"The talisman, also known as the twelve talismans, its pattern is taken from the twelve animals in the Chinese zodiac, each zodiac represents an ability of the talisman, the power of the talisman is very powerful, and each has Different magical and unique effects can endow the holder with super divine power, and even an ordinary person can exert extraordinary power after holding the power of a spell."

"At present, the spells obtained by the foundation are the bull spell representing power, the rabbit spell representing speed, and the dragon spell that can generate explosive power. According to the experimental results, as long as the holder touches the spell, he can use it as he wants. the power it contains.”

Although, at present, Li Ran actually only has one [Tiger Charm] in his hands, but this does not prevent him from adding a bit of containment to the Foundation through the mouth of his clone. Anyway, the spell abilities he mentioned are not complicated, and if necessary, he can use other Disguise with powerful cards.

"Listen to you, this so-called spell is quite good."

Tony raised his eyebrows, listening to the description of the clone [Uncle Long], he couldn't help but speak.

If you just listen to the other party's description, even the power of these spells is somewhat actionable even for him.

"Of course it can't be that simple." Noticing the moving expression on Tony's face, the avatar immediately began to pour cold water and set it up: "As a containment, no matter how miraculous the ability displayed by the spell, there is an impossibility behind it. The predicted danger, just like the [Flying Dutchman] that appeared in Upper New York Bay not long ago, that ship endowed the boarding people, including Davy Jones, with near-immortal vitality, but at the cost of becoming half-human and half-human A monster of sea creatures and will never be able to set foot on land again."

"You seem to know quite a bit about these god-giggling things?"

Looking at the avatar who was constantly introducing the containment, Tony blinked with a strange expression.

"Or rather, the people of your foundation are like that."

"Maybe I'm special after all." After scratching his hair, the clone [Uncle Long] shrugged and explained: "Before I became the Foundation's containment expert, I was an archaeologist, and my father was also an archaeologist. I've always liked to study these crazy things."

He replied casually, and the clone immediately brought the topic back to the spell: "The same is true for the spell, according to the Foundation and the records of the place where the first spell was discovered, the power of the spell came from a man named the Holy Master. Terrible existence, if the power of the twelve spells gathers, then the Holy Lord will also recover, bringing a devastating blow to the earth."

"Is it another setting to destroy the world?"

If it was in the past, Tony might have been shocked when he heard the description of the clone, but now the crisis of the destruction of the earth has occurred many times, and again and again, Tony feels that he is beginning to be immune. .

[Famousness from Tony Stark +500]

[Famous from the good Spider-Man Peter Parker +650]

Of course, although he was spitting, Tony couldn't help showing a bit of awe in his heart.

After all, if what the other party said is true, then the world will face another huge crisis.

"Of course, at present, there are not many spells that have appeared, and several known spells have been contained and properly kept by the Foundation, so there should be no such thing as the resurrection of the Holy Lord."

Noticing the solemn expression on Tony's face, the clone waved his hand and stood up casually.

"Isn't your foundation thinking about destroying the spell directly?"

Frowning, Tony asked the doubts in his heart. Since the existence of the spell is so dangerous, why not destroy it directly, which will forever solve the possibility of taking the so-called resurrection of the Holy Master.

"Charms cannot be destroyed." To this, the clone directly gave the answer: "In fact, the Foundation has already experimented, and the shell of the spell is actually just a container for storing its magical power. Once the container destroys the power of the spell, it will be destroyed. Will transfer to an animal host of noble blood and cause more trouble. After that attempt, the Foundation has made the decision to seal the spell rather than destroy it."

Although Tony was not too satisfied with [Uncle Long]'s answer, he reluctantly accepted it.

After all, he didn't know much about spells, and he hadn't even heard of the name before today.

If it wasn't for a personal experience of the spell's effects in front of him, he might still doubt it.

Using the information of the spell to successfully gain fame from Tony and the good Spider-Man, the avatar asked Peter in a professional manner: "So, is the stone you touched at the time still in your hands?"


Shaking his head, Peter's answer made the clone look disappointed.

"Originally, after being divided into two people by the power of the spell you mentioned, sir, there is indeed half a spell in my hand, but then one I started to attack me, and the spell in my hand seemed to fall to the unknown in the panic. Where." The situation was critical at the beginning, and the good Spider-Man kept his eyes closed during the whole process, so he didn't see the plate spell falling into the hands of the thief.

Tony frowned at Peter's answer.

Obviously, if what Peter says is true, then their thread about the spell is broken.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help turning his head to look at the [Dragon] in front of him. Since the other party claimed to be the Foundation's containment expert, he should have his own set of methods for finding contained objects.

Sure enough, after hearing Peter's answer, the clone first pretended to touch his chin, and then slowly opened his mouth while watching: "If that's the case, then let's get the other half of the spell first."

"The other half, you mean?"

Hearing the clone's words, Tony's eyes flickered, and he quickly understood what he meant.

"That's right. According to the situation at the time, since the spell is divided into two parts, the other half should be in the hands of another Spider-Man."


"It's amazing, isn't it, this meteorite from outer space."

Victor von Doum looked at the meteorite in front of him and said expressionlessly.

"We have studied this meteorite through various methods, but we have not been able to completely analyze the composition of this meteorite. I have a hunch that this meteorite may hide unknown secrets. If we can explore it..."

"I'm not here to listen to your long speeches, Victor." A cold voice interrupted Victor von Doom's words, and Ned, the shareholder representative, said, "I don't care what the meteorite you are talking about is. How amazing, all I know is that a week has passed and you still haven't come up with any remedy."

Speaking of this, Ned's mouth bent upwards involuntarily, but he recovered quickly and continued: "So, for the continued development of the company, the board of directors has to vote, as a friend who has known each other for so long. , Victor, I have to inform you regretfully, be prepared to let go."

"Let go?"

Ned's words fell to Victor's ears like a great irony.

A mocking smile appeared on his cold face: "You are persuading me to give up my company and everything I have."

"About this, Victor, you should be very clear that this is all caused by your arbitrary actions on the company's issues. If you hadn't insisted on continuing the so-called space cosmic storm plan, the company would not have become what it is today. ."

"However, when I proposed the plan, you all agreed."

"That's because you made a promise to us, Victor, and now it's proved that the space program has failed completely, and you must be responsible for this failure." Although he kept claiming that Victor was a friend, he never went by the name of Chennai. Judging from the aggressive reaction of the German man, he obviously wished Victor would fail.

"You're glad to see all this, Ned?"

Silently staring at the meteorite in front of him, Victor asked without looking back.

"My emotions do not influence the board's decision."

In the face of Victor's questioning, Ned didn't take it too seriously. After he saw that the company's situation was set, Victor was destined to be swept out of the house.

"You seem to have forgotten, Ned."

Turning around silently, looking at Ned behind him, the expression on Victor's face became more and more cold in the dim light of the room: "Who founded the company, this is something that belongs to me, and no one should think about it from me. took it away from the hands.”

"Victor, it seems that you really need a good rest for a while. Your current mental state is obviously not suitable for continuing to take charge of the company's direction."

Ned couldn't help frowning at Victor's words.

"No, it's you who should rest."

Hearing Ned's words, Victor sneered and pulled out his right hand, which he had been hiding, from his pocket.

With the influence of the cosmic storm radiation, one of his palms has completely turned into a metal appearance.

"Victor, your hand, you..."

Looking at the silver palm in front of him, Ned's face began to show a look of fear. Obviously, the development of the current situation has exceeded his imagination.

"You seem surprised, yes, not only the changes in the radiation received by Reed, but also me." Looking down at his metalized palm, Victor's expression became colder: "In fact, You're wrong, Ned, the space experiment didn't fail, on the contrary, it was quite successful, and unfortunately, you're doomed to not see it all."

"No, Victor, you can't do that."

In the next instant, along with the screams of the man Ned, the dull smashing sound was remembered along with the sound of bones shattering.

Without comment, the splashed blood fell on the meteorite not far away, and then without anyone noticing, the blood disappeared instantly without a trace.


"So, what exactly is this?"

On the roof top floor of an apartment, Evil Spider-Man saw the half-spell in his hand, looked at the tiger pattern printed on it, and murmured to himself.

"Why can you separate me?"

Although the evil Spider-Man has an evil nature, it does not mean that he has no ability to think. He also has an impression of the scene where he encountered the phantom thief Kidd.

Holding the spell in hand, Evil Spider-Man could vaguely feel a mysterious power flowing in it, but it seemed that the power in it could not be triggered because of the lack of the relationship on the other side.

"Forget it, what do you think about."

Frowning, thinking hard for a quarter of an hour, Evil Spider-Man immediately gave up his plan to think again.

For now, he has a lot of time to do other things, so why limit himself to this unknown spell and think hard.

"Next, where are you going to destroy it?"

Figuring out the key, Evil Spider-Man put away half of the spell in his hand, and was about to continue to have fun, when suddenly the spider in his body sensed movement, and with his keen eyesight, he immediately saw Peter, who had a sympathetic expression under the apartment, And Tony next to him had a big nose guy he didn't know.


"Are you sure this method works?"

On the street, Tony looked at the avatar [Dragon] who stopped and walked with a compass, and asked strangely on his face.

He had previously thought that [Dragon], as the Foundation's containment expert, should have a way to find the containment spell, but he didn't expect that the other party's way of finding was so simple~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and only relied on a compass for guidance.


Looking at the direction guided by the compass in his hand, he turned again, and the clone replied with a certain face: "Although it doesn't seem to be a big deal, this compass is also a containment and has the ability to point to the direction the user wants."

"What is in your mind?"

Looking at the compass with nothing weird in the clone's hand, Tony showed a strange look. Even if he already knew the existence of the containment, he was still a little difficult to adapt to these containments with strange abilities.

"Mr. Stark, Mr. Long, do we really have to meet the other me?"

Following the clone and Tony step by step, looking at the two people walking in front, Peter couldn't help but ask carefully. If possible, he really is reluctant to meet the other self again, because he is too scary for the one.

"Would you like to be like this for the rest of your life?"

Looking back at Peter, who looked worried and frightened behind him, Tony couldn't help but say.

He hated an impolite Spider-Man, but the cowardly and worried Spider-Man in front of him also made him a little helpless.

"Actually, that's pretty good."

Facing Tony's rhetorical question, the good Spider-Man hesitated for a while, and replied sincerely.

"Have you ever thought about what if one day the other one really got into trouble? When he shows the exact same face as you, he will be implicated at that time, even your aunt."


Tony's words made the good Spider-Man fall into silence.

Although his character has become cowardly and timid, his feelings for Aunt May have not diminished in the slightest because of the spell. In Peter's mind, Aunt May is his only and most important relative.

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