Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 269: revenge

Here, Agent Phil arranged by S.H.I.E.L.D. has just started investigating the Holy Master.

On the other hand, Tony was hit by an explosion, igniting his anger.

"Sorry, can you turn the TV back on?"

New York, in the intensive care unit, Tony blinked his red eyes and said to the nurse who came in.

"Sunday night's Downton Abbey has always been his favourite show."

Tony's eyes swept across the unconscious Happy on the hospital bed, with a remorseful expression on his face.

He once asked Happy to follow the guy who came to Stark Industries on the phone, but he didn't expect that his casual arrangement would almost kill Happy.

Looking at Happy, who was unconscious on the hospital bed, Tony retracted his gaze silently and said solemnly, "Actually, this is my responsibility, if I didn't..."

Taking a deep breath and suppressing the complicated emotions in his heart, Tony took one last look at Happy lying on the hospital bed, and turned and left with a firm expression.

He couldn't watch Happy hurt in vain.

"We are waiting for Tony Stark to come out of the hospital and ask him what he thinks about the latest attack."

At the entrance of the hospital, a large number of reporters gathered there.

Compared with the damage caused by the explosion, the media, who feared that the world would not be in chaos, cared more about Tony Stark's reaction.

Not long after, I saw Tony with a black face walking out of the hospital door.

"Mr. Tony Stark, can you tell me what you think about the explosion?"

"Mr. Tony Stark, it is said that in this explosion your..."

"Excuse me, Mr. Tony Stark, you are very aware of this explosion and the Pentagon..."

Seeing Tony coming out, the media who had already been waiting for the eventful swarms rushed to ask Tony's opinion on the explosion.

It's just that Tony is not in the mood to answer the media's questions now, ignoring the media surrounded by him, Tony is about to leave with a cold face.

But, at this moment, a man holding a mobile phone for filming suddenly asked, "Hey, Tony Stark, what will you do next?"

Hearing the man's question, Tony couldn't help but stop his steps, he turned back to the man with the mobile phone and said, "I know you have a lot of opinions about this explosion attack, not only you, There are also many people in the Pentagon, standing in their own positions and being cautious. They are reticent about the explosion, trying to hide the explosion, but I know that the mastermind behind the explosion is you - the Holy Lord."

"I don't care what purpose you are in to create this explosion, but I can tell you clearly now that the Lord, I, Tony Stark, is not afraid of you, and from now on, I Will be your opponent, it's not about politics, it's just pure revenge. It's not about the Pentagon, it's you and me! If you're a man, come to me! My address..."

After saying all this, Tony took the man's cell phone directly, turned around and smashed it to pieces.

Leave a sentence: "Sue me."

He left directly from the door of the hospital.

"Mr. Tony Stark, who are you talking about the Holy Master..."

"Mr. Stark, according to what you said, the Pentagon seems to be in the middle of an explosion, there is a deliberate..."


"...It's 10880 Malibu Beach, and my door won't be locked! If you want to find me, come here, Holy Lord!"

[From the legend of Tony Stark...]

[The legend from the New York reporter...]

Inside the antique shop, Li Ran raised his eyebrows as he watched Tony's report on the TV news and the rumors stirred up on the system data panel.

Since Tony has already taken the initiative to invite him, in order to give this Iron Man face, it seems that he should also make some arrangements for the so-called 'Holy Master' to appear and show his face.


"You shouldn't have done that, Tony."

In the cliff villa, in the basement, Tony received a message from his friend Colonel James.

Obviously, the other party represents the attitude of the Pentagon.

"Because of your remarks, all the efforts that the Pentagon has been making all this time have been in vain."

"I just said what I was supposed to say."

In this regard, Tony's attitude is firm.

If it is said that the previous investigation of the Lord came from the consideration of curiosity and the comfort of friends, but from the moment Happy was injured, Tony had already regarded the Lord as the object of his revenge.

"I know."

As a friend, Colonel James is obviously very aware of Tony's character, so his phone call is especially a question on behalf of the Pentagon, but rather a persuasion for him: "I'm sorry about Happy. But you can't Because hatred has blinded our eyes, we all know that the explosion is not simple, and about the Holy Master, as an avenger, you should understand its danger better than us."

"If possible, I also hope that everything can be carried out step by step, but, obviously, the Lord does not think so."

The news they got from S.H.I.E.L.D., they have already contacted the Foundation, and now it seems that S.H.I.E.L.D.’s actions are obviously slower.

The contact between Agent Phil and the Foundation's containment specialist is not secret, and Tony has also heard a little about the battle between the two on the streets of New York.

The appearance of the [Snake Charm] made Tony more determined, the fact that the so-called explosion was related to the Holy Lord.

"Since the Holy Master has provoked me, then we must be ready to meet the wrath of Iron Man."


Facing Tony's firm attitude, Colonel James on the other side of the phone opened his mouth to say something else.

At this moment, Jarvis suddenly spoke, interrupting the call between the two to remind.

"Sir, it seems that an uninvited guest has appeared in your home."

As he spoke, Jarvis called up the surveillance video of the living room. In the living room of the villa, a figure in a black cloak was posing as Shi Shiran, and unceremoniously pulled it out of the wine cabinet. A bottle of red wine and started drinking.

"How did he show up in the house?"

The figure that appeared in the surveillance video made Tony's expression immediately dignified.

"Sorry, sir, I don't know how the other party appeared. He seemed to suddenly appear in the living room."

Jarvis called up all the monitors in the living room, but couldn't find out how the other party appeared.

"Tell Pepper on the second floor immediately and tell her not to come downstairs."

Jarvis's answer made Tony's expression change suddenly, he hurriedly ordered Jarvis, and hurriedly hung up the call with Colonel James: "Sorry, James, it seems that my guest has already arrive."

"Tony, Tony..."


"So, you are the Holy Master?"

Wrapping himself in the newly developed new battle suit Mark11, Tony came to the living room, looked at the mysterious existence lying on the sofa, did not regard himself as an outsider at all, and asked with a solemn expression.

"What," shaking the red wine glass in his hand, looking at the scenery outside the villa, the empty shell [Holy Master] played by Li Ran's clone replied with an expression of enjoyment: "You invited me on your own initiative, what does it look like? It seems very unexpected for me to appear?"

"This is my favorite bottle of red wine."

Glancing at the opened red wine in front of the clone [Holy Master], Tony's expression was not very good.


He raised his hand and drank the red wine in the glass.

[Holy Master] stretched his waist, stood up from the sofa, lifted the cloak over his head, revealing the face of a middle-aged man without any special features.

The face that appeared under the cloak did not let Tony relax his vigilance. He raised his palm and aimed at the [Holy Lord] in front of him, and asked in a solemn and solemn voice: "Tell me, your purpose, Holy Master."

"My purpose."

His eyes swept across Tony's energy-condensing palm in front of him, but the expression on [Holy Master]'s face did not seem to change.

He was originally just a clone, and even if he was really hit by the shock wave, he would not be able to cause damage to Li Ran.

Therefore, in the living room, the expression of the [Holy Master] was particularly relaxed: "My purpose has always been clear, to collect twelve spells, and to bring back the scattered power that originally belonged to me."

He made no secret of his purpose [Holy Lord], after all, from the setting, this has always been the reason for its existence.

"You should be clear, Holy Lord, that's not what I'm asking about."

Regarding the information about the twelve spells, Tony knew it from the mouth of Li Ran's clone [Uncle Long] a long time ago: "Why are you making so many explosions in New York!"

"You know what, Tony Stark."

Facing Tony's question, the [Holy Master] did not answer directly, but suddenly changed the subject: "Many times, the obstacles and opponents on the road in front of us do not exist originally, but are likely to originate from ourselves. The source of it may just be an unintentional mistake, or an inadvertent action. Just like, in those days, due to my negligence, I was taken advantage of, and the power that originally belonged to me was divided into twelve charms, and I lost my original power. The power that belongs to me is turned into a stone statue to keep the pain of the seal."

"Another example, in front of you, Tony Stark, in fact, I didn't do much, I just pushed someone a little."

Ignoring Tony's solemn expression, the [Holy Master] continued: "Turn someone who was once your admirer into a crazy avenger."

"Admirer? Avenger?"

The words of the [Holy Master] changed the expression on Tony's face under the steel mask.

If Tony remembers the two descriptions in the words of the [Holy Lord] at this moment, he may be able to detect some clues from it. However, it is a pity that no matter whether it is Tony Stark in the past or today, I don't feel that I can remember anyone. What's more, with the appearance of Tony Stark in the past, there are not hundreds or dozens of people who have offended, It made him unable to start at all.

"It seems that you don't seem to have any impression."

Seeing Tony's reaction in his eyes, Li Ran couldn't help but feel sorry for Killian, even if he just had a simple idea of ​​using him.

Obviously, in order to take revenge, he has already done this. As a result, Tony has no impression of him at all.

"Sorry, I have offended too many people in the past, so..."

Shrugging, Tony said with a wry smile.

"Looks like Killian said, Tony Stark, you're a total asshole."

It doesn't matter if he can't remember, because Li Ran will help Tony remember.


The name that came out of the [Holy Lord] mouth made Tony frown under the steel suit, and he had some influence on the name. However, there is no long-term memory, but when Happy reported to him before, it seemed that the name Killian happened to be mentioned.

"Thank you for the information, then next..."

Turning the head of his steel suit and facing the [Holy Lord] in front of him, Tony thanked him expressionlessly, and in the next instant, the arc shock wave launched from his palm accurately hit the opposite [Holy Lord]. .

"This is my thank you for Happy, [Holy Lord]!"

He did not forget that Happy lying in the hospital, and the black hand behind the If the one called Killian is the maker of everything, then the [Holy Lord] is the The promoter of everything. Either of the two is the object of his revenge.


The shock wave hit the body of [Holy Lord], the terrifying existence who had the power to destroy the world in the mouth of the Foundation's containment expert [Dragon]. The next second after receiving the shock wave from Tony, the whole person fell directly like a broken doll. flew out.

"This is, the legendary [Holy Lord]?"

Seeing this scene, Tony's brows couldn't help frowning under the mask. The power of the [Holy Master] in front of him was quite different from what the containment experts described.

"Nice attack."

Just under Tony's suspicious gaze, the [Holy Lord], who looked like a middle-aged man who had been knocked down by the shock wave, stood up again. His chest was obviously dented by the shock wave's attack. Even with a fatal injury, the expression on the man's face did not change in the slightest.

He lowered his head and glanced at the injury on his chest. [Holy Lord]'s normally normal eyes began to flash a conspicuous red light.

"Unfortunately, what you are attacking now is not my real body, but an object of possession that I found at random. Even if you kill the body in front of me, it will not cause me any meaningful harm."

[From the legend of Tony Stark...]

"As a mortal, you can't kill me at all, Tony Stark, even the guy who once sealed me, because it can only separate my power, but can't really destroy me."

Saying that, [Holy Master] turned his head and looked at the scenery outside the villa: "You will take revenge on me for Happy, and in the same way, someone will take revenge on you that belongs to him."

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