Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 215: Intense battle [Thanks to book friends 201.9 million62...


The lightning that controlled the fury wiped out the Chitarians below, and Thor swung down from the sky with Thor's Hammer, and his footsteps staggered a little before he stood firm. He was accidentally stabbed by the opponent during the battle with Loki. Although the injury was not serious, Loki took the opportunity to seize the opportunity to escape in the aircraft of the Qitarui.

"What's going on up there?"

Looking at Sol who fell, Steve immediately asked about the situation.

"Lightning can't penetrate the cube's energy shield"

Shaking his head, Sol spoke back.

"Compared to these, we should think more about how to solve this disgusting big guy flying in the air." Tony couldn't help but reminded, controlling the armor to constantly shuttle in mid-air to attract the attention of the giant metal insects.

"what should we do?"

Looking up and looking at the big monster chasing Tony in mid-air, Natasha's expression was a little dazed.

Looking down at the weapon in her hand, she didn't think that the gun in her hand could solve this big guy.

"Not sure, but it looks like Tony won't last long."

Looking up at the behemoth in front of him, Steve didn't have much confidence on his face.

In mid-air, the door around the giant metal worm opened again, and a large number of elite soldiers from the Chitauri jumped down and rushed towards them with a roar. Facing the menacing Qitarui, Sol subconsciously clenched the Thor's Hammer in his hand, and stood up to summon lightning.

"Yujian comes by the wind, in the world of eliminating demons, there is wine and happiness, and without wine, I am insane. Once I drink the river, I drink the sun and the moon again, a thousand cups can't get drunk, only I am the wine sword fairy... Hahahahahaha ~~~~"

At this moment, accompanied by a burst of unrestrained laughter, the sword light fell like raindrops, and a flying sword fell from the sky, blasting the attacking Qitarui team.

"This is?!"

Looking at the flying sword that fell in front of her, Natasha's expression changed slightly, apparently recognizing the owner of the sword.

"what happened?"

In mid-air, noticing the situation on Steve and the others on the ground, Tony turned his head and saw that the immortal he had encountered before was holding a gourd in one hand, lying on his side and falling from the air, falling accurately. On the hilt of the flying sword.

[Fame from Tony Stark +1010]


Shaking his head, he came back to his senses and looked at the [Jiu Jianxian] Steve who appeared in front of him, and hurried forward: "You're here, where's Banner?"

"You said that big guy, he is still on his way behind."

Smashed his mouth and took a sip of the wine from the gourd. Facing Steve's question, [Jiu Jianxian] replied with a drunken expression on his face.

"Immortal, be careful."

Hearing that Banner was on his way, Natasha subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, but before she could relax, she saw the fallen Chitauri standing up again and raised his voice. The laser weapon in his hand is aimed at [Jiujian Xian] and fired.

Squinting and squinting these Qitarui people, facing the attack that was so close at hand, [Jiu Jianxian] yawned a lot, and raised his finger indifferently, the next second , from the flying sword under him, a fierce sword glow erupted, and the Qitarui people in front of him were chopped into several pieces in an instant.

[Famousness from Chitauri elite soldiers +5]

[Famousness from Chitauri elite soldiers +5]

[Famousness from Chitauri elite soldiers +5]


In the antique store, Li Ran raised his eyebrows when he saw the legend displayed on the system panel.

In the system's judgment, the reputation given by beheading the Qitarui soldiers is obviously more than he expected. One or two may not feel much, but it is associated with the continuous stream of Qitarui behind the wormhole. In the army, Li Ran's breathing involuntarily quickened.

Look around, and look at these Chitauri soldiers over New York, where are they still disgusting alien invaders, one by one is a moving legend.

Feeling the thoughts of the main body, [Jiujian Xian] on Pike Street no longer continued to lie down. He stood up staggeringly, shook the gourd and put the flying sword into the sheath, and turned his head to look in the air. The dense army of Qitarui people pretended to be puzzled and asked, "What are these things?"

"The Chitauri army, alien invaders."

Turning his head and sweeping the surrounding streets of New York destroyed by the Chitauri attack, Sol couldn't help but reply in a low tone.

What Loki did, he was very disappointed.

"It seems that it is somewhat similar to the extraterritorial demon."

Raising the wine gourd in his hand and taking a sip of wine, [Jiu Jianxian] looked at the Qitarui army that was pouring in from the wormhole, and seemed to say something casually.

Hearing the words of [Wine Sword Immortal], the expression on Natasha's face changed involuntarily.

"Everyone, now is not a good time for you to chat."

In mid-air, Tony, who had been trying to attract the giant metal worm, couldn't hold it anymore.

"Immortal, please!"

Although the expected Banner did not come, the appearance of [Wine Sword Immortal] gave Tony a lot of confidence. The power of the shock wave on his body suddenly increased, and Tony led the giant metal worm towards revenge at a very fast speed. The location of the members of the Alliance of Confederates flew over.

Tony dressed in battle armor turned into a red figure and flew over the heads of everyone. [Jiujian Xian] drank the wine in the wine gourd in his hand, looked up at the behemoth he was attracted to, and hit it. Jiu Hiccup smiled and said, "You bastard, you will really make trouble for me."

Although he said that and looked at the huge metal worm, the drunken expression on [Jiu Jianxian]'s face was rare and serious. I saw him shaking his head and pinching a magic trick, then snorted softly [ Wan Jian Jue], raised his hand and pointed, and the flying sword behind him was unsheathed, turning into sword lights like raindrops and hitting the metal giant worm on the opposite side.


Countless sword beams penetrated the huge body of the giant metal worm, and the strong defensive power given by the solid metal on the outside of its body did not resist the attack of [Jiu Jianxian] at all, but in the blink of an eye, The giant metal worm, which was still suspended in mid-air and seemed to be invincible, stopped its movements, and in the next second, accompanied by a mournful howl that was on the verge of death, with a loud bang, it fell to the ground ruthlessly. Above, a deep ravine was smashed.

[Famousness +1000 from the new ship of Chitaray creatures]

The gust of wind that the giant metal worm smashed on the ground made the Taoist uniform on [Jiu Jianxian] squeak, but [Jiu Jianxian] himself took a sip with that indifferent expression. , to fully show the members of the Avengers what it means to be addicted to alcohol.


beep beep-

At this time, Banner slowly rushed to the battlefield on a motorcycle he didn't know where he found it.

"Dr. Banner, you are really timely."

Falling from above, Tony looked at Banner on the motorcycle and couldn't help but teased.

"Sorry, I'm a little lost."

After parking the motorcycle, Banner glanced at the [Jiu Jianxian] opposite with a pale face, with a look of lingering fear on his face.

In fact, when he was half-blown by the other party, he had already changed back, but the immortal completely ignored this situation and forced the gourd to fly with him for the most part in the air. The result of this was that Banner almost didn't vomit out his bitter gall as soon as he landed, and he finally regained his senses, so he hurried to the scene.

"Anyway, it's a good thing that you can come here, Doctor."

Banner's arrival is undoubtedly a great help for the current battle situation. Looking up at the dense army of Chitarians above his head, Steve's expression is a little dignified.

Although, [Jiu Jianxian]'s action helped them solve a big trouble, but obviously, there are more troubles waiting for them right now.

"If we don't close the wormhole portal opened by the Rubik's Cube and face the continuous invasion of the Zitarians, we will not be able to support it for too long."

Steve can see clearly that there are still many Chitauri troops waiting for them behind the portal. If they don't want to lose the opportunity they have finally won in the continuous attack of the alien army, they must take the initiative. Attack and cut through the portal formed by the cube.

Saying that, Steve turned his head and looked at [Wine Sword Immortal] beside him: "Immortal, I hope you can help us."

The strength displayed by [Jiujian Xian] is already very clear. If this powerful immortal from Penglai can be shot, it will undoubtedly be a huge boost to the current battle of the Avengers.

"Immortal, if you're willing to take action, the wine that I promised you earlier..."

In this regard, Natasha couldn't help but speak and persuade.

"Although I like to drink, I can also distinguish the importance of it." The opening interrupted Natasha's persuasion, [Jiu Jianxian] raised his hand and took a sip of wine, then turned to look at the alien army suspended in the air , In fact, no matter whether the members of the Avengers open their mouths or not, he will definitely take action. After all, in the eyes of the main body, they are all legendary.

"You agreed to invite me to drink three days and three nights of wine before. Then, I will spend a little more effort to help you get rid of these guys in front of you, so that when you want to drink, you can't find anyone."

The answer of [Jiujian Xian] was undoubtedly a boost to the members of the Avengers.

A smile appeared on Steve's face, but then he restrained himself. He turned his head to look at the situation in front of him and began to order: "Okay, everyone, there is a tough battle waiting for us next. Clinton, you are here. Above the roof, find out where these guys are marching, Stark, you stand your ground, anything that gets close to 3rd Street should be slow to push them back, or burn them..."


Arrange the tasks one by one, and finally Steve turned his head to look at the [Wine Sword Immortal] who was still in place: "If possible, I hope you can help us solve as many alien troops as possible."

"no problem."

The task that Steve arranged was just in line with Li Ran's idea, so [Jiujian Xian] did not refuse, he nodded lightly and flew towards the Qitarui army with the gourd. As an avatar transformed by avatar boxing, he himself can fly in the sky with the [Dance of the Sky], and the reason why he is still sitting on the gourd is purely for the sake of bragging.


【Wan Jian Jue】


The sword light fell like raindrops, slashing down the opposite Chitarui army.

In the antique store, Li Ran was dazzled by the rumors that kept jumping on the data panel.

It's not that he hasn't brushed the legend, but a situation like today is really an experience that he didn't have in the past.

If possible, Li Ran hopes to continue to brush like this, but obviously, under the continuous battle, even the Avengers who are superheroes are beginning to feel tired.

Captain America raised the shield in his hand to block the attack of a Chitauri soldier, swung the shield to shoot down the opponent, and then turned over to catch the flying shield. Then, out of breath, he asked through the communication device in the mask: "Natasha, how is the situation on your side?"

"We need to think of a way to close the or else..."

It was difficult to kill an alien through the weapons of the Qitarians. Natasha gasped and said that under the frequent battles, even Captain America, who was injected with the super soldier serum, began to gradually feel the limit of his physical strength. Not to mention Natasha, who is physically weak, the reason why she persevered was purely by her will.

"This may be Loki's purpose, draining our power through an alien army."

Controlling the Mark 8 armor to shuttle through the battlefield, Tony looked at the scene of the Avengers fighting each other and couldn't help talking. Behind him, another huge metal giant insect was constantly roaring and flying towards him.


"Mommy, I'm afraid!"

"Baby, don't be afraid, Mommy will protect you."

"Almighty Lord, please bless me..."

"What kind of monster is this, why did I encounter such a thing."

"The aliens have attacked the earth, what about our army, what are they doing!"

"Why, why is it me, why..."

In the bank at the intersection of 42nd Street, a few hideous-looking Chitauri soldiers surrounded a large number of civilians with laser weapons. Looking at the panicked crowd in front of them, the Chitauri soldiers uttered inexplicable words. With a roar, he raised his hand to take down his weapon and pressed the start button, intending to throw it into the crowd.

As invaders, they have no mercy at all. In fact, destroying everything on earth is their aggression goal.

Seeing that tragedy is about to happen.

However, at this moment, a sharp sword light appeared, flying around the bank with lightning speed.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the Qitarui soldiers who were still fiercely surrounded by the bank fell to the ground, and suddenly lost their voices.

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