"So, super genius Reed, what does rubber look like if it's heated?"

Saying his new name, Victor, Doctor Doom looked down at Reed's rubber arm wrapped around him, and asked with a sneer.

As the words of Doctor Doom fell, the next moment, a strong lightning generated from his hand.

After absorbing a large amount of cosmic storm radiation, Doctor Doom's ability has obviously increased tremendously, and he can even easily produce deadly lightning.


In the face of the lightning created by Doctor Doom, Reed's face changed, and he hurriedly twisted his body into an exaggerated range to avoid it. The rubberized body endows him with amazing flexibility, and he can easily perform poses that are completely impossible for ordinary people.

However, although relying on the rubber body to avoid the lightning in Doctor Doom's hands, Reed ignored it, and his other arm was still wrapped around the other's body. Looking at Reed who avoided the attack, a cold smile appeared on Doctor Doom's face under the steel mask, and the next moment he grabbed the arm wrapped around him and burst into a strong lightning.


Climbing along the arm, the violent power of the lightning made Reed let out a shrill scream.

However, the insulating properties of the rubber body made it impossible for Reed to be easily killed by Doctor Doom's attacks.

"Why, even in this situation, you still can't die obediently with my will, Reed."

Looking at Reed who was screaming in pain but continued to support him tenaciously, Doctor Doom's face couldn't help showing a look of boredom. Although he can't cause damage to himself in attack, the rubberized body also gives Reed an amazing survivability. Even under his own lightning attack, he cannot easily kill him.

"Victor...you've been blinded by the power in yourself...we don't know the side effects of radiation at all...the power is dangerous."

"You're always so self-righteous, Reed."

With an icy smile on his face, Doctor Doom put away the lightning in his hand, grabbed Reed's arm and rushed towards the laboratory window.


Under the huge impact, Doctor Doom's feet left two huge potholes that spread like spider webs on the ground.

However, the completely metalized body made him ignore the fatal impact of falling from a high-rise building.

Turning his neck to lift his legs out of the pothole, Doctor Doom grabbed Reed's arm and pulled his hand slightly, then dragged Reed, who was unconscious under the violent impact, over. Although the mutated Reed can expand and contract his body as he wants, there is a limit to this expansion.

"It doesn't look like you're too great, Reed."

Looking down at the unconscious Reed, Doctor Doom let out a disdainful laugh, then grabbed his neck and dragged him to the location of his company like a dead dog.


"...Wing Chun pays attention to the unity of waist and horse. To put it simply, you need to relax and precipitate your own strength, integrate your strength with the center of gravity, and let your thighs..."

Chinatown, Wing Chun Martial Arts Museum.

Wearing his usual black Tang suit, Ye Wen raised his hand to explain the basic moves of Wing Chun to the students of different races and ages in the martial arts hall.

Most of the students in front of him were half-year-old children, most of them from residents of nearby Chinatowns. Recently, the more and more frequent dangerous events in New York, as well as the danger that happened in Chinatown not long ago, have made them feel a sense of crisis, so I hope their children can learn something in the Wing Chun Martial Arts Center to protect themselves.

Ye Wen was teaching the students in the martial arts hall to practice moves with a serious face.

Although [Ip Man]'s character card has already been synthesized by Li Ran into other character cards, but he has practiced Wing Chun for a period of time under the identity of [Ip Man], although he can't do it in the use of moves. It's as smooth as when using cards, but it can still be used to teach students.

"Master Ye."

At this moment, Natasha came to the martial arts hall and gave Ye Wen a serious look.

Glancing at Natasha, Ye Wen retracted his gaze and looked at the Wing Chun students practicing in the martial arts hall, hesitating for a moment before opening his mouth: "Okay, today's Wing Chun will be taught here, go back. After that, you have to practice more, and I will test your learning situation tomorrow. If I find someone who is lazy, don't blame me for being rude..."

"Master Ye, goodbye."

"Master Ye, see you tomorrow."

Following the example of the others, one walked in front of Ye Wen with two pigtails, bowed, and said in a milky voice.

"Well, see you tomorrow."

Raising his hand and touching the little girl's head, Ye Wen smiled and said goodbye.

Watching the little girl jumping away, Ye Wen then restrained the smile on his face, turned to look at Natasha behind him, and asked, "Natasha, what happened, is it Jiuyou or? "

"It's not Jiuyou." Shaking her head, facing Ye Wen's question, Natasha replied in a deep voice.

"Really." Hearing Natasha's reply, Ye Wen's face showed a lost expression, but then he restrained it and continued to ask: "Is that because?"

"There was a battle of superhumans near the Ba Shi Building. Has the situation started to get out of control? We need your help, Master Ye."

"I see."

Hearing Natasha's request, Ye Wen did not shirk, he nodded lightly, the word 'love' looming on his forehead.



Fired lightning, knocking out the huge orange stone man in front of him.

Doctor Doom looked at the figure dragging a long gully on the ground, and said in a cold tone: "I didn't expect that, Ben, in the end, you turned back to the way you hated."

"If you change back to this ghost state, at least I can beat you hard."

He propped himself up from the ground and turned back into the stone man once again, and said to Doctor Doom in front of him.

"Do you think that if you change back, you will be able to defeat me?"

Twisting his head and showing a mocking smile, Doctor Doom raised his hands to create a lot of lightning: "Today, I am invincible."

"I don't think so."

With a frivolous voice.

A huge flame hit Doctor Doom, and then he saw Johnny incarnate as a flame man, falling from the sky and falling in front of him.

"Hey, you're back again, big man."

Turning his head and looking at Ben on the other side, Johnny said unexpectedly.

"To be honest, after I'm used to seeing you like this, I feel a little uncomfortable when I look at your human appearance."


Hearing this, Susan spoke quickly, fearing that his words would make Ben angry again.

"It doesn't matter, in fact, I'm starting to like the way I look now." However, this time, facing Johnny's words, Ben was not as angry as he imagined. He waved his stone made of stones. With a hard fist, he made a dull crashing sound, and looked at Doctor Doom on the opposite side: "The feeling of this kind of punching is actually quite enjoyable."


Ben's answer made Johnny even more proud, and he turned his head and raised his eyebrows at Susan.

"Everyone, now is not the time to chat."

Seeing the siblings who suddenly started bickering, Reed couldn't help but remind them.

"You think you can beat me with four people?"

Looking down at the clothes that had been burned with holes in his body, Johnny's flames burned Dr. Doom's clothes, but could not damage his body that was turned into silver metal. Looking up, looking at the Fantastic Four gathered again, he stretched out his hands again, let out a low roar, and the next second violent lightning began to gather on him.


Seeing Doctor Doom's reaction, Reed hurriedly shouted at Susan beside him.

Hearing this, without any hesitation, Susan raised her arms to create an invisible stance that enveloped Doctor Doom.

However, it didn't take long for the invisible position to be cracked by the lightning on Doctor Doom.

"No, the power of lightning is too violent, and my energy shield can't completely isolate him."

Seeing this scene, Susan frowned and said to Reed with a solemn expression.

"I have already said that you are not my opponent at all."

Raising his hand, he fired a bolt of lightning to fly out the opposite Johnny, and Doctor Doom shouted loudly, "Your counterattack is destined to be a pointless struggle."

As he spoke, Doctor Doom moved his footsteps, step by step toward the Fantastic Four in front of him.

In the face of the pressing Doctor Doom, he was about to rush forward in a blink of an eye, but in the face of the violent lightning, although his stone body could defend, but he couldn't get close. A lightning bolt sent him flying out.

The strength displayed by Doctor Doom made the Fantastic Four a little desperate. Susan raised her hand to create an invisible position to block the lightning flying from his hand, and turned her head and shouted to Reed behind her.

"Reed, leave now, I can't take it anymore."

"No, he must have a weakness."

Looking at Susan who was struggling in front of him, Reed frowned and looked at the relaxed Doctor Doom in front of him. He gritted his teeth and twisted his body, jumping towards Doctor Doom like a spring. . Compressing his body and flying into the air, Reed expanded his body and turned it into a huge rubber net to wrap Doctor Doom.

"Ben, take advantage of now!"

Turning his head and looking at the struggling Doctor Doom, Reed hurriedly shouted at Ben who stood up again.

"Look at me."

Hearing Reed's cry, without much hesitation, Ben rushed towards the position of the two with his heavy body.


With a dull impact, under the action of Ben's huge force, Doctor Doom, who was wrapped by Reed, was heavily hammered to the ground like a nail.

"It hurts so much."

Johnny gasped, imagining that if he was hit by this, it would never be as easy as he thought.

From the rubber net back to the human form, Reed moved his body to reveal Doctor Doom, who had only his head on the ground. Thanks to his body at the moment, it has become like rubber, which can effectively defuse the impact of Ben's heavy blow. Otherwise, Ben's attack would not just affect Doctor Doom.

"So, we have won this?"

With Susan's help, stand up.

Johnny stepped forward to look at Dr. Doom who was still on the ground and turned his head to ask the three behind him.


Rubbing his chest, Reed looked at Dr. Doom who seemed to have fainted, and said with some uncertainty in his tone: "Victor seems to have..."

"Johnny, be careful!"

However, before Reed finished speaking, the expression on Susan's face, who was supporting him, suddenly changed, and she almost instinctively raised her hands to create an invisible stance to block the almost defenseless Johnny.


The next moment, a dazzling bolt of lightning erupted from Doctor Doom, instantly shattering the invisible position Susan had created.

"Unfortunately ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ is just a little bit short."

Seeing Johnny being rescued by Susan, Doctor Doom on the ground shook his head with a bit of regret in his tone. Immediately afterwards, strong lightning surrounded him, and the ground around him began to melt under the action of the violent lightning, and Doctor Doom also broke free from it.

"The idea is good, but this idea alone can't do me much harm."

Compared with the Fantastic Four and others, Doctor Doom received more cosmic storm radiation, so Reed and others are not on the same level as him in terms of body or strength.

"Now, the fun time is over, and you should be on your way."

Crawling out of the hole, Doctor Doom raised his hand and tore off his broken clothes, revealing his completely metal body, and said in a cold tone.

"Now, is there anything else you can do, Mister Fantastic?"

Seeing Doctor Doom standing up again, the expression on Johnny's face, who had been acting like a dick, couldn't help but become solemn.

"Maybe, but, I haven't thought of it yet." Shaking his head, Reed's expression was not very good.

"When you think about it, we may have already gone to see God."

Hearing this, Johnny couldn't help but reply.

"I don't think you deserve to see God."

Although the current situation is not suitable for quarreling, when I heard the words of asking you, Ben still couldn't help but say a word to him.

"Hey, you two, now is not the time to quarrel, we are at the point of life and death."

In this regard, Susan could not help but angrily.

"It looks like you gave up your plan to resist."

Looking at this scene, Doctor Doom couldn't help but sneered, and raised his hand to condense the power of lightning again.

"Hand of Sand!"

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