"The way to recreate the serum is locked into your genetic sequence, and without Dr. Abraham Erskine, it would have taken us years to re-decipher the serum..."

In the laboratory, Agent Carter said to Steve in front of him.

With the death of Dr. Abraham Erskine and the breakage of the last Super Soldier Serum, Steve is the only successful Super Soldier Serum subject to date.

"The Doctor shouldn't have died like this."

After a long silence, Steve spoke in a low voice.

Dr. Abraham Erskine was a good man and a life-changing man who shouldn't have died like this.

"Anyway, as a success of the serum injection, the doctor should be proud of it."

In this regard, Agent Carter could not help but comfort him.


"Colonel Phillips, the committee needs an answer..."

On the other hand, the senator expressed his dissatisfaction with the previous attacks, especially the death of Dr. Abraham Erskine, which caused the entire super soldier serum project to be almost halted and could not be continued for several years. Right now, they can't see anything but Steve.

Such an outcome was unacceptable to many, including senators.

"For this, I want to ask the Senator why a German spy is in your car and infiltrated our secret base." Suppressing your inner feelings about the death and suffering of Dr. Abraham Erskine The attack was possible, Colonel Phillips asked Howard, who was surrounded by a huge submarine in the laboratory.

"Has there been any progress, Mr. Howard?"

"Although I'm the best mechanical engineer in my country, I still can't figure out the structure of this thing and how it works." Howard raised his eyebrows, looked at the submarine in front of him, shook his head and replied reluctantly. : "Obviously, this is a very advanced technology. According to Steve, the other party is controlling this big machine and trying to escape by sneaking in the water..."

"Not only this machine, but also the charred corpse, what's the matter?"

Colonel Phillips and the others also brought back the body of the escaped man.

"Mr. Colonel, I'm just a mechanical engineer, not an expert on this."

In response, Howard shrugged and couldn't help reminding Colonel Phillips.

"What is all this about?" The Senator couldn't help asking, listening to the conversation between Howard and Colonel Phillips.

"Hydra," said the name Steve had heard before the man died, and Colonel Phillips turned to look at the senator beside him: "Sir, I have already mentioned them in the briefing. already."

"I'm not just focusing on one of your experiments, Colonel, I've got a lot of work to do."

Frowning, the Senator replied with a displeased expression.

"Hydra is the secret research department of ***, led by John Schmidt, but he obviously has bigger ambitions." Agent Carter spoke up and introduced the situation of Hydra.

"In fact, I had a phone call with Mr. President this morning. Starting today, the Strategic Science Department has a new mission. We are going to fight Hydra." After the introduction of Agent Carter, Colonel Phillips turned around and announced. , With the death of the partner Dr. Abraham Erskine, the super soldier's plan has lost the possibility of continuing, and Colonel Phillips had to change his plan goals again.

"So, Agent Carter, pack your bags, and Mr. Howard, and you too, we're going to London tonight."

"Sir, if you're going to deal with John Schmidt, I'll join too!"

Hearing what Colonel Phillips said, Steve couldn't help but ask.

"No." He refused Steve's request without hesitation. Colonel Phillips looked at Steve, who was taller than himself, and said solemnly, "You are only one person, and what I need is a troop, you alone are not enough for the war."

After that, before Steve could respond, Colonel Phillips turned around and left the laboratory.

"Actually, I don't quite agree with Colonel Phillips' opinion." Stepping forward to the silent Steve, the senator looked at the tall figure in front of him: "Steve, you are different, Your existence value is not simply just staying in the laboratory, do you have the will to appear on the battlefield to serve the country?"

"Sir, I can't ask for anything!"

The senator's remarks obviously persuaded Steve, and he responded without thinking.

"Then congratulations, you are promoted."


Italy, inside a U.S. military barracks five miles from the front.

Li Ran looked at the "Captain America" ​​comic in his hand, and the character on the cover that was three or four similar to Steve, and couldn't help laughing out loud. Steve may not have dreamed that his first mission after being injected with super soldier serum was not to defend the country, but to become a special actor, touring and selling national debts everywhere.

"Have you heard? Captain America will come to us today to give a speech."

"Captain America, you mean the clown in the costume, what is he doing here with us?"

"I can guarantee that a coward like a soft-footed shrimp will cry when he hears the sound of bullets..."

"I'm not talking about Captain America. I heard that he also brought a large group of beautiful women to perform."

"Oh, woman..."

Outside the barracks, the noisy voice gradually faded away. Li Ran looked down at the cartoon in Cheng's hand, and then looked up at the real legend on the system data panel.

【Legend】: 42015

Although there are a lot of legends at the moment, there is still a long way to go from what Li Ran expected.

Maybe, when Steve arrives at the barracks, I can take advantage of the opportunity...

Here, Li Ran was secretly thinking about preparing for the arrival of Captain America.

In the next second, the ticking of the hands rang in his ears again.

Hearing the rapid ticking sound, Li Ran's expression couldn't help but sigh, and he had a hunch in his heart that when the next pointer sounded again, it might also represent the end of his time back.


"Okay, are you ready to kill Adolf with me?"

On the front line, on a makeshift stage, Steve in a cheap uniform raised a shield with the American emblem in his hand and shouted to the soldiers in front of him.

Clearly, though, the soldiers were more looking forward to the girls dancing with him than to Steve's lackluster speech.

Embarrassed, he was kicked off the stage, and Steve was in a bad mood.

His ideal is to be a soldier who defends his family and the country, instead of putting on tights and being put on the stage for fun like a monkey.

However, although he is not happy about the situation in front of him, Steve has to continue. Compared with staying in the laboratory for research, at least he still has a certain degree of freedom in front of him. Although this freedom With plenty of ridicule.

"That's the result of the super soldier."

Alone, silently painting and spending time.

Suddenly, a somewhat familiar voice came from behind Steve. Turning his head, Steve saw Dio Brando, who had been training with him, looked at him with a look of shame: "A clown singing and dancing on stage? If so, I I'm just glad that you were chosen in the first place."

"It wasn't originally part of the plan."

Dio Brando's words made Steve fall into silence. After a while, he said: "It's just that something happened, so that's why..."

"I will become an acrobat. I watched your performance, at least it was much better than when I was training."

Dio Brando's merciless sarcasm made Steve clench his fists subconsciously, but the next moment, he loosened his fists as if thinking of something, showing a decadent look on his face.

Indeed, as Dio Brando said, he is now more of a circus performer than a soldier.

Looking at the frustrated Steve in front of him, Dio Brando spoke again and said provocatively: "So, you plan to continue like this, as an acrobat?"

"Of course not, I..."

Opening his mouth, Steve was about to say something when a hurried shout suddenly came from the camp not far away.

Looking at the situation, I saw a seriously injured soldier being lifted from a medical vehicle.

"Is this? Has the war on the front reached this level?"

All the while performing in tights, Steve almost forgot the brutality of war.

"It hasn't been this serious before. Ever since a guy named John Schmidt sent out a terrifying force, we've had casualties all the time. Two hundred men fought and less than fifty came back. 107th Infantry Regiment were the heaviest casualties, many of whom were either killed or captured..."

"107th Infantry Regiment?!"

Dio Brando's description made Steve feel the cruelty of the war again, and the situation of the 107th Infantry Regiment made his face change suddenly.

If Steve remembers correctly, his friend Bucky Barnes served in the 107th Infantry.

If Dio Brando is right...

Thinking of this, Steve was no longer silent.


"Colonel Phillips!"

On the front line, inside the camp, Steve found Colonel Phillips.

"Isn't this our ambitious man with stars on our chests? What are you going to do with me?"

Looking at Steve who appeared in front of him, Colonel Phillips couldn't help but sneered. Colonel Phillips apparently had a pretty deep opinion on Steve's eventual choice to serve the Congressman rather than help him reverse-engineer the supersoldier serum.

"I would like to have a list of casualties from the Battle of Bolzano."

Ignoring Colonel Phillips' taunts, Steve makes a plea.

"You are not qualified to order me, boy."

"I just want to know about Sergeant Bucky Barnes of the 107th Infantry."

Colonel Phillips glanced at Dio Brando, who was standing beside him. Obviously, Steve couldn't know what was going on in the army unless someone told him. Dao: "I signed a lot of condolence letters today. Although I don't know which one it is, I have an impression of this name, and I am very sorry."


Colonel Phillips' reply made Steve fall into silence.

After a long time, he opened his mouth and continued to ask: "What about the others, are you going to rescue them?"

Shaking his head, Colonel Phillips replied solemnly, "We must focus on the bigger picture."

Colonel Phillips' answer made Steve difficult to accept: "Since you know they are there, why don't you go..."

"They are thirty miles away from the enemy camp. If we want to rescue them, we must pass through the most heavily guarded place in the entire war. After the rescue, we will lose more people. We must make a choice~www.wuxiamtl.com~ This is war. Of course, I don't expect you to understand that, after all, you're just a clown dancing in a straitjacket."

After saying all this, Colonel Phillips ignored Steve in front of him and turned to deal with other things.

Today, they lost a lot, and there is a lot of work waiting for him to deal with.

Turning his head and looking at the figure of Colonel Phillips passing by himself, Steve turned his attention to the map in front of him, which clearly marked the locations where the soldiers were captured.


"It does not appear that you intend to obey the Colonel's orders."

In the temporarily prepared performance props camp, Dio Brando looked at Steve who was packing up the equipment and said.

"I can't just watch so many people die like this." Picking up his shield, Steve looked at Dio Brando in front of him and replied, "Also, I don't believe Bucky died like this. , I need to prove it myself."

"Are you going to sneak into the local camp like this?"

Looking at Steve in the rudimentary equipment in front of him, Dio Brando said again: "As you are now, let alone sneak into the enemy camp, I don't think you can even break through the front line."

"I'm running out of time, a minute late means they're going to be a little more dangerous."

Steve also knew that he might not be able to do it by himself, but Colonel Phillips' attitude was already quite firm that he had no help.

"Perhaps, I can help you." Looking at Steve, Li Ran, and Budio Brando who were preparing to fight alone and enter the enemy's camp alone, they turned their heads and looked not far away and said, "Just in time, they are here. ."

As Dio Brando's voice fell, Steve immediately saw Agent Carter bring Howard to him.



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