"Mountain Blowing Color - Ripple Rush!"

Accompanied by a deep voice, golden ripple energy suddenly burst out in front of the corpse, as if the hot sun appeared in front of him. The entire hall was shrouded in golden and dazzling light, and the temperature rose sharply, instantly like a burning stove.

【Mountain Blowing Color Ripple Swiftly】

The color is closest to the golden ripples of the sun, and it is also the strongest move in Ripple Sprint.

The golden light disappeared immediately. For Jessica and even Matt, they only felt the ripples all over their body, but for the corpse and Jin Bing, it was tantamount to extinction.

Howling, the bodies of those corpses who rushed forward and leaned too close were like ice and snow exposed to the sun. They couldn't even hold a breath, and they melted directly in an instant.

Even Jin Ning, who was hiding behind, let out a shrill cry, and the huge body melted directly, revealing a **** face.

[The legend from the corpse...]

[The legend from Daredevil...]

[From the legend of Jessica Jones...]

[The legend from Jin Ning...]

"Joseph Joestar!"

Jessica looked at Joseph Joestar's broad back and couldn't help shouting excitedly.

But soon, she noticed something unusual about the vampire hunter.

One of Joseph Joestar's legs was twisted, and he only supported his body with one leg. Obviously, Kim Bing's unexpected attack caused him almost fatal injuries.

Jessica: "Joseph, your legs..."

"Sorry," Joseph Joestar turned to Jessica behind him and said with a smile, "It took a little time to shoot."

With that said, Joseph Joestar turned his head again to look at Jin Ning, who was mourning in front of him: "Leave the next battle to me."

Although the lethality of [Mountain Blowing Color Ripple Rush] is powerful, there is a limit after all, and it is not real sunlight.

As the power of Joseph Joestar's ripples weakens, the damage the moves do to the corpse has also decreased.

"I paid for my stupidity, but I'm also lucky, because it seems that although you have the power to hurt me, you can't kill me completely."

He stretched out his **** palms and directly pulled the melted skin off his face. Jin turned his blood-colored eyeballs to look at Joseph Joestar in front of him, and opened his teeth wrapped in bright red gums, making a harsh sound. His vocal cords were also damaged by the ripples.

Soon, Jin Bing's harsh voice returned to a low voice.

At the same time, not only the voice but also his **** face recovered.

Along with a horrific blood and blood wriggling, the golden face healed again, and turned into a hideous face.

Hearing Jin Ning's words, Joseph Joestar made a solemn expression: "As a vampire hunter, I have fought countless vampires and corpses, but I have to admit, Jin Ning, although you have transformed The time to become a vampire is still short, but it is undoubtedly an evil and terrible monster. If you let you grow up, it is very likely that you will become another terrible vampire king. I have already lost a battle and can't Another loss."

"The magnetic ripple of life rushes away!"

Joseph Joestar raised his arm and slammed his fist on his twisted thigh joint. Under the force of the ripples, the twisted thigh was forcibly fixed.

Joseph Joestar gritted his teeth, looked at Jin Ning's huge body, and shouted, "So, Jin Ning, I must kill you and block my mission as a vampire hunter."

With Joseph Joestar's angry shout, the next moment, his figure rushed in front of Jin Bing like a flash of lightning.

"If only one person can survive in the end, then this person will definitely only be me, Jin Bing."

He grinned and made a bloodthirsty declaration.


Looking at Joseph Joestar who rushed in front of him, the bones in Jin Bing's body exploded, the skin quickly turned from white to red, the muscles on his body swelled to an exaggerated range, and the whole body became violent again. .

"So, obediently die for me!"

Waving his arms with the thick thighs of Joseph Joestar, Jin Bing's fists slammed into the air directly under the influence of tremendous strength.

"The mountain blows color ripples and rushes away!"

Facing Jin Biao's violent and terrifying blow, Joseph Joestar did not dodge in the slightest, and his face did not shake in the slightest, and directly displayed his most powerful ripple move.

The ripples in the body circulated rapidly, and quickly rendered Joseph Joestar's whole person into golden yellow, a color as dazzling as the sun.

Under the irradiation of the golden ripples, the originally healed face of Jin and his face melted again.

However, facing the power of [Yamabuki Color Ripple Rush], Jin not only did not dodge according to the vampire instinct in his body, but instead took another step forward uncharacteristically. A ferocious color flashed in his eyes, and Jin raised his sturdy arms to grab directly Joseph Joestar who was facing him.

As a super criminal who relies on himself to get to the current level step by step, Jin not only possesses terrifying intelligence, but also has a terrifying will beyond ordinary people.


Looking at Jin Ning who resisted the ripples and rushed towards him, Joseph Joestar showed a shocked expression on his face.

In fact, not only Joseph Joestar, but even Li Ran, the main body, was shocked when he saw this scene.

Li Ran, who uses the [Dior] card, is very aware of the damage that ripples can do to vampires, and it is precisely because of this, that when he sees Jin Bing relying on his huge body to forcibly withstand the damage of ripples, he will show that he does not dare. A look of confidence.

It seems that, as a king who can control and become the king of the entire New York underworld, he is not only ruthless towards others, but also has no courtesy towards himself.

Of course, although he used his body to resist Ripple's attack abruptly, he only resisted it tightly, and the damage of Ripple still caused serious damage to Jin Bing's body.

Under the [Mountain Blowing Color Ripple Rush], Jin Bing's huge body melted like ice cream, and Li Ran even felt that if it wasn't for Jin Bing, he would have a large muscle wrap and Joseph Joestar, who used the ripples, deliberately closed it. The hand, replaced by the power of other vampires against the ripples, may have already been melted away.

Even so, Jin Bing's entire body has been melted by the ripples, and it seems to be in a precarious state.

However, it was at this time that Kim, who had been passively defending, finally moved.

"caught you!"

He opened his skinless mouth, revealing a creepy smile, and Jin did hoarsely shout.

The next moment, waving his melted arm, he grabbed Joseph Joestar in front of him.

"Next, it's my turn to fight back!"

Along with Jin Ning's suppressed voice for a long time, a violent force came from his body, and hit Joseph Joestar who was caught in his hands fiercely.


The violent power turned into a wave, centered on Jin Bian and Joseph Joestar, and suddenly spread.

Under this terrifying power, one of Joseph Joestar's arms was directly torn off by Jin Bing, and a large amount of blood splashed out on the ground and Jin Bing's body.

Now the avatar is no longer the result of a simple sand avatar. Using the ability of [Kaz] to control cells, Li Ran upgraded the original avatar again. The current clone is basically no different from humans, and even the breathing, heartbeat, and even the blood sprayed by Joseph Joestar's broken arm can be expressed. As long as you don't conduct detailed research, you can't see the slightest flaw at all.

The true extent of the clone, even Jin, who was transformed into a vampire, was not aware of it. Sticking out his tongue and licking the blood on his face, Jin looked down at Joseph Joestar, who had lost his ability to resist like a broken doll, with a bloodthirsty smile on his face.

"It seems that I won, then, go to hell."

Because of his previous carelessness, he suffered a loss. This time, Jin did not relax any more. He raised his hand and was about to give Joseph Joestar a final blow to eliminate this threat.

A petite figure carrying enormous strength knocked Jin and stumbled.

"Joseph Joestar."

Holding his broken and twisted arm, Matt groped to Joseph Joestar's side.

"Sorry, it looks like I failed, again."

With a cough, Joseph Joestar said to Matt that he was seriously injured and that he was dying soon.


Hearing Joseph Joestar's "dying" words, and thinking of the tragic plight of the Defenders, Matt clenched his fists tightly.


"Do you have that much strength, Jin Bing?"

Being hit by Jin and spitting out a mouthful of blood, Jessica supported her with a difficult expression.

During the battle with Jin Bing, the members of the Defender fell down and were injured. The only one who can still fight now is she is the only one left.

Turning his head 'difficult', looking at the battle with Jin not far away, no, it should be said that it was Jessica who was struggling, a firm look flashed in Joseph Joestar's slack eyes. He raised his only left hand and grabbed Matt's twisted and fractured arm: "Matt, this is my last ripple, accept it."

"Xiandao - Ripple rush away!"

[The legend from Daredevil...]

As Joseph Joestar's voice fell, Matt felt a powerful ripple emerging from the other party's body, pouring into his body continuously.


The twisted and fractured arm healed instantly under the power of [Xiandao Ripple Rush], and Matt stood up angrily when he felt the power of the surging ripples in his body.

He sensed the opponent's will from Joseph Joestar's last ripples.

Then, throwing Jessica aside, Jin looked at Matt, who stood up again, and responded likewise: "Darebolt, why, you guys, all of you have to fight with each other one by one. I'm right. Why, you can't, just give me a quiet death."

In the face of Jin Bing's crazy roar, Matt did not respond. He raised his hands and assumed a fighting posture. The ripples in his body converged, rendering his body a faint golden light.

"It's time to wrap things up, Kim Bing."

Not just for Hell's Kitchen, but for the Defenders, and... Joseph Joestar.

"It's over, no, nothing is over..."

Qiu Zha's muscles swelled instantly, Jin Bian raised his thighs and stepped on a deep pothole on the ground. In the next instant, his huge body was like a violent train, rushing towards Matt fiercely. .

"Because, the ultimate winner, there is only one person, and that is me."

Facing Jin Ning's menacing attack in front of him, Matt did not dodge in the slightest. He raised his arm to aim at Jin Ning, and silently shouted: "Ripple run away~"

Matt, who got the power of Joseph Joestar's last ripple, is no longer inferior to the original vampire hunter in the power of ripple. With the increase of ripple, his physical fitness has been greatly improved. Even the powerful super senses became more sensitive~www.wuxiamtl.com~ turned his footsteps and avoided Jin Bing's collision with a posture that could not be released. Matt raised his palm to run the ripples and directly cut off one of Jin Bing's arms.

"Ripple sprints and hits!"

The next moment, amid Jin Bing's screams, Matt's corrugated fists hit like raindrops, all of which fell on Jin Bing's huge body.

Under the powerful ripple force, Jin Jing only lasted for a few seconds before it melted and turned into a pile of coke. .

Bowing his head and 'looking' at Jin Bing, who had completely turned into coke, Matt withdrew his gaze.

The gold that created the Hell's Kitchen Corpse Rebellion was eliminated though.

However, the defenders also suffered heavy losses.

With the help of Jessica, he stood up with difficulty, and the defenders each limped to the front of Joseph Joestar with a silent expression.

Because of the reason that the power of the last ripple in the body was passed to Matt, the vampire hunter looked more than twice as old as when they knew him, and even the originally strong body became so thin that he could see the bones.

"How is it, Kim..."

Opening his mouth tremblingly, Joseph Joestar asked in a voice so weak that it seemed to be cut off in the next second.

"We won."

Looking at Joseph Joestar, who was weak and whose life was like a candle in the wind, Jessica's eyes were flushed, and she lowered her head and replied in a low voice. It seemed that if she was a little louder, she would blow out the last flame of life in front of Joseph Joestar.

"Okay, unfortunately, in the end I still can't fight you again, Dior..."


[The legend from Daredevil...]

[From the legend of Jessica Jones...]

【From Danny...】

[From the legend of Luke Cage...]

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