Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 218: after the war

"There is no going back."

After the Great War in New York, among the ruins of the city, a bald man who looked like a vulture stood in the heavily damaged Stark Industries New Energy Building and said.

The Avengers saved everyone, but couldn't heal the wounds left by the war, and Adrian Toomes was running a New York-based recycling company. After the Battle of New York, he exhausted all his family wealth and obtained government authorization to participate in the recycling of Chitauri waste, hoping to take the opportunity to make a fortune.

"It's not entirely a bad thing, though."

Looking up at the alien wreckage in Stark Industries, a gloomy smile appeared on Adrian Toomes' face.

The attack of the alien army is terrifying, but the scrap left by Chitauri is a huge business opportunity for him.

"Opportunity awaits those who are prepared."

After bowing his head and muttering a word, Adrian Toombs immediately stepped forward and walked into the ruins.


[Famousness from Thanos +1000]


Inside the antique shop, Li Ran looked at the prompts displayed on the system data panel with a clear look on his face.

Li Ran was not surprised that the Battle of New York attracted the attention of Thanos.

In the final analysis, the main reason why this invasion happened is that it came from the ambition of Thanos to collect the Infinity Stones and snap his fingers, no, to suppress the expanding population of the universe.

Therefore, just a simple outpost cannot stop Thanos' ambition to acquire the Infinity Stones. In the foreseeable future, the army of Thanos will come to the earth again for the Infinity Stones.

Of course, thinking about this kind of thing at this time is obviously a bit too far, especially for Li Ran, as long as he can successfully get the legend and open the treasure chest, sooner or later, he will be able to fight against and even hang the opponent's power. . At that time, it will be doubtful whether the so-called plan of Thanos will succeed.

So, keep your pace and don't panic.

Secretly admonishing himself, Li Ran suppressed his restless emotions and turned his attention back to the data panel of the system.

[Legend]: 120855

Not surprisingly, after a big battle in New York, the success brought him more than 100,000 legends.

Especially in the end, [Jiujianxian] rushed into the portal and destroyed the Chitarui battleship with one move [Bacchus Spell], not only the scene was shocking, but the legend on the data panel skyrocketed by nearly a third. . Even if the place where this scene happened was not in outer space, but in the sky over New York, it might have gained even more fame.

Of course, no matter what, this New York battle was a great success for Li Ran.

Looking at the legend on the data panel, Li Ran's inner thoughts popped up again.

It is naturally a choice to save these legends as preparations for the next [Golden Treasure Chest].

However, Li Ran looked at the [Golden Treasure Chest] that cost 1 million to obtain in the system prompt, and then glanced at the [Silver Treasure Chest] that could be exchanged for only 100,000, and gave up decisively without much hesitation. The idea of ​​accumulating legend.

The [Golden Treasure Chest] is tempting, but the conditions for one million legendary degrees are a bit too harsh. Instead of keeping the exchange conditions for one million such legendary degrees, it is better to use the [Silver Treasure Chest] directly. . What's more, open the system's inventory and look at the [A-level card fragments × 2] placed in it. There is more than one way to obtain A-level character cards. If he is lucky enough, he can. In the opening of the silver treasure chest a few times, the fragments needed to synthesize A-level cards were collected.

Thinking of this, Li Ran no longer hesitated, and decisively consumed 100,000 Legend Degrees and exchanged it for a [Silver Treasure Chest].


[Prop: Flying Dutchman]

[Effect: Curse]

[Introduction: From one of the legendary ships commonly used in "Pirates of the Caribbean", Davy Jones fell in love with the goddess of the sea, Colibuso, so he volunteered to be the captain of the ghost ship "Flying Dutchman" and promised to be Cory Buso extradited the dead to the underworld at sea, at the cost that the "Flying Dutchman" could only dock once every ten years. Davy Jones paid his soul for love, but he was also betrayed and cursed because of love, and turned into an ocean. biology. 】

[Note: I used to be willing to give up everything, just in exchange for you to smile at me when you were thinking of me. 】


【A Grade Card Fragment × 1】

【Effect: Combination】

[Introduction: Unknown A-level card fragments, collect five fragments to synthesize a brand new card. 】


[Class B Card - Gaara]

[Skills: Ninjutsu, Shou Crane]

[Background introduction: The character in "Naruto". The fifth generation of Kazekage from the Land of Winds and Sand Hidden Village. When he was a child, he was feared by the villagers because of the seal in his body, and because of the betrayal of his close relatives, his character became ruthless and liked to But after the battle with Uzumaki Naruto, due to the betrayal of close relatives Under the influence of people, gradually get rid of inner demons. 】

[Remarks: I also want to be someone who is needed one day...not as a terrifying the Kazekage of Sand Ninja Village. 】

The appearance of the [A-level card fragment × 1] was in line with Li Ran's expectations, but compared with the other two items in the treasure chest, it was somewhat less conspicuous.

[Flying Dutchman].

Aside from the [Flying Broom] with harsh conditions that appeared before, [Flying Dutchman] should be a serious prop that can be used as a means of transportation developed by Li Ran, although, from the introduction of the system , The negative effects of [Flying Dutchman] are far greater than the positive ones, but this does not prevent Li Ran from appreciating this ship.

Extradition of the dead to the underworld.

Look at it, this is so cool, it's much higher than [Flying Broomstick].

Then there is another B-rank card [Gai Luo]. The appearance of this character card undoubtedly completely solved Li Ran's distress due to the limitation of his clone ability. And, this is not the most important thing. As a B-rank card character [Gaara], his own abilities are extremely powerful. The power of various ninjutsu and Shouhe, whether it is in terms of clones and battles, is very important for Li Ran's next steps. The plan has been greatly improved.

It is foreseeable that with the acquisition of the card [Gao Ai Luo], Li Ran will no longer be restricted from appearing as Penglai, Jiuyou or even other characters in the future, and his original steps of gaining fame will also increase again. No longer limited or rely on a few scattered characters to fill the scene.

In the future, with the ability of [Gao Luo]'s clone, Li Ran can also create a big scene that is not weaker than the Battle of New York.

At the same time, his scope of activities is finally no longer limited to New York.

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