Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 280: 0 jun 1 round

"Sorry, I have to listen to Daddy."

Hearing the reminder from behind, [Uncle Long]'s expression straightened, he waved the dried puffer fish in his hand and hit Sato on the opposite side.


With a heavy blow, Sato's entire body rolled and fell.

"The ability of the magic pufferfish is so strong?"

Looking at Sato's body flying out, [Uncle Long] had a puzzled expression on his face at the right time. He looked down at the dried puffer fish in his hand, and reminded him with a voice that Steve could hear behind him.

Hearing [Uncle Long]'s words, Steve's heart suddenly felt a little bit of vigilance. Looking in the direction in front of him, he immediately saw Sato lying on the ground, and one hand just happened to grab one. Dropped on top of the pistol there.

"Be careful!"

Noticing this scene, Steve's face changed slightly, and his body instinctively raised his shield in front of [Uncle Long].

Grabbing the pistol on the ground and getting up, Sato squinted and gestured the muzzle towards Steve in front of him, but immediately turned the muzzle at his head under his astonished gaze, and the next second Chung pulled the trigger without hesitation.


With a loud gunshot, a bright red bullet scar on Sato's head was clearly visible.

[From the legend of Steve Rogers...]

[The legend from Hawkeye Clinton...]

【From Natasha...】

Bearing the bullet marks on his head, Sato staggered in his footsteps. Seeing that he was about to fall down, he regained his swaying footsteps again in the next instant.

He slowly raised his head, the original clear bullet marks on his head also disappeared, and his squinting and smiling expression reappeared on his face, looking at Steve and [Uncle Long] opposite: "Sure enough, the immortal body The effect has not disappeared, my guess is correct, the so-called magical pufferfish in your hand does not have the ability to eliminate the undead body."


In the distance, when he saw Sato shooting himself, Dad's expression suddenly changed.

"Aaron, I told you to hurry up and find out the dog spell on him. Look, it's troublesome now!"

"Dad, before I take action, at least remind me of the effect of the magic puffer fish." Hearing the scolding of the father behind him, [Uncle Long] couldn't help but refute.

"Is this still Dad's fault? As the Foundation's containment expert, have you forgotten the simple common sense that magic cannot be eliminated as a spell for containment? Your containment work over the past few years. , is it all for nothing, Aaron! It takes my father to remind me to know."


Obviously, Dad's rebuttal made [Uncle Long] a little speechless.

He looked down at the magic puffer fish in his hand, then turned to look at Sato opposite, and then whispered to Steve in front of him.

"It seems that the only way now is to suppress the opponent, and then find the [dog spell] on him according to Dad's method."

"I'm responsible for suppressing Sato, and Mr. Long is responsible for finding the spell."

Hearing [Uncle Long]'s suggestion, without any hesitation, Steve responded immediately, nodded, raised the shield in his hand, and rushed towards Sato in front of him.


Seeing Captain America rushing forward, Sato narrowed his eyes into a line.

Reaching out and tearing a ragged strip of cloth from his tattered clothes, Sato tied his hand and the pistol firmly. Immediately afterwards, he raised the corner of his mouth and showed a signature smile to Steve in front of him, and at the same time took out the last grenade from behind, opened his mouth and bit the fuse above: "No matter what you do, the result is doomed. , I, who have an immortal body, are invincible."


As Sato's voice fell, a violent explosion accompanied by firelight appeared from his body.

The huge explosion and flames forced Steve to raise the shield in his hand, and then the special vibration gold shield blocked the impact of the fire and explosion.

Steve used the shield to block the explosion. However, the [Uncle Long] behind him was not so lucky. Although Captain America in front of him blocked most of the explosion for him, even the remaining With a little impact, the avatar was still blasted out, and even the dried puffer fish in his hand turned into dried puffer fish in the explosion.

"My magical pufferfish!"

Looking at the [Uncle Long] who was blasted away by the explosion, the old man felt distressed about his dry puffer fish.

Then, he immediately turned his attention to Sato, who was the source of the explosion.

The explosion produced by the grenade was so powerful that even Sato, who had an immortal body, was also shattered in the explosion, but in the face of such a result, neither Dad nor Steve relaxed their vigilance, after all , They all know that Sato, who has an immortal body, is not an existence that will be killed by a bomb so easily.

Sure enough, under the watchful eyes of the Avengers, Sato's broken arm, which was tied to the pistol, began to regenerate rapidly. In the blink of an eye, Sato, who had been blown to pieces, was resurrected again.

[From the legend of Steve Rogers...]

[The legend from Hawkeye Clinton...]

[From the legend of Falcon Sam Weir...]

【From Natasha...】

Resurrecting from one arm, Sato opened his eyes and turned into a squinting expression again, looking at Steve in front of him, the smile on his face was the same as before: "For me, who is immortal, This battle has been doomed from the beginning, I can die countless times and then come back to life, and as long as you die once, there is no chance for you to come again."


Sato's remarks, combined with the scene of his resurrection through [Demihuman] ability, is undoubtedly a huge setback for the Avengers including Steve.

"Aaron," however, just as the old man spoke again, he shouted at [Uncle Long]: "The arm, that arm, the [dog spell] should be in the arm he resurrected, as long as If you can take the [Dog Charm] off of him, his ability to be immortal will disappear immediately."


Hearing Dad's reminder, [Uncle Long] cooperated and stood up again, and Steve subconsciously put his eyes on Sato's arm.

Noticing the eyes of the people on the opposite side, Sato almost instinctively blocked his hand back, but he quickly reacted to his arrogant approach, obviously admitting what his father said correctness. The smile on his face slowly fell, and Sato's narrowed eyes flashed dangerously.

"Even if you find out, I will kill you one by one before that."



With a blasting sound, Falcon's body fell from mid-air, smashing a shallow hole on the ground.

Controlling the metal wings behind him and waving it with difficulty, Falcon clutched his chest and shouted to Hawkeye and others not far away: "Although I am very clear about your relationship with the captain, if possible, Can you also give me a little more attention?"

As he spoke, Falcon controlled his wings to support his staggering footsteps: "After all, no matter what, I'm also in the battle, aren't I?"

Falcon's opening made the remaining Avengers react, and it was not only Steve who was fighting with the [Holy Lord]'s men in front of him.


He raised his hand and released two blasters on the ground as a buffer. Bakugou fell steadily, his reckless gaze swept over the Falcon in front of him, Natasha and the others who were not far away, grinned and said with a rebellious expression: "Just right , you are all here, then I don't need to waste time to find you one by one, now, let me solve all of you."

After speaking, without the slightest hesitation, Bakugou raised his hands to aim at the crowd in front of him, his palms began to condense with the blasting power generated by [Characteristics], and a fierce fire flickered.

"Both go……"

The two palms released a huge blasting power, and Bakugou shouted with a grim expression.

"Dad, don't you have any way to save us?"

Facing the blasting attack so close at hand, Falcon controlled the metal wings behind him and turned it into a huge shield to block in front of him, but the expression on his face did not show much confidence.

"Dad hopes to have it too, but unfortunately, there is no such magic."


Seeing that, the blaster in the hands of Bakugou was about to come.

Judging from the blasting power condensed in Bakugou's hands, Natasha and the others couldn't even escape.


At the critical moment, a crisp gunshot sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a bullet pierced through the void, and instantly appeared in front of Bakugou,


Seeing the bullet appearing in front of him, Bakugou subconsciously raised his palm to aim at the direction the bullet came from. The blasting force that he had been trying to maintain was instantly out of control because of this sudden bullet, and it exploded directly from his palm. Come out, forming a huge fire and shock in front of you.

The blasting power emitted from Bakugou's palm is enormous, but no matter how powerful the power is, it still has no effect if it does not hit the target.

"Sorry, we're a little late."

After successfully saving Natasha and others, Tony's voice also sounded.

Looking in the direction of the voice, Natasha and the others immediately noticed Tony who appeared there, and Luke who was dressed as a cowboy beside him.

"Looks like I've missed an important fight?"

Glancing at Sato not far away, Tony raised his eyebrows, then looked at the huge pothole in front of him, and said involuntarily.

"Actually, you arrived just in time, Tony."

Seeing Tony appearing in front of her, the expression on Natasha's face changed, and then changed to a look called trust.

"Don't worry, leave the next battle to me." Looking at Natasha and the rest of the Avengers, Tony nodded and walked to Bakugou and stopped in front of him, his face full of expression. He raised his arm confidently and said in a deep voice, "After all, I've been looking forward to this battle for a long time."

"Jarvis, come on!"


After saying a lot of vows, Tony raised his arms and shouted aloud.

However, the result in front of him slapped the Iron Man directly in the face.

As his shouts fell, the expected steel battle suit did not fly with it, and there was obviously a glitch in the screen that Tony had prepared for his debut.

"Cough cough."

Facing the embarrassing result in front of him, Tony coughed awkwardly: "It was just a little trick I did to ease the atmosphere, in fact, the next thing is my real performance, Jarvis ,bring it on!"


The second time, speak again.

However, Jarvis still didn't show up in a rather disrespectful manner.

Under such circumstances, even Tony, who had tried his best to maintain his expression, was almost unable to maintain it.

"What is this guy doing?"

Looking at Tony who was playing awkwardly at the air in front of him, Dad deliberately asked with an unknowing blank expression.

"Since just now has been gesturing something."

"I think Mr. Stark should be summoning his own battle suit." As a member of the Avengers, Falcon is obviously no stranger to the situation in front of him, but the scene of Tony overturning the car in front of him also made him a little difficult to explain. Can reply vaguely: "Maybe it's because Florida is a little far away, so..."

"You guy, are you acting or what?!"

Here, Falcon is still explaining to Dad.

On the other hand, Bakugou already showed a dissatisfied expression, he looked at Tony, who was raising his arms in front of the awkward expression, with a resolute expression: "Or, what you call real is to do this kind of meaningless gesture in front of me. Actions."

"Actually, it was just a small miscalculation."

In the face of Bakugou's angry questioning, Tony coughed and explained with an embarrassed expression: "Jarvis suffered damage in the previous battle, so there is such an obvious mistake, otherwise, with its Computing power, it is completely impossible for such a thing to happen.”

Tony tried hard to explain the reason why such a situation occurred.

However, the reasons in his mouth obviously did not have any effect on the results in front of him.

After listening to the reason given by Tony, Bakugou directly raised his palm to condense the blasting power, and said coldly: "I don't care if you made a mistake or what, since you dare to rush in front of me, then be ready to be blasted by me. Prepare to blow up."

As Bakugou's voice fell, the crimson blasting power in his palm began to flicker.

Seeing this scene, Hawkeye quickly reached out and grabbed an arrow, aiming at Bakugou and planning to shoot.

However, at this moment, the familiar sound of breaking the air sounded from the air.

Hearing this voice, the expression on Tony's face also regained his previous confidence.

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