Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 190: World Expo

"Dio Brando?"

Looking up at the handsome blond and white-skinned man in front of him, even the doctor couldn't help showing a surprised look. The appearance of the other party was comparable to those of the stars in the movie.

When he came back to his senses, the doctor looked down at the information in his hand, and then continued to ask: "What did your father do?"

"He's an ordinary worker..."

Taking his eyes back from the figure of Steve Rogers, he did not expect to meet Steve Rogers at this time.

Captain America's figure before receiving the super soldier injection is also special, and his thin body makes people able to recognize him from the crowd at a glance.

Looking back, when he heard the doctor's question, Dio Brando raised the corner of his mouth, and then gave the answer he had prepared for a long time.

The information in the hands of the doctor in front of him is naturally false, but Dio Brando is not worried about this.

First, although the information is forged, it was prepared with great effort by the vampire transformed by it, and it is not easy to investigate the flaws. Second, his physical quality is far from the uninjected super soldier. Captain America is so horrific, in general, as long as everything goes well, there will be no problems.

not to mention.

Dio Brando squinted at the doctor in front of him, and the next moment, their eyes met.

Immediately afterwards, seeing the expression on the doctor's face on the opposite side, he was immediately confused, he shook his head, and immediately picked up the seal and stamped the "qualified" seal on the conscription certificate in his hand.

[Hypnosis] is also one of the vampire abilities from [Dio Brando]. Although the effect of hypnosis cannot affect a firm-willed object, it is surprisingly useful in this situation.

Looking down at the result in his hand, Dio Brando subconsciously twitched the corner of his mouth.

This was a very difficult thing for Steve Rogers, but in his hands it was easy to get results.


Tomorrowland, World Expo.

Li Ran, the incarnation of Dio Brando, was walking among the crowd. His handsome appearance attracted the attention of pedestrians, but he continued to walk in the middle of it blindly.

Passing through the crowd, Li Ran came to the New York Pavilion, and the introduction to the New York Pavilion immediately sounded in his ears.

"Welcome to the Pavilion of Modern Miracles - the world of tomorrow, a stronger world, a more perfect world."

Looking at the many technological products in the museum, Dior Brando felt a little novel. From the perspective of the future, most of these technological products have already been eliminated, or they are just the inventor's imagination. However, from these technological inventions, it is also possible to glimpse the imagination of people in this era for the future.

Even if the real future is not consistent with what they envisioned.

Looking back from the exhibition of a model wearing a red tights, the cheers from the other side immediately attracted Li Ran's attention.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Howard Stark please!"

Somewhere in the exhibition, in front of a red car, five girls in black silk uniforms turned to the left together, with their right hands on the brim of their black hats, and their left hands stretched out. People followed the girls' movements and looked to the right. .

Immediately afterwards, accompanied by warm applause, Howard Stark appeared gorgeously in a black dress. He smiled and took off his hat, revealing his signature mustache.

It looks like a future Tony Stark.

Sure enough, like a father, like a son?

Silently looking at Howard Stark on the stage, Li Ran couldn't help muttering to himself. He turned his eyes, and immediately noticed the thin version of Captain America standing not far from the front row, and the Winter Soldier Bucky who had not changed his steel arms.

On the stage, he handed the top hat to the girl next to him. Howard and the girl had a fierce kiss before taking the microphone.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if I told you that in just a few short years, your car will never have to touch the ground again..."

When it comes to technology, Howard is beaming with joy.

However, as a person from the future, Li Ran has to say that Howard's conjecture has not been realized. Even decades later, the car is still running on the ground honestly.

However, hearing Howard's words, everyone present still cooperated with a surprised voice.

The re-appearance girls unloaded the tires of the red car on the booth, Howard nodded with satisfaction, and at the same time did not forget to sell.

"As long as there is Stark's anti-gravity technology, all this will be possible!"

As Howard Stark's voice fell, Li Ran and everyone else saw him reach out and press the controller in front of him, and then, the red car with its tires removed slowly rose.

"Maglev? Anti-gravity technology?"

Although it is clear that the technology shown by Howard Stark is still a long way from the actual realization, this does not affect Li Ran's amazement of his talent. If it weren't for the constraints of the times, perhaps Howard could achieve greater success. achievement.

Here, Li Ran thought, the machine suspended in mid-air on the other side suddenly burst into sparks, and the car fell from the air. Even Howard himself was startled, as well as the audience who came.

"I said it will take a few more years, right?"

When he came back to his senses, Howard immediately used his humorous way to resolve the embarrassment in front of him, and also made everyone present to show their smiles again.


Silently taking his eyes away from Howard in front of him, Li Ran noticed that Steve had disappeared.

"Are you really going to try again?"

"Anyway, this is the World Expo, just take my luck."

"And this time, Ohio? They're going to catch you, and even worse if they hire you!"

"I know, you think I can't."

"This isn't a fight, Steve, it's a fight!"

"I know it's a war."

"Then go get something to do, get a job first."

"Then what do you think I can do, pick up trash?"

Steve said quietly that nothing could stop him from enrolling in the military.

"I don't want to go to the factory, Bucky. Everyone's on the battlefield. I can't hide. You don't understand that. I'm not trying to prove anything."

"It's weird, you just want to prove yourself."

Faced with Steve's stubborn appearance, Bucky couldn't help raising his voice.

"Excuse me, are we still going to dance?"

At this moment, Bakiyo's dance partner came over and asked the two of them.

"Of course." Bucky turned his head and told Steve, "Don't be stupid, wait for me to come back."

Steve forced a smile. Although the two of them bickered, they both cared about each other.

"You took away the stupidity."

Bucky also showed a smile, walked towards Steve, stepped forward, and hugged Steve.

"Wait until I arrive." Watching Bucky's back, Steve couldn't help shouting.

Turning around to salute Steve, Bucky turned back and shouted.

"Come on, girls, let's go dancing."

Looking at Bucky's back as he turned away, Steve also turned around and walked towards the recruiting office.

Standing in the corner and witnessing the scene of Captain America and the Winter Soldier saying goodbye, Li Ran pouted and noticed that a figure followed Steve at the recruiting office. You know, Steve's conscription should be a success.

So, see you in the army, Captain.

Withdrawing his gaze, Li Ran twitched the corners of his mouth and said softly.

He turned around and was about to leave, when he suddenly heard a tick-tock-tick pointer in his ear.

Hearing the sound of the pointer turning, Li Ran suddenly had a hunch in his heart that the time he could stay in this era might not be as long as he imagined. It has always existed, and it will eventually fail that day.

Maybe, I should step up a little bit, whether it's the New York or Norway setup.


Norway, Oslo Royal Palace.

The expression on Haakon VII's face was not easy.

In fact, it has been a long time since he had a smile on his face with the frontline *** attack and the failure of Norway's

Releasing his frown, Haakon VII looked at the two in front of him, and expressed his gratitude in a low tone: "Thank you very much for being able to lend a helping hand at such a dangerous time."

In the Norwegian government, not everyone agrees with Haakon VII's exile in the UK. Most of them have made too much effort to climb to the current position. The effort is basically in vain.

After all, even the government has fled overseas, so how much energy do these officials have left?

Haakon VII is also very clear about the thoughts of these guys.

Inability is to worry about losing one's status, but losing one's status is better than losing one's life.

Haakon VII knew the evil and cruelty of ***, they were a group of madmen who murdered without blinking an eye, if he was really caught by them, then Norway would be really finished.

"This is what we should do, Haakon VII, and we don't want the government to fall like this."

Although they said so, the expressions on their faces did not show much respect for Haakon VII. They answered with a straight face and a cold expression.

In front of them, although the appearance of the two of them is a bit strange, but thinking of their funds, Haakon VII did not pursue too much, but politely expressed his gratitude: "No matter what, I still thank the two for their efforts, and the Norwegian government will remember them. Your dedication at this moment."

"In fact, in addition to the financial assistance this time, we have an even more amazing gift to give to you, Haakon VII."

Looking at each other silently, one of the two people in front of them suddenly spoke up.

"More amazing gifts?" 8)

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