Hawkeye pulled the bowstring in his hand again, and even Luke, who had not shown much since his debut with Tony, also picked up the revolver in his hand, showing a look of eagerness to try.

It can be said that Tony's remarks successfully blew the horn of the Avengers' battle.

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