Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 273: Desperate Virus

bang, bang—

With a shrill scream, Tony ran out of the bar with his hands tied behind his back.

"Hey, you want to find someone to fight, come, I'll accompany you..."

Looking back at the chaotic bar, Tony's expression was also a little frightened. After all, just a minute ago he saw that the scarred woman who appeared directly burned the town sheriff's stomach with one hand.

To the cruel scarred woman provocatively, Tony turned around and was planning to lead the other party to another place, but a man on the side of the road who was obviously an accomplice of the other party stopped Tony's original steps, and quickly turned his head and ran in the other direction. .

Dodging behind a car, Tony looked down at the man who was also hiding under the car, and pulled the corner of his mouth to reveal a forced smile: "Crazy day, isn't it?"

"That's right."

Nodding his head, the man looked at the panicked crowd that was constantly running and scattered around, and replied with great approval.

"Look at me."

Tony stuck his head out and glanced at the scarred woman's figure, turned his head and glanced at the shop where the car was parked, took a deep breath and jumped into the glass and rushed in.

Passive escape is not his Tony Stark style.


"You can't escape, Tony Stark!"

Lifting her legs, she kicked down the door of the store. The scarred woman looked at the empty store with a hideous smile on her scarred face.

"Looks like you know who I am."

In the store, Tony kicked over the oil tank in the store, trying to find a tool to remove the handcuffs, while delaying the time.

"Of course, how could I not know that you, Tony Stark, a billionaire, and us ordinary people exist in completely two worlds."

"You don't look like an ordinary person."

Glancing at the shelves in front of him, Tony couldn't help but raised his eyebrows in response to the scarred woman's answer.

This kind of power that can burn through a person's stomach with one hand doesn't look like the power that ordinary people would have.

"What is your purpose..."

"Got you!"

Here, Tony also tried to use words to delay time, and suddenly heard a low voice from the scarred woman on the other side.


Immediately afterwards, Tony turned around and saw the other's hideous face appearing in front of him.

"Glad to meet again, Tony Stark."

She opened her mouth to reveal a penetrating smile, and the scarred woman looked at Tony in front of her, and suddenly grabbed his neck and lifted him up.

"You still ordinary person?"

Feeling the feeling of suffocation coming from his neck, Tony struggled and said with difficulty.

He didn't think that an ordinary person could easily lift an adult man like him into the air with one hand.

"I admit, I lied a little."

Looking up at the purple-faced Tony, the scarred woman's eyes were cold, and as her thoughts circulated, the fiery energy like magma began to spread from her arm.

Noticing this scene, Tony struggled a little more intensely. After all, he just saw the sheriff in the bar with his own eyes. Without the protection of the steel suit, he didn't think his body was any different from the sheriff.

Seeing, Iron Man Tony Stark seems to be dying at the hands of the scarred woman.


The next moment, with a crisp shooting sound.

A bullet suddenly appeared in the store. Faced with the sudden bullet, the scarred woman was stunned for a moment, but she immediately reacted, treating it as an ordinary stray bullet, and did not take it too seriously.

However, at the moment when the scarred woman relaxed, the bullet bounced elsewhere under the action of a subtle angle, accompanied by a "ding ding dong dong" noise. Bullets bounced between the walls, tables and chairs of the store, creating a complex turning trajectory.

The bullet that jumped at the end bounced off the ground behind Tony's back and shot obliquely towards the scarred woman's eyebrows.

"Cough cough~"

Falling from the scarred woman's hands to the ground, Tony coughed loudly to breathe fresh oxygen, turned over and sat up from the ground, Tony twisted his aching neck against the wall, but his eyes couldn't help but swept across the eyebrows in front of him Bullet scarred female corpse.

[From the legend of Tony Stark...]

He didn't expect that in the end it was a bullet that flew from nowhere to save his life.

No, it's not a simple stray bullet.

After recovering, Tony's eyes swept across the bullet marks in the shop, especially the last bullet mark beside him, and the expression on his face involuntarily became solemn.

"Tony Stark, we meet again."

However, before Tony could guess anything.

A shadow wearing a cowboy hat appeared at the door of the store.

Immediately afterwards, a thin man wearing a white cowboy hat and holding a revolver appeared there. With a strong Texas accent, he put on a leisurely expression and moved towards the store just a short distance away. Tony, who had lived through nine deaths, said hello.

"You are?"

Looking at the man who appeared at the door and the familiar cowboy outfit on him, Tony's vague memories began to become clear.


He remembered the other party. When he fought Jue Wushen before, the other party also appeared and fought side by side with the defenders.

"You will show up like this..."

The appearance of familiar faces naturally made Tony happy, but before the smile on his face appeared, the next moment he noticed that the scarred woman who was shot and fell to the ground in front of him twitched, accompanied by lava emanating from her body. With the scorching energy, the research that was originally closed then slowly opened.

"You're disappointed, Tony Stark..."

Struggling to stand up, the scarred woman controlled her body to emit hot energy, grinned and said grimly, "I'm not dead."

"I can tell."

Looking at the scarred woman who was clearly not dead, Tony's expression was not very good.

The ability displayed by the other party was even more tricky than he imagined.

Bowing her head, she said something to Tony, and the scarred woman turned to look at [Luke] who appeared at the door. The hot glasses spread to her face, making her whole person look like a red charcoal: "It looks like , you seem to know Stark."

"We fought side by side."

Facing the question of the scarred woman, Luke pressed the cowboy hat on his head and replied with a calm expression.

"If that's the case, then I'll send you to death first."

Twisting her neck, as the temperature of the magma emitted from her body became higher and higher, the clothes on the scarred woman began to emit sparks.

However, in the face of the scarred woman's threat, Luke has always maintained his calm appearance.

Lowering the brim of his hat, Luke twitched the corner of his mouth to reveal a faint smile, and then reminded Tony in the shop, "Tony Stark, take care of yourself."


Luke's endless reminder made Tony's expression a little stunned, but the Iron Man quickly reacted and quickly got up and moved to avoid embarrassedly.

Ignoring Tony's hurried dodging behind him, from the scarred woman's point of view, as long as he gets rid of the cowboy in front of him, Tony Stark will not be able to escape from his palm at all.

"Goodbye, ma'am."

Wait for Tony to find a place to hide.

Luke immediately took off his hat at the entrance of the store, and said goodbye to the scarred woman in front of him. In the next instant, the bullet fired from the revolver was ejected into the store.

"You can only do this trick." Ignoring the ejected bullets, the scarred woman looked at Luke in front of her and said with a sneer, "As an experimenter of the desperate virus, bullets alone can't kill me."

"I don't doubt you, ma'am."

In the face of the scarred woman's words, Luke's face did not show any surprise, he put on the hat he took off in his hand, and then replied with a look of Shi Shiran: "So, I specially prepared Do some other tricks for your lady."

As Luke's voice fell, the ejected bullet penetrated the gas pipe in the store, and with the last ejection, it accurately hit the microwave oven not far away.

The spark was contaminated with gas, and a violent explosion erupted in an instant, filling the entire store.



"So, Ms. Maya Hansen, what is it that you said before that your boss is working for the [Holy Lord]?"

S.H.I.E.L.D., inside the Avengers base.

Nick Fury looked at Maya Hansen, who was brought back by Agent Phil, and asked silently.


Facing the question of the one-eyed S.H.I.E.L.D. Director, Maya Hansen glanced at the Avengers and Dad and others before taking a deep breath and replied, "I am a DNA cryptography expert, and I am a private The think tank led a research team of 40 people to study a DNA genetic organization called the Extremis Virus."

"Desperate virus?"

Hearing Maya Hansen's explanation, Natasha frowned and muttered to herself, but did not interrupt the other party's story.

"...I originally developed the Extremis Virus to be able to change the world and prove to Tony Stark that he was wrong."


Pepper Pepper heard Maya Hansen's description and couldn't help but understand.

"But, obviously they put my experiment in the wrong place. The lab is more focused on the destructive power of the virus than the healing performance of the Extremis virus. At the same time, Killian encountered the [Holy Lord] and under the bewitchment of the [Holy Lord], he completely distorted the purpose of my experiment, they became more and more crazy, and I couldn't organize them..."


The name uttered by Maya Hansen made Pepper's face change dramatically.

"So, the frequent explosions that have occurred during this period of time are due to the experiment of the Extremis virus?"

From Maya Hansen's words, Steve sensed the cruelty behind the experiment, which made Captain America frown.

"I stopped Killian, but he was completely crazy. In order to quickly learn the specific data of the Extremis virus, he recruited a large number of soldiers and death row prisoners who were disabled due to war, and conducted human experiments through them. He quickly obtained the specific data of the virus, and transformed a large number of experimenters who were determined to obey his orders. The previous attack on Tony Stark's cliff villa should also be Killian's handwriting, because he Take a look at me, have revenge on Tony Stark, and have more hatred than I do."

From Maya Hansen's words, it's not hard for Nick Fury to tell that everything that's happening today is actually connected to what Tony himself did in the past.

However, rather than pursuing Tony's past behavior, Nick Fury is more concerned about the [Holy Lord] behind Killian.

Interrupting Maya Hansen's next words, Nick Fury asked directly: "Then what about [Holy Lord], according to what you said, when did the contact between Killian and [Holy Lord] start? ."

"I am not sure."

Shaking her head, Maya Hansen replied: "Since the disagreement about the experimental method of the Extremis virus, Killian has intentionally distanced me from the experimental team, but outside the relationship has changed~www.wuxiamtl .com~ I have also seen the [Holy Lord] beside Killian many times. He wears a black cloak that makes it difficult to see his face. However, from the figure and body shape, every time the [Holy Lord] is seen. Appearing, it seems that they all look different, sometimes they are old people, sometimes middle-aged, and even once directly turned into a woman."

[From the legend of Falcon Sam Weir...]

[From the legend of Steve Rogers...]

[The legend from Hawkeye Clinton...]

【From Natasha...】

Maya Hansen's answer made everyone in the Avengers base look astonished.

"How is this possible, isn't the so-called [Holy Lord] a person?"

Falcon even frowned and said guessing.

"[Holy Master] is certainly not alone."

Then Falcon's doubts, the father immediately spoke up.

Maya Hansen throws out the settings on this side, and Li Ran on the other side naturally needs to follow his father's mouth to supplement.

"Father, do you know why [Holy Master] became like this?"

On the side, the clone [Uncle Long] cooperated with the question.


A knife hit the clone's head with one hand, and the old man replied with his hands behind.

"Of course, otherwise, why would I open my mouth? I have said it before, [Holy Master], this ruthless, selfish, full of mania, conquering Yuwang and evil demon was sealed by the immortal. Before, I I'm still wondering why the [Holy Master] is clearly in the seal, why does it appear again, and now I finally understand after hearing what you guys say, the key to the [Holy Master] being able to get rid of the seal."

Saying that, Dad's eyes swept across the Avengers and Maya Hansen and others in front of him, and while they were watching, he slowly said, "[Sheep Charm]."

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