Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 243: Fantastic 4

"Yeah, Ben, it's awesome to be in space for a few days."

"What bad could happen?"

Brooklyn Bridge.

Ben's situation is a little worse, and the cosmic storm in space has also changed his DNA, even more completely. Turned him into a stone monster with an orange appearance.

Looking for his girlfriend with this appearance, Ben's next encounter is naturally conceivable. Facing the girlfriend who screamed and panicked and turned around and ran away, Ben was hit hard, and even had a direct attack from her. The idea of ​​jumping off the Brooklyn Bridge.

In fact, he is also planning to put this idea into action.

But, obviously, there was a little deviation in his idea.

In order to save a middle-aged man who was also planning to commit suicide by jumping into the sea, he spoke out to stop him, but he didn't want his strange stone figure to directly frighten the other side back and forth, and finally stepped on the air and fell into the bridge deck lane of the Brooklyn Bridge by mistake. central.

Not long after the New York War ended, the appearance of Ben at this moment was no different from aliens in the eyes of middle-aged men.

Although he was ready to commit suicide, jumping into the sea to commit suicide was different from being killed by aliens.

Seeing the man who fell in the middle of the road, the goodwill in his heart finally overwhelmed the idea of ​​suicide, and his heavy body left two deep potholes on the bridge. A heavy truck drove in the direction of the two.

Looking at the two people who appeared on the bridge, the truck driver almost subconsciously stepped on the brakes, but he still couldn't resist the inertia, and he was about to hit Ben and them.

Faced with such a thrilling situation, Ben didn't have time to react, and instinctively turned his shoulders and rammed into the approaching train.

Then, an astonishing scene happened.

Relying on Mutant Roar's powerful body, Ben abruptly stopped the tens of tonnage truck, which was running full speed ahead, on the spot. Not only that, because of inertia, the wheels of the large truck were directly lifted, the body leaned forward, and a huge groove even appeared directly on the huge iron front.

Faced with such an astonishing scene, pedestrians on both sides of the Brooklyn Bridge exclaimed and raised their mobile phones to start filming.

Although the superheroes in New York have become more and more active since the appearance of the Avengers, many people are surprised to see Ben's terrifying power so close.

Ben's astonishing blow, although he successfully rescued the middle-aged man, but along with his action, it also had a serious impact on the traffic of the Brooklyn Bridge. The sound of horns, sirens, screams and scolds... are endless.

At the same time, Reed and his party finally arrived at the Brooklyn Bridge.

It's just that the New York police are obviously very nervous in the face of the greatly changed Ben.

The drama of the alien invasion has just ended, and the events in Chinatown have caused them to relax a little bit and bring it up again. Now, looking at the orange stone people on the Brooklyn Bridge, the police who arrived almost shot and fired. .

"what should we do?"

Although he has completely changed his appearance, Reed and others still recognized his identity through the vague appearance of the stone man, who was the same person who suffered from the radiation of space cosmic storms like everyone else.

Looking at Ben surrounded by police, Susan said worriedly.

It was just too late to come up with a countermeasure. The next moment, the dangers that occurred on the bridge forced Reed and others to show their superpowers.

While protecting a lost girl, Johnny showed the ability to be unafraid of fire. Susan passively activated the second hidden ability in her body at a critical juncture—invisibility stance to resist the blast from the center of the explosion. of high temperature flames.

Although it blocked the flames emerging towards him, it was on the outside lane of the Brooklyn Bridge on the right. After receiving the alarm call from the masses, an extended fire truck that rushed to prepare to participate in the rescue operation was obviously affected by the explosive air waves around the driving section, and the tire slipped without any warning and the body leaned out and directly separated from the main bridge of the bridge. outside the road range.

The skidding fire truck directly smashed the cable-stayed steel cables on both sides of the Brooklyn Bridge and broke it, and half of the fire truck's body was knocked out of the bridge deck due to the violent inertia. A firefighter who stayed behind the car body and was responsible for fiddling with the bridle and spraying fire extinguishers was caught off guard, lost his balance, slipped and fell from the roof of the fire truck amid the exclamations of the nearby people, and was about to fall into the fire. in the sea.

Falling from this distance, the sea surface is almost no different from the concrete floor, and it can also shatter one's bones.

Seeing that, the tragedy is about to be staged. At the critical moment, Reed showed his ability. The body mutated by the radiation of the space cosmic storm has amazing extensibility and plasticity. Under the control of Reed's mind, his hands quickly stretch like rubber. Long, instantly grabbed the firefighters and rescued him.

On the other side, Johnny looked at the wobbly fire truck, and without much hesitation, he let go of the little girl in his arms, leaving a sentence, "Be here and don't move!"

I plan to use my own power to save the long fire truck that is about to tilt and fall.

But obviously, despite having super powers, Johnny still couldn't stop the fire truck from moving.

With the passage of time, in just a few seconds, the lengthy carriage, which had gradually stopped and was stationary, shook violently again with a harsh metal friction sound, causing the middle end of the car to move again. , Falling, Reed controlled his hands to wrap around the fire truck, but the result was no different. The radiation gave him amazing flexibility, but it did not give him amazing strength.

Seeing, the whole car is about to fall into the sea.

In a pinch, Ben strikes again.

Although the space cosmic storm turned him into an orange-looking stone man, it also gave him amazing defense and strength. He grabbed the front of the car with both hands, and with his superhuman strength, Ben groaned. The next moment, his heavy body stepped on two deep potholes on the bridge, and then with his hands, he saw the falling fire. The car pulled back to the bridge deck again.

Although the lives of a carload of firefighters were saved, Ben's mood remained low.

After all, even if he has superhuman strength, he still can't cover up Ben's lost emotions.

This is even more obvious after seeing the three Reeds who also have superpowers but still look the same.

Why is he the unlucky one.

"I swear to you, Ben, I'll do everything in my power to get you back no matter what."

In the face of Ben's disappointing performance, Reed solemnly assured him.


"Where are your ears?"

Staying in the tent temporarily set up by the police, Johnny glanced curiously at Ben, who was sitting across from him with a silent expression, showing strong curiosity about his strange appearance. Looking at his bare head, he couldn't help but ask.

Because of Reed's comfort and assurance, Ben, who finally came out of the shadow of lovelorn, heard Johnny teasing him with such a casual tone, and suddenly felt angry and couldn't help it. He glared at the other party fiercely, if it wasn't for the fact that his own strength was amazing at the moment, but he would directly kill Johnny if he shot, he almost couldn't help but do it.

Seeing that the Stone Man was ignoring him, Johnny raised his eyebrows and was about to speak again to increase his provocation.

Outside the temporary tent, a black person in charge in a fire brigade's uniform came: "Aren't you going out? Those who were rescued... and the news reporters from the TV station all want to talk to you again..."

Although, seriously speaking, what happened on the Brooklyn Bridge was actually caused by Ben, but in any case, everything the four did at least didn't make the situation worse.

Facing the words of the person in charge, Reed subconsciously frowned and refused: "Sorry, we don't plan to disclose this matter, we are scientists, not superheroes..."

Although he has superhuman power, in essence, Reed still feels that he is a scientific researcher. As I said before, the matter of saving the world is still left to the Avengers. He just wants to be quiet. Do your own research work.

"It's too late, man!" The person in charge interrupted Reed's refusal, pointing to the TV in the tent and said, "Look! Whether you like it or not, now they have called you the 'Fantastic Four' Hero'."


"... an extended ladder truck of the New York Fire Department unfortunately became part of this morning's traffic chaos tragedy... But the biggest focus of this incident is not the fire brigade's failed rescue case, the thrilling consequences... but Four guys with super powers like the Avengers, one of the four can stretch his body and limbs to a jaw-dropping exaggeration... The other is like..."

In the dim room, Victor's face was pale. He looked at the report on the four Reeds on the TV screen, and glanced down at his fingers. In the next instant, a weak current was generated from it.

It seems that the shield did not block the radiation of the cosmic storm in space, and Victor and Reed also mutated at a glance.


The appearance of the new superheroes, the Fantastic Four, has become the latest talking point in New York in recent days.

However, on the other hand, the original superheroes are also protecting the city in their own way.

New York, mid-air.

"Mr. Phantom Thief Kidd, although I used to be your fan before, but now, please obediently put down the items in your hands and capture them."

While relying on the spider silk to wander among the high-rise buildings in New York, the little spider said to the white figure not far away driving a glider through the high-rise buildings.

"Otherwise, I'll be rude to you."

Controlling the glider to deflect, avoiding the tall building in front of him, the thief Kidd looked at the little spider beside him, twitched the corners of his mouth, and had no sense of being a criminal on his face: "Why do you keep chasing me, I should Didn't you steal anything from you?"

"But Mr. Phantom Thief, you steal other people's things. It's a crime, and a crime is punishable."

Raising his eyebrows and covering his hat, Kaito Kid looked at Peter with some interest and asked, "How are you going to punish me?"

"I have not decided yet."

Hearing the question from the phantom thief, Peter scratched his head covered by the mask: "However, Mr. phantom thief should be sent to prison to serve your sentence. After all, stealing is a crime."

"You are so confident that you can catch me."

Listening to the little spider plausibly answering how to deal with himself, the phantom thief couldn't help but ask back with a slight smile.


In this regard, the little spider has no modesty: "After all, I am not a police officer in New York City. Mr. Kaitou, don't think that you can easily escape from my hands." Facing Kaitou Kidd, this is before he gains the ability. Just like the phantom thief who was already active in New York, Peter showed a cautious attitude.

" I was underestimated by you."

Controlling the glider in his hand, deflecting the direction again, and turning between the tall buildings, the thief said indifferently.

Although he bears the identity of the phantom thief Kidd, it is obvious that the current avatar is not the original phantom thief for a long time, and Peter the little spider's words cannot pose too much threat to him.

"I didn't underestimate you, Mr. Monster Thief."

Using the wall of the high-rise building as a springboard, the echoing spider silk blocked in front of Kidd the thief, and the little spider's mouth continued: "Actually, I like you very much, Mr. thief, and even used it as a reference when designing the combat uniform. Your outfit, sir, thinking about adding a cloak like yours, sir, on the back of the uniform."

As he spoke, the little spider's hand movements didn't stop at all. He stretched out his hand and pressed the palm of his hand. In the next second, the spider silk jet machine on his wrist fired a specially made spider silk sticky bomb at the monster thief on the opposite side. go.

The left hand pressed down slightly to avoid the flying spider silk sticky bombs. The strange thief looked at the little spider in front of him, and twitched the corner of his mouth to reveal a faint smile: "Thank you for your love, since that's the case, then I will also give you a small gift."

"small gift?"

The reaction of Kaito Kidd made Peter a little confused.

Even though he was chasing each other, he still wanted to give him a gift.


However, before he had time to think about it, in the next instant, Little Spider saw the phantom thief Kidd, who was flying on a glider, suddenly took out something from the inside of his clothes, threw it at him, and shouted loudly.

Hearing the shouts of the phantom thief, Peter subconsciously raised his hand to catch the object thrown by the other party, and felt the hard touch from his fingers. In the next second, with a slight cracking sound, the thing in his hand suddenly split into two halves.

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